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Registry of Guitar Tutors / LCM Examinations

Acoustic Guitar Teaching Diplomas

1 July 2010 – 31 December 2016

Registry of Guitar Tutors /
London College of Music Examinations

Syllabus for Diplomas in

Acoustic Guitar Teaching


Second Edition
2010 – 2016
LCM Examinations
Director of Examinations
John Howard BA PhD

Chief Examiner in Music

Philip Aldred BEd FLCM

University of West London

LCM Examinations
St Mary’s Road
W5 5RF
tel: +44 (0)20 8231 2364
fax: +44 (0)20 8231 2433
email: [email protected]

Registry of Guitar Tutors

RGT Board of Honorary Patrons:
Sir Paul McCartney, Hank Marvin, David Gilmour, Ronnie Wood, Gordon Giltrap,
John Etheridge, Suzi Quatro, Carlos Bonell, Dave Kelly, John Illsley, Neil Murray, Glenn Tilbrook.
Director: Tony Skinner F.R.S.A.

For further information about this syllabus contact:

Registry of Guitar Tutors
Registry Mews
11-13 Wilton Rd
TN40 1HY
Tel: 01424 222222
Fax: 01424 213221
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.RGT.org

© Copyright 2009 Registry of Guitar Tutors and LCM Examinations, Thames Valley University
© Copyright 2011 Registry of Guitar Tutors and the University of West London, LCM Examinations


London College of Music Examinations ................................................................ 4

Registry of Guitar Tutors ..................................................................................... 4

1. Syllabus Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the Diploma Syllabus .................................................. 5
1.2 Overview of the Acoustic Guitar Teaching Diploma Structure .............. 5
1.3 Validity of this Syllabus ...................................................................... 6
1.4 Rationale ........................................................................................... 6
1.5 Syllabus Aims ..................................................................................... 6
1.6 Syllabus Objectives ............................................................................ 6
1.7 Availability of Examinations and Entry Details ..................................... 6
1.8 Duration of Examinations ................................................................... 7
1.9 Candidates with Particular Needs ....................................................... 7
1.10 Target Groups .................................................................................... 7
1.11 Progression ....................................................................................... 7
1.12 Accreditation ..................................................................................... 8
1.13 Publications ....................................................................................... 8

2. Syllabus Content
2.1 Syllabus Overview .............................................................................. 9
2.2 Attainment Levels .............................................................................. 9
2.3 Pre-requisite Qualifications ................................................................ 9
2.4 Summary of Subject Content .............................................................. 10
2.5 Description of Examination Components ............................................ 12
2.6 Mark Weightings for Examination Components ................................... 18

3. Assessment
3.1 How Marks are Awarded .................................................................... 18
3.2 Attainment Descriptions ..................................................................... 21

4. Awarding and Reporting

4.1 Issue of Results ................................................................................. 26
4.2 Awards .............................................................................................. 26
4.3 Repeats of Examinations .................................................................... 26

5. Regulations and Information ............................................................ 27

London College of Music Examinations
External examinations have been awarded by the London College of Music since the institution’s founding in 1887.
Today, examinations are held throughout the United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and at many overseas centres,
and are unique in the graded examinations world in being awarded by a university.

LCM’s graded and diploma examinations in most subjects are accredited by Ofqual (formerly the Qualifications and
Curriculum Authority, QCA), which serves as a UK governmental stamp of approval and quality assurance,
confirming parity of standards with other similar examinations boards. Furthermore, the resulting mapping of LCM
Examinations onto the QCF (Qualifications and Credit Framework) means that candidates applying to UK
universities through the UCAS system can increase their points tariff if they have been awarded a Pass or higher at
Grades 6-8 in an accredited subject.

LCM Examinations are distinctive, both in the qualifications offered and in the administration and running of the
exams. We have retained the well-known traditional atmosphere and qualities of the London College of Music:
informality, friendliness and approachability, although set in a fully professional and modern context. We are small
enough that enquiries to the head office can be dealt with speedily and efficiently, and we are able to get to know
many of our representatives and teachers personally by name. Examiners pride themselves on being friendly and
approachable, ensuring candidates are put at their ease and are thus able to perform to their full potential; yet
they are professional, applying thorough and objective assessment criteria in forming their judgements.

Our range of syllabuses and exam formats is exceptionally wide. Examinations may be taken in piano, all orchestral
instruments, classical singing, music theatre, popular music vocals, guitar, electronic keyboard, electronic organ,
drum kit, percussion, church music, Irish and Scottish traditional music, jazz (piano, wind and brass), ensemble,
early learning, theory (both classical and popular) and composition. Examinations in acoustic, electric and bass
guitars are offered in partnership with the Registry of Guitar Tutors (RGT). Our diplomas are internationally
recognised and include composition, conducting, thesis and theoretical diplomas as well as performing and
teaching diplomas in all instruments, across four levels.

We offer a number of pre-Grade 1 exams (Preliminary and Steps). Graded exams include a viva voce element,
which encourages candidates to think, both technically and critically, about the music they perform in the exam.
Syllabuses contain a wide range of repertoire options, sometimes including an own choice element. Finally, we
offer the very popular Leisure Play option, where candidates perform three pieces plus a fourth own choice, but do
not attempt any of the additional components of the exam.

Graded and diploma syllabuses are available free of charge from LCM Examinations and from local representatives.

Registry of Guitar Tutors

'The Specialists in Guitar Education'

The Registry of Guitar Tutors (RGT) was established in 1992 with the aims of improving standards in guitar
education and helping the guitar teaching profession achieve recognition within the mainstream of music
education, by the establishment of an accredited range of comprehensive and well-structured teaching
programmes. RGT now has branches in the UK, North America, New Zealand and many parts of Europe.

RGT publishes a directory of registered guitar tutors, and organises regular music education conferences. In
association with LCM Exams, RGT also organises a full range of graded examinations in electric guitar, acoustic
guitar, bass guitar, popular music theory and classical guitar. A range of professional diploma examinations is also

RGT examinations are endorsed by some of the world’s most respected guitarists and eminent musicians.

1. Syllabus Introduction
1.1 Introduction to the Diploma Syllabus

This syllabus is designed to prepare candidates for the Teaching diplomas in acoustic guitar.

The basic scheme is set out in Section 1.2 below. There are three levels of Acoustic Guitar Teaching diploma available.
Candidates may progress through the levels of Acoustic Guitar Teaching diploma. In addition, direct entry to a diploma at
any level is possible, providing that certain conditions as described in the syllabus are met.

Further advice or clarification on any aspect of this syllabus is available by contacting the RGT office.

1.2 Overview of the Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Diploma Structure

Grade 5 Theory
or Grade 8 Practical

DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar

1. Fingerboard knowledge
2. Lesson
3. Presentation & Demonstration
4. Discussion

ALCM in Acoustic Guitar

1. Essay
2. Lesson
3. Presentation & Demonstration
4. Discussion
5. Chart reading

LLCM in Acoustic Guitar

1. Dissertation
2. Lesson
3. Presentation & Demonstration
4. Discussion
5. Chart reading

1.3 Validity of this Syllabus

This syllabus is valid from 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2016. It is anticipated that the subsequent syllabus (from
1 January 2012) will be essentially the same in content.

1.4 Rationale

LCM’s graded and diploma qualifications make a distinctive contribution to education in and through music, and drama
and communication, because of the emphasis placed upon the following combination of characteristics:
• creative thinking;
• practical skills either independent of literacy, or related to it;
• encouragement to think, both technically and critically, about the material performed in practical examinations;
• a distinctively broad stylistic range, as reflected in tasks, endorsements and repertoire;
• the provision of assessment in areas not traditionally included within the scope of graded and diploma examinations;
• a strong emphasis towards the acquisition and demonstration of skills and understandings that are of contemporary
relevance to the performing arts.
In the standards set, in structure, and organisation, LCM’s graded and diploma qualifications are broadly comparable
with those of other awarding bodies offering graded and diploma qualifications in music and in drama and
communication. However, this syllabus offers the opportunity to develop pathways into learning that both complement
and provide genuine alternatives to the study of the arts within school, FE and HE curricula, and within the context of
life-long learning. Because of this, they are capable of being used to extend and enrich full-time education and individual
tuition and offer alternative routes that enable teachers to achieve the objective of equipping young people and adults
with highly relevant creative, expressive and technological concepts and skills.

