Notes On Dissociative Disorders
Notes On Dissociative Disorders
Notes On Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
- According to the text revision of the fourth edition of the DSM, the essential feature of the
dissociative disorders is a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness,
memory, identity, or perception of the environment. The disturbance may be sudden or gradual,
transient or chronic.
Dissociative Amnesia
- The essential feature of dissociative amnesia is an inability to recall important personal
information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by
normal forgetfulness.
- This disturbance can be based on neurobiological changes in the brain caused by traumatic
- It has been reported in approximately 6 percent of the general population. No known difference
is seen in incidence between men and women. Cases generally begin to be reported in late
adolescence and adulthood.
- Cognitive therapy may identifies the specific cognitive distortions that are based in the trauma
may provide an entrance into autobiographical memory for which the patient experiences
- Hypnosis can be used in a number of different ways in the treatment of dissociative amnesia. In
particular, hypnotic interventions can be used to contain, modulate, and titrate the intensity of
symptoms; to facilitate controlled recall of dissociated memories; to provide support and ego
strengthening for the patient; and, finally, to promote working through and integration of
dissociated material.
- Somatic Therapies- A variety of agents have been used for this purpose, including sodium
amobarbital, thiopental (Pentothal), oral benzodiazepines, and amphetamines.
Depersonalization Disorder
- The essential feature of depersonalization as the persistent or recurrent feeling of detachment
or estrangement from one's self. The individual may report feeling like an automaton or as if in a
dream or watching himself or herself in a movie.
- There may be a sensation of being an outside observer of one's mental processes, one's body, or
parts of one's body. Often, the patient has a sense of an absence of control over his or her
- Transient experiences of depersonalization and derealization are extremely common in normal
and clinical populations. They are the third most commonly reported psychiatric symptoms,
1. Psychodynamic
- Traditional psychodynamic formulations have emphasized the disintegration of the ego or have
viewed depersonalization as an affective response in defense of the ego. These explanations
stress the role of overwhelming painful experiences or conflictual impulses as triggering events.
2. Traumatic Stress
- A substantial proportion, typically one third to one half, of patients in clinical depersonalization
case series report histories of significant trauma.
Several studies of accident victims find as much as 60 percent of those with a life-threatening
experience report at least transient depersonalization during the event or immediately
3. Neurobiological Theories
- The association of depersonalization with migraines and marijuana, its generally favorable
response to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs, and the increase in
depersonalization symptoms seen with the depletion of L-tryptophan, a serotonin precursor,
point to serotoninergic involvement.
drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy).
Differential Diagnosis
- A thorough medical and neurological evaluation is essential, including standard laboratory
studies, an EEG, and any indicated drug screens.
- Some systematic evidence indicates that SSRI antidepressants, such as fluoxetine (Prozac), may
be helpful to patients with depersonalization disorder.
Dissociative Fugue
- The essential feature of dissociative fugue is described as sudden, unexpected travel away from
- Traumatic circumstances (i.e., combat, rape, recurrent childhood sexual abuse, massive social
dislocations, natural disasters), leading to an altered state of consciousness dominated by a wish
to flee, are the underlying cause of most fugue episodes.
DSM-IV-TR Diagnostic Criteria for Dissociative Fugue
A. The predominant disturbance is sudden, unexpected travel away from home or one's customary
place of work, with inability to recall one's past.
B. Confusion about personal identity or assumption of a new identity (partial or complete).
C. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of dissociative identity disorder
and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a
medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy).
D. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other
important areas of functioning.
- The disorder is thought to be more common during natural disasters, wartime, or times of major
social dislocation and violence, although no systematic data exist on this point.
- Most cases describe men, primarily in the military. Dissociative fugue is usually described in
Differential Diagnosis
- Individuals with dissociative amnesia may engage in confused wandering during an amnesia
episode. In dissociative fugue, however, there is purposeful travel away from the individual's
home or customary place of daily activities, usually with the individual preoccupied by a single
idea that is accompanied by a wish to run away.
