Punjab Agency
Punjab Agency
Punjab Agency
This report bears the imprint of many persons, who have helped us in numerous ways in writing
this report. It gives us great pleasure in presenting this report to the D.B.R.A.U Agra via
We fall short of words to express my gratitude to Renault Company, AGRA for giving us the
opportunity to visit in this prestigious organization. we acknowledge our deep sense of gratitude
to Mr. R.K. Malhotra for his generous guidance & advice before & during the visit.
We would like to express our thanks to our HOD sir ----------- and our Dean Sir --------------------
for their permission for Industrial visit.
Last but not the least we would like to thanks to our sir /Mem ---------------------------------- for
their sincere efforts, continuous proper guidance, supervision, and generous cooperation
throughout the visit which enabled us to present this report.
Place: Date:
13. Conclusion
for the green building field trip. The detail itinerary of the trip stated as below.
Trip’s Itinerary 6.30 am : Depart from the hotel 11.00 am : Arrived Punjab Energy
building with PEDA’s representative 12.30 pm : Question and answer session 2.00
guided the participants to visit the PEDA office green building. Inside the building,
the participants observed the passive architecture building with the green concepts
have been applied. Each concept and structure of the building have been explained
clearly by PEDA’s representative. After walked around the PEDA’s building, the
participants assembled at meeting room for the question and answer with Sir
Balkar Singh the senior manager of PEDA. Many questions have been asked by
the participants and the answers from him was very informative. The field trip was
finished after this session and proceed for the next field trip to Bharat Brick
Factory. The details of each green concept applied by PEDA and new policy
The objectives of PEDA includes: 1) Promotion, development and implementation
energy data to build a reliable database to provide required information to the State
During the visit to the Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) green
building in Chandigarh on 8th February 2016, the trip took almost 6 hours to reach
from the hotel in Delhi. The three hours in PEDA green building, full with the
informative demonstration of the green concepts applied and net metering is a new
policy implementation has been introduced. This report describes in details the
overall trip at PEDA green building in Punjab and the information of each concept.
1970s energy crisis led to the establishment of the Commission for Additional
March 1981. The CASE was responsible for the formulation of policies and their
In 1982, a new department was created in the then Ministry of Energy, i.e.,
Welcome to Punjab Energy Development Agency
Punjab Energy Development Agency was formed in Sept. 1991 as a state nodal
Punjab Energy Development Agency
the field staff as well as from PEDA head office. Programme evaluation and
also been set up for providing these services to the beneficiaries in the state.
Self Employed Workers have been trained for promoting the use of various
directions/control from the Head Office with field officers at district level
renewable energy projects in the state. New and Renewable Sources of Energy
Policy-2012 (NRSE) has been formulated and approved recently by the state govt.
for implementation in the state, which provides for a greater degree of private sector
As per our new NRSE policy 2006, PEDA shall be the nodal agency for providing
single window clearance to private developers for NRSE projects and shall
the various clearances. The renewable energy policy has provided for a single
constituted for providing clearance and approval for new projects. The details of the
PEDA has been laying special emphasis on tapping international funding for
developing renewable energy projects in the state. Efforts made by PEDA in this
area have yielded considerable results in the shape of setting up of renewable energy
ECBC Introduction
ECBC, Energy Conservation Building Code is a document that specifies the energy performance
requirements for all commercial buildings that are going to be constructed in India and is mandated by
ECAct, 2001. The Energy Conservation Act 2001 empowered the central government to prescribe an
Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC). ECBC was launched in May 2007 developed by an Expert
Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) was formed in Sept. 1991 as a State Nodal Agency for
promotion and development of New & Renewable Energy sources in the State of Punjab under the
guidelines of Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India. The Government of Punjab has also
declared PEDA as the State Designated Agency (SDA) to co-ordinate, regulate and enforce the Energy
Conservation Act-2001 in the State of Punjab in April, 2005 as per clause 15(d) of the Act under the
guidelines of Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Ministry of Power, Government of India. PEDA has
contributed various important initiatives / projects for the promotion of Renewable Energy & Energy
Efficiency in the State of Punjab. PEDA has been conferred with National Energy Conservation Awards
in appreciation of their efforts in energy conservation in the State Designated Agency sector for the year
2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 & 2013. PEDA has also become the State Agency for the Renewable Energy
Certificate (REC) accreditation in the state of Punjab under the notification dated 30th November, 2010
by Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission (PSERC) in accordance with the REC Regulations of
Energy Efficiency Demo Projects Municipal Street Lighting (LED Based) at MC, Majitha, 170 LED
street lights (30W & 40W) having annual energy saving potential of 0.79 lacs Units (80%). Revamping
of drinking water supply pumping system at Mai Bhago Polytechnic College for Women, Amritsar
having annual energy saving of 48.7%. 83 no. 250 W HPMV street lights replaced with 72W LED street
light, 181 no. 150 W MH street lights / flood lights replaced with 100 W LED lights and New 10 no.
