75-81 Marcysiak
75-81 Marcysiak
75-81 Marcysiak
Cabinet Psychological, Ciechanów, Poland
Propedeutics Department of Nursing and Social Sciences, Department of Health and Human
Sciences, State Higher Vocational School in Ciechanów, Poland
Purpose: To understand the concept of empathy show of compassion. There are significant
by nurses, get to know the importance of empathy differences between the level of empathy of nurses
in performance the work of a nurse and to and the control group. The differences relate to the
determine the ability of empathy among nurses. results in the scale of perspective-taking and the
Materials and methods: The study group scale of empathic concern. Nurses often are able to
consisted of 100 nurses (females and males) feel the experience of others, and appear to
working in hospitals and clinics in Mazovia concern the other (p<0.05). Understanding
province. The control group consisted of 100 empathy is associated with more frequent
persons engaged in office work. A diagnostic displaying the feeling of anger. This is a positive
survey method was used in the research. The feature, because those people had a better self-
research tools were: Davis’ Interpersonal awareness and their experiences, including anger.
Reactivity Index, Emotional Control Scale and a They could express it on the outside, usually in the
questionnaire prepared by the team concerning the socially acceptable way. It was similar with those
concept of empathy in the opinion of nurses and who were convinced of the positive impact of
presenting their opinion on the importance of experiencing emotions during the healing process.
empathy in personal contact with the patient. Conclusions: Empathy is a positive factor
Results: The level of knowledge on empathy influencing the quality of conducted nursing work.
among nurses is on the average level. The average Steps should be taken to introduce workshops of
score on this scale was 17.35 (SD=3.40). Almost interpersonal skills as a module in the nurses’
85% of the respondents claimed that empathy is training course.
equal with compassion shown to the other person - Key words: Understanding, concept empathy,
the patient. Empathy was often confused with the nurses
*Corresponding author:
Małgorzata Barbara Marcysiak
Propedeutics Department of Nursing and Social Sciences
Department of Health and Human Sciences
State Higher Vocational School in Ciechanów, Poland
e-mail: [email protected]
Received: 09.05.2014
Accepted: 28.09.2014
Progress in Health Sciences
Vol. 4(2) 2014 pp 75-81
© Medical University of Białystok, Poland
Prog Health Sci 2014, Vol 4, No2 Understanding concept empathy relation nursing
Prog Health Sci 2014, Vol 4, No2 Understanding concept empathy relation nursing
Prog Health Sci 2014, Vol 4, No2 Understanding concept empathy relation nursing
opposite opinion and 17% of the nurses were not score of nurses on a scale of fantasy was 13.34
able to answer this question. (SD=4.61). On a scale of adoption of taking other
The vast majority of respondents (83%) people’s perspective; the average score was 18.25
correctly recognized empathy as one of the (SD=3.38). On a scale of empathic concern, which
components of emotional intelligence and one of is the main indicator of empathy, the average score
the psychological skills. of nurses surveyed was 19.27 (SD=4.12), and the
The average score achieved by nurses on a scale of personal distress - 14.34 (SD=4.37).
scale of their perception of experiencing emotions In the scales of the CECS questionnaire,
at work as a threat to the health and well-being of a higher scores indicated a more frequent tendency to
nurse was 15.05 (SD=4.53) - a minimum score 5.0; experience and express emotion on the outside. The
the maximum result was 24.00. The greater highest scores were in the area of showing the
polarization of groups was noticed here. Questions feeling of anxiety on the outside (mean/
here related to the opinion of nurses about their average=18.10, SD=4.61).
experiences and emotions at work (Tab. 1). Experiencing grief and depression was less
According to most respondents (52%) their frequently shown by respondents (mean=17.28,
experienced emotions interfere with daily work SD=4.10), displaying the feeling of anger was the
with a patient. The opposite view was shared by least admitted experience (mean/average=16.13,
21% of the respondents. The remaining group - SD= 4.51). Relatively it was the feeling of anger,
27% did not have a definite opinion on the subject. which was suppressed most often.
