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New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships ASEAN –

Renewable Energy Project Management 2020

Background and Need

It is predicted that the population in the ASEAN region will increase from 615 million in 2014 to 715
million by 2025 and over this time the region’s economy is set to grow by more than 5% per year.
This rapid growth in population and economy will place a heavy burden on the region’s energy
demand with a predicted annual increase in demand of 4%, which equates to approximately a 50%
energy demand increase by 2025 when compared to 2014 levels.
To meet such a growing demand, it is obvious that new generation capacity is required, however
where this new capacity is to come from is one of the greatest challenges for the region. To help
address the demand-supply gap, the region is turning to renewable energy sources which are
increasingly becoming cost-competitive - these include geothermal, hydro, wind, bioenergy and
The ASEAN region’s target is to increase primary energy generation from modern, sustainable
renewable sources from 9.4% (in 2014) to 23% by 2025. This target is quite aspirational, and the
deployment of renewable energy technologies is complex, and these complexities will be different in
each member country, so no single solution will be applicable to all nations.
In order to achieve the renewable energy target there is a large need for capability building and
upskilling in the region. To fulfil some of the required need the Geothermal Institute of the
University of Auckland, has developed the following proposal for the delivery of a third intensive
Renewable Energy Project Management course to be delivered in New Zealand for engineers and
managers who are working or will work in Renewable Energy in their respective nations. This course
will give the participants the required base knowledge to successfully project manage new
renewable energy capacity developments going forward. This will be fourth time the Geothermal
Institute will be running the Renewable Energy Project Management course, with the first time being
in May 2017.

Intended Participants
The Geothermal Institute envisages participants will currently be in middle management positions in
renewable energy development companies. These could be state-owned-enterprises or
independent energy producers. Ideally participants will come from management roles in renewable
energy projects with decision making authority. This could include senior managers, procurement
managers, construction managers, general project managers.

1 Auckland UniServices
Candidates should, amongst other requirements:
 Have at least 5 years work experience in renewable energy or another relevant sector
 Be able to demonstrate a minimum IELTS overall band score of 5.5 (or equivalent). Where
test results are not available, Posts are responsible for confirming the English language
proficiency of applicants.
 Have basic computer literacy and numeracy
When selecting candidates, the following should also be considered:
 Contribution to gender equity – target of a minimum of 50% females per cohort.
 That they are engaged in a suitable management role in renewable energy projects with
decision making authority. The potential for leadership is to be identified by Post as part of
assessment (from CV and application).

Course Structure
The key learning outcome is the practical application of project management tools in a renewable
energy context. A further implicit learning outcome is to enhance decision making and risk
management capabilities. In order to achieve these outcomes, we propose a basic structure that
uses a 4-week face-to-face modular approach. Careful consideration has been given to ensuring that
throughout each section and module the content is contextualised to the renewable energy
industry. This will be achieved through a curriculum that intersperses subject matter experts with
guest lecturers from industry. The purpose of this is to demonstrate how these tools can be applied
in practice, using real-world examples and experience. A curriculum delivery workshop is planned to
refine and apply the learnings from the first course in order to ensure that the learning outcomes
are achieve.
The curriculum structure will be largely based on the material developed and delivered in the first
Renewable Energy Project Management course. However, material will be amended and improved
where required based on the learnings and feedback from the first course.
The sections, modules and module content are as follows:

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Section 1 An introduction to fundamentals of renewable energy – 8 modules
This section is designed to develop understanding in the advantages and challenges of renewable
energy system applications, as well as latest development and understandings of the renewable
energy technology. This section will also offer an understanding of energy economics and grid
integration mechanisms that should be considered in all renewable energy contexts. A key
understanding and acknowledgement of environmental and social issues that influence renewable
energy development will also be covered in this section.
This section is broken into 5 renewable energy technology modules:
 Solar
 Wind
 Biofuel
 Geothermal
 Hydro
Renewable Energy Technology Module includes:
o Exploration and development process
o Exploration and development strategy
o Process and resource issues
 Maximising availability
 Optimising design parameters
 Matching the plant to the resource
 Plant management
 Storage of generation
o Resource capacity estimation and protocols
There will also be 3 generic renewable energy modules:
 Energy economics and resource management
 Grid integration
 Environmental issues and community/indigenous issues

Section 2: Project management fundamentals

In this module the essentials of project management principles will be presented. It will be
structured in line with project management industry-wide professional standards. It is designed to
provide an understanding of the project management framework.
Module Content:
 Project concepts, methodologies and approaches
 Project establishment
o project justification, cost/benefit business case
o establishing the project governance structure