LED lights of 72 W and 2 no. LED lights of 100W installed to maintain the uniformity of Lux level at
Sirhind Mandi, Distt. Fatehgarh Sahib having annual energy saving 0.11 MUs. Replacement of 126 nos.
existing Street lights of Municipal Corporation S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) with Energy Efficient 90W LED
lights from PCL chowk to Chandigarh boundary Phase-2, having annual energy saving 0.053 MUs. 6900
nos. Incandescent bulb (60 W) replaced with 7W LED Lamps in different villages viz., Nag Khurad,
Wadala Verrum, Rohti Khas, Palahi, Ramgarh Sikkari, Ladhu Wala Uttar, Lehra Sondha, Mann,
Aladeenpur and Munda having annual energy saving 0.63 MUs. Revamping of 13 nos. drinking water
supply system at Municipal Corporation S.A.S. Nagar (Mohali) having annual energy saving of 20%.
Other Important Energy Conservation Activities PEDA conducted Investment Grade Energy Audit
(IGEA) of 27 Govt. / Public buildings for implementation of energy efficiency projects. PEDA
conducted Investment Grade Energy Audit of two big institutions i.e. Punjabi University, Patiala and
National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education & Research (NIPER), Mohali covering all areas such as
buildings, water pumping, street lighting, sewerage pumping etc. having saving potential of 1.21 MU &
0.51 MU respectively. PEDA has established Energy Information Centre (EIC) at Solar Passive
Complex, Chandigarh. Brochures (Folders) on energy conservation in Punjabi & English were
distributed among various stake holders during the meetings, seminars, conferences, trainings and
workshops Note-book stickers and time tables on the theme of energy conservation were distributed in
the schools.
One Day interaction-cum-meeting involving ULBs and other Stakeholders under MuDSM Scheme held
on 27.08.2014. One Day Conference on "Addressing Financing Issues for Energy Efficiency Projects"
held on 16.09.2014. Organizing one day Regional Interactive Workshop on the Conduct of Mandatory
Energy Audit, Energy Audit Report Structure and Verification Process of PAT Cycle-1 held on
19.09.2014 at Chandigarh. State Level Energy Conservation Day has been celebrated in association
with PSPCL on 23th December, 2014. Under PAT Cycle-1 Scheme, the total number of Energy Saving
Conservation Awareness Program for school students held on 10th April, 2015 at Govt. Girls Sr.
Secondary School, Jalandhar. First of its kind in the country and unique program to create energy
auditors amongst school students, Principals and Teachers regarding Energy Conservation & Efficiency
for Schools in the state of Punjab held on 12th May, 2015 at Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar.
Punjab State Energy Conservation & Efficiency Campaign for Schools in the state of Punjab held on
13th May, 2015 at Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Conduction of 3 day Capacity Building
Program for Practicing Energy Auditors and Energy Managers of Industries at Chandigarh held on 10th-
12th September, 2015. Workshop to Promote Model EPC Contracts to Scale up the ESCO & Energy
with practical knowledge. Industrial realities are opened to the students through
industrial visits.
