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Service Manual

Screw Compressor


9_5745 03 USE
Original instructions

1 Regarding this Document

1.1 Using the Document ......................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Additional Documents ...................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Copyright .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 Symbols and Identification ............................................................................................... 1
1.4.1 Warnings ............................................................................................................. 1
1.4.2 Other instructions and symbols .......................................................................... 2
2 Technical Data
2.1 Nameplate ........................................................................................................................ 3
2.2 Options ............................................................................................................................. 3
2.3 Weight .............................................................................................................................. 4
2.4 Temperature ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.5 Ambient Conditions .......................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Ventilation ........................................................................................................................ 5
2.7 Pressure ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.8 Delivery ............................................................................................................................ 6
2.9 Cooling Oil Recommendation .......................................................................................... 6
2.9.1 Basic Information ................................................................................................ 6
2.9.2 KAESER Lubricants ............................................................................................ 6
2.10 Cooling oil charge ............................................................................................................ 7
2.11 Motors and Power ............................................................................................................ 7
2.11.1 Drive motor ......................................................................................................... 7
2.12 Sound Pressure Level ...................................................................................................... 8
2.13 Power Supply ................................................................................................................... 8
2.14 Power Supply Specifications ............................................................................................ 9
2.15 Available heat capacity .................................................................................................... 10
2.16 Refrigeration dryer ........................................................................................................... 10
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.1 Basic Information ............................................................................................................. 11
3.2 Specified Use ................................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Improper Use ................................................................................................................... 11
3.4 User's Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Observe statutory and universally accepted regulations .................................... 11
3.4.2 Qualified personnel ............................................................................................. 12
3.4.3 Inspection Schedules and Accident Prevention Regulations ............................. 12
3.5 Dangers ............................................................................................................................ 12
3.5.1 Safely Dealing with Sources of Danger .............................................................. 13
3.5.2 Safe Machine Operation ..................................................................................... 15
3.5.3 Organizational Measures .................................................................................... 15
3.5.4 Danger Areas ...................................................................................................... 15
3.6 Safety Devices ................................................................................................................. 16
3.7 Safety Signs ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.8 In Emergency ................................................................................................................... 18
3.8.1 Fire fighting ......................................................................................................... 18
3.8.2 Remove any compressor cooling oil from your person. ...................................... 18
3.8.3 Injury from Handling Refrigerant ......................................................................... 18
3.9 Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 19
3.10 Environmental Protection ................................................................................................. 19
4 Design and Function
4.1 Enclosure ......................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 Functional Description of the Machine ............................................................................. 20
4.3 Refrigeration Dryer ........................................................................................................... 22
4.4 Floating relay contacts ..................................................................................................... 22

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC i

4.5 Options ............................................................................................................................. 22

4.5.1 Machine mountings ............................................................................................. 22
4.5.2 Prepared for external heat recovery ................................................................... 23
4.6 Operating States and Control Modes ............................................................................... 23
4.6.1 Operating states of the machine ......................................................................... 23
4.6.2 Control modes .................................................................................................... 23
4.7 Refrigeration Dryer Control Modes .................................................................................. 24
4.8 Safety Devices ................................................................................................................. 25
4.9 SIGMA CONTROL BASIC Keys and Indicators ............................................................... 25
4.10 Function of the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC ...................................................................... 26
4.10.1 Display layout .................................................................................................... 26
4.10.2 Parameters ......................................................................................................... 27
4.10.3 Messages ........................................................................................................... 28
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.1 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 29
5.2 Installation Conditions ...................................................................................................... 29
5.2.1 Place of installation and distances ...................................................................... 29
5.2.2 Ensure adequate ventilation ............................................................................... 30
5.2.3 Exhaust duct design ........................................................................................... 30
5.3 Using the Compressor to Supply A Compressed Air System. ......................................... 31
6 Installation
6.1 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 32
6.2 Reporting Transport Damage ........................................................................................... 32
6.3 Making the Compressed Air Connection .......................................................................... 32
6.4 Connecting the condensate drain .................................................................................... 33
6.5 Making the Power Supply Connection ............................................................................. 34
6.5.1 Changing main voltage connections ................................................................... 34
6.6 Refrigeration dryer: Connecting the transformer according to the power supply. ............ 36
6.7 Options ............................................................................................................................. 36
6.7.1 Anchoring the machine ....................................................................................... 36
6.7.2 Connecting the external heat recovery system ................................................... 36
7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 38
7.2 To be noted before commissioning .................................................................................. 38
7.3 Checking Installation and Operating Conditions .............................................................. 39
7.4 Setting the Overload Protection Cut-Out .......................................................................... 40
7.5 Pouring Cooling Oil into the Airend .................................................................................. 40
7.6 Check Direction of Rotation ............................................................................................. 40
7.7 Checking the Door Interlock Switch ................................................................................. 41
7.8 Starting the machine for the first time .............................................................................. 41
7.9 Network Pressure Setting ................................................................................................ 42
8 Operation
8.1 Switching On and Off ....................................................................................................... 43
8.1.1 Switching on ....................................................................................................... 43
8.1.2 Switching off ....................................................................................................... 43
8.2 Switching Off in an Emergency and Switching On again ................................................. 44
8.3 Setting Parameters .......................................................................................................... 45
8.4 Acknowledging Alarm and Warning Messages ................................................................ 45
8.5 Switching off the Refrigeration Dryer ............................................................................... 46
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.1 Basic Information ............................................................................................................. 47
9.2 Alarm Messages (machine shutdown) ............................................................................. 47