1.5 Syllabus Aims

A course of study based on LCM’s graded and diploma syllabuses is intended to provide:
• a progressive and unified assessment system, enabling candidates to plan and obtain an effective education in and
through the arts;
• skills of organisation, planning, problem-solving and communication, through the study of the arts in performance
and theory;
• enhanced ability in acquiring the personal disciplines and motivation necessary for life-long learning;
• an enduring love, enjoyment and understanding of the performing arts, from the perspective of both participant and
• an assessment system equipping candidates with added value to enhance career routes, educational opportunities
and decision-making.

1.6 Syllabus Objectives

A course of study based on this syllabus is intended to provide:

• a learning basis for candidates to fulfil their potential as performers or instrumental teachers at an advanced and
professional level;
• opportunities for learning and assessment that are both creatively challenging and technologically relevant;
• opportunities for mastery learning that are structured and directly related to the repertoire published for each
diploma level;
• candidates with the basis for study and practice to develop relevant and usable skills and concepts.

1.7 Availability of Examinations and Entry


Practical examinations take place throughout the year according to location. In the UK, diploma examinations are held
three times a year: Spring (March/April), Summer (June/July) and Winter (November/December). Completed entry forms,
together with full fees, must be submitted to the RGT Examinations office on or before the closing date, as listed on the
published entry fee forms.

1.8 Duration of Examinations

Examination durations, which include discussion and report writing time for the examiners, are as follows:

Where the lesson is given Where the lesson has

during the examination: been provided on DVD:
DipLCM 60 minutes 40 minutes
ALCM 75 minutes 50 minutes
LLCM 85 minutes 55 minutes

1.9 Candidates with Particular Needs

Information on assessment, examination and entry requirements for candidates with particular needs is published in the
document Equality of Opportunity, Reasonable Adjustments and Special Consideration. Copies of this are available free
of charge from the LCM Examinations office (tel: 020 8231 2364).

1.10 Target Groups

Candidates must have attained the ages specified below by the date of entry.

Diploma Minimum age

DipLCM in Teaching 16
ALCM in Teaching 17
LLCM in Teaching 18

1.11 Progression

Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Levels

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

DipLCM in ALCM in LLCM in Performance

Graded Exams in Music Performance Performance Performance Performance and teaching
FLCM in employment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Performance opportunities
DipLCM in ALCM in LLCM in in music and
Teaching Teaching Teaching the arts

Progression from Music Performance Grades:

• Performance route: DipLCM in Performance (QCF 4), ALCM in Performance (QCF 5),
LLCM in Performance (QCF 6), FLCM in Performance (QCF 7)
• Teaching route: DipLCM in Teaching (QCF 4), ALCM in Teaching (QCF 5), LLCM in Teaching (QCF 6),
FLCM in Performance (QCF 7)

1.12 Accreditation

LCM’s diplomas in acoustic guitar teaching are fully accredited in England by Ofqual (formerly QCA), and by the
corresponding authorities in Wales (DCELLS) and Northern Ireland (CCEA). They have been placed on the Qualifications
and Credit Framework (QCF) at Levels 4, 5 and 6.

The table below shows the qualification number, QCF title and credit value of each diploma. The awarding organisation is
University of West London Qualifications (UWLQ).

Please contact us, or consult the Register of Regulated Qualifications (http://register.ofqual.gov.uk), for further details,
including unit numbers.

Qualification QCF
Diploma Qualification Title
Number Credits
DipLCM in Teaching 600/0062/4 UWLQ Level 4 Diploma in Music Teaching (QCF) 100
ALCM in Teaching 600/0829/5 UWLQ Level 5 Diploma in Music Teaching (QCF) 100
LLCM in Teaching 600/0826/X UWLQ Level 6 Diploma in Music Teaching (QCF) 100

1.13 Publications

A recommended reading list for the Teaching Diplomas is published on the RGT website: www.RGT.org

RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks are available from many book or music shops. See www.RGT.org to view a list of
stockists. Available online from www.BooksForGuitar.com or call 01424 222222.

2. Syllabus Content
2.1 Syllabus Overview

This syllabus is designed to help prepare students for the three levels of teaching diplomas in acoustic guitar awarded by
University of West London Qualifications. The syllabus clearly describes what is expected and how the achievements of
the candidate are to be assessed, so that students can be taught to master the requirements and to demonstrate these
in an examination. Examinations are held at approved centres in the UK and overseas, and are assessed by trained
external examiners. Further information and advice on all aspects of this syllabus is available from the RGT examinations
office (see page 2 for contact details).

2.2 Attainment Levels

DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching. This diploma requires the candidate to demonstrate the fundamental skills
and understanding required by a competent instrumental music teacher, consistent with a Level 1 (first-year)
undergraduate module. Examiners will expect to encounter evidence of solid basic teaching skills, a performance
technique that equips the candidate to demonstrate musical ideas and techniques with clarity and confidence, and the
ability to communicate appropriate knowledge and understanding with verbal articulacy.

ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching. This diploma requires the candidate to demonstrate the skills and
understanding required by a competent and proficient instrumental music teacher, consistent with a Level 2 (second-
year) undergraduate module. Examiners will expect to encounter evidence of accomplished and confident teaching skills,
a performance technique that equips the candidate to demonstrate musical ideas and techniques with clarity and
authority, and the ability to communicate appropriate knowledge and understanding with clear verbal articulacy.

LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching. This diploma demands a fully professional standard of teaching, musicianship
and educational skills, consistent with a Level 3 (final-year) undergraduate module. Evidence of experience and expertise
as a teacher, a secure and versatile performance technique, and the ability to communicate a tangible sense of
understanding and insight into the teaching process, will be expected.

2.3 Pre-requisite Qualifications

DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching. Candidates are required to take Grade 5 LCM Popular Music Theory during
the same examination period; the Diploma being issued only upon passing both the diploma examination and the music
theory examination. However, candidates who already possess Grade 5 LCM Popular Music Theory OR one of the
following qualifications do NOT need to take the music theory examination:
• RGT (or another accredited board) Grade 8 in acoustic guitar playing;
• Grade 5 LCM (or another accredited board) Theory of Music;
• GCSE or O level music (Grade C or above);
• CSE music (Grade 1);
• AS, A2 or A level music (Grade D or above);
• Scottish Certificate of Education (Standard or Higher);
• Junior or Leaving Certificate (Republic of Ireland);
• Any music degree or equivalent qualification.
Other qualifications may be considered on application to the RGT Examinations Director.

ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching. Candidates must normally have already passed the DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar
Teaching. Alternative pre-requisite qualifications may be considered on application to the RGT Examinations Director, but
these must be qualifications which include the study or performance of contemporary music at QCF Level 4 or higher,
eg. a HND, or honours degree or part thereof. Additionally, where a theoretical element is not included in the
qualification, Grade 5 theory (or alternative) must also have been passed. However, candidates who have sufficient
professional acoustic guitar teaching experience – that being a minimum of three years, averaging at least 10 hours per
week acoustic guitar teaching experience – and who feel that their teaching experience and preparation will enable them
to successfully meet all the requirements of this teaching diploma may apply to enter directly without holding previous
qualifications; such candidates should complete the relevant section of the examination entry form.

LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching. Candidates must normally have already passed the ALCM in Acoustic Guitar
Teaching. Alternative pre-requisite qualifications may be considered on application to the RGT Examinations Director, but
these must be qualifications which include the study or performance of contemporary music at QCF Level 5 or higher.
Additionally, where a theoretical element is not included in the qualification, Grade 5 theory (or alternative) must also
have been passed. However, candidates who have sufficient professional acoustic guitar teaching experience – that being
a minimum of five years, averaging at least 10 hours per week acoustic guitar teaching experience – and who feel that
their wide range of teaching experiences (including a range of ages and ability levels) and preparation will enable them to
successfully meet all the requirements of this teaching diploma may apply to enter directly without holding previous
qualifications; such candidates should complete the relevant section of the examination entry form.

