LKPD Announcement

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Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Bahasa Inggris Wajib

Name :
Grade : X/ 2
Topic : Announcement Text
Objectives :
After the instructional process, students are able to do the following things correctly
and appropriately :
1. exemplify the text structure of announcement text by asking and giving
information related to school activities,
2. analyze the lexicogrammatical features of announcement text by asking and
giving information related to school activities,
3. analyze the social function of announcement text by asking and giving
information related to school activities,
4. analyze the words/sentences in the announcement text related to school
5. construct an outline of short and simple announcement text by considering
the social function, text structure, and the lexicogrammatical features, and
6. compose an announcement text by considering the social function, text
structure, and the lexicogrammatical features.


In a group of four or five persons, read the following announcement and discuss
the questions that follow.

Announcement 1
Announcement 2
1. What are the social functions of the announcements above? Analyze them.
2. Analyze the structure of the announcements above.
3. Analyze the lexicogrammatical features of the announcements above.

Activity 2
After doing activity one, choose one of your group members to present the group
discussion result in front of the class.

Activity 3

Have you known the material about announcement well? Let’s conclude the social
function, the structure and the lexicogrammatical features of announcement text.
The followings are the materials about announcement text.
The following pictures are the samples of written announcement text related to
school activity.
The following link shows the sample of spoken announcement.
Announcement is defined as the followings.
1. A public statement that's usually formal and has a specific purpose.
2. A public statement about something that is happening or going to happen.
We can find announcement in public places like school, hospital, supermarket, etc.
The form of announcement can be written or spoken. The first and the second
picture are the samples of written announcement, whereas the announcement in
the video is spoken announcement.
The social function of announcement is to give a notice of certain events.
The text structure of announcement is:
1. Purpose: The text that contains what event will be held
2. Day and Date: Day and Date realization. The text that contains when the event
will be held
3. Place: The text that contains where the event will be held
4. The Agenda: The detailed information of the event
5. Informing Sender: The text that contains name of the person who will be
The lexicogrammatical features of announcement are:
1. Using Simple Present Tense or simple future tense
2. Using Adverb of Time and Place
3. Singular and plural nouns with or without articles a, the, this, those, my, their,
4. Pronunciation, Intonation, spellings, and punctuation marks.

There are some steps to make an announcement text. Read the tips on how to
make a good announcement below carefully.

1. Choose your topic. Pick a subject that is important to you, as well as one you
can visualize.
2. Try to get the most accurate facts on your topic.
3. Consider your target audience's needs including all the necessary information
needed by them.
4. Grab your audience's attention. You might use visual effects, an emotional
response, humor, or surprise to catch your target audience.
5. Create a script and keep your script to a few simple statements.

Activity 4

Do the following assignment at home and submit your homework to your teacher
through Edmodo.

Cognitive Skill

Read the following announcement and answer the questions

1. What is the structure of the announcement above? Exemplify it by
giving the signs for the part of the text structure.
2. When will the event be held?
3. What agendas can you enjoy/join in the event? Explain them.
4. What does the word “bash” in the announcement mean? Explain the
meaning by considering the context.
5. What does the word “RSVP” stand for? Explain the meaning.
6. What is the topic of the announcement? Analyze it.

Psychomotor Skill

Read the following announcement and answer the questions


1. What is the social function of the announcement above? Analyze it.

2. What is the meaning of the sentences “Please use public transportation
or park off-campus” in the announcement above?
Activity 5

Choose one of the announcement topics related to school activities on the

flash cards below.
1. English Debate Competition
2. School Anniversary
3. Recycling Program at School
4. Seminar on the Danger of Free Sex and Sex Before Marriage
5. Class Wall Magazine Competition

After choosing the topic, do the following instruction.

1. Construct an outline of the announcement that you will make.
2. Compose an interesting announcement based on the outline you made.
Consider the social function, the text structure and the language features of
the announcement text.

Answer Key and Scoring Rubric

Activity 4
Cognitive Skill
Nomor Kunci Jawaban Nilai

2 5


1 : The purpose
2 : The agenda
3 : Date
4 : Contact Person
2. The event will be held on 7th June at 7 pm 2
3. The agendas that can be joined are live music 3
performance and food contests. So, the students
can enjoy the music performance which will be
sung by the singer, certain band or by the
students themselves. The students can enjoy or
join the food contests as well.
4. The word ”bash” in the announcement means an 5
informal party to celebrate “going back to
school” event after the school holiday
5. RSVP stands for repondez s’il vous plait. It means 5
that the students should respond to the
announcement by contacting the committee
through the phone or email which have been put
in the announcement.
6. The topic of the announcement is about bash of 5
back to school.
Pada setiap soal, jika jawaban salah diberi nilai 1

Nilai Akhir = Total Nilai X 4

Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimal = 25
Psychomotoric Skill
No. Kunci Jawaban Nilai
1. The announcement is used to notify the students of 5
Yongsan International School of Seoul about the
“Back to School Picnic”.
2. The sentence means that the students are 5
recommended to use public transportation.
Otherwise, they have to park their own
transportation outside the campus because of the
limited parking area.
Pada setiap soal, jika jawaban salah diberi nilai 1

Nilai Akhir = Total Nilai X 10

Nilai Maksimum = 100
Nilai Minimum = 20

Activity 5
Psychomotoric Skill
Scoring Rubric
Subskill Criteria Score
Mechanic The number of mistake less than 5 15-20
The number of mistake >5 to 10 9 – 14
The number of mistake > 10 <8
Vocabulary The number of mistake less than 5 15-20
The number of mistake >5 to 10 9 – 14
The number of mistake > 10 <8
Organization The text is well organized 15-20
The text has < 4 incoherent parts 9 – 14
The text has > 5 incoherent part <8
Grammar The number of mistake less than 5 15-20
The number of mistake >5 to 10 9 – 14
The number of mistake > 10 <8
Content The content of introduction is complete 15-20
The content of introduction is almost complete 9 – 14
The content is lack of introduction part. <8
Nilai Akhir = Total Nilai dari seluruh aspek
Nilai Maksimal = 100
Nilai Minimal = 25

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