RMC 9-2013
RMC 9-2013
RMC 9-2013
I. Income Tax – Section 18 of R.A. No. 9904 which exempts from taxation the association dues and
income derived from rental subject to certain conditions is an implied recognition by Congress that
such receipts are subject to tax under existing laws. Thus, the amounts paid in as dues or fees by
homeowner-members of a homeowners’ association form part of the gross income of the latter
subject to income tax. This is because a homeowners’ association furnishes its members with
benefits, advantages, and privileges in return for such payments. For tax purposes, the association
dues, membership fees, and other assessments/charges collected by a homeowners’ association
constitute income payments or compensation for beneficial services it provides to its members and
tenants. The previous interpretation that the assessment dues are funds which are merely held in
trust by a homeowners’ association lacks legal basis and is hereby abandoned.
II. Value-Added Tax (VAT) and Percentage Tax – Association dues, membership fees, and other
assessments/charges collected by a homeowners’ association are subject to VAT since they
constitute income payment or compensation for the beneficial services it provides to its
Pursuant to Section 18 of RA No. 9904, the association dues and income derived from
rentals of the homeowners’ association’s prope rties may be exempted from income tax, VAT and
percentage tax subject to the following conditions:
b. The local government unit having jurisdiction over the homeowners’ rendered by
the homeowners’ association and therein stating its lack of resources to render
such services notwithstanding its clear mandate under applicable laws, rules and
regulations. Provided further, that such services must fall within the purview of the
“basic communit y services and facilities” which is defined under Section 3(d) of RA
No. 9904 as those referring to services and facilities that redound to the benefit of
all homeowners and from which, by reason of practicality, no homeowner may be
excluded such as, but not limited to: security; street and vicinity lights;
maintenance, repairs and cleaning of streets; garbage collection and disposal; and
other similar services and facilities.; and
c. The homeowners’ association must present proof (i.e . financial statements) that
the income and dues are used for the cleanliness, safety, security and other basic
services needed by the members, including the maintenance of the facilities of their
respective subdivisions or villages.