What diploma can I enter for?

DipLCM Acoustic ALCM Acoustic LLCM Acoustic

Guitar Teaching Guitar Teaching Guitar Teaching
qualification required:
Grade 5 theory OR

Grade 8 practical
DipLCM in Acoustic
Guitar Teaching
ALCM in Acoustic
Guitar Teaching

* = Grade 5 theory (or equivalent) also required.

N.B. Direct entry to ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching and LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching is permitted for candidates
with sufficient acoustic guitar teaching experience. (See above for details.)

2.4 Summary of Subject Content

Candidates preparing for a diploma need to ensure that they are able to demonstrate appropriate levels of mastery as
described below:

2.4.1 DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Fingerboard Knowledge (Assessed in Component 1)

Candidates should be able to:
1. perform from memory a selection of widely used scales, arpeggios and chords as requested by the examiner (the
range being specified in Section 2.5.1);
2. demonstrate secure technique and musicianship appropriate to Diploma level.

Lesson (Assessed in Component 2)

Candidates should be able to:
1. teach a twenty minute lesson to a pupil;
2. demonstrate secure and competent teaching skills.

Presentation and Demonstration (Assessed in Component 3)

Candidates should be able to:
1. give a presentation on aspects of teaching skills as prescribed by the syllabus;
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the teaching process;
3. speak with confidence and verbal articulacy;
4. use the guitar for demonstration as appropriate;
5. perform material from the RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks, as specified by the syllabus and as requested by
the examiner.

Discussion (Assessed in Component 4)
Candidates should be able to:
1. discuss with the examiner any issues arising from Components 1-3;
2. demonstrate knowledge, understanding, confidence, and clarity of verbal articulation.

2.4.2 ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Essay (Assessed in Component 1)

Candidates should be able to:
1. write an extended essay of approximately 4,000 words on a subject chosen from a list of prescribed titles;
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject, through means of clarity of expression and written

Lesson (Assessed in Component 2)

Candidates should be able to:
1. teach a twenty five minute lesson to a pupil;
2. demonstrate secure and competent teaching skills.

Presentation and Demonstration (Assessed in Component 3)

Candidates should be able to:
1. give a presentation on aspects of teaching skills as prescribed by the syllabus;
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the teaching process;
3. speak with confidence and verbal articulacy;
4. use the guitar for demonstration as appropriate;
5. perform material from the RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks, as specified by the syllabus and as requested by
the examiner.

Discussion (Assessed in Component 4)

Candidates should be able to:
1. discuss with the examiner any issues arising from Components 1-3;
2. demonstrate knowledge, understanding, confidence, and clarity of verbal articulation.

Chart Reading (Assessed in Component 5)

Candidates should be able to:
1. perform, after a short period of preparation, a previously unseen chord progression using a fingerstyle technique
and embellishing the basic chord symbols;
2. use the preparation time effectively to enable the performance to be as accurate, fluent and musical as possible.

2.4.3 LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Dissertation (Assessed in Component 1)

1a: Case studies
Candidates should be able to:
1. write case studies (2,500 – 3,500 words) detailing the progress and assessment of three pupils, and assessing
their own teaching in response to the pupils’ progress;
2. demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the teaching process, through means of clarity of
expression and written style.

1b: Players and styles

Candidates should be able to:
1. write a comparative study (1,500 – 2,500 words) of three high profile acoustic guitarists;
2. demonstrate thorough knowledge and understanding of the artists, their playing techniques and the styles of
music under discussion.

1c: Essay
Candidates should be able to:
1. write an essay of approximately 1,500 – 2,500 words on a subject chosen from a list of prescribed titles;
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject, through means of clarity of expression and written

Lesson (Assessed in Component 2)

Candidates should be able to:
1. teach a thirty minute lesson to a pupil;
2. demonstrate proficient and authoritative teaching skills.

Presentation and Demonstration (Assessed in Component 3)

Candidates should be able to:
1. give a presentation on aspects of teaching skills as prescribed by the syllabus;
2. demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the teaching process;
3. speak with confidence and verbal articulacy;
4. use the guitar for demonstration as appropriate;
5. perform material from the RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks, as specified by the syllabus and as requested by
the examiner.

Discussion (Assessed in Component 4)

Candidates should be able to:
1. discuss with the examiner any issues arising from Components 1-3;
2. demonstrate knowledge, understanding, confidence, authority, and clarity of verbal articulation.

Chart Reading (Assessed in Component 5)

Candidates should be able to:
1. perform, after a short period of preparation, a previously unseen chord progression using a fingerstyle technique
and embellishing the basic chord symbols;
2. use the preparation time effectively to enable the performance to be as accurate, fluent and musical as possible.

2.5 Description of Examination Components

2.5.1 DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Component 1: Fingerboard Knowledge

Candidates are expected to perform from memory a selection, as requested by the examiner, of the scales, arpeggios
and chords listed below. At this level, candidates are expected to devise/research their own fingerings; any systematic
and effective fingerings will be accepted. Candidates will not be asked to play in inaccessible fingerboard positions for
their particular instrument.

Scales and Arpeggios

Scales and arpeggios should be played ascending and descending, without a pause and without repeating the top note.
Multi-position scales should be played in the same octave wherever possible. Approximate tempos (at TWO notes per
beat): non-harmonised scales 160 b.p.m.; harmonised scales 66 b.p.m.; arpeggios 120 b.p.m.
a. ANY scales or arpeggios from the RGT acoustic guitar grades up to and including Grade Eight.
b. 3 octave scales: E major scale, E natural minor scale, E blues scale, E Dorian modal scale and E Mixolydian modal
c. ANY major 7th, minor 7th and dominant 7th arpeggio over 2 octaves.

Chords should be strummed once, slowly.
a. ANY chords from the RGT acoustic guitar grades up to and including Grade Eight.
b. Dominant 9, major 9, minor 9 and sus 4 – at ANY pitch.

Component 2: Lesson
Candidates elect to take Option A or Option B.

Option A: Candidates will be required to teach a twenty minute lesson to a pupil in the examination.

Option B: Candidates should submit an audiovisual recording of themselves teaching a twenty minute lesson to a pupil.
Only one pupil should feature in the lesson or on the recording. The lesson should be recorded without edits. If a
language other than English is used on the recording, a typed transcript in English must be provided. Two copies of the
recording should be submitted at the time of application. Each disc must have the candidate’s name clearly written on it.
The discs must be in a format that will play on a standard DVD player.

In both cases, candidates are responsible for providing their own pupil. The pupil may be of any standard from Initial
Stage to Grade Eight and may be of any age. Candidates should bear in mind that the standard selected will form the
main focus of the examination. Candidates are expected to demonstrate secure basic teaching skills.

Approximately two-thirds of the lesson should consist of work on the ‘Performance’ section from an appropriate RGT
acoustic guitar grade. The remaining one-third should consist of work on the ‘Accompaniment’ section from the same
RGT acoustic guitar grade. Alternatively, for this remaining one-third of the lesson, candidates can select one of the
following sections: Fingerboard Knowledge or Aural Awareness.

Where the lesson is under seventeen minutes in duration, candidates may be penalised. Where the lesson is over twenty
minutes, the examiner will stop assessing the lesson after twenty minutes has passed and may draw this section of the
examination to a conclusion.

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration

Candidates should give a presentation, of approximately twenty minutes, on aspects of teaching skills, demonstrating
knowledge and a basic understanding of the teaching process, using the instrument for demonstration when required
and performing any musical examples from the RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks (Initial Stage to Grade 8) if
requested by the examiner. Whilst candidates are expected to be familiar with the material and requirements up to, and
including, Grade 8, the main focus here will be determined by the standard of pupil selected in Component 2 (the

Candidates should bring to the examination the current RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks (Initial Stage to Grade 8)
plus a small selection of other teaching materials and alternative pieces that they use with pupils. In this presentation,
candidates should incorporate some more general observations on acoustic guitar teaching including techniques adopted
for both the performance and accompaniment sections of the acoustic guitar exams. These observations are not
expected to be particularly detailed or wide-ranging, but they should aim to cover some of the basic fundamental issues
as perceived by the candidate. There should also be some focus on a range of appropriate technical matters, as well as
chords, scales and arpeggios, aural awareness and general musicianship. Candidates may include references to group
and/or classroom teaching if they wish.

