Poped Reviewer
Poped Reviewer
Poped Reviewer
By Jose Nacieno
* First Principle: “Respect should be given to the sacredness of human life in all stages.” * Second
Principle: “Marriage and the marital act have two aspects: the unitive and procreative” * Third Principle:
Directly willed abortion, the use of abortifacients, sterilization and contraception are wrong in
themselves. * FifthPrinciple: the Church advocates natural family planning as the only morally acceptable
way. * Sixth Principle: the Church rejects the contraceptive mentality. * Seventh Principle: the Church
teaches that the decision on the number of children lies solely on the Parents. * Eighth Principle: Hence
the Church is against any coercion exercises on couples to pressure or force them to limit or increase the
number of their children. * Tenth Principle: “because the Church regards artificial contraception as
wrong itself, the Church will object to their dissemination as we. * Eleventh Principle: The Church
acknowledges religions freedom of conscience.
By Pop Com
pp. 13-15
* (PWDP) Philippine Women Development Plan or (R.A. 7192) was intended to promote the integration
of women as full and equal partner of men development & nation building.
By Popcom
* Pregnancy/Childbirth complication
the first women’s right meeting delegates declared that “all men and women are created equal.”
R.A. 7876 which provides for the establishment of a senior citizens center in all cities and municipalities.
* Barriers to Formal Education
3) Location of School
4) Quality of Education
By MargueriteAppel
Source: Integration of gender concern in Pop. Education and IEC Program: Practical