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SCITECH - OBE Syllabus

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COURSE TITLE : Science Technology and the Society
TYPE OF COURSE : General Education (Core)
DOMAIN : Mathematics, Science and Technology

NAME OF FACULTY : _________________________

SCHEDULE : _________________________
CONSULTATION TIIME : _________________________
Course Description:
Science, technology and society is a course that will help explore the process through which scientists, and their
allies, make facts. In like manner, STS will help you examine how the facts and artifacts produced by scientists affect
our life: how scientific knowledge changes our self-perception and how it affects social relations. Investigations along
these lines call for a radical rethinking of the concept of “social construction” that is relevant for researchers in
diverse fields.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, you will be able to
1. Describe the character and functions of science and technology and their inter-relationships with society from a
historical perspective;
2. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and Philippine society in general;
3. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its role in nation-building;
4. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are meaningful
to the student as a part of society with the implications, limitations of the new developments in science and
5. Analyze the social, cultural, ethical, environmental, economic, ideological, political, and gender aspects of science
and technology and its role in national development and the important policy issues involved in the scientific and
technological development of the Philippines;

6. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society;
7. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and creative solutions to
contemporary issues guided by ethical standards;
8. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of climate change;

9. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the development of
the Filipino nation;
10. Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of science and technology such that the student may be able to
define for himself/herself the meaning of the good life;
11. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and the
12. espouse Benildean identity by living up with your defined goals as a student and a citizen, and embracing your
sense of purpose vis-à-vis our Benildean Expressions of Lasallian Core Values (BenEx);

Service Learning: Dedicate education and wisdom achieved from lectures and activities in service to others and to the


Weeks Module Topics Learning Outcomes Instructional Assessment

1-3 A. History of Science and Discuss the interface between Direct Instruction PBL (Creation of ppt
Technology Science, Technology and the Lecture discussion presentations
Science Technology Society throughout history Secondary research or video clip on the history
and the Society Film viewing of
through Human Discuss how humans respond Journal Reflection Science Technology and the
History: to scientific and technological Lecture/discussion on Society and how it affects
Pre-Colonial Asian developments. “Build3” (secondary humanity through time
Societies; research) PBA (Musical performance
STS from the Middle Ages Identify changes in the Documentary film on the history of STS)
to the Scientific environment as an effect of History & Philosophy
Revolution; scientific and technological of S&T_Sports.
Science, Technology, and developments History of Plastics in
the Industrial Revolution; preparation for the
Science, Technology, and Identify paradigm shifts in Ecobrick Project
Industrialization in the 19th history
The Imperialist Diffusion of
Science and Technology;
Science, Technology, and
Society and the Modern
4 B. Information Technology Discuss the significance and Video clip PBL: IT and AI 5 to 10 years
and Artificial Intelligence impact of IT and the future of presentation from now
AI Lecture Reflection paper

5 C. Biotechnology and the Discuss the ethics and Lecture discussion PBA: Debate
Society implications of GMOs and Case analysis PBL: “Science and the
Genetic Engineering, potential future impacts of Pharm animals and media”
Eugenics and Biotechnology Genetic Engineering, Eugenics plant(docufilm) Quiz 3
and Biotechnology BioTechnonoly (BigSky
6 Gene Therapy Describe gene therapy and its Lecture discussion Quiz
various forms. DNA Extraction,
Assess the issue’s potential Cloning and Gene
benefits and detriments to Therapy.
global health

8-9 D. The role of science and Describe the National and Lecture discussion PBA: Debate
technology in National International Political Lecture/Seminar Journal assessment
Development Economy of Science and
The International Political
Economy of Science and Discuss Science and
Technology Technology Policies of
National Development
Science and Technology And National Development
Policies of National Issues in the Selection and
Development Acquisition of Technologies

10 Science and Technology in Design a framework of the Case analysis Dramatic reading /
the Philippines: Present Conditions and Future BigSky activity enactment of Science and
Options on Science and Technology in the
Technology in the Philippines: Philippines
The Cost benefit of
Development vis a vis
Technological Advancement
11 E. The good life Examine shared concerns that Lecture discussion PBL: Video clips on the
When humanity and make up the good life in order implications of
technology cross to come up with innovative, Science and Technology on

creative solutions to Philippine culture.
contemporary issues guided by PBL: Documentary on plastic
ethical standards technology
Reflection on Ecobrick
Examine human rights in order project
to uphold such rights in
technological ethical
12 F. Biodiversity and the Determine the Discussion on Status of PBL: “Tour the Earth”
healthy society interrelatedness of society, Philippine Mindmap
environment, and health biodiversity: Quiz on Simpson’s Diversity
Compute diversity status using Simpson’s Diversity Index
Simpson’s Diversity Index Index
Activity on basic
human needs for

13 G. Climate change and the Identify the causes of climate Lecture discussion Debate (Global Warming is a
energy crisis change Film viewing (Global Hoax)
Environmental awareness Warming issues, Truth Reflection
Assess the various impacts of About Global
climate change including Warming)
economic, geopolitical, Simulation activity
biological, meteorological,

Apply STS concepts to the

issue of climate change


Table 2: Course Map of Topics and GE Learning Outcomes
GE Learning Outcome
GE Learning Outcome 1: 2: GE Learning Outcome 3:
Course Topics
Intellectual competencies Personal and civic Practical responsibilities
A. History of Science and L L L
B. Information Technology and L L O
Artificial Intelligence
C. Biotechnology and the Society L L P
D. The role of science and technology L L O
in National Development
E. The good life P O P
F. Biodiversity and the healthy society L L O
F. Biodiversity and the healthy society P P P
Legend: L – learned in the course, P – practiced in the course, O – not yet learned/practiced but the opportunity to do so exists