- Patients with dissociative identity disorder may have symptoms of dissociative fugue, usually
recurrently throughout their lives. Patients with dissociative identity disorder have multiple
forms of complex amnesias and, usually, multiple alter identities that develop, starting in
- Few systematic epidemiological data exist for dissociative identity disorder. Clinical studies
report female to male ratios between 5 to 1 and 9 to 1 for diagnosed cases.
- Dissociative identity disorder is strongly linked to severe experiences of early childhood trauma,
usually maltreatment. The rates of reported severe childhood trauma for child and adult
patients with dissociative identity disorder range from 85 to 97 percent of cases. Physical and
sexual abuse are the most frequently reported sources of childhood trauma. The contribution of
genetic factors is only now being systematically assessed, but preliminary studies have not
found evidence of a significant genetic contribution.
enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self).
B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's
C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by
ordinary forgetfulness.
D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or
chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., complex
partial seizures). Note: In children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or
other fantasy play.
1. Psychotherapy
- These modalities include psychoanalytic psychotherapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy,
hypnotherapy, and a familiarity with the psychotherapy and psychopharmacological
management of the traumatized patient.
- Comfort with family treatment and systems theory is helpful in working with a patient who
subjectively experiences himself or herself as a complex system of selves with alliances, family-
like relationships, and intragroup conflict.
2. Hypnosis
- Can often alleviate self-destructive impulses or reduce symptoms, such as flashbacks,
dissociative hallucinations, and passive-influence experiences. Hypnosis can be useful for
accessing specific alter personality states and their sequestered affects and memories.
- Hypnosis is also used to create relaxed mental states in which negative life events can be
examined without overwhelming anxiety.
3. Psychopharmacological Interventions
- Antidepressant medications are often important in the reduction of depression and stabilization
of mood.
- Clinicians report some success with SSRI, tricyclic, and monamine oxidase (MAO)
antidepressants, β-blockers, clonidine (Catapres), anticonvulsants, and benzodiazepines in
reducing intrusive symptoms, hyperarousal, and anxiety in patients with dissociative identity
- Open-label studies suggest that naltrexone (ReVia) may be helpful for amelioration of recurrent
self-injurious behaviors in a subset of traumatized patients.
4. Electroconvulsive Therapy
- States of dissociation that occur in individuals who have been subjected to periods of prolonged
and intense coercive persuasion (e.g., brainwashing, thought reform, or indoctrination while
captive). Persons submitted to such conditions can undergo considerable harm, including loss of
health and life, and they typically manifest a variety of posttraumatic and dissociative
Ganser Syndrome
- A poorly understood condition characterized by the giving of approximate answers (paralogia)
together with a clouding of consciousness, and frequently accompanied by hallucinations and
other dissociative, somatoform, or conversion symptoms.
- Men outnumber women by approximately 2 to 1.
- Some case reports identify precipitating stressors, such as personal conflicts and financial
reverses, whereas others note organic brain syndromes, head injuries, seizures, and medical or
psychiatric illness. Psychodynamic explanations are common in the older literature, but organic
etiologies are stressed in more recent case studies. It is speculated that the organic insults may
act as acute stressors, precipitating the syndrome in vulnerable individuals. Some patients have
reported significant histories of childhood maltreatment and adversity.
objects (a pencil is a key); or to name colors (green is gray), the patient with Ganser syndrome
gives erroneous but comprehensible answers.
- A clouding of consciousness also occurs, usually manifest by disorientation, amnesias, loss of
personal information, and some impairment of reality testing. Visual and auditory hallucinations
occur in roughly one half of the cases.
- Confrontation or interpretations of the patient's approximate answers are not productive, but
exploration of possible stressors may be helpful.
- Hypnosis and amobarbital narcosynthesis have also been used successfully to help patients
reveal the underlying stressors that preceded the development of the syndrome, with
concomitant cessation of the Ganser symptoms.