Zoning Brocade Switches
Zoning Brocade Switches
Zoning Brocade Switches
What is zoning?
Zoning provides a way to logically group together the components of a SAN. Ports,
interfaces and even switches themselves can be grouped together into
configurations that work together to make SANs more orderly and less daunting.
Managing configurations
An alias is a tool to simplify repetitive port numbers or WWN entries into an easy-
to-remember name. For instance: rather than typing in the WWN
"50:00:0e:10:00:00:00:17" in zoning operations, one could use an alias to identify
the WWN as being "DF350_intfc_0". Aliases can also be used to identify multiple
ports or WWNs by a single name. All zoning commands accept aliases as valid
A zone is a set of devices that access one another. All devices connected to a
Fabric may be configured into one or more zones. Devices that are in the same zone
can see each other, devices that are in different zones can not.
alicreate : Creates new zone aliases. Assigns a name to a list of alias members.
Alias members can include port numbers (for example; 1,2 indicates switch 1, port
2) or WorldWide? names. If there are multiple alias members, all members must be
separated by semicolons within the list of alias members.
zonecreate : Groups a list of zone members under a zone name. Zone members
can include port numbers, WorldWide? names, or aliases created by the alicreate
command. Multiple zone members must be separated by semicolons within the list
of zone members.
cfgenable : Checks a specified configuration for errors and makes it the active
configuration of the switch. Note: No zoning is applied to the switch until the
cfgenable command completes successfully. If there is already an active
configuration, cfgenable will replace the active configuration with the specified
cfgsave : Saves zoning information to switch's flash memory. Configuration will not
survive a reboot of the switch until the configuration is saved.
cfgclear : Deactivates and removes all zoning information from active memory. To
remove a configuration from flash memory, run cfgsave after cfgclear.
The following example sets up a switch so that the LUNs presented on controller 0
of a DF350 Fibre unit are presented either to controller 2 or controller 3 of a Sun
Solaris host depending on which configuration is activated.
login: admin
sw2400_68:admin> switchshow
switchName: sw2400_68
switchType: 3.2
switchState: Online
switchRole: Principal
switchDomain: 1
switchId: fffc01
switchWwn: 10:00:00:60:69:20:13:c0
port 0: sw No_Light
port 1: sw No_Light
port 2: sw No_Light
port 3: sw No_Light
port 4: sw Online F-Port 50:00:0e:10:00:00:00:5d
port 5: sw Online F-Port 50:00:0e:10:00:00:00:17
port 6: sw Online F-Port 20:00:00:e0:69:c0:08:23
port 7: sw Online F-Port 20:00:00:e0:69:c0:08:45
sw2400_68:admin> alicreate "df350_intfc_0", "50:00:0e:10:00:00:00:17"
sw2400_68:admin> alicreate "df350_intfc_1", "50:00:0e:10:00:00:00:5d"
sw2400_68:admin> alicreate "snowtop_c2", "20:00:00:e0:69:c0:08:45"
sw2400_68:admin> alicreate "snowtop_c3", "20:00:00:e0:69:c0:08:23"
sw2400_68:admin> zoneshow
Defined configuration:
alias: df350_intfc_0
alias: df350_intfc_1
alias: snowtop_c2
alias: snowtop_c3
Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect
Effective configuration:
no configuration in effect
What does this configuration look like on the Sun Solaris host?
After a reconfiguration boot, this is what the host sees when the " c2config "
configuration is used on the switch.
# format
Searching for disks...done
To change the configuration, simply log into the switch and activate the " c3config
" configuration that we created earlier.
After a reconfiguration boot, the Sun Solaris host now sees the new configuration.
The LUNs that used to be presented to controller 2 are now presented to controller
# format
Searching for disks...done