Iso 3450 2011 en PDF
Iso 3450 2011 en PDF
Iso 3450 2011 en PDF
Fourth edition
Reference number
ISO 3450:2011(E)
© ISO 2011
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ISO 3450:2011(E)
Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................................. iv
1 Scope....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references.......................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions. ........................................................................................................................................ 2
4 General requirements......................................................................................................................................... 5
4.1 Required brake systems. ................................................................................................................................... 5
4.2 Common components. ....................................................................................................................................... 6
4.3 Brake control systems........................................................................................................................................ 6
4.4 Service brake systems. ...................................................................................................................................... 7
4.5 Secondary brake systems................................................................................................................................. 7
4.6 Parking brake systems....................................................................................................................................... 7
4.7 Hydrostatic brake systems................................................................................................................................ 7
4.8 Systems with combined brake and steer function. .................................................................................... 8
4.9 Performance and warning devices for stored energy sources............................................................... 8
4.10 Braking systems with electronic MCS. .......................................................................................................... 8
4.11 Machines designed to tow trailers. ................................................................................................................. 9
4.12 Machine instructions and labels...................................................................................................................... 9
4.13 Estimating brake slope capability................................................................................................................. 10
5 Test conditions. .................................................................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Overall test parameters.................................................................................................................................... 10
5.2 General test conditions.................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 Test course. ......................................................................................................................................................... 11
5.4 Machine test configuration.............................................................................................................................. 11
6 Performance tests.............................................................................................................................................. 12
6.1 General.................................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Braking system controls.................................................................................................................................. 12
6.3 Stored energy sources..................................................................................................................................... 12
6.4 Holding performance. ....................................................................................................................................... 13
6.5 Stopping performance...................................................................................................................................... 14
6.6 Alternative testing.............................................................................................................................................. 16
7 Test report............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Annex A (informative) Braking for purpose-built underground mining machines.......................................... 18
Annex B (informative) Brake slope capability calculation method...................................................................... 23
Bibliography...................................................................................................................................................................... 24
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 3450 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 127, Earth-moving machinery, Subcommittee SC 2,
Safety, ergonomics and general requirements.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 3450:1996), which has been technically revised.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies minimum performance requirements and test procedures for the service,
secondary and parking brake systems of wheeled and high-speed rubber-tracked earth-moving machines, for
the uniform assessment of those brake systems.
It is applicable to the following earth-moving machinery, operating on work sites or in mining, or travelling on
public roads:
— earth-moving machines with rubber tracks and a maximum machine speed ≥20 km/h.
NOTE At the time of publication, no International Standard dedicated to purpose-built underground mining machines
had been developed.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document
(including any amendments) applies.
ISO 6016, Earth-moving machinery — Methods of measuring the masses of whole machines, their equipment
and components
ISO 6165, Earth-moving machinery — Basic types — Identification and terms and definitions
ISO 8811, Earth-moving machinery — Rollers and compactors — Terminology and commercial specifications
ISO 9248, Earth-moving machinery — Units for dimensions, performance and capacities, and their measurement
ISO 15998, Earth-moving machinery — Machine-control systems (MCS) using electronic components —
Performance criteria and tests for functional safety
brake system
braking system
all components which combine together to stop and/or hold the machine, including the brake control(s), brake
actuation system, the brake(s) themselves and, if the machine is so equipped, the retarder .
service brake system
primary system used for stopping and holding the machine
secondary brake system
system used to stop the machine in the event of any single failure in the service brake system
parking brake system
system used to hold a stopped machine in a stationary position and which, if applicable, may also be part of
secondary brake system
hydrostatic brake system
hydrostatic or other similar propel drive system used to meet one or more of the brake system requirements
brake control
component directly activated by the operator to cause a force to be transmitted to the brake(s)
brake actuation system
all components between the brake control and the brake(s) which connect them functionally
component which directly applies a force to oppose movement of the machine
NOTE The different types of brake include friction, mechanical, electrical, regenerative devices and hydrostatic or
other fluid types.