Service Manual Screw Compressor

ii SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE

9.3 Warning messages (yellow LED lights) ............................................................................ 48

9.4 Other Faults ..................................................................................................................... 49
10 Maintenance
10.1 Safety ............................................................................................................................... 50
10.2 Maintenance Schedule ..................................................................................................... 50
10.2.1 Logging maintenance work ................................................................................. 50
10.2.2 Resetting maintenance interval counters ............................................................ 51
10.2.3 Regular maintenance tasks ................................................................................ 51
10.2.4 Cooling oil changing interval ............................................................................... 52
10.2.5 Regular service work .......................................................................................... 52
10.3 Cooler: Cleaning or Renewing the Filter Mats ................................................................. 53
10.4 Cleaning or Replacing the Control Cabinet Filter Mats .................................................... 53
10.5 Cooler Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 54
10.6 Maintaining the external heat recovery system ................................................................ 55
10.7 Air Filter Maintenance ...................................................................................................... 56
10.8 Drive Motor Maintenance ................................................................................................. 56
10.9 Maintaining the Drive Belts .............................................................................................. 57
10.10 Checking the Safety Relief Valve ..................................................................................... 58
10.11 Checking the Overheating Safety Shutdown Function ..................................................... 59
10.12 Checking the Cooling Oil Level ........................................................................................ 59
10.13 Venting the machine (depressurizing) .............................................................................. 60
10.14 Topping up the Cooling Oil ............................................................................................... 62
10.14.1 Venting the Machine (depressurizing) ................................................................ 63
10.14.2 Top up with cooling oil and test run .................................................................... 64
10.15 Changing the cooling oil ................................................................................................... 65
10.16 Changing the Oil Filter ..................................................................................................... 69
10.17 Changing the Oil Separator Cartridge .............................................................................. 70
10.18 Refrigeration dryer maintenance ...................................................................................... 71
10.18.1 Cleaning the refrigerant condenser .................................................................... 72
10.18.2 Checking condensate drainage .......................................................................... 72
10.18.3 Condensate drain maintenance .......................................................................... 73
10.19 Document maintenance and service work. ...................................................................... 75
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.1 Note the nameplate .......................................................................................................... 76
11.2 Ordering Consumable Parts and Operating Materials ..................................................... 76
11.3 SIGMA AIR SERVICE ...................................................................................................... 76
11.4 Service Addresses ........................................................................................................... 77
11.5 Spare Parts for Service and Repair ................................................................................. 77
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.1 Putting Out of Operation .................................................................................................. 80
12.2 Packing ............................................................................................................................ 80
12.3 Storage ............................................................................................................................. 80
12.4 Transporting ..................................................................................................................... 81
12.4.1 Safety .................................................................................................................. 81
12.4.2 Transporting with a forklift ................................................................................... 81
12.4.3 Transporting with a crane ................................................................................... 81
12.5 Disposal ........................................................................................................................... 82
13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram) ....................................................... 83
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode ........... 89
13.3 Dimensional Drawing ....................................................................................................... 95
13.4 Electrical Diagram ............................................................................................................ 98

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC iii

Service Manual Screw Compressor

iv SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
List of Illustrations

Fig. 1 Maximum relative humidity ......................................................................................................... 5