To provide fuel for cooking purposes and organic manure to rural households
social benefits
Promotion and Development of Solar Photovoltaic based technologies
biogas plants.
Energy conservation
2. Increase in the share of clean power: Renewable (bio, wind, hydro, solar,
heating, motive power and captive generation in rural, urban, industrial and
commercial sectors;
a net foreign exchange earner in the sector and deploy such indigenously
State Nodal Agencies under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India
Managing Director/Chief
State Nodal Agency Notes
Executive Officer
Assam Assam Energy Development Agency Haresh Chandra Dutta
State Nodal Agencies under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India
Managing Director/Chief
State Nodal Agency Notes
Executive Officer
Gujarat Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) V A Vaghela
HIMURJA Bhanu Pratap Singh
MP Urja Vikas Nigam Ltd. SR Mohanty
State Nodal Agencies under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India
Managing Director/Chief
State Nodal Agency Notes
Executive Officer
Development Agency
Mizoram Zoram Energy Development Agency (ZEDA) Arun Kumar Tripathi
Punjab Punjab Energy Development Agency Amarpal Singh
Uttarakhand Uttarakhand Renewable Energy Development
State Nodal Agencies under Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, India
Managing Director/Chief
State Nodal Agency Notes
Executive Officer
Agency (UREDA)
Renewable Energy Agency Puducherry (REAP)
Key functional area
Tidal energy;
Geothermal Energy;
Mission was launched on 11 January 2010 by the Prime Minister. The Mission
power by 2022. Further, Government has revised the target of Grid Connected
the year 2021-22 under the National Solar Mission and it was approved by
New Initiatives
power, small hydro, biogas, and solar power. The broad aim of the ministry is to
develop and deploy new and renewable energy for supplementing the energy
requirements of India.
Ministry's 2016-17 annual report, India has made significant advances in several
and hydroelectricity.
based renewable energy. 28700.44 MW of which was from Wind power, 4333.85
from Solar power(SPV), and the rest 114.08 MW from Waste to Power.
During the same time period, the total deployment of an Off-grid based renewable
Cogeneration consisted of 651.91 MW, Bio mass Gasifier was 186.88 MW Waste
to energy was 163.35 MW, SPV Systems (of less than 1 Kilowatt (kW)) capacity
was 405.54 1 MW, and the rest from micro-Hydro and Wind power.
The total number of deployment of Family Biogas plant was 49.40 lakhs. And the
total area that is covered with Solar water heating (SWH) systems was 4.47
Million m2.
apex National R&D institution in the field Solar Energy. The Government of
India has converted 25-year-old Solar Energy Centre (SEC) under MNRE to an
based institution of high quality and dedication, offers services and seeks to
find complete solutions for the kinds of difficulties and improvements in the
entire spectrum of the wind energy sector by carrying out further research.
Govt. of India spread over a sprawling campus of about 75 acres, the Institute is
Energy. The objectives of the Institute are to carry out and facilitate research,
bioenergy, biofuels & synthetic fuels in solid, liquid & gaseous forms for
Kapurthala (Punjab).
for providing term loans for renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
achievement of targets set therein. It is the only CPSU dedicated to the solar
The Ministry has established state nodal agencies in different states and union
use of renewable energy in their respective states. The primary objective of a state
nodal agency under this ministry is to develop, coordinate, finance and promote
research projects in the new and renewable energy field. It is also expected to
Available Support-
-ECBC Empanelled Experts, ECBC
Master Trainers, ECBC Professionals,
ECBC Cell, Architects.
