An Interview With Chris Chang
An Interview With Chris Chang
An Interview With Chris Chang
An interview with
Chris Chang
» PhD in bone physiology and Certificate in Orthodontics from Indiana University, in 1996.
» Diplomate of American Board of Orthodontics(ABO).
» Member of Angle Society of Orthodontists - Midwest.
» Author of iAOI workbook, ABO Case Reports, Orthodontics, Jobsology and publisher of International
Journal of Orthodontics and Implantology (iJOI).
» Frequently lectures worldwide on a wide range of topics, including impaction treatment,
OrthoBoneScrews, Orthodontic-Implant combined treatment and Jobs’ effective presentations.
» As a private instructor since 2006, has taught over 2,000 doctors from more than 21 countries.
» Founded Newton’s A, Inc. and Beethoven Orthodontic and Implant Group, based in Hsinchu, Taiwan.
» Produced a complete series of video courses on orthodontics and implantology and the app Beethoven Dental
» Has been actively involved in the design of orthodontic bone screws and its application on impaction
» His latest focus is implant-orthodontic combined treatment.
Orthodontics has undergone a profound transformation since the skeletal anchorage became part of treatment plans. More specifically, orth-
odontic mini-implants presented by Kanomi in 1997 allowed us to achieve encouraging results when the anchorage subject is taken into account.
Over the last decade, we have seen a revolution in the way we were accustomed to using the mini-screws allocated primarily in inter-radicular ar-
eas, that is, between the roots to reinforce anchorage during orthodontic mechanics. The revolution came just as a Taiwanese researcher showed
the world how we could use the screws in an absolutely innovative and sophisticated way by installing them in areas previously unknown to most
orthodontists: in extra-alveolar regions. Thus, the extra-alveolar mini-implants inserted in the regions of the infrazigomatic crest, mandibular
ramus and buccal shelf appeared, allowing free dental movement along the maxillary and mandibular arches, since the screws are in areas outside
the line of root action. With great honor I present to you in this interview one of the creators and “father” of this sophisticated system of anchor-
age using extra-alveolar screws, Dr Chris Chang. He has definitely modified the way we think today in the resolution of orthodontic problems
in a rational and simple way, where the phrase “It is easy, believe me!” had never been so true as he presented. Orthodontics will never be the
same after the introduction of this type of skeletal anchorage. I received with great satisfaction the mission to coordinate this interview with Prof
Chang, which I had the privilege of knowing five years ago with his indispensable help in the elaboration of the first article1 published in Brazil
on the subject of screws in buccal shelf to treat skeletal Class III malocclusion. Dr Chris Chang is one of the most expressive names in world Or-
thodontics, currently dividing his professional time in his private practice (Beethoven) where he attends to his patients and teaches several courses.
Personal time he enjoys with his family, his dear wife and his two daughters, and their hobbies, which are golf and classic music. I hope that
readers can take advantage of this interview granted to our beloved Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics. Marcio R. Almeida – interview coordinator
A Ortodontia vem sofrendo uma profunda transformação desde que a ancoragem esquelética passou a fazer parte dos planos de tratamento.
Mais especificamente, os mini-implantes ortodônticos, apresentados por Kanomi em 1997, permitiram alcançar resultados encorajadores
quando o assunto ancoragem é levado em conta. Durante a última década, pudemos observar uma revolução na maneira que estávamos
acostumados a usar os mini-implantes, inseridos prioritariamente em áreas interradiculares, para reforçar a ancoragem durante a mecânica or-
todôntica. A revolução aconteceu exatamente a partir do momento em que um pesquisador de Taiwan mostrou ao mundo como poderíamos
utilizar esses parafusos de maneira absolutamente inovadora e sofisticada, instalando-os em áreas até então desconhecidas pela maioria dos
ortodontistas — em regiões extrarradiculares, ou extra-alveolares. Surgiram, assim, os mini-implantes extrarradiculares inseridos nas regiões
de crista infrazigomática, ramo mandibular e buccal shelf, permitindo a livre movimentação dentária ao longo das arcadas superior e inferior,
já que os mini-implantes encontram-se longe das raízes. Assim, é com imensa honra que apresento-lhes, nessa entrevista, um dos criadores
e “pai” desse sofisticado sistema de ancoragem esquelética extra-alveolar, o Dr. Chris Chang, que modificou definitivamente a forma como
pensamos na resolução biomecânica dos problemas ortodônticos, de uma maneira racional e simples, fazendo que a frase “It is easy, believe me!”
soe mais verdadeira do que nunca. Uma coisa é certa, a Ortodontia nunca mais será a mesma depois da introdução desse tipo de ancoragem.
