Sae J34-2018
Sae J34-2018
Sae J34-2018
This SAE Recommended Practice establishes the procedure for measuring the maximum exterior sound level of
recreational motorboats while being operated under a variety of operating conditions. It is intended as a guide toward
standard practice and is subject to change to keep pace with experience and technical advances.
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latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.
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SAE INTERNATIONAL J34™ Proposed Draft MAR201 8 Page 2 of 1 1
3.1 For Type Testing a sound level meter which meets IEC Standard 61 672-1 Type 1 Specifications for Sound Level
3.2 For Monitoring Tests, a sound level meter which meets IEC Standard 61 672-1 Type 1 or Type 2 Specifications for
Sound Level Meters.
3.3 A microphone windscreen that does not affect the overall reading by more than ±0.5 dB(A).
3.4 A sound level calibrator which meets IEC Standard 60942 specification for Sound Level Calibrators.
3.5 A wind speed anemometer.
3.6 An engine speed tachometer.
3.7 A calibrated speedometer or radar gun.
3.8 A range finder.
4.1 Type Testing
Type testing is performed to prove that the operational sound level of a boat, or an outboard motor while using a standard
boat or a stern drive with integral exhaust system complies with sound specifications or prescribed limits.
4.1 .1 Standard Boat Specifications for Outboard Motor Type Tests
Any series production boat with a V-hull shape meeting the dimensional and weight characteristics given in Table 1 may
be used as a standard boat.
Table 1 - Standard boat specifications
Declared Propeller
Shaft Power
(According to ISO 8665)
of the Outboard Length of Hull
Motor Under Test According to ISO 8666 Mass Without Engine
(kW) m/ft kg/lb
P<6 3.8/1 2.5 1 35/297
6 ≤ P < 25 4.2/1 3.8 220/484
25 ≤ P < 55 4.7/1 5.4 400/880
55 ≤ P < 1 1 5 5.5/1 8.0 800/1 760
1 1 5 ≤ P < 1 50 6.2/20.3 1 1 00/2420
P ≥ 1 50 7.5/24.6 1 650/3630
A variation of ±20% is allowed in the dimensional characteristics and a variation of ±25% is allowed in the weight of the
craft. In addition, the craft shall have no covers over the outboard motor or unusual extensions behind the transom which
could affect the sound level.
Outboard motors shall be installed on the boat per the manufacturers’ instructions. Additional damping or absorbing
materials are not permitted.
4.1 .2 Standard Boat Specifications for Stern Drives with Integral Exhaust Type Tests
Any series production boat with a V-hull shape meeting the dimensional and weight characteristics given in Table 2 may
be used as a standard boat.
SAE INTERNATIONAL J34™ Proposed Draft MAR201 8 Page 4 of 1 1
Lpasmax - The maximum sound pressure level (SPL) of a passing recreational motorboat under specified operating
conditions measured with “A” frequency weighting and with “S” slow time weighting according to IEC 61 672-1 .
5.1 Measurement Site
A suitable site is the shore of a body of water or a dock projecting out from the shore into the body of water. If the
measurement is made from a dock, the dock shall be of open construction so that it presents a minimum of reflecting
surfaces. The area around the microphone and boat being measured shall be free of large obstructions or reflective
surfaces, such as buildings, high embankments, sea walls, hills, large piers, or breakwaters, etc., for a minimum distance
of 30 m (1 00 feet). Three markers (buoys or posts) shall be placed in line, 50 m (1 65 feet) apart, to mark the course the
boat is to follow while being tested. The site should be set up similar to that shown in Figure 1 .
d 1 = distance at which the noise ordinance within the local jurisdiction has been lawfully established
6.3.4 The AS-weighted ambient sound level shall be at least 6 dB below the maximum AS-weighted sound pressure
level during passage of the boat being monitored. The reading shall then be corrected as specified in Table 3.
Table 3
Difference in the Maximum Sound Pressure Level Correction in dB to be Applied to the Maximum
of the Boat and the Ambient Sound Pressure Level Sound Pressure Level of the Boat
≥1 0 0
6 to 9 -1
6.3.5 The observer shall record the applicable reading and the ambient sound levels taken before and after the
applicable reading.
6.4 Test Report – See Appendix B
SAE INTERNATIONAL J34™ Proposed Draft MAR201 8 Page 7 of 1 1
7.1 The measurements shall be conducted only by persons qualified by training to perform these measurements.
7.2 Proper use of all test instrumentation is essential to obtain valid measurements. Operating manuals or other
literature furnished by the instrument manufacturer should be consulted for both recommended operation of the
instrument and precautions to be observed.
7.3 Proper acoustical calibration shall comprise the complete measurement system including extension cables, etc.
Field calibration shall be performed before and after each test sequence.
7.4 The use of the word “shall” in the procedure is to be understood to be mandatory. The use of the word “should” is to
be understood as advisory. The use of the word “may” is to be understood as permissive.
8.1 Revision Indicator
A change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locating areas where technical revisions,
not editorial changes, have been made to the previous issue of this document. An (R) symbol to the left of the document
title indicates a complete revision of the document, including technical revisions. Change bars and (R) are not used in
original publications, nor in documents that contain editorial changes only.
1 5.0
1 0.0
0 1 00 200 300 400 500 600
Figure A1
SAE INTERNATIONAL J34™ Proposed Draft MAR201 8 Page 9 of 1 1
Required Equipment: Sound Level Meter (SLM), windscreen, calibrator and range finder
Sound Level (L) is recorded as “maximum AS weighted Sound Pressure Level (SPL)” in dBA;
Microphone height: 3 feet or higher above any surface (water, sand, grass, etc.)
Ambient noise level must be 6 dB or less than the maximum measured SPL - (Ambient correction required when the
maximum AS-weighted SPL is in the range of 6 to 1 0 dB higher than the ambient SPL)
Ambient AS-weighted SPL – Pre Test ________ dBA Date ___/____/____ Time __: AM/PM
Ambient Correction
Enter the larger of the two ambient SPL measurements _______ dBA
Difference in the Maximum Sound Pressure Level Correction in dB to be Applied to the Maximum
of the Boat and the Ambient Sound Pressure Level Sound Pressure Level of the Boat
≥ 10 0
6 to 9 -1
Background correction (-) ____________dBA Regulated sound level limit _________ dBA
Distance correction – The sound level (L) from motorboats decreases by 5 dB when the distance from the boat to the
sound level meter doubles. Expressed in mathematical terms; L = 1 6.7*log 1 0 (d 2/d 1 ) where d 1 is the specified distance in
the regulation and d 2 is the distance from the sound level meter to the boat.
From the table determine the distance correction in dB: +____________ dBA
Add the correction in dB to the regulated sound level