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o developing the project charter
o defining the project high-level scope
o defining and measuring project success
 Project planning
o requirements definition and solution design
o project staging
o work breakdown structure development
o precedence diagram development
o estimation of effort and time
o critical path development
o advanced techniques: leads/lags, multiple dependency types
o resource levelling and multiple constraints
o quality planning
o budget development
 Project controls
o progress tracking and reporting
o earned value analysis
o scope change management
o quality control
o issues management
o risk management
 Project direction
o staff acquisition and team development
o communication
o constructive use of conflict
o negotiation
o motivation and leadership
o stakeholder management
 Procurement
o contracting options
o selection process
o contract formation
o contract performance management

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Section 3: Applied renewable energy project management
This module will provide a practical application of project management principles within a
renewable energy context. This module will be delivered by industry experts and provide real-world
examples of project management in practice.
Module Content:
 Commercialisation of renewable energy projects
o resource and project ownership
o regulatory issues including environmental
o permitting and safeguards
 Financing a renewable energy project
o equity and debt
o source of finance: including non-recourse finance, grants, soft loans, insurance
and risk mitigation schemes
o risk profiles
o required rates of return
o tariffs and PPA
o costs and cost estimation
 Contractual basis of a renewable energy projects
o contracting processes and management
o consulting - owner's engineer
o power plants
o construction and commissioning
o performance tests and warranties
o FIDIC etc.
o O&M
 Risk management and decision making
 Requirement for a Business Plan
These modules will be delivered sequentially back to back within the 4-week timeframe.

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Student feedback and follow up
At the conclusion of the course all participants are asked to complete a participant feedback form.
The purpose of this is to evaluate how effectively participants felt the course delivered on the
learning outcomes. In addition, this will provide valuable insight into improvements and
refinements that could be made in future courses.
After one month, participants will complete a post-training feedback form. The purpose of this is to
evaluate the impact their training has had on their current role. This information will provide
valuable insight into the pragmatic value of the course content. This data will be included in the
completion report, along with recommendations for future courses.
It is intended that the post-training follow-up will provide the alumni with a supportive community
and network that will provide a framework for future collaboration. A LinkedIn group managed by
the Geothermal Institute will be set up so that participants can continue their collaboration on an
ongoing basis. We have found this to be a very effective tool with our graduate cohorts. Many of
the graduates of the Master of Energy programme, coordinated by the Geothermal Institute, have
gone on to senior positions in the renewable energy sector. It is envisaged that this connection will
extend to the participants of the course throughout their career.

Timing and Duration

We propose that this course be delivered at Clifton’s Auckland, commencing 5th February 2020 and
completed by 7th March 2020 (to include participant travel). The actual course of instruction will
run from 10 February to 6 March 2020. The course will include a 4-day field trip to visit various
renewable energy projects currently scheduled from 23-26 February 2020.

Delivery, Management and Presenting Team

This initiative is to be led by the Geothermal Institute of the University of Auckland, headed by
Professor Rosalind Archer. Established in 1978, the Geothermal Institute is home of the largest
group of geothermal researchers in the world and is recognized globally for its geothermal expertise
and its training initiatives that are delivered both in New Zealand and abroad. Since its inception the
Geothermal Institute have trained over 1,500 alumni worldwide, many are now in senior positions in
the international geothermal industry.
In addition, the Geothermal Institute is responsible for the coordination of the Master of Energy for
the University of Auckland. The Master of Energy is a cross-faculty postgraduate degree that spans
the faculties of Engineering, Science and Business and Economics. The programme is flexible and is
designed to allow students to concentrate on a field of energy by choosing appropriate elective
courses and project topics from the 3 faculties. As a result, the Geothermal Institute, already has
established relationships with experts in other forms of renewable energy.

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Further, prior to becoming Head of Department and Geothermal Institute Director, Professor
Rosalind Archer was the Energy theme Leader for the Faculty of Engineering. The Energy research
theme targets improved energy supply and use, incorporating new sources of energy, sustainability
of energy supply and new low energy usage technologies. The Energy research theme has technical
experts in the following energy-related fields:
 Biomass/biofuels
 Solar energy
 Wind energy
 Energy policy
 Environmental management
 Energy economics
The Geothermal Institute will call on collaborative contributions and expertise from across the
University of Auckland, the University of Auckland Business School, as well as specialists in
renewable energy project management from industry. Our experts are considered world-class
authorities in professional renewable energy activities. They will impart best practice along with the
benefits of working in the ASEAN region for many years.

Key Personnel and Expertise:

Geothermal Institute
 Geothermal Energy,
 Project management,
 Course design and delivery

Professor Rosalind Archer is the Director of the Geothermal Institute and holds the Mercury Chair in
Geothermal Reservoir Engineering. She is an Independent Director on the board of New Zealand Oil
and Gas and runs a successful consulting practice delivering training and reservoir engineering
solutions to clients locally and internationally. As Project Director Rosalind will maintain an overview
of the project milestones and phases.