Promotional Schemes/Activities - Family Type Biogas Plants Programme
Introduction : Biogas is a clean and efficient fuel. Biogas is produced from Cattle
Dung, Human Excreta and other organic matter in Biogas plant through a process
also contains 30% to 35% carbon dioxide and traces of Nitrogen, Hydrogen and
Water. Bio slurry which is bye product has manurial value than farm yard manure
Potential and Achievement A cumulative total of 1.16 Lakh family type biogas
plants have been set up in the state of Punjab upto 31.3.2011 against estimated
potential of 4.5 lakh plants. Approved designs of family type biogas plants
(b) KVIC Type Biogas Plants with Ferro cement 1 to 10 cubic metre
(c) KVIC Type Biogas Plants with Fibre Glass 1 to 10 cubic metre
in-situ technique
(f) 'Flexi' model Bag digester type plant made 1 to 6 cubic metre
Size of plant Quantity of cattle No. of cattle Estimated cost*
Cooking :
Biogas can be used in a specially designed burner for cooking. A biogas plant of 2
Lighting :
Gas lamps can be fueled by biogas. The requirement of gas for powering a 100
Power Generation :
Biogas can be used to operate a dual fuel engine and can replace upto 80%
of diesel.
Implementation Strategy :
workers who have been trained by PAU, Ludhiana. The turnkey workers arrange a
trained mason for installation of Biogas plants, helps the beneficiary for procuring
good quality material which includes burners and other fittings required for the
biogas plants. The turnkey worker got filled the application form of the beneficiary
for informing the concerned field officer for starting the installation of Biogas
plant. Then the beneficiary got installed the plant through trained mason under the
PEDA for release of permissible subsidy to beneficiaries and SEW charges to the
concerned SEW. After sample checking from H.Q. level, the subsidy and SEW
charges are released. The turnkey worker stands guaranteed for three years for
Capacity of the Biogas General (Rs.) Additional for attaching toilet (Rs.)
plant (Cum)
1 4000 1000
2 to 6 8000
(ii) Turn-Key Job Fee : : The amount of turn-key job fee is Rs. 1500/- per plant
(iii) Repair charges for old non-functional plants: Financial support is given up to
a maximum of 50 per cent of the rate of Central subsidy as applicable for a given
category of beneficiary and area for repair of plants, which have been.
A large capacity biogas plant (New Modified PAU Janta Model Biogas Plant) has
farmers. This, essentially, is a "Janta" design but of higher capacity. The gas-holder
construction of this type of plant is easy and is not very different from the method
for the Deenbandhu Biogas Plant. The details of New Modified PAU Janta Model
Biogas Plant are shown in figure- I and the dimensions of different sized biogas
plants are shown in table 1. The capacity wise detail of different capacity of Biogas
Large Capacity Fixed Dome Type Biogas Plants
The details of New Modified PAU Janta Model biogas plant is shown in Fig.1.
Energy Conservation
Energy is a basic requirement for economic development in almost all major
energy has been steadily rising all over the country and more so in states like
Punjab has maintained a steady growth pattern in the past and the trend is likely to
continue in future as well. This has increased the dependence of the state on fossil
widening supply-demand gap facing the nation today. As per the Integrated Energy
conservation potential for the economy as a whole has been assessed as 23% with
Clean Development Mechanism
Carbon Credits and Clean Development Mechanism for eligible Projects within the
dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system. To strengthen the
developed country commitements under the Convention, the parties adopted Kyoto
The Kyoto protocol provides for quantified emission limitations and reduction
with these targets, reporting and review and it lists six greenhouse gases – carbon
the Kyoto Protocol in August 2002 and one of the objectives of acceding was to
gas reduction project activities are usually much lower with the purpose to assist
Carbon Credit:
In addition to the burning of fossil fuels, major industry sources of green house gas
emissions are cement, steel, textile, and fertilizer manufactures. The main gases
For trading purposes, one credit is considered equivalent to one tonne of CO2
emissions. Such a credit can be sold in the international market at the prevailing
market price. There are two exchanges for carbon credits: the Chicago Climate
The concept of carbon credit trading seeks to encourage countries to reduce their
GHG emissions, as it rewards those countries which meet their targets and
credits (collected by overshooting the emission reduction target) can be sold in the
global market. One credit is equivalent to one tonne of CO2 emission reduced. CC
are available for companies engaged in developing renewable energy projects that
offset the use of fossil fuel. Developed countries have to spend nearly $300-500 for
countries. In countries like India, GHG emission. On the contrary, they are entitled
to sell surplus credits to developed countries. It is here that trading takes place.
