Gordon's 11 Functional Health Pattern
Gordon's 11 Functional Health Pattern
Gordon's 11 Functional Health Pattern
Sensory-perceptual and cognitive patterns. Vision, hearing, taste, touch, Orientation about time place and person.
Assessment is focused on the ability to comprehend smell, pain perception and Any difficulty in sentence making?
Cognition and Perception and use information and on the sensory functions. management; cognitive functions Loss of memory
Data pertaining to neurologic functions are collected such as language, memory, and
to aid this process. Sensory experiences such as pain decision making.
and altered sensory input may be identified and
further evaluated.
Patterns of sleep, rest, and relaxation. Client’s perception of quality and Sleeping hour?
Assessment is focused on the person's sleep, rest, quantity of sleep and energy, Are you using nap (evening type sleeping).
Sleep and Rest Pattern and relaxation practices. Dysfunctional sleep sleep aids, routines client uses. What do you feel after waking? (Fresh, headache,
patterns, fatigue, and responses to sleep deprivation drowsy).
may be identified. Are you using any medication for sleeping?
Do you have any exercise or walking at night?
Client’s self-concept pattern and perceptions of self. Body comfort, body image, feeling What is your self-perception about yourself?
Assessment is focused on the person's attitudes state, attitudes about self, Are you satisfied with your self-body image?
Self-Perception and Self- toward self, including identity, body image, and perception of abilities, objective Do you like grooming?
Concept Pattern sense of self-worth. The person's level of self- data e.g., body posture, eye
esteem and response to threats to his or her self- contact , voice tone, etc.
concept may be identified.
Client’s pattern of role engagements and Perception of current major roles What is your role in family?
Roles and Relationships relationship. and responsibilities (e.g., father, If you are in hospital then who will perform your
Pattern Assessment is focused on the person's roles in the husband, salesman); satisfaction responsibilities?
world and relationships with others. Satisfaction with family, work, or social All the family members are cooperative with you?
with roles, role strain, or dysfunctional relationships engagements. Who is decision maker in your family?
may be further evaluated.
Patterns of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with Number and histories of When you first notice changes in your menarche
sexuality pattern; reproductive pattern. pregnancy and childbirth; (first menses is called menarche)
Assessment is focused on the person's satisfaction difficulties with sexual Do you have any sexual problem? (Loss of libido)
Sexuality and Reproduction or dissatisfaction with sexuality patterns and functioning; satisfaction with Active sex (direct sex with male and female)
Pattern reproductive functions. Concerns with sexuality sexual relationship. Passive sex (sex without male and female partner)
may he identified. Digital sex
Reproductive: Infertility
General coping pattern and efficacy of the pattern in Client’s usual manner of handling If you have stress then what is your coping
terms of stress tolerance. stress, available support systems, mechanism towards stress?
Coping and Stress Tolerance Assessment is focused on the person's satisfaction perceived ability to control or Crying, angry, violence, (what is your opinion
Pattern or dissatisfaction with sexuality patterns and manage situations. regarding that)
reproductive functions. Concerns with sexuality
may he identified.
Patterns of values, beliefs, spiritual, and goals that Religious affiliation, what client What is your religion?
guide client’s choices or decisions. perceives as important in life, Do you offer prayer?
Values and Belief Pattern Assessment is focused on the person's values and value-belief conflicts related to
beliefs (including spiritual beliefs), or on the goals health, special religious practices.
that guide his or her choices or decisions.