An experienced Project Coordinator will be appointed by Auckland UniServices Ltd. The Project Co-
Ordinator will be responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the course from initial
design, curriculum development, delivery and completion, as well as providing pastoral care for
participants on this course.

University of Auckland – Business School

 Energy economics
 Energy policy

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 Planning and analysis for grid connection, including managing intermittent renewable
energy generation supply
 Fundamentals of project management

Professor Basil Sharp is the Energy Education Trust of New Zealand Professor of Energy & Resource
Economics, Director of The Energy Centre and Associate Dean Postgraduate for the Business
School. His research interests span the field of energy and resource economics, economics of the
environment, and law and economics. He has a specific interest in the application of economics and
econometric methods to contemporary resource and environmental problems. His current research
focuses on renewable energy, contract design under uncertainty, rights-based systems of
governance and spatial modelling. Of late he has been involved in assessment of solar energy
potential in Auckland, optimal contract design involving a wind farm and landowner, energy
efficiency and spatial modelling of hazards.
Rob Verkerk has more than 30 years’ experience of operational management, project management
and consulting in New Zealand and internationally specialising in training, coaching and mentoring.
Rob has an MBA and a Diploma in Business from Auckland University, PMP (Project Management
Professional) qualification from the Project Management Institute (since March 2000) and the UK
PRINCE2 Practitioner qualification ensuring he is more than capable of designing and presenting the
Project Management aspect of the course.
Rob has spent over twenty years designing and delivering customised training courses to diverse
stakeholders proving his capability to ensure that the students participating in this training course
will leave with a world of knowledge on Project Management specifically relating to renewable

University of Auckland –Faculty of Engineering

 Planning and analysis for grid connection, including managing intermittent renewable energy
generation supply

Associate Professor Nirmal Nair is the Energy Theme Leader for the Faculty of Engineering and
teaches in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His expertise involves smart
grids, power system analysis, protective relaying & optimisation in the context of electricity markets
and integration of distributed generation/renewable sources into electricity networks. He serves in
various capacities for IEEE New Zealand North Section, IEEE Power and Energy Society and is
Secretary for CIGRE New Zealand National Committee. He is actively engaged towards University of
Auckland’s outreach with power system stakeholders, internationally and in New Zealand across all
sectors (generators, distributors, retailers, metering, transmission system operator, regulatory
bodies, consultancies, vendors, Electricity Engineering Association etc).

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Geothermal New Zealand
 Geothermal energy
 Selection, design and financing of renewable resource developments

Dr Mike Allen – Special Envoy for Renewable Energy to the New Zealand Government, Executive
Director, Geothermal New Zealand Inc. Over 40 year’s involvement in the domestic and international
geothermal industry at consulting, operational and governance levels. Experience in the selection,
design and financing of renewable resource developments.

Jacobs Consultancy
 Geothermal energy
 Solar energy
 Reservoir engineering and resource assessment
 Environmental management
 Project preparation and development management
 Engineering (design, contract, documentation, construction supervision)
 Power plant engineering (design, contract documentation, construction supervision)
 Resource management
 Power plant operations and management
 Direct use applications (industrial processing, heating, space conditioning)
 Asset management
 Asset valuations and due diligence studies
 Project risk assessment
 Carbon financing
 Leader’s engineer / resource advisor

Paul Quinlivan has over 35 years’ experience in the renewable energy sector, particularly
geothermal, and he has spent extended periods living overseas on projects in Kenya and Indonesia,
as well as providing advice to clients in a wide range of countries. In the past 8 years Paul has
actively pursued broader opportunities in biomass energy (particularly bamboo and rice straw), solar
thermal energy and the integration of renewables into small isolated grids. Paul specialises in total
project conceptualisation, preparation of business cases, cost estimation, financial modelling,
development planning and carbon financing: including managing the successful validation and
registration of geothermal projects under the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto
Protocol. Paul considers himself reasonably competent in Bahasa Indonesia having spent more than
13 years working on projects in Indonesia.
Alastair Brookes is a Renewable Energy specialist at Jacobs. He has provided advice to
governments, developers and financiers on the implementation of sustainable energy policy,

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projects and programmes. He has work in the fields of biomass energy, energy efficiency and
geothermal energy.
Peter Apperley is a Senior Consultant in the Strategic Advisory at Jacobs. He is responsible for
identifying and securing new strategic energy opportunities in emerging markets including
Australasia, Latin America, SE Asia, Africa and the Pacific. He is also responsible for leading,
managing and providing technical input for renewable energy projects and evaluating potential
opportunities to provide new services to clients. Some of his projects have included renewable
development options study for Grande Comore, Comoros, and financial valuation of small hydro
power station in NZ and led grid integration prefeasibility study for large scale Li Ion battery trial.