common component
component that performs a function in two or more brake systems
energy-absorption device normally used to control machine speed
hydrostatic drive system
hydraulic system where hydraulic motors form a direct drive to the wheels or track to propel the machine and
slow machine movement
machine test mass
operating mass of a machine which includes the heaviest combination of cab, canopy, operator protective
structures (if required) with all their components and mountings, any combination of equipment approved
by the manufacturer of the machine, including operator and full liquid systems in accordance with ISO 6016
(e.g. machine configuration and direction of travel having the most adverse effect on braking)
NOTE 2 For self-propelled scrapers with semi-trailed units, towed trailers and all types of dumpers, the machine test
mass shall also include the maximum specified payload as per the machine manufacturer’s specifications. For all other
machines, the payload shall not be included.
stopping distance
distance travelled by the machine from the point on the test course at which the machine brake control actuation
begins (e.g. operator actuates the brakes) to the point on the test course where the machine is fully stopped
NOTE 2 It does not take into account the operator reaction time, unless stated, but does take into account the system
reaction time.
mean deceleration
average rate of change in the velocity of the machine from the instant the brake control actuation begins until
a full stop is achieved
v is the velocity of the machine immediately prior to the brake control being activated, in metres per second
procedure used to condition the frictional surfaces of a brake
brake system pressure
fluid pressure available to the brake control
brake application pressure
measured fluid pressure used to actuate the brakes
modulated braking
ability to continuously and progressively increase and decrease the braking force by operation of the brake
EXAMPLE A system allows the braking force to be increased and decreased over time, based on single or repeated
movements of the brake control.
test course
surface upon which the test is carried out
cold brakes
〈brake systems containing friction elements〉 condition of brakes where
— the brakes have not been actuated in the previous hour except in accordance with the applicable
performance test (see Clause 6),
— the brakes have been cooled to 100 °C or less when measured on the brake disc or the outside of the
brake drum, or
— in the case of totally enclosed brakes, including oil-immersed brakes, the temperature measured on the
outside of the housing closest to the brake is below 50 °C or within the brake manufacturer’s specifications
maximum machine speed
maximum speed determined in accordance with ISO 6014, or equivalent
back throttling
action of applying slight forward or reverse power to a hydrostatic or other similar drive system in order to hold
the machine stationary
derivative earth-moving machine
machine with a combination of features from other earth-moving machines, thereby creating different
configurations or arrangements
EXAMPLE Machine having the front-mounted equipment of a loader on a non-self-loading, rear-mounted dumper
safe state
condition in which, after a malfunction of the machine control system, the controlled equipment, process or
system is automatically or manually stopped or switched into a mode that prevents unexpected performance
or the potentially hazardous release of stored energy
self-propelled crawler or wheeled machine with an open body, which transports and dumps or spreads material,
and where loading is performed by means other than the dumper
[ISO 6165]
rigid-frame dumper
dumper having a rigid frame and wheel or crawler steering
[ISO 6165]
NOTE Rigid-frame and articulated-frame dumpers are illustrated in ISO 7132:2003, Figures 1 and 2, 8 and 9, 14 and
15, and 18 and 19.
articulated-frame dumper
〈wheeled machine〉 dumper with an articulated frame which accomplishes the steering of the dumper
[ISO 6165]
NOTE Rigid-frame and articulated-frame dumpers are illustrated in ISO 7132:2003, Figures 1 and 2, 8 and 9, 14 and
15, and 18 and 19.
transport machine with one or more axles which, according to its design, is suitable and intended for coupling
to a self-propelled machine
fully developed deceleration rate
maximum continuous deceleration rate which the machine is capable of developing on a specified constant
slope, with a specific machine test mass and surface condition and an initial (prior to deceleration) machine
travel speed
purpose-built underground mining machine
specialized earthmoving machine designed for underground use which may have a lower height profile and
trailer attached
EXAMPLE Underground dump trucks, tele-dumpers, load haul dumps, scoops, coal haulers, power trams, chock
carriers, personnel carriers, loading machines.
machine control system
components needed to fulfil the function of the system, including sensors, signal processing unit, monitor,
controls and actuators or several of these
NOTE The extent of the system is not limited to the electronic controls, but is defined by the machine-related function
of the complete system. It therefore consists generally of electronic, non-electronic and connection devices. This can
include mechanical, hydraulic, optical or pneumatic components/systems.
[ISO 15998]
4 General requirements
The requirements of this clause apply to all machines within the scope of this International Standard.
All brake systems shall be designed, constructed and installed such that contamination and/or its effects are
Service, secondary and parking brake systems may share common components or functions and do not have
to be three independent and separate systems.