However, only 13% of respondents felt that their
feelings were evidence of weakness. The opposite Table 2. Understanding the concept of empathy
view was shared by 62% of the respondents. (EMP1) and examined variables.
According to 24% of the respondents, the
cool professional attitude at work is better than Variable Mean/average t P
experiencing the feelings. The opposite view was
shared by 38% of the respondents. The remaining LEMP1 HEMP1 value
group of 38% could not give a definite answer to
this question. IRI-F 12.8571 13.8000 0.952 0.344
The average score on a scale of nurses’
perception of experiencing emotions at work as a IRI-TP 17.1190 19.3111 3.175 0.002*
factor contributing to the well-being of staff and the
process of patients’ recovery was 23.13 (SD=2.80). IRI-EC 18.6905 19.8222 1.284 0.202
The minimum score was 14.0, the maximum score
IRI-OD 14.1905 14.4889 0.317 0.752
28.00. The questions on a scale related to nurses’
opinions concerning the impact of positive ANGER 15.3333 16.8889 1.623 0.108
emotions on the atmosphere in the hospital ward as
well as its influence on patients (Tab.1). GRIEF 17.3095 17.2667 -0.048 0.962
According to 90% of the respondents, a
good nurse is one who takes into account the FEAR 17.8333 18.3556 0.525 0.601
feelings and emotions experienced by patients. The
opposite view was shared by only 3% of *p<0.05
respondents, while 41% of respondents said that IRIF – fantasy, IRI-TP – taking the perspective,
showing affection in relation to a patient IRI-EC – empathic care, IRI-OD – own distress,
demonstrates the nurse’s professionalism. The ANGER – proneness to display anger,
opposite view was shared by 25% of the GRIEF – proneness to display grief and sadness,
respondents. The others could not clearly answer FEAR – proneness to display fear, LEMP1 – low
the question. level understanding the concept of empathy, HEMP1
The vast majority of respondents (90%) – high level understanding the concept of empathy
also believed that thanks to the nurse’s emotional
support, patients’ recovery process is faster. The
nurses were convinced of the feelings’ positive In the study group, there are statically
impact on patients' well-being, although they were significant relationships between the understanding
afraid of negative feelings as well. of the concept of empathy and empathy in nurses’
There are significant differences between work. Individuals with higher results on a scale of
the level of empathy of nurses and the control empathy understanding had a higher level of skills
group. The differences relate to the results in the and tendency to adopt the perspective of other
scale of perspective-taking are the scale of empathic people. Nurses who could take the perspective of a
concern. Nurses often are able to feel the patient could understand better the phenomenon of
experience of others, and appear to concern the empathy. Details are shown in Table 2.
other (p<0.05). In the IRI questionnaire, the average
Prog Health Sci 2014, Vol 4, No2 Understanding concept empathy relation nursing
Table 5. Understanding the importance of empathy and emotions at work and empathy and seniority
(Pearson’s r).
A higher level of knowledge on the tendency to fantasize and skills of transferring into
concept of empathy has been significantly fictional situations.
associated with a higher perception of the positive These people more often could accept the
impact on the patient’s functioning. Understanding psychological point of view of other people – the
the empathy is associated with more frequent patients in the daily functioning of the hospital
ward. People perceiving the displaying of emotions
Prog Health Sci 2014, Vol 4, No2 Understanding concept empathy relation nursing
and feelings as threatening were less often logical perspective of others. The perception of
convinced of their positive effects on the healing emotions at work as beneficial is associated with a
process. These people had a lower level of skill of greater tendency to fantasize, perspective-taking
co-feeling/empathy the adoption of the psycho- and showing the empathic concern (Tab. 5).
Table 6. Understanding the empathy and the meaning of emotions at work and the control of emotions
(Pearson’s r).
Prog Health Sci 2014, Vol 4, No2 Understanding concept empathy relation nursing