Vinay Patil
MIS NO: 121835015
(Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering)
Under the guidance of
Dr. Mrs. Vaishali Ingale
This is to certify that the thesis titles “Development of Verification IP for AXI4
Protocol using Universal Verification Methodology” Submitted by Vinay Patil (121835015)
in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Master of Technology degree in
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, with specialization in VLSI and Embedded
Systems during year 2019-20 at College of Engineering, Pune is an authenticate work by him
under my supervision and guidance.
Certified by
Date :
Place :
1 Introduction 1
2 Review of Literature 3
3 Objective 5
4 Methodology 6
4.1 AXI4 Protocol 6
4.1.1 AXI4 Interface Channel 6
4.1.2 AXI4 Protocol Features 8
4.2 Verification 8
4.3 System Verilog 9
4.4 Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) 9
4.4.1 uvm_object 10
4.4.2 uvm_component 10
4.4.3 uvm_transaction 10
4.4.4 uvm_root 10
4.5 UVM Testbench 10
4.5.1 UVM Test 11
4.5.2 UVM Environment 11
4.5.3 UVM Scoreboard 11
4.5.4 UVM Agent 11
4.5.5 UVM Sequence 11
4.5.6 UVM Driver 11
4.5.7 UVM Monitor 11
4.6 UVM Verification Component 12
4.6.1 UVC for AXI4 Master 12
4.6.2 UVC for AXI4 Slave 12
5 Result 13
5.1 handshake Process in AXI4 Protocol 14
5.2 Burst Address 14
5.3 Expected Results for Read burst 14
5.4 Expected Results for Write burst 14
6 Reference 15