Test Taking Skills and Exam
Test Taking Skills and Exam
Test Taking Skills and Exam
A multiple type of test has 3 important parts: the stem, the distracters and the key.
THE STEM – is a question, where it has a series of clues in it: a negative stem would require a negative answer and a
positive stem would require a positive answer.
Words such as: not, neither, without are negative stems which requires negative answers.
THE DISTRACTORS – these are choices that you think would be the possible answer but it is not.
Read the questions carefully and try to answer the question without looking at the choices. Always remember
that a LET exam is a formatted exam. Do not over-analyzed your answer, keep in mind that you are under time
You have some foreign visitors who will stay for a time in your community. What actions will you take to
manage conflicting situations and at the same time bring about values that enhance your sense of
Conflict may arise when two different cultures meet and interact. In option A, trying hard to speak the
language of another culture does not promote one’s own language nor brings out the sense of nationhood to
an individual. Likewise, option C serving the person the food he eats in his own country does not do the
country any good.
So, the right answers are option B and D. Both are positive indicators of love of the country. But you only have
to choose the best answer, going back to the stem it talks about values. So, the best answer is option D.
Mrs. Arao gave her students a unit test and found out that three of them got a failing marks in
subtracting mixed fractions. What should she do to help them?
2. Heavily sanctioned folkway which no one dares to question because they embody moral laws are called
A. Beliefs C. mores
B. Customs D. tradition
3. What is that inevitable force in history which takes place from time to time?
A. Change C. Progress
B. Development D. Evolution
4. Nora Aunor became a legend in the show business because of her talent, determination and hardwork.
What role does this illustrates?
A. Ascribed role C. Hereditary role
B. Achieved role D. Temporary role
5. Pinning veil around the bride and the groom/ exchange of rings, releasing of doves, etc. during the
wedding ceremony show that culture is
A. Symbolic C. Historical
B. Continuous D. Changeless
6. Aling Maria has taught her daughter how to prepare good and delicious desserts from local fruits and
vegetables. What cultural transmission process is this?
A. Observation C. Enculturation
B. Acculturation D. Indoctrination
7. Mr. Francisco was teaching something on mores, folkways, customs and beliefs in his Social Studies
class. What was his lesson about?
A. Material culture C. Tangible culture
B. Non- material culture D. Hereditary Culture
8. It was the first day of school, Ms. Jerao prepared activities which will make her grade III children sing,
play, talk, learn and introduce themselves to the class. What process did the teacher emphasize?
A. Enculturation C. Indoctrination
B. Socialization D. Acculturation
9. Mildred, an accountant, who now lies with a married man was disowned by her family and friends.
This punishment is a form of
A. Isolation C. Ostracism
B. Deportation D. Character assassination
10. When a certain culture is acceptable to one group and questionable to others, it shows that:
A. Culture is borrowed duct C. culture is varied
B. Culture is a shared product D. culture is relative
11. The teaching and learning of religion and values mostly make use of
A. Enculturation C. Culturation
B. Indoctrination D. Acculturation
13. Ms. Curtis is a stickler for cleanliness and orderliness in the classroom. For this, she asks her students
A. Do the same even when they’re at home
B. Remove their shoes in entering the classroom
C. Formulate norms and remind them often to follow these norms
D. Bring cleaning materials and clean the room before, during and after class.
15. Which statement best indicates a balance between responsibility and authority. Ms. Soriano has just
provided a group activity o her class. While the class is at it, she says…
A. You can talk as much as you want
B. You are forbidden to talk to each other
C. I’ll send you out of the room if you create so much noise
D. You can talk provided you finish the work on time and do not disturb the other group.
17. Which situation shows desirable relationship between teachers and other groups of people?
A. Mrs. Agustin, a newly-assigned principal to Barangay San Andres, calls on the barangay chairman
B. The new teacher was requested to help the barangay council in a case involving one of his students.
He declined
C. Mr. Palma feels that the barangay council is against his plan; so. He does not consult the council
even if there is a need for it.
D. The principal does her own way of campaigning for cleanliness in and outside the school; she never
gets involved with the same campaign of the barangay officials.
18. Which two characteristics of eastern philosophies might have influenced Philippine education?
A. Focus on the individual
B. The group is above self
C. Knowledge comes through meditation
D. Man’s way of life must be characterized by harmony
19. Which situation shows that action is legal but not moral? Public official, entitled to specific privileges
from the government.
A. Takes the most economical fare in going to his duties
B. Does his job without getting favors from the client he serves
C. Reverts back to the public coffers the 10% commission due to him.
D. Buys the latest and the most expensive car model for his department
20. An organized and systematized manner of learning where expectancies are controlled by the teacher is
termed as:
A. Teaching C. Schooling
B. Education D. Motivation
21. A social agency that makes a child learn to value himself and eventually others is
A. Home C. Group
B. School D. Society
22. What will surely takes place whenever society adapts modernization abruptly?
A. There is peace. C. There is progress.
B. There is harmony. D. There is confusion.
23. When a person fails to adjust to the fast changing world, he is likely to suffer from
A. Culture shock C. Culture change
B. Severe headache D. Extreme loneliness
26. The process of individual and group change caused by contact with various cultural system is
A. Acculturation C. Culturation
B. Enculturation D. Indoctrination
27. Which of the sciences below is more connected with the study of social traditions?
A. Theology C. Sociology
B. Psychology D. Anthropology
28. Which of the following best illustrates a sense of responsibility that a professional teacher is expected
to have?