4.1.2 No brake system (including hydrostatic systems) shall contain a disconnecting device such as a clutch
or shiftable gear-box which allows disabling of the brake, except for systems in accordance with a) and/or b), as
a) any device designed to disconnect the service or secondary brake power source for cold weather starting
shall require application of the parking brake before disconnection can take place;
b) a parking brake disconnect (release) designed to allow movement of disabled machines shall be located
outside the operator’s station unless it can be reapplied immediately.
4.1.3 All machines shall have service brakes of an equal nominal capacity rating applicable to each of the
wheels (or equivalent) of at least one axle. Dumpers and self-propelled scrapers with semi-trailed unit(s) shall
have service brakes applicable to at least one axle of the towing machine and one axle of each semi-trailed unit.
4.1.4 For rollers, the service and secondary brakes shall apply to all power-driven drums and wheels. Each
drum of a split drum shall have the same nominal brake torque. The brake of a single-drum roller and a combined
roller shall apply to all wheels and to the drum.
4.1.5 If the parking brake is intended to stop creep movement, the parking brake system shall permit actuation
of the parking brake during travel.
Acceptable performance is achieved for common brake control failure as follows. If there is a failure with a
common brake control (lever, pedal, etc.) used to actuate the combined service and secondary brake systems,
and there is another dynamic braking capability provided with the machine (e.g. parking brake with dynamic
braking capability), the dynamic braking capability shall stop the machine after the failure within 120 % of the
stopping distance for secondary brakes (under secondary test conditions) in accordance with Table 3. This
dynamic braking capability may be applied automatically and without modulation. An indication should be given
to the operator simultaneous with, or before, application of the brake system, if applied automatically.
Unintended brake control activation can be avoided through compliance with ISO 10968.
Brake control systems should be designed to avoid any unintended application or release of brakes during
normal operation. This does not preclude the automatic application of a brake system due to intended design
conditions that also meet the requirements of this International Standard.
The arrangement of the brake system controls should be in accordance with ISO 10968. If not, an instructional
sign shall be provided (e.g. using symbols) explaining the control arrangement. Brake pedals and hydrostatic
brake system controls are obvious and may not require machine instructions.
A brake control system shall prevent or minimize any uncontrolled braking performance (random brake
applications, releases or sporadic braking performance, etc.) during normal operation (start, stop or normal
travel operation of the machine, etc.).
Electric, electronic and electronic machine control systems (MCS) for service, secondary or parking brakes
shall comply with ISO 15998.
The operator should be able to apply the service or secondary brake while retaining control of the steering
device on the machine with at least one hand.
If other systems receive power from the service brake system, any failure in those systems that reduces service
brake system performance shall be considered as a failure in the service brake system.
After application of the parking brake, the parking brake system shall not depend on an exhaustible energy
source or continuous operator action (e.g. hand or foot effort). The parking brake system may use common
components, provided the requirements of 6.4 and Table 2 are met. The parking brake, operating according
to the manufacturer’s specifications, shall be in accordance with Table 2, regardless of any contraction of the
brake parts or leakage of any kind.
NOTE Mechanical springs are not considered to be an exhaustible energy source. Back throttling by a hydrostatic
drive system does not meet the parking brake requirements, as back throttling requires continuous operator action.
The parking brake shall require an action by the operator prior to release of the parking brake control. The
parking brake shall not automatically release during normal start up or upon loss of power to the parking brake
system or parking brake MCS.
A parking brake may be applied automatically (e.g. spring- or control-system-activated), in which case it shall
be applied or remain applied after the machine is in a stopped condition and the engine shut down.
Machines with the capability for a self test of the parking brake shall include design provisions that the machine
does not propel unless there is a propel activation by the operator during the self test.
Typical hydrostatic brake systems have an exhaustible power supply and would not be able to meet the
requirements for parking brakes given in 4.6.
— moving the foot from the drive pedal to the brake pedal;
— at the start of the braking sequence, releasing the drive control(s) and moving to the neutral or reverse
propel position using hand or foot.
A brake system additional to the service brake may be used to hold the machine when there is creep movement.
A machine may be held stationary, regardless of the grade, using the throttle of the hydrostatic or similar propel
drive system (back throttling).