Foreign companies who cannot fulfil the protocol norms can buy the surplus credit
Thus, the stage is set for Credit Emission Reduction (CER) trade to flourish. India
is considered as the largest beneficiary, claiming about 31% of the total world
Household level biogas plants treating organic farmyard, Kitchen, and biowastes
Solar Energy
What is Kyoto Protocol:
The Kyoto Protocol provides for three mechanisms that enable developed countries
greenhouse gas reduction credits. These mechanisms are joint implementation (JI),
reduction would set up a project in another developed country that has a relatively
low cost. Under CDM, a developed country where the cost of greenhouse gas
reduction project activities are usually much lower. The developed country would
be given credits for meeting its emission reduction targets,while the developing
country would receive the capital and clean technology to implement the project.
Under IET, countries can trade in the international carbon credits market.
Countries with surplus credits can sell them to countries with quantified emission
The objective is the "stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the
have ratified the agreement (representing over 61.6% of emissions fron Annex I
countries) Notable exceptions include the united states and Australia. Other
countries, like India and China, which have ratified the protocol, are not required
There is still some debate about the usefulness of the protocol, and there have been
PP - Project Proponent
AE - Applicant Entity
EB - Executive Board
Punjab Genco Ltd
Renewable Energy Development & Punjab Genco Ltd a wholly owned company of
Punjab Energy Development Agency) was formed to meet with the statutory
requirements of Electricity Supply Act, 1948 for power generation. The main
To identify the projects based on new and renewable energy fuels, prepare techno-
economic feasibility reports and identify and select suitable investors for
Own (BOO) basis or at its own including supervision and execution of such
implementation of hydro electric power, solar, wind, biomass, biogas and co-
hydro electric power projects, solar, wind, biomass, biogas and co-generation
sale of power in accordance with the State Govt. policies and economic
sale of power in accordance with the State Govt. policies and economic
sale of power in accordance with the State Govt. policies and economic
other utilities, wheeling and banking of power projects and sale of power in
With the above objectives the company was incorporated on 5.3.1998 under the
o Sh. Anirudh Tewari, IAS, Chairman
Since its inception the company has taken over eight canal based Mini Hydel
Power Plants (MHPs), three Solar Photovoltaic Power (SPV) plants and one High
Rate Biomethanation Power Plant on mutually agreed terms & conditions from its
These eight Mini Hydel Plants are having ultra low heads in the range of 1.75 mtr.
to 2.5 mtr. and are selected as technology demonstration projects to establish the
techno-commercial viability of such ultra low heads. Such ultra low heads are
successfully harnessed for power generation for the first time in the country using
innovative technological options available in the world. The state of the art
technology has been used for designing the unmanned operation of the plants to
Renewable Energy Certificate Mechanism (REC)
REC Procedure
online application should also intimate to PEDA and also submit the complete
NOTE:- The project Developer/Owner should satisfy himself that he is eligible for
issue of RECs as per regulations and project complies with all the requirements of
generation, fuel usage, metering, sale and/or captive consumption of power etc.,
Commission Orders
Projects(Date 31.10.2011)
The development and application of New and Renewable Sources of Energy has
Governments world over. The day by day depleting and limited fossil fuels and
other conventional sources of energy has left us with no other option than to go for
quick and large scale adoption and development of new and renewable sources of
energy. The new and renewable sources of energy, being relatively new concepts,
are encountering social and psychological barriers in their acceptance on the part
of large masses as a whole. Mass- Awareness and Publicity programmes can play
an important role for promoting our NRSE Programmes with liberal financial
support being provided by the Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of
India. With a view to achieve the above objective, PEDA has been running Mass-
Awareness and Publicity programme in a big way since its very inception in 1991
and our efforts in this field have been recognized and appreciated at national level.
The main objectives of this Programme are; To introduce the people to these
new and renewable sources of energy. To make the people aware of the benefits
of the adoption .