A. Is humble C. has pleasant disposition
B. Makes good use of time D. tutors own student for a fee
29. The proper sequencing of grade levels according to chronological ages of learners is called
A. Status C. Agency
B. Organization D. Institution
30. Difficulty in focusing and maintaining attention coupled with recurrent hyper active and impulsive
behavior are observed difficulties of children manifesting a kind of difficulty known as ________.
A. Autism B. Dyslexia C. Sensory impairment D. Attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder
31. Lesson objectives must be aligned with aims of education as embodied in the Philippine Constitution
and should be stated in the course syllabus. What is a season for this?
A. To learn more about the constitution of our country
B. To develop “mission-inspired citizens”
C. To facilitate a faster and better learning
D. To instill the ideals and goals of the country
32. An act known as the Philippine Professionalization Act of 1994, to strengthen the regulation and
supervision of the practice of teaching is provided in ______.
A. Republic Act No.8763 C. Republic Act No. 8980
B. Republic Act No. 7836 D. Republic Act No. 9880
33. Learning has taken place when a strong bond between stimulus and response is formed. This is a
theory of
A. Constructivism C. Predisposition
B. Categorization D. Connectionism
34. Instructional objectives in the effective domain include receiving, responding, valuing and the highest
level is
A. Acceptance or preference
B. Selective Attention or willingness to receive
C. Sequence or feeling of satisfaction
D. Conceptualization of a value
35. According to Ausabel, one of the ways to strengthen the students’ cognitive structure is by using an
instructional tool called
A. Cross-referencing C. Advance organizer
B. Spiral Approach D. Narrative
36. The heroism of Jose Rizal exemplifies Kohlberg’s theory of normal development. Which is Rizal’s
A. He possesses moral responsibility to make societal changes regardless of sequences to oneself
B. He believes laws that are wrong can be changed
C. He gives importance to what people will think or say
D. He is motivated to act by the benefit he gets later
37. A left-brain dominant individual is portrayed as one, who is analytic, linear and responds to logic. A
right-brain person is viewed as__________________.
A. one who prefers to begin with details leading to a generalization
B. vernal, impulsive and learns sequentially
C. global, holistic and responds to emotions
D. one who is more comfortable with details and patterns
38. Thorndike’s law of effect states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened when
the consequence is____________________.
A. repeated B. negative C. pleasurable D. positive
39. How can a teacher help students with different learning and thinking styles continue to learn more
A. Allow sufficient time for processing different types of information
B. Provide a general overview of the lesson
C. use a variety of reflection strategies
D. Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking and valuing
40. Teacher B requested an older, brighter and more cooperative member in a group to teach the other
members. What is the rationale in employing this methodology?
A. The tutor is better equipped and close to the rest
B. They know one another, learning is faster
C. The tutor is older and can command them to understand
D. The members can rely on a brighter tutor
41. Cooperative learning approach makes use of a classroom organization where students work in teams to
help each other learn. What mode of grouping can facilitate the skill and values desired?
A. whole class B. homogenous C. heterogeneous D. Competitive
42. . It is a teaching approach that views learning as an active process that creates a meaningful connection
between prior experience and the present learning activity hence results in better understanding and
meanings. This approach is known as_______________________.
A. inquiry B. metacognitive C. problem solving D. constructivism
43. Research findings showed the student’s motivation may vary according to socio-economic background.
Which observation can attest to this?
A. Females are more likely than males to earn higher grades
B. Students from low-income families are among those likely to be at risk for failing and dropping from school
C. Gifted students are more highly motivated
D. More boys than girls become underachievers
44. A teachers earns the title of “professional” if she/he is adjudged knowledgeable, proficient in a variety of
teaching methodologies and exhibits a high degree of a third component of competence which is/are___.
A. mastery of content C. ethical and moral standards
B. a high degree of dexterity D. fairness and objectivity
45. . It is a quality that is emitted like a “spark”. Dubbed as an energizer, it is evident in a teacher’s eagerness
and excitement in convincing children to get involved in the learning activity. It is contagious.
A. Enthusiasm B. Encouragement C. Compassion D. Interest
46. “it is best to remember that when times are rough and difficulties arise, we have to stand strong and
remain committed to doing whatever is necessary to raise our children with optimism, understanding and
love”. This is a strong statement from a teacher possessing a trait called______________________.
A. patience B. resilience C. industriousness D. sincerity
47. . I like to show a close representation of the size and shape of the earth and its location in the entire solar
system. What is the best instructional aid?
a. picture b. models c. realia d. films
48. An appropriate assessment tool for assessing the development of learning in the affective domain is
A. reading of journal entries
B. performance assessment
C. product assessment
D. self-assessment
49. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt behavior,
meaning, an individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory came to be known as
A. operant conditioning C. classical conditioning
B. stimulus response associations D. connectionism