The examiner may make comments or ask questions as the presentation proceeds, and candidates should be prepared to
deviate from their prepared presentation in order to respond if necessary. In discussing technical work, the examiner
may ask the candidate to demonstrate on their instrument.

Candidates will be expected to speak with clarity and some confidence, and this will form part of the assessment. They
should not read verbatim from a prepared script, although they may use notes or ‘prompt cards’.

Component 4: Discussion

Candidates should be able to discuss with the examiner any issues arising from the previous sections of the examination.
The discussion will focus primarily on the standard of pupil used in Component 2 (the ‘Lesson’). Candidates will be
expected to demonstrate secure knowledge and understanding with some confidence and clarity of verbal articulation.

2.5.2 ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Component 1: Essay

At the time of application, candidates should submit to the RGT examinations office three copies of an original typed
essay of approximately 4,000 words. Candidates are advised to select a topic from the prescribed list below that is
directly related to their experience. The examiners are looking for a clear and analytical approach and an informed
command of the issues related to the selected topic.

The text should be divided into sections, with headings and/or sub-headings, and title and contents pages should be
included. The use of footnotes, references and musical examples is expected. Where candidates refer to other published
works, a bibliography should be included as an appendix. The essay should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the subject, through means of clarity of expression and written style.

ALCM(TD) Essay Topics.

Candidates should choose ONE of the following:
a. How do you approach teaching the acoustic guitar to a complete beginner with no previous musical experience?
How would your approach differ between teaching children and adults?
b. Discuss some methods you could utilise in acoustic guitar teaching to maintain interest and motivation in the
instrument during the initial period of learning whilst basic technical skills are being acquired.
c. Outline what you might expect a student to achieve during a 10-week course of individual acoustic guitar lessons,
and explain some of the teaching methods you might adopt.
d. Outline how you would teach the fundamentals of fingerstyle guitar to a relatively inexperienced player; what
additional resources would you utilise as their fingerstyle playing develops?
e. Describe the techniques that you consider to be of fundamental importance to the student of acoustic guitar, and
explain how you would teach and develop these.
f. What are the advantages and disadvantages of group teaching, as opposed to individual tuition?

Component 2: Lesson

Candidates elect to take Option A or Option B.

Option A: Candidates will be required to teach a twenty five minute lesson to a pupil in the examination.

Option B: Candidates should submit an audiovisual recording of themselves teaching a twenty five minute lesson to a
pupil. Only one pupil should feature in the lesson or on the recording. The lesson should be recorded without edits. If a
language other than English is used on the recording, a typed transcript in English must be provided. Two copies of the
recording should be submitted at the time of application. Each disc must have the candidate’s name clearly written on it.
The discs must be in a format that will play on a standard DVD player.

In both cases, candidates are responsible for providing their own pupil. The pupil may be of any standard from Initial
Stage to Grade Eight and may be of any age. Candidates should bear in mind that the standard selected will form the
main focus of the examination. Candidates are expected to demonstrate secure basic teaching skills.

Approximately half of the lesson should consist of work on the ‘Performance’ section from an appropriate RGT acoustic
guitar grade. The remaining half should consist of work on the ‘Accompaniment’ section from the same RGT acoustic
guitar grade. Alternatively, for this remaining half of the lesson, candidates can select one of the following sections:
Fingerboard Knowledge or Aural Awareness.

Where the lesson is under twenty minutes in duration, candidates may be penalised. Where the lesson is over twenty five
minutes, the examiner will stop assessing the lesson after twenty five minutes has passed and may draw this section of
the examination to a conclusion.

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration

Candidates should give a presentation, of approximately twenty five minutes, on aspects of teaching skills,
demonstrating knowledge and a basic understanding of the teaching process, using the instrument for demonstration
when required and performing any musical examples from the RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks (Initial Stage to
Grade 8) if requested by the examiner. Where the standard of pupil in Component 2 (the ‘Lesson’) is between Initial
Stage and Grade 5 standard, candidates are not expected to discuss approaches to teaching Grades 6 to 8 in any detail,
but they will be expected to be able to perform musical examples from these higher grades if requested to do so.

The presentation should focus on the standard of pupil used in Component 2 (the ‘Lesson’). Candidates should bring to
the examination the current RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks (Initial Stage to Grade 8) plus a small selection of
other teaching materials and alternative pieces that they use with pupils. In this presentation, candidates should
incorporate some more detailed observations on acoustic guitar teaching including techniques adopted for both the
performance and accompaniment sections of the RGT acoustic guitar exams. These observations should aim to cover all
of the fundamental issues as perceived by the candidate. Candidates should be able to outline their approaches to
teaching a full range of appropriate technical matters, as well as chords, scales and arpeggios, aural awareness and
general musicianship. Candidates may include references to group and/or classroom teaching if they wish.

The examiner may make comments or ask questions as the presentation proceeds, and candidates should be prepared to
deviate from their prepared presentation in order to respond if necessary. In discussing technical work, the examiner
may ask the candidate to demonstrate on their instrument.

Candidates will be expected to speak with clarity and some confidence, and this will form part of the assessment. They
should not read verbatim from a prepared script, although they may use notes or ‘prompt cards’.

Component 4: Discussion

Candidates should be able to discuss with the examiners any issues arising from the previous sections of the
examination, including the written submission. Some wider issues may be introduced; however the discussion will focus
primarily on the standard of pupil used in Component 2. Candidates will be expected to demonstrate knowledge,
understanding, confidence, and clarity of verbal articulation.

Component 5: Chart Reading

Candidates will be presented with a previously unseen chord chart in 34 or 44 time. Candidates are allowed three minutes
to study the chart and are then required to play it, using a fingerstyle technique and embellishing the basic chord
symbols to produce an effective musical result.

The range of chords will be restricted to the following:

• Major
• Minor
• Major seventh
• Minor seventh
• Dominant seventh

2.5.3 LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Component 1: Dissertation
This is a three-part written submission comprising: Case Studies; Players and Styles; Essay. Three copies of the complete
dissertation must be submitted to the RGT examinations office at the time of application.

The dissertation should be typed and well presented. The text of each part should be divided into sections, with headings
and/or sub-headings. Title and contents pages should be included. The use of footnotes, references and musical
examples is expected. Where candidates refer to other published works, a bibliography should be included as an

Candidates are expected to demonstrate a greater depth of research and analysis, as well as a broader knowledge of
relevant literature, than that expected for the ALCM written submission.

1a: Case Studies

Candidates should write case studies detailing the progress and assessment of three pupils, and assessing their own
teaching in response to the pupils’ progress. The case studies should demonstrate thorough knowledge and
understanding of the teaching process, through means of clarity of expression and written style.

The period of observation and assessment should be a minimum of six months and a maximum of one year. Pupils should
be of contrasting standards and abilities. At least one of these pupils must currently be having lessons with you. The
pupils could have been taught either individually or in a group.

The case studies should comprise:
a. brief details of the pupils’ background and characteristics, both musical and personal;
b. assessment of the ability and potential of each pupil at the beginning of the case study period;
c. details of the course of study followed, outlining pupils’ technical and musical strengths and weaknesses, and how
they were managed;
d. choice of teaching material;
e. assessment of the pupils’ development and progress at the end of the case study period;
f. self-appraisal of the candidate’s own achievement in terms of his/her success both in building a working relationship
with a pupil, and in communicating and applying teaching ideas and principles.

The case studies should be written in continuous prose, not note form. Each pupil should be considered separately,
although introductory and concluding sections may take the form of an overview. The case studies should not take the
form of a lesson-by-lesson commentary, but should present an overall, though detailed, picture of the points listed
above. The total length should be between 2,500 and 3,500 words.