To impart information regarding operation and maintenance of various renewable
publicity, thus has been running Mass Awareness & Publicity Programme in top
gear since its very inception in 1991. Our efforts in this field have been well
recognized and appreciated at national level. PEDA has been awarded the National
Best Performance Award for five times. The main activities undertaken by Mass
Awareness & Publicity cell under this programme are; To organise NRSE
To advertise through out door media like blow-ups, bus panels, wall paintings,
with other institutions/departments engaged in the development and promotion of
the Mass Awareness & Publicity Programme during the year 2007-08; 248 mass
fairs and melas. 80 NRSE exhibition were organized through MEV. Rajiv
Gandhi Akshay Urja Diwas was celebrated in all the districts . 40 essay writing
competitions were organized . 40 hoarding and 100 wall paintings were put up at
various places in the state. Literature on Solar water heating system , solar
cooker, biogas development programme, and other NRSE devices and projects
was got printed and circulated in public. One lac coloured stickers were also got
The field trip to PEDA green building was really comprehensive. On top of that,
the participants gained a new knowledge regarding the net metering policy system.
The participants were impressed with the structure of PEDA green building
especially the building using the natural light inside and ceiling with the air trap
design. Moreover, this field trip exposed the participants with the state agency in
1. ^ "Budget data" (PDF). www.indiabudget.gov.in. 2019.
June 2019.
3. ^ 1. http://mnre.gov.in/mission-and-vision-2/people/minister/
9. ^ www.google.com
Fax : 0172-2662865
Email IDs of Project / Activity Heads
Singh, implementation of
Assistant Energy Conservation
General Act, 2001
Sh. P.C.Bains,
Assistant SPV Solar Pumping
General Systes and KUSUM
Mini Hydel Projects on
Sh. Davinder BOO basis, Waste to
Singh, Energy Power Projects,
Assistant Biofuels/Bio- ethanol davindersingh[at]peda[dot]gov[dot]in
General and new technology
Manager projects in Bio-Energy
Rooftop Solar Power
Projects including Net
Metering, Existing and
new Rooftop Solar
Sh. Supinder
Power Plants of Police
Singh, Senior supindersingh[at]peda[dot]gov[dot]in
Station old age homes
etc. Existing Grid
Connected Ground
Mounted Solar Power
Pendency of regulatory
matters of PSERC and
CERC and other court
cases related to Project
Division. Solar Thermal
(Solar Water Heating
Sh. R.K.
System (SWHS) ,Solar
Gupta, Senior rkgupta[at]peda[dot]gov[dot]in
Cooker, Solar Steam
Cooking System (CST)),
Biomass and Co-
generation Power
Project, Hybrid Plants,
Farmer Solar Power
Scheme and Akshay Urja
Sh. Kulbir Energy Conservation,
Singh, Mini-Micro, Hydel kulbirsingh[at]peda[dot]gov[dot]in
Manager Power (PGL)
Sh. Shekhar
Finance Section (PGL) shekharbakshi[at]peda[dot]gov[dot]in
Sh. Amrit Pal
Administration Section
Garg, amritgarg[at]peda[dot]gov[dot]in
& Stationary (PGL)
Sh. Bikram Vir E-Tendering, Website
Singh, AM (IT) Operations
Large Projects
Bio Fuel
The Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GOI is the nodal Ministry for overall
coordination relating to biofuel and preparation of National Policy for the same.
For the promotion of biofuel production in the state, Punjab Energy Development
Agency (PEDA) has been designated as state nodal agency to coordinate the
Director, Rural Development & Panchayat
Director, Agriculture
Minister to finalise a national olicy on bio fuels which aims to set a target of
meeting 10% of total transport fuel with bio fuels by 2017. The policy is open to
changes, but estimates suggested that 12 million hectares of land would have to be
brought under Bio Fuel crops to meet the target. The policy would also create a
India already has 60,000 hectares under Jatropha Plantation in Andhra Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Madhya {Pradesh and Chattisgarh which would provide 0.3-0.5 billion
litres of bio-diesel. India is also keen on using bio fuels not only for production of