Role of Water in Landscape
Role of Water in Landscape
Role of Water in Landscape
Water has been used by landscape architects as a key aesthetic factor.
It was implemented for breaking the monotony caused by the solid
materials used by architects or artists.
It’s a neutral architectural element which cannot be clearly classified
as natural or built.
Its significance in visual and non-visual landscapes depends on the
perception of the observer.
Water is a multidimensional object of research which appears in various
1. Environmentally : A natural resource for living
2. Socially : A sensitive basis for developing human activities
3. Financially : It influences tourism, agriculture, fisheries, etc.
4. Culturally : Related to folklore, mythology, art and religion
5. Aesthetically : Represented as a beauty element of nature.
Role of water in landscape aesthetics-
Water has a very special quality as an element in landscape design. Water
add sound, movement and enjoyment into the landscape.
4. Fish Ponds- Fish can be added to almost any type of water feature as
long as certain life sustaining criteria are met. Gold fish and Koi are
common favorites. They add a splash of colour in motion.
An almost limitless variety of shapes and sizes of fountains may be added
to your water feature. The sound of water tumbling and splashing on itself
combined with a refreshing mist carried by the breeze is truly
Like fountains, waterfalls add sound, motion and vitality to your water
feature. Often created with natural stone slabs or boulders, waterfalls
bring a vertical dimension. Waterfalls capture your interest from a
distance as they dance and flow.
Streams are ideal for meandering along paths, walkways or even pool
decks. Acting as natural filters, streams are often designed to flow into
waterfalls and cascade into a pond to help sustain the entire ecosystem of
a water feature.
Cascading is phenomenon of falling water from a sources and reaching to
destination passing through many steps.
It is a form of falling water.
Can be natural of artificial type.
Can be created in steps or other geometrical forms.