1b: Players and Styles

Candidates should write a comparative study (of between 1,500 and 2,500 words) of three high profile acoustic
guitarists (of the candidate’s choice) with particular reference to their styles of music, influences and the specific playing
techniques they employ. This should demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the artists and styles of music under
discussion and should highlight how the guitarists’ musical styles and approaches to playing differ as well as how they
have influenced other guitarists.

The study is expected to include specific musical examples to highlight the techniques and styles being discussed.
Candidates should also consider how to utilise this information within a teaching environment. The study should mainly
be presented in the form of continuous prose, with the use of musical examples where appropriate.

1c: Essay
Candidates should write ONE essay of between 1,500 and 2,500 words, demonstrating knowledge and understanding of
the subject, through means of clarity of expression and written style.

LLCM(TD) Essay Topics:

a. Describe some of the difficulties you would expect students to encounter when studying for the RGT Grades 1 to 5
acoustic guitar exams; explore some methods of rectifying them.
b. Discuss some of the resources available to use when teaching (i) a young child as a beginner, (ii) a teenager of about
Grade 3 standard and (iii) an adult of advanced standard. Outline the reasons for your choice in each case.
c. Discuss how you would incorporate the use of altered tunings into your teaching. Outline the resources and
repertoire you would use.
d. Give a brief overview of the various ‘standard’ types of repertoire for acoustic guitar in the genres of folk, blues and
popular music, including examples of specific pieces, and explain how a teacher can enthuse a student about
repertoire for which they show little natural affinity.
e. Using your own experience as a starting point, outline some of the basic issues surrounding teacher/pupil
f. Discuss how you would approach teaching a student the RGT Grades 6 to 8 acoustic guitar exams. Explore and
define the pieces and exercises you would adopt to help refine their technical skills for these exams.
g. Describe your strategies for teaching a group of mixed-ability pupils.
h. Outline the physical problems that can occur as a result of poor technique and/or over playing. Describe the advice
you would give to pupils to help them avoid injuries.

Component 2: Lesson
Candidates elect to take Option A or Option B.

Option A: Candidates will be required to teach a thirty minute lesson to a pupil in the examination.

Option B: Candidates should submit an audiovisual recording of themselves teaching a thirty minute lesson to a pupil.
Only one pupil should feature in the lesson. The lesson should be recorded without edits. If a language other than
English is used on the recording, a typed transcript in English must be provided. Two copies of the recording should be
submitted at the time of application. Each disc must have the candidate’s name clearly written on it. The discs must be in
a format that will play on a standard DVD player.

In both cases, candidates are responsible for providing their own pupil. The pupil may be of any age, and of any standard
from beginner to Grade Eight. Candidates are expected to demonstrate proficient and authoritative teaching skills.
The lesson should incorporate the following, in roughly equal proportion:
a. work on the ‘Performance’ and/or ’Accompaniment’ sections from an appropriate RGT acoustic guitar grade; and
b. any TWO of the following additional areas: scales, chords, aural awareness, specialist techniques.

Where the lesson is under twenty-five minutes in duration, the candidate may be penalised. Where the lesson is over
thirty minutes, the examiners will stop assessing the lesson after thirty minutes has passed and may draw this section of
the examination to a conclusion.

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration

Candidates should give a presentation, of approximately thirty minutes, on the general principles and approach to the
teaching of acoustic guitar, demonstrating thorough knowledge, understanding and insight of the teaching process. The
presentation should cover a range of different pupil standards, from beginner to Grade 8.

In the course of their presentation, candidates should make reference to musical examples from the RGT acoustic guitar
grades syllabus. There should be sufficient contrast within the musical examples so that the candidate can demonstrate a
variety of techniques, styles and aspects of musicianship.

Examiners may request the candidate to perform any musical examples from the RGT acoustic guitar grade handbooks
(Initial Stage to Grade 8). Candidates are expected to talk about their approaches to teaching them, highlighting any
particular issues or problems that might arise, and explaining possible solutions, and are expected to demonstrate on
their instrument as appropriate. Candidates should bring to the examination the current RGT Initial Stage to Grade 8
acoustic guitar grade handbooks plus a selection of other teaching materials and alternative pieces that they use with

Candidates are also required to outline their approaches to other issues in relation to different standards of pupil, which
might include technical matters, chords, scales and arpeggios, aural awareness and general musicianship, as appropriate.
Candidates may include references to group and/or classroom teaching if they wish.

Examiners may make comments or ask questions as the presentation proceeds, and candidates should be prepared to
deviate from their prepared presentation in order to respond if necessary. In discussing technical work, examiners may
ask candidates to demonstrate on their instrument.

Candidates will be expected to speak with confidence, authority, verbal articulacy and clarity, and this will form part of
the assessment. They should not read verbatim from a prepared script, although they may use notes or ‘prompt cards’.

Compared with ALCM, candidates are expected to demonstrate a greater insight into the practical application of teaching
skills from beginner to Grade 8 standard, as well as the ability to evaluate and communicate effectively within the music
education environment.

Component 4: Discussion
The examiners will lead the candidate in a wide-ranging discussion that will be based on issues arising from previous
sections of the examination, which may include the written submissions. Some wider issues may also be introduced.

Candidates should be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding, confidence, authority, and clarity of verbal
articulation in matters related to teaching pupils of all ages and standards up to Grade 8.

Component 5: Chart Reading

Candidates will be presented with a previously unseen chord chart in 34 44 or 68 time. Candidates are allowed five minutes
to study the chart and are then required to play it, using a fingerstyle technique and embellishing the basic chord
symbols to produce a very effective musical result.

The range of chords will be restricted to the following:

• Major
• Minor
• Major, minor and dominant seventh
• Major, minor and dominant ninth
• Sus 4

2.6 Mark Weightings for Examination

DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching:

Fingerboard Presentation and

Lesson Discussion
Knowledge Demonstration
15% 35% 35% 15%

ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching:

Presentation and
Essay Lesson Discussion Chart Reading
20% 30% 30% 10% 10%

LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching:

Presentation and
Dissertation Lesson Discussion Chart Reading
24% 30% 26% 10% 10%

3. Assessment
3.1 How Marks are Awarded

The examiner will award a mark for each component of the examination. The following criteria will be taken into

3.1.1 DipLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Component 1: Fingerboard Knowledge

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Technical accomplishment: accuracy, fluency, clarity, fingerboard positions, appropriate
and even tempo, prompt response to examiner’s requests.
Musicality: musical shape and a sense of confidence in presentation. 15%

Component 2: Lesson

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Evidence of the candidate’s awareness and use of appropriate technical and musical
The ability to articulate and express concepts clearly to the pupil. 50%

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues. 30%
A discernible sense of enthusiasm, commitment and involvement. 25%
Clarity and verbal articulacy. 15%
Quality of performance of musical examples. 30%

Component 4: Discussion

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Knowledge and understanding of relevant issues and concepts. 40%
A discernible sense of enthusiasm, commitment and involvement. 40%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 20%

3.1.2 ALCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Component 1: Essay

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Understanding and knowledge of the issues raised by the question. 70%
The ability to construct and communicate a clear and well-structured argument. 10%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 10%
Presentation of written work. 10%

Component 2: Lesson

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Clear evidence of the candidate’s awareness and capable use of appropriate technical and
musical concepts.
The ability to articulate and express concepts clearly and meaningfully to the pupil. 50%

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Clear understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues. 30%
A discernible sense of enthusiasm, commitment and involvement. 25%
Clarity and verbal articulacy. 15%
Quality of performance of musical examples. 30%

Component 4: Discussion

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Clear knowledge and understanding of relevant issues and concepts. 40%
A discernible sense of enthusiasm, commitment and involvement. 40%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 20%

Component 5: Chart Reading

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting

Technical accomplishment: the ability to perform the test accurately, with secure
Musicality: the ability to make appropriate musical performance choices when
performing the test.
Communication: the ability to give a convincing overall account of the music. 20%

3.1.3 LLCM in Acoustic Guitar Teaching

Component 1a: Case Studies

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Quality and perception of ideas and issues discussed. 60%
The ability to construct and communicate a clear and well-structured presentation. 20%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 10%
Presentation of written work. 10%

