Syllabus M Pharm

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This course is designed to impart the basic knowledge and skills that are
required to practice pharmacy including the provision of pharmaceutical care
services to both healthcare professionals and patients in clinical settings.

Upon completion of this course it is expected that students shall be able to :
 Understand the elements of pharmaceutical care and provide
comprehensive patient care services
 Interpret the laboratory results to aid the clinical diagnosis of various
 Provide integrated, critically analyzed medicine and poison information
to enable healthcare professionals in the efficient patient management

1. Introduction to Clinical Pharmacy: Definition, evolution and 12
scope of clinical pharmacy, International and national scenario of Hrs
clinical pharmacy practice, Pharmaceutical care
Clinical Pharmacy Services: Ward round participation, Drug
therapy review (Drug therapy monitoring including medication
order review, chart endorsement, clinical review and pharmacist

2 Clinical Pharmacy Services: Patient medication history 12

interview, Basic concept of medicine and poison information Hrs
services, Basic concept of pharmacovigilance, Hemovigilance,
Materiovigilance and AEFI, Patient medication counselling, Drug
utilisation evaluation, Documentation of clinical pharmacy
services, Quality assurance of clinical pharmacy services.

3 Patient Data Analysis: 12

Patient Data & Practice Skills: Patient's case history - its Hrs
structure and significances in drug therapy management,
Common medical abbreviations and terminologies used in clinical
practice, Communication skills: verbal and non-verbal
communications, its applications in patient care services.

Lab Data Interpretation: Hematological tests, Renal function
tests, Liver function tests

4 Lab Data Interpretation: Tests associated with cardiac 12

disorders, Pulmonary function tests, Thyroid function tests, Fluid Hrs
and electrolyte balance, Microbiological culture sensitivity tests

5 Medicines & Poison Information Services 12

Medicine Information Service: Definition and need for medicine Hrs
information service, Medicine information resources, Systematic
approach in answering medicine information queries, Preparation
of verbal and written response, Establishing a drug information
Poison Information Service: Definition, need, organization and
functions of poison information centre.

1. A Textbook of Clinical Pharmacy Practice – Essential concepts and skills –
Parthasarathi G, Karin Nyfort-Hansen and Milap Nahata
2. Practice Standards and Definitions - The Society of Hospital Pharmacists
of Australia
3. Basic skills in interpreting laboratory data - Scott LT, American Society of
Health System Pharmacists Inc
4. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature.

(MPP 102T)
This course aims to enable the students to understand the different treatment
approaches in managing various disease conditions. Also, it imparts knowledge
and skills in optimizing drug therapy of a patient by individualizing the treatment
plan through evidence-based medicines.
Upon completion of this course it is expected that students shall be able to:
 Describe and explain the rationale for drug therapy
 Summarize the therapeutic approach for management of various
disease conditions including reference to the latest available evidence
 Discuss the clinical controversies in drug therapy and evidence based
 Prepare individualized therapeutic plans based on diagnosis
 Identify the patient specific parameters relevant in initiating drug
therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time- course of
clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse

Etiopathogenesis and pharmacotherapy of diseases
associated with following systems

1. Cardiovascular system: Hypertension, Congestive cardiac 12

failure, Acute coronary syndrome, Arrhythmias, Hyperlipidemias. Hrs

2 Respiratory system: Asthma, Chronic obstructive airways 12

disease, Drug induced pulmonary diseases Hrs
Endocrine system: Diabetes, Thyroid diseases

3 Gastrointestinal system: Peptic ulcer diseases, Reflux 12

esophagitis, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Jaundice & hepatitis Hrs

4 Gastrointestinal system: Cirrhosis, Diarrhea and Constipation, 12

Drug-induced liver disease Hrs

Hematological diseases: Anemia, Deep vein thrombosis, Drug

induced hematological disorders

5 Bone and joint disorders: Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, 12
Gout, Osteoporosis Hrs

Dermatological Diseases: Psoriasis, Eczema and scabies,

impetigo, drug induced skin disorders

Ophthalmology: Conjunctivitis, Glaucoma

1. Roger and Walker. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics - Churchill
Livingstone publication
2. Joseph T. Dipiro et al. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach-
Appleton & Lange
3. Robins SL. Pathologic basis of disease -W.B. Saunders publication
4. Eric T. Herfindal. Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics- Williams and
Wilkins Publication
5. Lloyd Young and Koda-Kimble MA Applied Therapeutics: The clinical Use
of Drugs- Lippincott Williams and Wilkins
6. Chisholm- Burns Wells Schwinghammer Malone and Joseph P Dipiro.
Pharmacotherapy Principles and practice-– McGraw Hill Publication
7. Carol Mattson Porth. Principles of Pathophysiology- Lippincott Williams
and Wilkins
8. Harrison's. Principles of Internal Medicine - McGraw Hill
9. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature

(MPP 103T)
This course is designed to impart basic knowledge and skills that are required to
practice pharmacy in both hospital and community settings.