Recebi com grande satisfação a missão de coordenar essa entrevista com o Prof. Chang, o qual tive o privilégio de conhecer há 5 anos, ao
contar com sua imprescindível ajuda na elaboração do primeiro artigo1 publicado no Brasil sobre o tema de parafusos na buccal shelf para
tratamento de Classe III esquelética. O Dr. Chris Chang, um dos mais expressivos nomes da Ortodontia mundial, atualmente divide o seu
tempo profissional em sua clínica privada, onde atende seus pacientes e ministra diversos cursos. O tempo pessoal ele aproveita com a família,
sua querida esposa e suas duas filhas, e com seus hobbies, que são o golfe e a música clássica. Espero que os amigos leitores possam aproveitar
essa entrevista concedida à nossa querida revista Dental Press.
How to cite: Chang C, Almeida MR, Pithon M, Ursi W. An interview with Chris Chang. Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Jan-Feb;23(1):18-21.
Submitted: January 03, 2018 - Revised and accepted: January 11, 2018
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 1 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Jan-Feb;23(1):18-21
Chang C, Almeida MR, Pithon M, Ursi W interview
Dr. Chang, how the idea of using infrazygoma- Your Class III cases treated with buccal shelf
tic (IZC) and buccal shelf (BS) screws started? screws have demonstrated the possibility of
Could you tell the history behind your famous the distal movement of the entire mandibular
protocol of using extra-alveolar screws? dentition. What is your success rate in this mo-
Marcio Almeida dality? Do you overcorrect? Which cases one
Asian patients were reluctant to wear headgears could anticipate a higher risk of relapse?
and preferred non-surgical treatment for Class III, Weber Ursi
and this preference remains true till this day. So 15 1. My success rate is around 95%.
years ago, together with Drs. John Lin and Johnny 2. I routinely overcorrect 1-2 mm.
Liao, we started to study and modify Korean’s screw 3. Those that have insufficient space between pos-
application method, in our study club, and began to terior molars and the border of ascending ramus have
place extra-alveolar screws. After one year of trial a higher risk of relapse, due to the lack of room for
and error, we set up this protocol. In particular, distalization.
I designed a screw with a rectangular hole around
the neck for inserting a 3D lever arm, for dental im- What is the recurrence rate for the cases that
paction treatment. Using ramus screws to uncover apparently would require dental extractions
lower horizontal impacted teeth is also an innovative and orthognathic surgery and that were treat-
approach to impaction treatment. ed without a surgical approach, with the aid of
skeletal anchorage? In the presence of relapse
You seem very relaxed and secure in your lec- in which retreatment requires surgical inter-
tures. Did this come naturally to you or did vention, how the patient reacts? Do you, in the
you have to work on it? How would you teach presence of bordeline cases, give prior warning
someone who wants to become a speaker as that surgical intervention may be necessary?
good as you are? Whose lectures did you enjoy Matheus Pithon
watching most? Weber Ursi The clinical judgement of whether to perform ex-
If you have something to share with your friends tractions and/or surgeries or not, in my view, is based on
and you speak from your heart, the rest is easy. accurate diagnosis, reasonable treatment plans and most
Sharing is the key. Not showing off. Watching TED of all, the availability of appropriate treatment tools.
talks is a great way to start. I routinely inform patients of the pros and cons of each
treatment plan and leave them to choose the preferred
After traveling worldwide giving lectures, option. Having said that, my general treatment orien-
could you please make some comments on tation is inclined to provide a minimally invasive care.
profession differences across the different In the case of relapse, I usually provide free retreatment
countries that you have visited? as a punishment and a motivator for improvement.