 Wind energy

Blair Walter is a mechanical engineer with 21 years’ experience in the international energy sector
including 14 years dedicated to renewable energy. He has specialist skills in project management
and advisory services on renewable energy projects and has undertaken projects in Brazil, Turkey,
Mexico, Europe, Indonesia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Kenya and Uganda. Blair
has led due diligence exercises on over 20 GW of renewable energy projects, including wind, solar
and hydro assets, and has provided technical and commercial evaluation services to project
developers and financiers on a wide range of projects at all stages from conception and initiation
through to mature operations. Blair’s strengths are in understanding his clients’ businesses and
advising on key techno-commercial and risk issues such as development staging, project feasibility,
contract strategy, contract development, construction management and asset management for
long-term commercial success. Blair is chairman of the New Zealand Wind Energy Association and
member of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency’s advisory panel.

Bioenergy Association/East Harbour Energy

 Bioenergy

Brian Cox has over 30 years’ experience in identifying, investigating and developing commercial
capital investment projects in the energy and infrastructure sectors. For the last decade Brian has
been the Executive Officer of the Bioenergy Association. His experience is split equally across public
policy, commercial development of energy projects, and leading energy-based industry associations.
In addition, he is a principal of East Harbour Energy and provides advice on strategies and
commercialisation of energy opportunities. Previously he led the development of the New Zealand
Bioenergy Strategy which has been recognised within the New Zealand Government’s Energy
Strategy. He is now working on implementation of the Bioenergy Strategy and assisting association
members secure the economic benefits of the emerging bioeconomy.

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 Hydro energy
 Applied project management

Ross Oliver is Associate Director – Energy. He is an electrical engineer and been involved with the
planning, feasibility studies, design, construction supervision, commissioning and due diligence
studies of hydro projects since 1991. He continues to be involved having been in Vietnam four times
for a total of 12 weeks in the last year at a World Bank funded 260 MW hydro power dam
construction site – Trung Son. This project is being commissioned right now.

Mitchell Daysh
 Environment and social assessment and management
 Climate change impacts and emission reduction mechanisms

Stephen Daysh has wide environmental consulting and management experience in New Zealand,
Asia and the Pacific. He has considerable experience working with clients in all fields of
environmental planning, and in the management and co-ordination of multi-disciplinary professional
service teams for major projects. His primary specialty is the project management of feasibility
studies, environmental investigations and permitting processes for energy and infrastructure
facilities, and urban developments. He is a certified Commissioner Chair under the Ministry for
Environment ‘Making Good Decisions’ programme and regularly sits as a decision maker in this
capacity. Stephen is also a process and meeting facilitator with a focus in co-ordinating community-
based option assessment processes for planning issues, often utilising multi-criteria evaluation

Pastoral Care and Resources for Short Course Participants

The Geothermal Institute is committed to ensuring that all participants in the training course feel
welcomed and respected. We strive to develop a supportive cohort that will provide a lifetime
network throughout the participant’s career.
The University of Auckland is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of
International Students. We have robust practices to support the well-being of our international

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Welcome Event
The orientation will be followed by a Welcome Event hosted by the Geothermal Institute Director.
This is a catered event which will provide an opportunity for participants to meet their colleagues,
members of staff and trainers.

Completion Event
The course will conclude with a formal Completion Event. This is an event where participants are
issued with their Completion Certificate. The Certificates will be presented by the Director of the
Geothermal Institute. This is a catered event.
Participants will be invited to join the illustrious Geothermal Institute alumni group and be able to
attend and participate in future Geothermal Institute alumni activities. This also provides a powerful
networking tool for participants.

Field Trip
A Field trip is proposed to start place on Sunday 23rd February 2020. The Field Trip will be guided by
Geothermal Institute staff and will take 4 days. The Field Trip will include transportation and
accommodation for three nights. All meals excluding lunch on the first day will be provided. All PPE
(Personal Protection Equipment) will be provided however participants will need to be bring their
own steel capped boots. A full health and safety plan will be prepared beforehand, and all staff will
have access to first aid supplies.

Course Coordinator
While in Auckland the Project Coordinator will be available to assist the course participants with any
issues or challenges they might have.

The brand currency and reputation of the Geothermal Institute, particularly amongst its alumni base
who are now in positions of influence globally, provides excellent leverage in positioning the
proposed course as credible, beneficial and effective. Capitalising on our positive and continuing
relationships with our alumni will provide a valuable marketing strategy and tool.
The Geothermal Institute will prepare and develop a marketing one pager to target the intended
participants. The completed promotional material will be sent electronically to the posts for
distribution among their network.
In addition, the Geothermal Institute has a well-maintained database of industry and alumni
professionals that will be used as a direct mail avenue for distribution of promotional material. We

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will use Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, which have proved to be effective marketing tools for the
Geothermal Institute. The proposed course would also feature on our Geothermal Institute website.

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