Upon completion of this course it is expected that students shall be able to:
 Understand the organizational structure of hospital pharmacy
 Understand drug policy and drug committees
 Know about procurement & drug distribution practices
 Know the admixtures of radiopharmaceuticals
 Understand the community pharmacy management
 Know about value added services in community pharmacies

1. Introduction to Hospitals – Definition, classification, 12
organizational structure Hrs
Hospital Pharmacy: Definition, Relationship of hospital
pharmacy department with other departments, Organizational
structure, legal requirements, work load statistics, Infrastructural
requirements, Hospital Pharmacy Budget and Hospital Pharmacy
Hospital Drug Policy: Pharmacy & Therapeutics Committee,
Infection Control committee, Research & Ethics Committee,
Management of Medicines as per NABH

2 Hospital Formulary Guidelines and its development, Developing 12

Therapeutic guidelines, Drug procurement process, and methods Hrs
of Inventory control, Methods of Drug distribution, Intravenous
admixtures, Hospital Waste Management
3 Education and training: Training of technical staff, training and 12
continuing education for pharmacists, Pharmacy students, Hrs
Medical staff and students, Nursing staff and students, Formal
and informal meetings and lectures, Drug and therapeutics
Community Pharmacy Practice: Definition, roles &
responsibilities of community pharmacists, and their relationship
with other health care providers.

Community Pharmacy management: Legal requirements to
start community pharmacy, site selection, lay out & design, drug
display, super drug store model, accounts and audits, Good
dispensing practices, Different softwares & databases used in
community pharmacies. Entrepreneurship in community

4 Prescription – Legal requirements & interpretation, prescription 12

related problems Hrs
Responding to symptoms of minor ailments: Head ache,
pyrexia, menstrual pains, food and drug allergy,
OTC medication: Rational use of over the counter medications
Medication counseling and use of patient information leaflets
Medication adherence – Definition, factors influencing adherence
behavior, strategies to improve medication adherence
Patient referrals to the doctors
ADR monitoring in community pharmacies

5 Health Promotion – Definition and health promotion activities, 12

family planning, Health screening services, first aid, prevention of Hrs
communicable and non-communicable diseases, smoking
cessation, Child & mother care
National Health Programs- Role of Community Pharmacist in
Malaria and TB control programs
Home Medicines review program – Definition, objectives,
Guidelines, method and outcomes
Research in community pharmacy Practice

1. Hospital Pharmacy - Hassan WE. Lea and Febiger publication.
2. Textbook of hospital pharmacy - Allwood MC and Blackwell.
3. Avery’s Drug Treatment, Adis International Limited.
4. Community Pharmacy Practice – Ramesh Adepu, BSP Publishers,
5. Remington Pharmaceutical Sciences.
6. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature

(MPP 104T)
This course aims to provide the students an opportunity to learn drug
development process especially the phases of clinical trials and also the ethical
issues involved in the conduct of clinical research. Also, it aims to imparts
knowledge and develop skills on conceptualizing, designing, conducting and
managing clinical trials.

Upon completion of this course it is expected that students shall be able to:
 Know the new drug development process.
 Understand the regulatory and ethical requirements.
 Appreciate and conduct the clinical trials activities
 Know safety monitoring and reporting in clinical trials
 Manage the trial coordination process

1. Drug development process: Introduction, various approaches to 12
drug discovery, Investigational new drug application submission Hrs
Ethics in Biomedical Research: Ethical Issues in Biomedical
Research – Principles of ethics in biomedical research, Ethical
committee [institutional review board] - its constitution and
functions, Challenges in implementation of ethical guidelines, ICH
GCP guidelines and ICMR guidelines in conduct of Clinical trials,
Drug Safety Reporting.