Marcio Almeida
1. A higher percentage of patients in Asia require Unbiased orthodontic literature has not shown
interdisciplinary treatment, which presents both that the Damon system is superior to conven-
challenges and opportunities for dentists in this re- tional brackets. What are the reasons that made
gion. you start and continue using them even though
2. In terms of learning and teaching, I find the scientific evidence apparently does not support
trend across the globe is leaning towards online and most of the claims attributed to it?
mobile learning whether it’s Orthodontics or other Weber Ursi
specialties. Although the currently available clinical research
3. I think the fastest growth in Orthodontics will studies fail to provide a definitive answer to the su-
be in Brazil, China, Russia, and the Middle East. periority of the Damon system versus conventional
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 2 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Jan-Feb;23(1):18-21
brackets, my own extensive clinical experiences and In terms of success rate, there’s no statistical dif-
natural instincts have convinced me it is. I’d also like ference between SS and titanium screws. I’ve re-
to warn readers about the interpretation of these evi- cently finished a study on this topic and expect to
dence-based research studies in Orthodontics. There send it for publication in the near future.
are many variants that are hard or impossible to stan-
dardize or control in a clinical orthodontic research, Do you think that the understanding of “bio-
such as the skill level of clinicians. As such, con- mechanical concepts” is important while using
clusions drawn from these types of research studies IZC and BS screws? Could you provide us with
should be taken with a critical view. some examples of the application of biome-
chanics in your clinical routine?
As a protocol for treatment of complex cases Marcio Almeida
that would traditionally fall into dental extrac- Most definitely. Please refer to my YouTube chan-
tions and/or orthognathic surgery, you use nel (search for “newtonsa0301”). I include biomechan-
self-ligating brackets associated with extra-ra- ics analysis in almost all cases I shared on this channel.
dicular implants. Do you attribute to these de-
vices the success achieved or can we hypotheti- It seems that our sequence of orthodontic
cally achieve similar results with conventional wires used for leveling and aligning the teeth
brackets associated with extraoral headgear? nowadays has changed over the last decade.
Matheus Pithon Do you have any particular sequence of orth-
I find this combination of PSL (passive self-ligat- odontic wires as for the use of your extra-alve-
ing) bracket system and extra-radicular TADs works olar screws in your patients?
pretty well in my current practice. I don’t think my Marcio Almeida
old protocols could have achieved the same quality of My wire sequence remains pretty much the same
results with equal efficacy and efficiency. over the years, as shown bellow:
What are your thoughts on the use of stainless In a paper2 published in 2015, you showed us that
steel versus titanium extra-alveolar screws? an en-masse retraction of the mandibular arch
Are there any recommendations to use one in- is efficient for conservatively treating a skeletal
stead of other? Class III malocclusion. Posterior mandibular an-
Marcio Almeida chorage with buccal shelf screws causes intrusion
I prefer manual insertion and this method re- of the molars to close the vertical dimension of the
quires stronger, more resilient screws. Therefore, occlusion and rotation of the occlusal plane and
I use screws of 2mm in diameter, made by stainless the mandibular plane angle. Could you show us
steel. While in maxilla the bone is relatively softer, how this seems to work? Marcio Almeida
both SS and titanium screws are equally applicable; As the center of resistance of the whole mandible is
SS screws are less likely to fracture in mandible, located around the apex of the lower second premolar,
compared to titanium ones. Therefore, I only use SS the force will create a large counter clockwise rotation
screws in mandible. movement which results in rotating the occlusal plane.
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 3 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Jan-Feb;23(1):18-21
Chang C, Almeida MR, Pithon M, Ursi W interview
Weber Ursi
» MSc and PhD in Orthodontics, Universidade de São
Paulo, Faculdade de Odontologia de Bauru (Bauru/SP,
» Visiting-Scholar, University of Michigan (1990-91).
» Fellow, New York University (1991-92).
» Full Professor of Orthodontics, Universidade
Estadual Paulista (São José dos Campos/SP,
» Former editor-in-chief of Revista Clínica de
Ortodontia Dental Press.
© 2018 Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics 4 Dental Press J Orthod. 2018 Jan-Feb;23(1):18-21
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