Component 1b: Players and Styles

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Quality and perception of analytical comments in relation to the players and styles of
music under discussion, and to the teaching / performing perspective.
The ability to construct and communicate a clear and well-structured presentation. 20%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 10%
Presentation of written work. 10%

Component 1c: Essay

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Clear understanding and knowledge of the issues raised by the question. 60%
The ability to construct and communicate a clear, effective and well-structured argument. 20%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 10%
Presentation of written work. 10%

Component 2: Lesson
Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Evidence of the candidate’s awareness and use of appropriate technical and musical
The ability to articulate clearly and express concepts effectively to the pupil. 50%

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Clear understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues. 30%
A discernible sense of enthusiasm, commitment and involvement. 25%
Clarity and verbal articulacy. 15%
Quality of performance of musical examples. 30%

Component 4: Discussion
Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Clear knowledge and understanding of relevant issues and concepts. 40%
A discernible sense of enthusiasm, commitment and involvement. 40%
Clarity of language and vocabulary. 20%

Component 5: Chart Reading

Assessment Domains Approximate weighting
Technical accomplishment: the ability to perform the test with a high degree of accuracy
and with a capable technique.
Musicality: the ability to make sensitive and musical performance choices when
performing the test.
Communication: the ability to give a convincing and confident overall account of the

3.2 Attainment Descriptions

The awards are differentiated by outcome. Depending on the level of mastery demonstrated during the examination, a
mark out of 100 will be awarded, and each candidate may accordingly be ‘Approved’ or ‘Not Approved’. Each mark band
corresponds with the following descriptions of achievement and requires that the candidate obtains or exceeds the
minimum number of marks set as the boundary for the award.

The guidelines below are not intended to be mutually exclusive, but should function interrelatedly. Thus for any
particular attainment band, one or more criteria might exceed those specified, while one or more others might fail to
meet the requirements. The criteria for each examination are as follows:

DipLCM(TD) Attainment Band Descriptions

Component 1: Fingerboard Knowledge [Max. 15 marks]

Approved, upper level (13 – 15)

• An accurate, fluent and confident presentation of all the requirements, played promptly and with clarity and even timing

Approved (11 – 12.5)

• Prompt responses, mostly accurate and clear but with occasional lapses in any one of these factors. Some lack of fluency or
clarity in comparison with upper level.

Not Approved, upper level (8 – 10.5)

• Containing restarts and errors and at a variable and inappropriate tempo, but showing some potential to pass.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 7.5)

• Some creditable moments but with a significant number of errors and restarts resulting in poor fluency and technical

Component 2: Lesson [Max. 35 marks]

Approved, upper level (30 – 35)

• Clear evidence of basic but secure teaching skills.
• Accurate and reasonably accomplished presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• Secure evidence of a detailed understanding of the musical concepts relevant to the lesson.
• A relatively high level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Approved (26.5 – 29.5)

• Evidence of basic but solidly competent teaching skills.
• Mostly accurate and satisfactory presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• Some evidence of an appropriate understanding of the musical concepts relevant to the lesson.
• Acceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, upper level (19.5 – 26)

• A lack of clear evidence of basic, competent teaching skills, showing some potential to develop these skills.
• An unsatisfactory level of accomplishment in the presentation of technical elements on the guitar.
• A failure to clearly demonstrate an understanding of the musical concepts relevant to the lesson.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 19)

• A failure to demonstrate basic teaching skills
• A poor level of technical accomplishment in the presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• A clear lack of understanding of the musical concepts relevant to the lesson.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration [Max. 35 marks]

Approved, upper level (30 – 35)

• Wide evidence of a general understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues relating to guitar teaching. The required
focus here is on the standard of the pupil in the lesson component.
• Accurate and reasonably accomplished presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A clear sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• Effective verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Approved (26.5 – 29. 5)
• Some evidence of a general understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues relating to guitar teaching. The required
focus here is on the standard of the pupil in the lesson component.
• Accurate and satisfactory presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A reasonable level of enthusiasm and involvement.
• Acceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, upper level (19.5 – 26)

• A lack of clear evidence of an understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues relating to guitar teaching. Nevertheless
showing some potential to obtain a pass at this level.
• An unsatisfactory level of accomplishment in the presentation of musical examples on the guitar.
• No clear sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 19)

• A failure to demonstrate both understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues related to guitar teaching.
• A poor level of accomplishment in the presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A clear lack of enthusiasm and involvement.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Component 4: Discussion [Max. 15 marks]

Approved, upper level (13 – 15)

• Confident responses, accurate and detailed. The required focus here is on the standard of the pupil in the lesson
• An effective level of verbal articulacy.

Approved (11 – 12.5)

• Generally accurate and reasonably detailed but with some hesitancy. The required focus here is on the standard of the pupil
in the lesson component.
• An acceptable level of verbal articulacy.

Not Approved, upper level (8 – 10.5)

• Various inaccuracies and significant hesitancy, but showing some potential to pass.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 7. 5)

• Numerous inaccuracies demonstrating a clear lack of understanding.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy.

ALCM(TD) Attainment Band Descriptions

Component 1: Essay [Max. 20 marks]

Approved, upper level (17 – 20)

• Clear evidence of a detailed understanding of the concepts and topics.
• Accurate and clear presentation of all aspects of the written work.
• A clear understanding of all aspects of the teaching process.

Approved (15 – 16.5)

• Evidence of a competent understanding of the concepts and topics.
• Accurate and satisfactory presentation of all aspects of written work.
• A satisfactory understanding of all aspects of the teaching process.

Not Approved, upper level (11 – 14.5)

• A lack of clear evidence of an understanding of the concepts and topics.
• An unsatisfactory level of presentation of aspects of the written work.
• A failure to clearly demonstrate an understanding of all aspects of the teaching process.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 10.5)

• A failure to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and topics.
• A poor level of presentation of aspects of the written work.
• A clear lack of understanding of aspects of the teaching process.

Component 2: Lesson [Max. 30 marks]

Approved, upper level (25.5 – 30)

• Clear evidence of competent and professional teaching skills.
• Accurate and generally accomplished presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• Secure evidence of a detailed understanding of the musical concepts.
• A generally high level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Approved (22.5 – 25)

• Evidence of competent and professional teaching skills.
• Mostly accurate and satisfactory presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• Clear evidence of an appropriate understanding of the musical concepts.
• Acceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, upper level (16.5 – 22)

• A lack of clear evidence of competent and professional teaching skills.
• An unsatisfactory level of accomplishment in the presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• A failure to clearly demonstrate an understanding of the musical concepts.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 16)

• A failure to demonstrate competent and professional teaching skills.
• A poor level of technical accomplishment in the presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• A clear lack of understanding of the musical concepts.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration [Max. 30 marks]

Approved, upper level (25.5 – 30)

• Clear evidence of a generally detailed understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• Accurate and generally accomplished presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A clear sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• A generally high level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Approved (22.5 – 25)

• Evidence of some understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• Accurate and satisfactory presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• An appropriate sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• Acceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, upper level (16.5 – 22)

• A lack of clear evidence of a solid understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• An unsatisfactory level of accomplishment in the presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• No clear sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 16)

• A failure to demonstrate both understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• A poor level of accomplishment in the presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A clear lack of enthusiasm and involvement.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Component 4: Discussion [Max. 10 marks]

Approved, upper level (8.5 – 10)

• Confident responses, accurate and detailed. Some ability to understand the broader issues.
• A high level of verbal articulacy.

Approved (7.5 – 8)
• Generally accurate and reasonably detailed but with some hesitancy.
• An acceptable level of verbal articulacy.

Not Approved, upper level (5.5 – 7)

• Various inaccuracies and significant hesitancy, but showing some potential to pass.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 5)

• Numerous inaccuracies demonstrating a clear lack of understanding.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy.

Component 5: Chart Reading [Max. 10 marks]

Approved, upper level (8.5 – 10)

• An accurate, fluent, inventive and confident performance of the chord chart, played promptly with no re-starts and with
clarity and secure timing throughout.