2 Types and Designs used in Clinical Research: Planning and 12

execution of clinical trials, Various Phases of clinical trials, Hrs
Bioavailability and Bioequivalence studies, Randomization
techniques (Simple randomization, restricted randomization,
blocking method and stratification), Types of research designs
based on Controlling Method (Experimental, Quasi experimental,
and Observational methods) Time Sequences (Prospective and
Retrospective), Sampling methods (Cohort study, case Control
study and cross sectional study), Health outcome measures
(Clinical & Physiological, Humanistic and economic)
Clinical Trial Study team: Roles and responsibilities of:
Investigator, Study Coordinator, Sponsor, Monitor, Contract
Research Organization.

3 Clinical trial Documents: Guidelines to the preparation of 12
following documents: Protocols, Investigator’s Brochure, Informed Hrs
Consent Form, Case report forms, Contracts and agreements,
Dairy Cards
Clinical Trial Start up activities: Site Feasibility Studies,
Site/Investigator selection, Pre-study visit, Investigator meeting,
Clinical trial agreement execution, Ethics committee document
preparation and submission

4 Investigational Product: Procurement and Storage of 12

investigation product Hrs
Filing procedures: Essential documents for clinical trial, Trial
Master File preparation and maintenance, Investigator Site File,
Pharmacy File, Site initiation visit, Conduct, Report and Follow up
Clinical Trial Monitoring and Close out:
Preparation and conduct of monitoring visit: Review of source
documents, CRF, ICF, IP storage, accountability and
reconciliation, Study Procedure, EC communications, Safety
reporting, Monitoring visit reporting and follow-up
Close-Out visit: Study related documents collection, Archival
requirement, Investigational Product reconciliation and
destruction, Close-Out visit report.

5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control in Clinical Trials: 12

Types of audits, Audit criteria, Audit process, Responsibilities of Hrs
stakeholders in audit process, Audit follow-up and documentation,
Audit resolution and Preparing for FDA inspections, Fraud and
misconduct management
Data Management
Infrastructure and System Requirement for Data
Management: Electronic data capture systems, Selection and
implementation of new systems, System validation and test
procedures, Coding dictionaries, Data migration and archival
Clinical Trial Data Management: Standard Operating
Procedures, Data management plan, CRF & Data base design
considerations, Study set-up, Data entry, CRF tracking and
corrections, Data cleaning, Managing laboratory and ADR data,
Data transfer and database lock, Quality Control and Quality
Assurance in CDM, Data mining and warehousing.

1. Principles and practice of pharmaceutical medicine, Second edition.
Authors:Lionel. D. Edward, Aadrew.J.Flether Anthony W Fos , Peter D
Sloaier Publisher:Wiley;
2. Handbook of clinical research. Julia Lloyd and Ann Raven Ed. Churchill
3. Principles of Clinical Research edited by Giovanna di Ignazio, Di Giovanna
and Haynes.
4. Central Drugs Standard Control Organization. Good Clinical Practices-
Guidelines for Clinical Trials on Pharmaceutical Products in India. New
Delhi: Ministry of Health.
5. International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical requirements for
registration of Pharmaceuticals for human use. ICH Harmonised Tripartite
Guideline. Guideline for Good Clinical Practice.E6; May 1996.
6. Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research on Human Subjects. Indian
Council of Medical Research, New Delhi.
7. Textbook of Clinical Trials edited by David Machin, Simon Day and Sylvan
Green, John Wiley and Sons.
8. Clinical Data Management edited by R K Rondels, S A Varley, C F Webbs.
Second Edition, Jan 2000, Wiley Publications.
9. Goodman & Gilman: JG Hardman, LE Limbard, McGraw Hill Publications.
10. Relevant review articles from recent medical and pharmaceutical literature.

(MPP 105P)

Pharmacy Practice practical component includes experiments covering important

topics of the courses Clinical Pharmacy Practice, Pharmacotherapeutics-I,
Hospital & Community Pharmacy and Clinical Research.

List of Experiments (24)

1. Treatment Chart Review (one)
2. Medication History Interview (one)
3. Patient Medication Counseling (two)
4. Drug Information Query (two)
5. Poison Information Query (one)
6. Lab Data Interpretation (two)
7. Presentation of clinical cases of various disease conditions adopting
Pharmaceutical Care Plan Model (eight)
8. ABC Analysis of a given list of medications (one)
9. Preparation of content of a medicine, with proper justification, for the
inclusion in the hospital formulary (one)
10. Formulation and dispensing of a given IV admixtures (one)
11. Preparation of a patient information leaflet (two)
12. Preparation of Study Protocol (one)
13. Preparation of Informed Consent Form (one)


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