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School Grade Level VI


Teaching Dates and Time AUGUST 19-23, 2019 (WEEK 2) Quarter 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standard Demonstrates knowledge and skills that will lead to one becoming an ideal entrepreneur.
B. Performance Standard Sells products based on needs and demands.
C.Learning  Identify the buying  Plan to make a  Identify the different  Identify common
Competency/Objectives process. product/service steps in selling techniques that
Write the LC code for  Illustrate the buying available. process. advertisers use to
each. process.  Create a sketch of a  Describe the different convince customers to
TLEIE6-0b-3 product advertisement. steps in selling buy their product.
TLEIE6-0b-3 process.  Act that they are
TLEIE6-0b-4 selling
product/service to
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook pages ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and Entrepreneurship ICT and
pp. 14-16 page 17 pp. 18-19 Entrepreneurship
pp. 7
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by
the students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things,
practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge.
Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous Review the following: Review the Buying Process. How can you promote your
lesson or presenting  Values and Qualities product?
the new lesson of a successful
 Types of
 The buyer and seller
 Steps or guides in
making simple
B. Establishing a purpose In order to effectively For you to make more sales
for the lesson promote your product, you follow this traditional 7-step
should first understand the Selling Process given in figure
buying decision process and 2.
later prepare for selling
C. Presenting Show/Illustrate the Buying Show/Illustrate the Selling
examples/Instances of Decision Steps Involved in Process Figure 2 on page 18.
the new lesson the Process Figure 1 on page
D. Discussing new Discuss the Buying Process GROUP ACTIVITY: Discuss the Selling Process on
concepts and on page 14-15. Let the pupils do Activity 1.3 page18-19
practicing new skills # Product on the Go! On Page 17.
E. Discussing new Discuss the most common GROUP ACTIVITY:
concepts and techniques advertisers use to Let the pupils do the
practicing new skills # convince customers to buy activity on “Let’s do
2 their product. this!” Act it Out on page
F. Developing mastery Give a 20 item Quiz
(leads to Formative about the Ideal
Assessment 3) Entrepreneur from Week
1 to 2.

G. Finding practical
application of concepts
and skills in daily living
H. Making generalizations  What is the
and abstractions about Buying Process?
the lesson  What is the
Selling Process?
 How can you
promote your
I. Evaluating learning Evaluate the pupil’s
performance in doing the
Group Activity.
J. Additional activities for Make an
application or Advertisement/Poster of your
remediation product in a Cartolina.
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

GRADE 6 School: Grade Level: VI

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Marvin P, Grumal Learning Area: TLE-IA
Teaching Dates and Time: AUGUST 19-23, 2019 (WEEK 2) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A. Content Standards Demonstrates an understanding of knowledge and skills in enhancing/decorating products as an alternative source of income
B. Performance Standards Performs necessary skill in enhancing/ decorating finished products
C. Learning - Determine market trends on - Identify the types/sources of innovative finishing materials. 1.Discusses the effect of innovative finishing materials and creative
Competencies products made of bamboo, wood Discuss the types/sources of innovative finishing materials. accessories on the marketability of products.
and metal using technology. Cooperate actively in doing activity. 2.Give the effects of innovative finishing materials and creative
- Identify customer’s preference of accessories on the marketability of products.
products. - 3.Appreciates the effects of innovative finishing materials
Cooperate actively in group works. Identify the process in enhancing/decorating finished products made accessories on the marketability of products.
TLE6IA-Ob-3 of bamboo.
Enumerate the fundamental process in handicrafts in treating TLE6 IA OC-4
Appreciate one’s work.

II. Content Enhancing/ decorating finished products
III. Learning Resources
A. References Curriculum Guide Pages- K-12 TLE6IA-Ob-3, p. 39
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional
Materials from
Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
IV. Procedures
A. Review Previous Give the different methods in Give example of activities to What are the different sources of What are the market trends should What are the finishing materials
Lessons enhancing/decorating finished determine market trends of finishing materials, accessories and be done in marketing products to enhance finished products?
products. finished products. design? made of bamboo, wood and
B. Establishing purpose - Do you have any finished - Our country has vast Show some pictures of finished 1. Showing some pictures of Have them share/show the
for the Lesson product or handicraft made of natural resources where products finishing products. given assignment
bamboo, wood or metal in useful products are
your home? Where did you derived. The different kind What finishing materials did they
buy it? of finishing materials like use to beautify it?
varnish, paint, lacquer, - Finishing- is the method of
enamel shellac and many beautifying the project. It is
more had their sources. the last step in the completion
of a project.
- In this lesson we are going
to discuss the sources of
finishing materials,
accessories and designs.
C. Presenting One of the steps to ensure the Show some pictures of finishing There are processes and treatments . Show pictures of unfinished and Have them discuss what the
examples success of the products is materials, accessories and done on some materials before finished products .Let the pupils finishing materials they used on
/instances of the marketing. designs. making them into articles. describe and compare the their finished products.
new lessons - Product marketing is the set Treating Bamboos pictures.
of activities one should be - What are the finishing 1. Preserving and Treating Bamboos
aware in order to know more materials you can see in the There are various ways of treating
about the products that made pictures? bamboo to preserve its natural
of bamboo, wood and metal. beauty. It is called the resin-oil
extraction method. It is done by
either wet or dry process. In the wet
process, the bamboo is soaked
overnight in a solution of 0.1% to
1.2% caustic soda or carbonate of
soda or boiled in this solution for 10-
15 minutes. In the dry process,
bamboo poles are evenly heated
over charcoal at a temperature of 49
C to 54 C for 20-30 minutes.
2. Bleaching
Bleaching is the process of whitening
or removing the colour by sunlight
exposure, air ventilation or by the
use of chemical solutions.
3. Dyeing Bamboo Poles and Splints
Dyeing is the process of applying
colour into the materials. The direct
dyeing or reactive dyeing method
may be used. In direct dyeing,
bamboo splints make sure of
vegetable dye. It is done by boiling
water with dye and immersing the
bamboo splints until the desired
colour is achieved. They are dried
under the sun. In reactive dyeing, the
following materials are used: 30% of
dye; salt is 30 grams per liquid and
fixing agent is 30 grams per liquid.
The dye is dissolved in water and is
diluted to the final volume. The
bamboo splints are soaked for10
minutes then salt is added and
dyeing is continued for an hour.
4. Pyrography
Pyrography is the process of burning
designs of bamboo with hot wire.
The electric soldering iron is
considered the best tool in

