Governance Chapter 1 & 2
Governance Chapter 1 & 2
Governance Chapter 1 & 2
Governance- process whereby elements in society wield
power, authority and influence and enact policies
7. Effectiveness and Efficiency- processes and institutions
and decisions concerning public life and social
produce results that meet the needs of society while
making the best use of resource at their disposal.
- Comprises all the process of governing over a social - Concept of efficiency- covers the sustainable use of
system and whether through laws, norms, power or natural resources and the protection of the
language of an organized society. environment.
- Process of decision-making and the process by which
decisions are implemented through the exercise of 8. Accountability- key requirement of good governance. An
power or authority by leaders of the country and organization or an institutions is accountable to
organizations. those who will be affected by its decisions or actions.
This cannot be enforced w/o transparency and the
Characteristics of Good Governance rule of law.
1. Participation- key cornerstone of good governance. This Corporate Governance- system of rules, practices and
could either direct or through legitimate institutions processes by which business corporations are
or representatives. Participation needs to be directed and controlled.
informed and organized.
- This means freedom of association and expression - Involves balancing the interests of a company’s
on one hand and an organized civil society on the many stakeholders, such as shareholders
other hand management, customers, supplies, financiers,
government and the community.
2. Rule of Law – require fair legal framework that are - Good Corporate governance is all about controlling
enforced impartially. It also require full protection of one’s business
human rights, particularly of those minorities.
Purpose of Corporate Governance
- Impartial enforcement of laws requires an
independent judiciary and an impartial and • Facilitate effective, entrepreneurial and prudent
incorruptible police force. management that can deliver long-term success of
the company.
3. Transparency- decision taken and their enforcement are • Fundamental aim: to enhance shareholders’ value
done in a manner that follow rules and regulations. and protect the interests of other stakeholders by
It means that information is freely available and improving the corporate performance and
directly accessible. accountability.
- Enough information is provided and that it is
provided in easily understandable forms and media. Objectives of Corporate Governance
5. Consensus Oriented- mediation of the different interests 3. Increase Shareholders Wealth- to protect the long-term
in society to reach a broad consensus on what is in interests of the shareholders. This only reflects the
the best interest of the whole community and how positive perception that good corporate governance
this can be achieved. induces potential investors to decide to invest in a
- A broad and long-term perspective on what is company.
needed for sustainable human development and
how to achieve the goals of such development. 4. Transparency and Full Disclosure- ensuring a higher
- Result from an understanding of the historical, degree transparency by encouraging full disclosure
cultural and social contexts of a given society. of transactions.
Good Corporate Governance is based on principles • Choose w/c accounting principles best portray the
underpinned by consensus and continually developing economic substance of company transactions
notions of good practice. • Implement a system of internal control that assures
completeness and accuracy in financial reporting
Relationship between Shareholders and other Stakeholders
• Ensure that the FS contain accurate and complete
Public Corporation Stakeholders disclosure
Board of Shareholders
Parties Involved in Corporate Governance and their
Delegate Directors Have Responsibilities
Shareholders Executive External
/owners Management account auditors 1. Shareholders – provide effective oversight through
Responsibilities Operational abilities Regulators election of board members, approval of stock,
annual reports on management compensation from
Internal Society and
the board
Auditors others