Journal Critique #5
Journal Critique #5
Journal Critique #5
1. The title of this article is “Diversity and Our Common Future: Race, Ethnicity, and the
Older American.” There are two authors of this article is Judith Treas and Daisy Carreon.
2. The focus of this article is to show how diverse people of different races are. As the years
go on there are more and more ethnic backgrounds since there are more interracial
couples. This article states that more immigrants are coming to the United States and
growing old. Many people are dating people of a different race and eventually having
kids with them making their kids interracial or biracial. The immigrants that come here at
an older age kind of struggle because they do not speak much English and they are not
3. This information was gathered by speaking with Ceferina and taking statistics. Ceferina
spoke about how she is of another racer and her “boyfriend” is a white man. They spend a
lot of time together in the community and she doesn’t care who sees them together or
what they have to say honestly. They both feel good when they with each other. The
statistics in this article is about the racial and ethnic population up to age 65. It is showing
us that many people will be in interracial relationships. Interracial relationships are more
4. The main findings in this article was about the different race and ethnic backgrounds now
a days. It speaks about how the immigrants are coming to the United States because they
want to live a better life. When these immigrants are coming to the states, they are
finding these men of another race and they are becoming partners. Multiracial Americans
make up over 5 million of the population. When more interracial couples join the
5. I personally think that the immigrants coming here for a better life is great. If someone
tries to come here illegally the American people should take a step back and think “hmm
maybe something is going on in their country as to why they are trying to flee” rather
than “you’re here illegally get out of my country.” Some people don’t have all the
expenses to cover getting their visa. I know from experience that apply for visa is a lot of
money and paperwork. I have family members who have tried to get their visa to just
visit the United States and they have gotten turned down so many times, it is
discouraging. My mother came here from Jamaica legally when she was 16 and filed for
my father when she was in her 20s but when they came all they had was a green card.
They became citizens a few years ago so I know how the process goes. This article shows