Approved (7.5 – 8)
• Mainly accurate and clear but with occasional lapses in any one of these factors. Some lack of inventiveness, fluency or
clarity in comparison with upper level.

Not Approved, upper level (5.5 – 7)

• Containing restarts and errors and at a variable and inappropriate tempo, but showing the potential to pass.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 5)

• Some creditable moments but with a significant number of errors and restarts resulting in poor fluency and technical

LLCM(TD) Attainment Band Descriptions

Component 1: Dissertation [Max. 24 marks]
Approved, upper level (20.5 – 24)
• Clear evidence of a detailed understanding of the concepts and topics.
• Accurate and clear presentation of all aspects of the written work.
• A clear understanding of all aspects of the teaching process.

Approved (18 – 20)

• Evidence of a competent understanding of the concepts and topics.
• Accurate and satisfactory presentation of all aspects of written work.
• A satisfactory understanding of all aspects of the teaching process.

Not Approved, upper level (13.5 – 17.5)

• A lack of clear evidence of an understanding of the concepts and topics.
• An unsatisfactory level of presentation of aspects of the written work.
• A failure to clearly demonstrate an understanding of all aspects of the teaching process.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 13)

• A failure to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and topics.
• A poor level of presentation of aspects of the written work.
• A clear lack of understanding of aspects of the teaching process.

Component 2: Lesson [Max. 30 marks]

Approved, upper level (25.5 – 30)
• Clear evidence of highly competent and professional teaching skills.
• Accurate and accomplished presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• Secure evidence of a detailed understanding of the musical concepts.
• A high level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Approved (22.5 – 25)

• Evidence of solidly competent and professional teaching skills.
• Accurate and satisfactory presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• Clear evidence of an appropriate understanding of the musical concepts.
• Acceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, upper level (16.5 – 22)

• A lack of clear evidence of competent and professional teaching skills.
• An unsatisfactory level of accomplishment in the presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• A failure to clearly demonstrate an understanding of the musical concepts.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 16)

• A failure to demonstrate competent and professional teaching skills.
• A poor level of technical accomplishment in the presentation of all technical elements on the guitar.
• A clear lack of understanding of the musical concepts.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Component 3: Presentation and Demonstration [Max. 26 marks]
Approved, upper level (22 – 26)
• Clear evidence of a detailed understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• Accurate and accomplished presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A clear sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• A high level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Approved (19.5 – 21.5)

• Evidence of a solid understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• Accurate and satisfactory presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• An appropriate sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• Acceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, upper level (14.5 – 19)

• A lack of clear evidence of a solid understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• An unsatisfactory level of accomplishment in the presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• No clear sense of enthusiasm and involvement.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 14)

• A failure to demonstrate both understanding and knowledge of the relevant issues.
• A poor level of accomplishment in the presentation of all musical examples on the guitar.
• A clear lack of enthusiasm and involvement.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy and communication skills.

Component 4: Discussion [Max. 10 marks]

Approved, upper level (8.5 – 10)

• Confident responses, accurate and detailed.
• A high level of verbal articulacy.

Approved (7.5 – 8)
• Generally accurate and reasonably detailed but with some hesitancy.
• An acceptable level of verbal articulacy.

Not Approved, upper level (5.5 – 7)

• Various inaccuracies and significant hesitancy, but showing some potential to pass.
• An unacceptable level of verbal articulacy.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 5)

• Numerous inaccuracies demonstrating a clear lack of understanding.
• A poor level of verbal articulacy.

Component 5: Chart Reading [Max. 10 marks]

Approved, upper level (8.5 – 10)

• An accurate, fluent, creative and confident performance of the chord chart, played promptly with no re-starts and with
clarity and secure timing throughout. The performance demonstrating a high level of musicality and technical ability.

Approved (7.5 – 8)
• Mainly accurate and clear but with occasional lapses in any one of these factors. Some lack of creativity, musicality, fluency
or clarity in comparison with upper level.

Not Approved, upper level (5.5 – 7)

• Containing restarts and errors and at a variable and inappropriate tempo, but showing the potential to pass.

Not Approved, lower level (0 – 5)

• Some creditable moments but with a significant number of errors and restarts resulting in poor fluency and technical

4. Awarding and Reporting
4.1 Issue of Results

A written report will be compiled for each examination. Candidates will be informed of the result of practical
examinations by post as soon as possible; normally not later than four weeks after the examination date. Results cannot
be issued over the telephone. Certificates for successful candidates are normally dispatched within 16 weeks of the date
of the examination. This time is necessary to ensure that all results are properly checked and standardised.

4.2 Awards

For DipLCM, ALCM and LLCM, candidates must attain an overall minimum mark of 75% in order to pass the examination.
See Section 4.3 (‘Repeats of Examinations’).

Candidates who successfully complete a teaching diploma in acoustic guitar are permitted to append the letters
‘DipLCM(TD)’, ‘ALCM(TD)’ or ‘LLCM(TD)’, as appropriate, to their name. Successful candidates are also permitted to
wear academic dress as specified in Regulation 22.

4.3 Repeats of Examinations

Where a candidate is not able to reach the minimum standard for a pass in an examination, application for
re-examination is permitted upon payment of the current entry fee.

In some cases (see below), candidates may carry forward the marks of certain components that were previously awarded
75% or more of the available marks. All candidates carrying forward previously approved components must indicate
clearly on the entry form which components are being carried over, enter marks previously awarded, and indicate
previous entry registration number, as required on the form.

DipLCM(TD): All examination components must be completed on re-examination.

ALCM(TD): The result of Component 1 (Essay) may be carried forward for up to three years, if 75% or more of the
available marks (i.e. 15 marks or above) have been awarded.
Conversely, the combined result of Components 2 (Lesson), 3 (Presentation), 4 (Discussion) and 5 (Chart Reading) may
be carried forward for up to three years if 75% or more of the available marks (i.e. 60 marks or above) have been
awarded for the combined result of these four components. In this case three copies of a new or rewritten essay must
be re-submitted to the RGT Examinations office for re-examination, accompanied by the entry form and the appropriate
current fee.

LLCM(TD): The result of Component 1 (Dissertation) may be carried forward for up to three years if 75% or more of the
available marks (i.e. 18 marks or above) have been awarded.
Conversely, the combined result of Components 2 (Lesson), 3 (Presentation), 4 (Discussion) and 5 (Chart Reading) may
be carried forward for up to three years if 75% or more of the available marks (i.e. 57 marks or above) have been
awarded for the combined result of these four components. In this case three copies of a new or rewritten dissertation
must be re-submitted to the RGT Examinations office for re-examination, accompanied by the entry form and
appropriate current fee.

5. Regulations and Information
1. Validity of syllabus: This syllabus is valid from 1 January 2010 until 31 December 2016.

2. Examination dates and locations: Diploma examinations take place throughout the year according to location. In
the UK examinations are held three times a year: Spring (March/April), Summer (June/July) and Winter
(November/December). Overseas candidates should contact their RGT national representative or the RGT UK Head
Office for details of examination dates. DipLCM examinations may be held at a wide range of exam centres.
Associate, Licentiate and Fellowship diplomas are normally examined by a panel of two examiners and, dependent
upon the number of entrants from each area, these examinations may only take place at a limited range of exam
centres (for example, in the UK candidates should be prepared to travel to London for their examination).

3. Entry procedure: Closing dates for entry, for each examination session, are listed on the entry fee lists and RGT
website www.RGT.org. Examination entries must be submitted using an RGT entry form.

4. Late entries: These may be accepted up to seven days after the last date of entry. Each entry must be
accompanied by the current late fee for each candidate. No entry will be accepted if it is received at a later date.

