1.4.1 CPU Architecture PDF
1.4.1 CPU Architecture PDF
1.4.1 CPU Architecture PDF
(b) Explain the purpose of each of the following special registers in a processor.
Oct/NOV 2006
May/June 2007
Oct/NOV 2007
9. (a) State the purpose of the Memory Address Register (MAR) in a computer. [1]
May/June 2008
6. (a) (i) State what is held in the Program Counter (PC) during the fetch/execute cycle. [1]
(ii) Explain how the contents of the PC change during the fetch/execute cycle. [4]
(b) Describe the contents of the memory address register (MAR) during the fetch/execute cycle. [4]
Oct/NOV 2008
May/June 2009
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Computer Science 9608
Topical Past Papers:
1 Name three different types of bus in a processor and state what each is used for. [6]
(b) Describe the use of the following special purpose registers and how they change during the fetch-execute cycle.
2 (a) Describe the use of the following special purpose registers and how they change during the fetch-execute cycle.
(b) Explain how the address bus and the data bus are used in a computer. [3]
Explain how the contents change during the fetch-execute cycle. [3]
(b) Name three types of bus that are used in a computer. For each one explain what it is used for. [6]
3 (a) Most modern computers are designed using Von Neumann architecture. Explain what is meant by Von
Neumann architecture. [2]
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Computer Science 9608
Topical Past Papers:
8 (a) Explain how the width of the data bus and system clock speed affect the performance of a computer system.
Clock speed
(b) Most computers use Universal Serial Bus (USB) ports to allow the attachment of devices. Describe two benefits of
using USB ports. [2]
5 (a) Name and describe three buses used in the von Neumann model. [6]
2 (a)
(b) State the role of each of the following special purpose registers used in a typical processor.
Program Counter
Memory Data Register
Current Instruction Register
Memory Address Register [4]
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Computer Science 9608
Topical Past Papers:
6 (a) Describe the stored program concept for the basic Von Neumann model for a computer system. [3]
(b) (i) Name the three types of bus used by a processor. [3]
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