The Adyar Poonga Project

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Chapter : 1 The Adyar Poonga Project

Genesis :

It is understood that the Government of Tamil Nadu has from 1997, been contemplating the

creation of the Adyar Poonga. The Project initially envisaged the creation of an eco park to

restore the ecological balance and raise public awareness on environmental issues. However

realizing the larger ecological impact, the Government initiated an ambitious project to include

and encompass the edge restoration of the Creek and Estuary as well, covering about 358 acres.

To effect the above, the State Government vide G.O.Ms.No.117 Municipal Administration and

Water Supply, dated 11.10.2006, formed a Trust, headed by the Chief Secretary, under the

name of “Adyar Poonga Trust” interalia with the objective of developing, maintaining and

serving an eco park by name “Adyar Poonga” and to create such other systems for the

restoration of the Adyar Creek and the Estuary area.

The Board of Trustees, by a resolution dated 21.11.2006 appointed the Tamil Nadu Urban

Infrastructure Financial Services Ltd., Chennai (TNUIFSL) to identify and engage necessary

consultants in the preparation of a concept/master plan, detailed planning and to invite

competitive bidders for the development of this landmark Rs 100 crore Eco-park.

Accordingly M/s.Pitchandikulam Forest Consultants, Auroville, an organization of

international repute exclusively involved in Eco-restoration projects, were appointed as

consultants for developing a Master plan and other related activities. The Head Consultant viz.

Mr Joss Brooks, is an international acclaimed afforestation and ecology consultant who is

Draft Concept Plans for Discussion – July 2007


collaborating with several reputed specialist Consultants like Centre for Environmental

Science, Anna University, Idea Design (Cochin), House of Consultants, (Bangalore), Aurore

(Auroville) amongst others in the fields of Water Management, Flora and Fauna habitat

mapping, Wetland ecology, Social Impact Studies, Architecture and Landscaping.

Scope of work :

The scope of work outlined for the consultants under the assignment as detailed in the Terms of

Reference are as follows:

Feasibility Study :

The feasibility study shall be completed objectively to ensure that the execution of the

project is compatible with all of the economical, environmental and social aims of the

stakeholders of the project.

Preparation of detailed project plan :

This will include a plan that outlines the processors, tools and methods that will be used

to manage the project. The project plan will also include the baseline budget and

schedules of the project and the implementation strategy. The recommendations will

also include those activities for which detailed design and BOQs need to be prepared

and works to be taken up under the Design Build Operate and Transfer (DBOT) format.

Draft Concept Plans for Discussion – July 2007


Park Usage Patterns

Survey the expected park users, including their demographic, expectations, aims etc. of

visiting of park. Analyze this information and present the park designers with a

summary and list of recommendations concerning the park usage patterns.

Traffic Plan :

Closely related to the park usage patterns, the traffic pattern will show the traffic

movement into and around the park. The traffic plan will indicate the bus bay/parking

facilities required as well as giving an overview of the visitors movement within the

park itself. The traffic plan will also show the connections of the park to the greater

Adyar Creek Area.

Infrastructure Linkage :

Infrastructure linkages will examine how the park will complement existing

infrastructure in the area. This survey should ensure that the recreational aspect of the

park is unique while still connected to the wider urban area.

Water Management Plan :

Studying the different design scenarios and how they impact the water consumption and

drainage in the park. This would involve reviewing tidal data and implications, sewage

flows, rainfall data, mapping of catchments and surface and underground hydrology.

Draft Concept Plans for Discussion – July 2007


Flora and Fauna Habitat Mapping :

Examining the existing flora and fauna in the area, contrasting this to the indigenous

situation and then developing a schedule of preservation, planting and reintroduction of

species to recreate the original eco system.

Conceptual Landscape and Architectural Design :

The conceptual landscape and architectural design will incorporate all of the design

information into a cohesive and aesthetic vision of the developed park.

Communications and Education Strategy :

A report on the communication and education strategy will show the parks approach to

environmental education, as well as giving recommendations on communication

strategies that include signage, outreach programs, study packages etc.

Park Maintenance Plan :

Maintenance of the park will require an ongoing source of funds to pay for educational

activities, gardening, cleaning staff etc. A business plan will examine the sustainability

of the park and estimate ongoing operational costs as well as looking at sources of


Disseminating the Strategy :

The plan should be presented in Chennai to all interested and participating groups and

stakeholders so that comments can be invited and master plan proposal can be ratified.

Draft Concept Plans for Discussion – July 2007


Evolution of the Project :

As stated in the Terms of Reference, ‘the project envisages to inventorise the natural resources

of the region, investigate the current land use and to identify interventions that will facilitate

future development of the city in a sustainable fashion.’

Initially, the objective of the Project was to develop a master plan for the Adyar Creek which

covers an area of 58 kms in the first phase, along with recreational facilities; such that the plan

is environmentally sustainable and contributing to the long term sustainability of the Adyar

river system.

The conceptual master plan, thus, was being prepared as a process oriented plan, wherein the

inputs provided by the various experts on different aspects ranging from water, ecology,

biodiversity, infrastructure links, traffic studies, social impacts etc directed the concept plan. As

such, early on in the development of the Concept towards ecological restoration and its

sustainability, the Consultants, through the Inception report, highlighted the necessity to widen

the scope to include the Adyar Creek and Estuary in the interest of sustainability.

The extent of the scope of works was thence increased from 58 acres to 358 acres to include the

ecological restoration of the edges of the Creek and Estuary. Additionally, the Consultants have

undertaken various initiatives, not covered under the scope of works. These include conceptual

design plans for transformation of the Srinivaspuram area, the fish ponds in the CIBA lands, a

Green Centre in the lands adjacent to the Poonga on RK Mutt Road and the Car parking facility

proposed at playground on the Corporation Grounds, in a holistic manner, aesthetically

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addressing the requirements of environment and community cohesively. The Project thus

continues to evolve.

The evolution of the Project and the concepts being developed are, as stipulated in the ToR, to

be disseminated to the Public for feedback, yet another critical component to the process

oriented planning this Project is being developed on. To quote the ToR ‘though the success of

the project is visible from visionary point of view, it is very important to take the public and the

private concerns of Chennai city and those who are interested in protecting the environment.

Hence it is ideal while developing the master plan a simultaneous process has to begin focusing

attention on possible outcome of this Eco Park through series of activities which will take the

project to the stated objectives through general public consultative process.’

The concept for the ecological master plan (58 acres) being submitted herewith, is

consequently a draft for discussion, and will be finalized after due diligence in public

dissemination is followed. Briefly the concept details the vision and steps envisaged towards

restoration of the degraded wetlands, the construction of new wetlands to improve water

quality, manage storm water, enhance habitat, stabilize shoreline erosion and mitigate wetland

loss. All this, keeping the urban profile of this site in mind and the critical role of education as

a key component to sustainability.

The draft concepts prepared for the Master Plan (58 acres) will be displayed at the Poonga site

to foster awareness, knowledge and understanding of the inherent values of the wetlands and

marshal public support/feedback for wetland conservation and this project.

Draft Concept Plans for Discussion – July 2007

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