Transcript PDF
Transcript PDF
Transcript PDF
Address :- Office of the Controller of Examination, Rajasthan Technical University, Rawatbhata Road,
To get an Official Transcript, please go through following steps:
1. Download relevant application form from here.
2. Fill the complete form.
3. Attach (a) Copy of mark sheets of all semesters issued during the course
(b) Copy of Consolidated mark sheet and Provisional degree certificate (c)
Copy of mark sheet of class X or Birth Certificate (d) Photo copy of
Personal ID (e) sufficient number of A4 size blank envelopes (f) Copy of
address ID.
4. Enclose a D/D of amount @ Rs.400/- for semester wise transcript (each
set) or Rs.700/- for subject wise transcript each set) in favour of Registrar,
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. Payable at Kota.
For Example :- If you want two set of semester wise transcript then you
are required to send DD of sum Rs. 800/- (Rs. 400 X 2) only or if you want
4 set of subject wise transcript then you are required to send DD of sum
Rs. 2800/- (Rs. 700 X 4) only.
5. Send the complete form to CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATION, Rajasthan
Technical University, Rawatbhata Road, KOTA – 324010.
6. The Certificates shall be dispatched to your college within Fifteen working
days of receipt of application.
Address :- Office of the Controller of Examination, Rajasthan Technical University, Rawatbhata Road,