Table 3: Course Map of Topics and Course Learning Outcomes

Course Outcomes Knowledge Values Skills Service

Course Topic 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1

A. History of Science and L L L L L P O L P P L P P

B. Information Technology and L L L L L P O L P P L P L
Artificial Intelligence
C. Biotechnology and the Society L L L L P P O L P P L P L
D. The role of science and L L L L P P O L P P L P L
technology in National Development
E. The good life L L L L P P O L P P L P P
F. Biodiversity and the healthy L L L L P P O L P P L P L
Legend: L – learned in the course, P – practiced in the course, O – not yet learned/practiced but the opportunity to do so exists

Table 4: Course Map of Topics and BenEx

Creative Appreciative One with the

God- With Socially Professionally
TOPIC & of Individual Plight of the
centered Integrity Responsible Excellent
Innovative Worth Poor
A. History of Science and P P L L L L P
B. Information Technology P P L P L L O
and Artificial Intelligence
C. Biotechnology and the P P P P P L O
D. The role of science and L L L O L L O
technology in National
E. The good life P P P O P L P
F. Biodiversity and the P P P P P L O
healthy society
Legend: L – learned in the course, P – practiced in the course, O – not yet learned/practiced but the opportunity to do so exists

Course Requirements:
In this course, you are expected to attend, participate, and apply what you are learning in class. Your academic
performance will be based on the following requirements:
 Quizzes
o Quizzes will be administered regularly to check your understanding of the subject matter.
o There will be 4-6 quizzes every grading period.
 Class Participation
o This component will include all in-class activities, as well as assignments.
o There will be a minimum of 6 activities per grading period.
 Project/Problem-Based Learning Activity
o Projects and PBLs will demonstrate how well you apply your knowledge in the course.
o There will be 2 projects, PBL activities, or a combination of both for the whole duration of the course.
 Midterm and Final Exams
o Each of these exams will cover several major topics, and will assess your competencies in the course.
o Both exams will be administered on-campus and online.
 Class Standing
o This component will include your behavior in class.

 Inclusion Statement: Students with special needs should discuss with the teacher the types of accommodation
that can be prepared and provided for him/her. Accommodations are available for learners with documented
disability. Should you have a disability and need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please contact
the Center for Inclusive Education thru telephone number 2305100 local 3701 or 3702, or thru email address
[email protected], or visit the center at the location of Center for Inclusive Education at SDA Room 309.

You should obtain a final grade of 70% to pass this course. Below is a summary of how your performance will be
Midterm Grade Pre-final Grade
Quizzes/Assignments 20% 20%
Seat works 25% 25%
Project/PBL 25% 25%
Class participation 10% 10%
Midterm/Final Exam 20% 20%
____ ____
100% 100%
Final Grade  ; MTG = Midterm Grade and PFG = Pre-Final Grade
Consultation Time:
It is hoped that everyone will complete the course successfully, but if you are having doubts about your progress, the
teacher will be happy to discuss your standing in the course.

Schedule: _________________________

You can make an appointment simply by talking to your teacher before or after class or by sending e-mail. You may
also ask any questions directly via e-mail.

e-mail Address: _________________________

Course Policies:
 Honesty and integrity are integral components of the academic process.
 Absence and tardiness are strongly discouraged.
 Special quiz, major exam, or class activity can only be given for an official absence supported by a blue form
from the Dean of Student Affairs.
 Attentiveness and active participation are critical to successful learning.
 The use of mobile phones and other electronic devices is not allowed during class hours, unless necessary or
upon the teacher’s approval.
 A grade consultation period is scheduled by the professor before finally submitting it to the Office of the
Registrar. If you miss this schedule you are waiving your right to see the details of your professor’s class records.
 The policies on academic dishonesty, attendance, and behavior stipulated in your Student Handbook are
honored in this course.

Inclusion Statement:
Accommodations are available for learners with documented disability. Should you have a disability and need
accommodations to fully participate in this class, please contact the Center for Inclusive Education thru telephone
number 2305100 local 3701 or 3702, or thru email address [email protected], or visit the center at the location of

Center for Inclusive Education at SDA Room 309. Students with special needs should discuss with the teacher the types
of accommodation that can be prepared and provided for him/her.

Text and Materials:

 Crawford, D. H. (2018). Deadly companions how microbes shaped our history. Oxford University Press.
 Doron, A. and Robin, J. (2018). Waste of a nation garbage and growth in India. Harvard University Press.
 Easton, T. (2012). Taking sides. Clashing views in science, technology, and society. NY: McGraw-Hill
Contemporary Learning Series.
 Erstein, R. H. (2018). Aroused the history of hormones and how they control just about everything. W.W. Norton
& Company.
 Fullilove, C. (2017). The profit of the Earth: The global seeds of American agriculture. University of Chicago
 Offit, P. (2018). Bad advice or why celebrities, politicians, and activists aren’t your best source of health
information. Columbia University Press.
 Perro, M. and Vincanne, A. (2017). What's making our children sick? How industrial food is causing an epidemic
of chronic illness, and what parents (and doctors) can do about. Chelsea Green Publishing.
 Walters, L. (2014). Margaret Cavendish. Gender, science, and politics. Cambridge University.
 Winsberg, E. (2018). Philosophy and climate science. Cambridge University

Lee, YC. (2010). Science-Technology-Society or Technology-Society-Science? Insights from an Ancient Technology.
Internal Journal of Science Education. Abingdon. Routledge Journals, Taylor and Francis LTD.Routledge

Endorsed by: Approved by:

Evangeline Enriquez Basilia E. Blay, Ed.D.

SMS-Natural Science Area Chairperson SMS Dean
Date: ______________________ Date: ________________________


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