5. Conditions of entry: Examinations may be held on any day of the week including, but not exclusively, weekends.
Examinations may be held within or outside of the school term. The examination entry form provides a space for
candidates to name specific dates (and times on those dates) when it would be absolutely impossible for them to
attend due to important prior commitments (such as pre-booked overseas travel) that cannot be cancelled. RGT will
endeavour to avoid scheduling a Diploma examination session on those dates, however no undertaking can be made
in this respect and provisional entries dependent on convenient dates will not be accepted and examination entry
fees cannot be refunded. In fairness to all other Diploma candidates it is essential that candidates only list dates as
non-available on which it would be impossible to attend. An entry form that blocks out unreasonable periods may
be returned. The right to refuse, postpone or cancel the entry of any candidate is reserved. Entries are accepted
subject to the regulations stated in this syllabus and on the examination entry form. Entry for examination
constitutes an agreement on the part of the candidate to abide by these regulations.

6. Fees: A table of UK examination fees is printed each year and is available on the RGT website www.RGT.org.
Overseas examination fees are obtainable from the national RGT representative. Cheques, bankers’ drafts, etc. must
be made payable to RGT. Fees cannot be refunded, nor entries postponed to a later examination session.
Candidates not attending examinations for which they have entered, unless for a reason covered under the Special
Consideration policy (see Regulation 25), will forfeit their fees.

7. Substitutions: Only candidates officially entered will be accepted for examination. Substitution of a candidate in
place of a candidate originally entered will not be allowed.

8. Transfers: Transfer of candidates from one centre to another will not be considered unless there are exceptional
circumstances which have been approved prior to the transfer by the RGT Examinations office in writing. An
administration charge will be made.

9. Examination appointments: An Attendance Notice detailing the date, time and venue of the examination will be
issued to each candidate via the Email address (or postal address if no Email address is supplied) on the entry form,
not later than 10 days before the date of the examination. This should be retained by the candidate, and handed to
the examiner on the day of the examination. The RGT Examinations office should be informed immediately if there
are any errors on the Attendance Notice as spelling corrections will incur a fee if notified after the issue of the
certificate. Candidates should arrive at the venue no later than 10 minutes before the scheduled time of the

10. Conditions at exam centres: A suitable room and waiting area will be provided. A chair, music stand, and small
amplifier will be provided.

11. Examination procedure: The examination components will normally be conducted in the order shown in the
syllabus. For improvisation and sight reading components, candidates will be allowed a short amount of preparation
time, during which they may study and try out short sections of the music, but they should not play the complete
piece through until asked to do so by the examiner.

12. Admission to the examination room: Practical examinations are conducted in closed conditions. No-one, apart
from the candidate and the examiner(s), is allowed into the examination room with the exception of ‘an approved
person’, such as a language interpreter, where this concession has been granted prior to the examination as the
result of a request for reasonable adjustments for a candidate with particular needs (see Regulation 26). Other
exceptions are a pupil for the Lesson component of the Teaching Diplomas.

13. Fingering: Specified fingerings in RGT publications should be taken as suggested guidelines only. Alternative
systematic and effective fingerings will be accepted by examiners, unless they adversely affect the musical result.

14. Tuning: Diploma candidates should tune their own instruments prior to entering the examination room.

15. Use of photocopies: The use of photocopied music by candidates, unless authorised by the publisher or copyright
holder, will not be permitted in the examination with the following exceptions:
(a) a photocopy of a page of a work for ease of performance due to a difficult page turn;
(b) a photocopy of a piece for the examiner’s reference, provided the performer is using their own published
(c) an enlarged or modified photocopy for candidates with particular needs, provided the original edition is also
brought to the examination and presented to the examiner (see Regulation 26).
All such photocopies will be retained by the examiner, and destroyed at the end of the day’s examinations.
Compliance with copyright law is the responsibility of the candidate and failure to comply may lead to
disqualification and no marks or certificate being awarded.

16. Stopping candidates: Examiners may, at their discretion, stop a candidate during any part of an examination if the
candidate has exceeded the time allowed for that part of the examination.

17. Exemptions: No exemptions are allowed from any part of any examination. Where an examination component is
not attempted, a mark of 0 will be awarded. However, where all elements of a component are at least attempted, a
mark equivalent to at least 33% will be awarded for that component.

18. Recording of examinations: A random selection of examinations is recorded for purposes of archiving,
standardisation and examiner training. RGT and LCM Examinations undertake not to disseminate such recordings in
any way whatsoever beyond these purposes. The recording equipment used is unobtrusive and does not affect the
examination procedure. Such recordings may not be used or referred to at any stage in connection with any enquiry,
appeal or complaint about the examination, either by the candidate or by RGT or LCM Examinations.

19. Examination results and certificates: A written report will be compiled for each examination. Candidates will be
informed by post of the result of practical examinations as soon as possible, and normally not later than four weeks
after the examination date. Results cannot be issued over the telephone. Certificates for successful candidates are
normally dispatched within 16 weeks of the date of the examination. Replacements of lost or destroyed certificates
can normally be provided, subject to proof of the result, proof of the applicant’s identity, and payment of the
appropriate current fee.

20. Diplomas in teaching: LCM Diplomas in Teaching do not confer Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) on the holder.

21. Diploma completion period: Diploma candidates must complete all the requirements of the examination within a
3-year period, in order to be awarded the qualification.

22. Academic dress: Holders of LCM Teaching or Performance Diplomas may wear academic dress as follows:
DipLCM: Gown
ALCM: Gown and Cap
LLCM: Gown, Cap and Licentiate Hood
FLCM: Gown, Cap and Fellowship Hood
Academic dress is available for hire or purchase from the official robemaker, William Northam & Co Ltd, Henry
Crabb Road, Littleport, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 1SE (tel. 0870 2401852). A Form of Authority, obtainable from
LCM Examinations, should accompany all orders.

23. Enquiries and appeals: Information about lodging enquiries and appeals against results is contained in the
document LCM Examinations Appeals Procedure, available from LCM Examinations. Initial enquiries should be made
in writing to the RGT Examinations office, enclosing a copy of the examination report form.

24. Equal opportunities: Entry for examinations is available, and assessment is carried out, on an equal and fair basis
to all candidates, regardless of origin, status or background. The full policy is contained in the document Equality of
Opportunity, Reasonable Adjustments, and Special Consideration, available on request from the LCM Examinations

25. Special consideration (including absence through illness): Candidates who are unable to take an examination at
the scheduled time, for medical reasons, are invited to submit a signed doctor’s letter indicating the reason, and
accompanied by the Attendance Notice, to the RGT office. The letter must be submitted within two weeks of the
examination date, and must make clear that the candidate was incapacitated on the day of the scheduled
examination. The candidate will then be permitted to re-enter for the same examination on payment of half the
current fee. Candidates who are unwell on the day of the examination, but elect to take the exam nonetheless, will
not be granted any special consideration in terms of assessment, and will not be eligible for a half-fee re-entry.
Candidates who are unable to take an examination for compassionate reasons (e.g. death of a relative) are also
covered under this policy. The full policy is contained in the document Equality of Opportunity, Reasonable
Adjustments, and Special Consideration, available on request from the LCM Examinations office.

26. Reasonable adjustments (candidates with particular needs): RGT and LCM Examinations are particularly
sensitive to the requirements of candidates with particular needs, and encourage them to enter for examinations.
There is a wide range of special procedures that can be put in place for such candidates. Full details and
accompanying documentation MUST be included at the time of entry; examiners are not able to consider such
documents if submitted for the first time on the day of the examination. Full details of this policy are contained in
the document Equality of Opportunity, Reasonable Adjustments, and Special Consideration, available on request
from the LCM Examinations office.

27. Language: All examinations are conducted in English.

28. Syllabus requirements and infringements: It is the candidate’s responsibility to obtain, and comply with, the
current syllabus. Where teachers enter candidates for examinations, the teacher should ensure that candidates are
entered in accordance with the current syllabus requirements. Where there are variations without prior agreement,
marks may be adjusted or deducted, and in serious cases, candidates may be disqualified.

29. Changes to syllabuses: RGT and LCM Examinations follow a policy of consistent improvement and development
and may, without notice, update regulations, syllabuses, handbooks and other publications. Where alterations,
additions and/or deletions to handbooks and syllabuses take place, RGT and LCM Examinations cannot accept
responsibility for informing candidates and teachers of such changes except through Guitar Tutor (the RGT
magazine), Forte (the LCM Examinations newsletter) and the normal reprinting process.


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