Renewal Notice
Renewal Notice
Renewal Notice
M/s. _____________
Sub: Renewal of your Registration Certificate issued under Single Point Regn. Scheme
Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that application for renewal of certificate is to be submitted at least 6
months before expiry of the same. As per our record your registration has been expired/
going to expire on …………
As such, you are requested to submit following documents, so as to enable us to renew the
1. Application on letterhead
2. Processing fee as per calculation attached.
3. Declaration of having made entry in MSME Data Bank (
4. Original GP Registration certificate issued by NSIC
5. Self attested copy of PAN
6. Self attested copy of Udyog Adhaar Memorandum (UAM)/Entrepreneurs Memorandum
Part-II (
7. List of major Govt. Orders executed during last 2 (two) years on letter head as per
format of Annexure-F enclosed.
8. Copies of Audited Balance sheet for last 3 years along with schedules and Audit report
duly signed by the authorized person under his seal. (With Fixed Asset Scheduled)
9. Statement showing the result of operation as per Annexure 'C' duly signed by the
Authorized person and certified by Chartered Accountant (WITH UDIN NO), FY-18-19
10. List of existing plant and machinery installed along with their original value in the letter
head duly signed as per Annexure-B enclosed
11. Declaration from the authorized person on the letter head as per Annexure-D enclosed
12. Copy of GSTIN
13. Certificate from the prop/partners/directors whether or not they have any link with large scale
14. Item for which Renewal is required with detailed specification as per Sheet-I/Sheet-2
15. Valid copy of Rent Agreement with electricity bill.
16. Documents relating to partnership firm and Pvt.Ltd. Firm etc.
Please note that, in case you apply for renewal of certificate after expiry of your
certificate, you have to pay the fee as applicable for fresh registration. It is worth
mention here that renewal fee is 50% of fee applicable for fresh registrations.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
........... Proprietor/Partner/Director of
Messrs................................................................................................. resident hereby
solemnly affirm and declare as under:-
That the above named unit normally manufactures/renders services the following items:
That the details of the machines & / OR equipment that are exclusively owned by us and presently
installed in my/our factory situated...........are given below:-
That to inform the Registration Branch of NSIC immediately after we are informed but in any case not
later than 15 days, if any firm in which proprietor/partner/director are proprietor/partners/directors of
such a firm which is Banned/Suspended in future either before the registration is granted or
Authorized Signatory
Stamp of Company
Authorized Signatory
Stamp of Company
1. It is obligatory on the part of the registered firms to furnish Performance Statement in format
prescribed in Annexure-F every two years indicating all orders placed on them.
2. Registered firms are required to keep Registering Authority informed about the changes in their
products specification or discontinuation of production of any item for which they stand
registered. This intimation is to be given within a period of 15 days from the date of such
change of discontinuation.
3. Registered firms are required to furnish all the documents having specific validity periods like
BIS license, Lease agreement, Agreement with the principal/manufacturers to registering
authority as and when they become due. Separate application shall be made for each such
unit, where a firm has more than one manufacturing units. Requests for change in the name of
a firm and/or their office address should be addressed to the Registration Office/Branch/NTSC
of NSIC who granted the original registration enclosing the original registration certificate and
duly supported by documentary evidence. In the event of any change in the constitution of the
firm or in the location of their manufacturing works, the necessary amendments in the
registration certificate has to be done as per the rules of NSIC. Intimation of such changes must
be sent to NSIC Registration Office/Branch within 15 days from such changes.
4. All registered firms are expected to maintain absolute integrity, follow a decent standard of
business ethics and do nothing unbecoming of a registered supplier.
5. Registration Certificate is subject to renewal after expiry of two years from the date of
6. The registration on the approved list does not guarantee award of any contract.
8. Whenever registered firms are required to produce copy of their Registration Certificate, copy
of the original certificate complete with all the amendments including additions/deletions etc. is
made thereafter shall be produced.
9. The Government/NSIC has right to add/delete any of the items and to amend any of the terms
and conditions included in the registration granted to firms with effect from any date specified in
the communication notifying such change.
10. I/We fully understand that it is incumbent on my/our part to comply with the provisions of the all
existing laws/ acts/statues as applicable to our line of manufacture and other provisions like
Income-Tax/licensing and registration under IDR Act/Insecticide License/Municipal Corporation
License/Drug License/Boiler License/ BIS License/Factory Act Registration and any other
applicable Acts/Law/statutory requirements including the requirements of environmental
clearance etc. We have submitted an application for registration with NSIC after having
complied with these/all other statutory requirements and onus for corrections and fulfilment of
the same would be on us.
Please provide the details of the stores/products/items for which registration is required:-
{Sheet ‘2’}
Please provide the details of the services for which registration is required:-
(b) Turnover exceeding Rs. 100 lakh b) Turnover exceeding Rs. 100 lakh
1) For Micro Enterprises:
Rs. 3000/- plusRs. 1500/- for every additional
turnover of Rs. 100 Lakh
2) For Small Enterprises :
Rs. 5000/- plus Rs. 2000/- for every additional
turnover of Rs. 100 Lakh