Engineering and Innovation: Practical Task

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Practical Task

Qualification Unit number and title

Occupational Health and Safety /
Engineering and Innovation
Technical Communications For
Learner’s name Writer’s name

Ammar Atrouz

Hand out date Hand in deadline Submitted on

26-04-2020 10-05-2020

Practical Task title Communicating Technical Information

Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that Evidence
Task no.
reference the learner is able to: Page no.

T1 Interpret an engineering drawing/ circuit/

network diagram
T2 Produce an engineering sketch/circuit/network
Use appropriate standards, symbols and
T3 conventions in an engineering sketch/circuit/ 3
network diagram

Learner’s declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources
used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s approval of this version

IV’s Name: Tareq Al-Sawafta IV’s Signature: Date: 24-10. 2019

Practical Task
Qualification Engineering and Innovation
Unit number- title ENI530 – Occupational Health and Safety
Assessor’s name Muthurajan Suyambu
Hand out date 26-04-2020
Hand in deadline 10-05-2020

Practical Task title Communicating Technical Information

Purpose of this Practical Task
Read and interpret the drawing with different specifications and standard.

You are working in a mechanical workshop as technical draftsman, and your manager gave you
three tasks on this day, first task is to read and interpret the drive shaft engineering drawing to the
workshop technicians to produce the parts, second task is to explain to him the importance of
working to recognised standards when producing engineering drawings. On the third task he asked
you to produce a circuit drawing to be used by the design department.

Task 1
In this task, you have to interpret the main features of a given engineering drawing (drive shaft
shown in Fig. 1) which complies with drawing standards
• To cover task 1 you have to produce a short report detailing the main features of a given
engineering drawing (drive shaft shown in Fig. 1) that should include, component features,
dimensions and tolerances, surface finish, manufacturing. In your report you can refer to
your answer to the questions in the table 1.
• This report needs to be at a level to understand and communicate technical information for
the drive shaft drawing.
Task 01:

No Question Answer

1 What is the smallest permissible dimension for the shaft length

2 What is the permissible maximum shaft length

3 What is the width of the keyway

4 What is the thread dimensions under the nut

5 What is the largest permissible dimension for the shaft diameter

6 Which operation is needed to get 1.5 surface finish

7 What is the material of the shaft

8 How many keyways are in the drawing

9 What is the shaft’s quantity required to be made

10 What is the scale of the drawing

This provides evidence for [T1]

Task 2

In this task, you have to produce freehand engineering sketches (2D and 3D) for the drive
shaft in task1 using 2D and 3D techniques.


Task 2 and task 3 are linked to each other, this means you to have to consider task 3 when
doing task 2.

This provides evidence for [T2]

Task 3
In this task you have to use appropriate standards, symbols and conventions in an
engineering sketch to produce the drawings for task 2 this means that task 2 and task 3 are
linked to each other.

The preparation of engineering sketches in task 2 should use common conventions and
standards e.g. layout and presentation, line types, hatching, dimensions and tolerances,
surface finish, symbols, parts lists, use of appropriate standards (British (BSI), International

This provides evidence for [T3]

Evidence checklist

Assessment Criteria Is evidence provided and

task achieved?

• Report (written assignment) Y/ N
• Answer questions in the table

T2: Y/ N
• Freehand sketch 2D Drawing for a drive shaft
• Freehand sketch 3D drawing for a drive shaft

• Included in task2 Y/ N

Sources of information
• Class handouts and learning materials
• Lab Equipment or Individual Drawing Kits
• Individual research capacity
• Mechanical fittings workshop

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