D. Discussing new Here are some activities to There are sources of finishing Enumerate the fundamental Why is it important to paint Why is it important to paint
concepts and determine market trends on materials like: processes in treating bamboos. materials made of wood? materials made of wood?
practicing new products made of bamboo, wood or 1. Shellac – it is a good Discuss the following processes in How finishing
skills #1. metal. finish for many projects. It treating bamboos. materials helps your -discuss/review all the previous
1. Direct Marketing – through comes from the excreta of project/product more attractive lesson you taught for the week.
demonstrations, trade exhibits and insects called a luc bug. The and saleable
other public venues. This is popular colour is yellow and appears like Have them share their learnings
activity being done by the small pieces of cellophane. on the previous lessons.
producers to motivate consumers Before it is used, it is mixed with
or buyers about the products. denatured alcohol.
2. Advertising in Print Media – 2. Varnish – it is another
these activities is done through finishing material that beautifies
advertisements in newspapers, and preserves a project. It is
magazines and flyers about the made from copal gum dissolved
product. in pure boiled linseed oil. Copal
3. Radio, Television and gum comes from resin of pine
Internet Advertising – it is a modern trees buried several feet below
ways of endorsing product. the ground. Linseed oil comes
4. Distributing Products via from oil of cotton seed. When
Transport System – Products varnish becomes sticky and
reached the consumers faster hard, add turpentine to make it
through the means of land, air and thin and usable again. Varnish
sea transportation spreading and turpentine are sold in cans
promotion, feedbacks even in the and bottles.
farthest region of the country. 3. Paint – it is another
• What is direct marketing? finishing material that is always
• Explain what advertising in used because of its beautiful
print media is. colour and a good protector of
materials. The body of paint is a
• Discuss the modern ways of mixture of four elements:
endorsing products. pigment, vehicle, thinner, and
• Give an example of drier. It comes in cans of
distributing products via transport different sizes. When the paint
system. gets sticky or hard, add paint
thinner. If thinner is not
available, use gasoline or
petroleum as a substitute.
4. Lacquer – this is a
synthetic product which is
largely used in all manufactured
articles. This finishing material
could retain the natural colour
of the material to which it is
applied. Like varnish and shellac
it is sold in cans and bottles. The
solvent used is lacquer thinner.
5. Stain (Tina) – stain is
colouring material which is
applied to the surface of a wood
to improve its appearance.
There are three kinds of stain:
oil stain, water stain, and spirit
When you mix the dye (tina)
with petroleum, the result is oil
stain. When the dye is mixed
with water, it is now water stain.
When the dye is mixed with
alcohol, the mixture is called
spirit stain.
The dye is sold in boxes or in
kilos. Spirit stain is ready mixed.
It is sold in cans and bottles. All
of these stains are applied by
means of brush, spray, or cotton
6. Sandpaper – it is made
grits, usually ground silica, flint,
quartz, or emery glued to thick
paper or cloth. Sandpaper for
wood is called flint paper and for
metal it is called emery cloth at
present we have water proof
abrasive for metal. Both are
used for smoothing rough
surface of objects.
7. Glue – glue is a paste for
wood materials. It is in powder
or in cake form. It is
manufactured from fish,
animals, and plastic resin.

- What are the different kinds

of finishing materials?
E. Discussing new If you are going to buy some Let the pupils identify the sources How do you preserve and treat Give instruction to answer the
concepts & finished products which do you of the following finishing bamboos? given activity.
practicing new prefer? Why? materials: What is bleaching? What are the effects of finishing
skills #2 • Bamboo product? - Choose your answer in the What are the two methods in materials used in decorating Determine the types/sources of
• Wood product? box. dyeing bamboos? wood, metal and bamboo? innovative finishing materials,
• Metal product? What is pyrography? accessories, and designs.

Activity No. 1
Direction: Draw smiling
face if the sentence
is correct and sad face if it
is wrong.
__________ 1. When you mixed
the dye (tina) with Petroleum
the result is oil stain.
__________ 2. When varnish
becomes sticky and hard, add
water to make it usable again.
__________ 3. The body of paint
is a mixture of four elements.
__________ 4. When the dye
(tina) is mixed with alcohol, the
mixture is called spirit stain.
__________ 5. When the dye
(tina) is mixed with water, the
mixture is called water stain.

F. Developing Mastery
(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
G. Finding Practical Why is having the
Applications of knowledge of conducting
concepts and skills survey using technology
in daily living important in your future
alternative plans?
H. Making Generalizations &
Abstractions about
the lessons

I. Evaluating Learning
J. Additional activities for
application or
V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No.of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No.of learners who requires
additional acts.for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work?

No.of learners who caught up
with the lessons
D. No.of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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