Fig. 2 Three-phase star (wye); 4 wire; grounded neutral ..................................................................... 8
Fig. 3 Three-phase star (wye); 3 wire; grounded neutral ..................................................................... 9
Fig. 4 Location of safety signs .............................................................................................................. 16
Fig. 5 Enclosure ................................................................................................................................... 20
Fig. 6 Machine layout ........................................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 7 Refrigeration Dryer ..................................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 8 Machine mountings .................................................................................................................... 22
Fig. 9 Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Fig. 10 Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 26
Fig. 11 Recommended installation and dimensions [inch] ..................................................................... 30
Fig. 12 Compressed air connection ........................................................................................................ 33
Fig. 13 Condensate drain dimensions [inch] .......................................................................................... 33
Fig. 14 Fitting the working element in the thermostatic valve ................................................................. 37
Fig. 15 Heat exchanger connection ........................................................................................................ 37
Fig. 16 Airend filling port ......................................................................................................................... 40
Fig. 17 Interlock switch position ............................................................................................................. 41
Fig. 18 Switching On and Off ................................................................................................................. 43
Fig. 19 Switching off in an emergency ................................................................................................... 44
Fig. 20 Acknowledging/resetting messages ........................................................................................... 46
Fig. 21 Filter mat for the air and oil cooler .............................................................................................. 53
Fig. 22 Control cabinet ventilation grill ................................................................................................... 54
Fig. 23 Filter mat for air and oil cooler .................................................................................................... 55
Fig. 24 Air filter maintenance .................................................................................................................. 56
Fig. 25 Drive Belt Maintenance .............................................................................................................. 57
Fig. 26 Changing the belts ..................................................................................................................... 58
Fig. 27 Checking the Cooling Oil Level .................................................................................................. 60
Fig. 28 Venting the machine ................................................................................................................... 61
Fig. 29 Topping up the Cooling Oil ......................................................................................................... 63
Fig. 30 Changing the cooling oil, oil separator tank ............................................................................... 66
Fig. 31 Changing the cooling oil, oil cooler ............................................................................................. 67
Fig. 32 Changing the cooling oil, heat recovery system ......................................................................... 68
Fig. 33 Changing the oil filter .................................................................................................................. 69
Fig. 34 Changing the Oil Separator Cartridge ........................................................................................ 70
Fig. 35 Refrigeration dryer ...................................................................................................................... 72
Fig. 36 Checking condensate drainage .................................................................................................. 73
Fig. 37 Condensate drain maintenance ................................................................................................. 74
Fig. 38 Transporting with a forklift .......................................................................................................... 81
Fig. 39 Transporting with a crane ........................................................................................................... 82

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC v
List of Illustrations

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vi SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
List of Tables

Tab. 1 The levels of danger and their meaning ..................................................................................... 1

Tab. 2 Nameplate .................................................................................................................................. 3
Tab. 3 Options ....................................................................................................................................... 3
Tab. 4 Machine weight .......................................................................................................................... 4
Tab. 5 Temperature ............................................................................................................................... 4
Tab. 6 Ambient Conditions .................................................................................................................... 4
Tab. 7 Ventilation ................................................................................................................................... 5
Tab. 8 Safety relief valve activating pressure ........................................................................................ 5
Tab. 9 Free air delivery ......................................................................................................................... 6
Tab. 10 Cooling oil charge ....................................................................................................................... 7
Tab. 11 Drive motor ................................................................................................................................. 7
Tab. 12 Drive motor: nominal speed ....................................................................................................... 7
Tab. 13 Sound Pressure Level ................................................................................................................ 8
Tab. 14 Supply 208V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................................... 9
Tab. 15 Supply 230V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................................... 9
Tab. 16 Supply 460V/3/60Hz ................................................................................................................... 9
Tab. 17 Heat capacity (option W1) .......................................................................................................... 10
Tab. 18 Refrigeration dryer: compressed air system ............................................................................... 10
Tab. 19 Refrigeration dryer: refrigerant circuit ......................................................................................... 10
Tab. 20 Danger Areas ............................................................................................................................. 16
Tab. 21 Safety Signs ............................................................................................................................... 17
Tab. 22 Operating states under MODULATING control .......................................................................... 24
Tab. 23 Refrigeration dryer control modes .............................................................................................. 25
Tab. 24 Keys ........................................................................................................................................... 25
Tab. 25 Indicators .................................................................................................................................... 26
Tab. 26 Display field ................................................................................................................................ 27
Tab. 27 Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 27
Tab. 28 Voltage selection ........................................................................................................................ 34
Tab. 29 Overload protection cutout settings. ........................................................................................... 35
Tab. 30 Motor protection switch settings ................................................................................................. 35
Tab. 31 Re-commissioning after storage ................................................................................................. 39
Tab. 32 Installation conditions checklist .................................................................................................. 39
Tab. 33 Switching off with/without run-on time. ....................................................................................... 44
Tab. 34 Alarm messages ......................................................................................................................... 47
Tab. 35 Warning messages ..................................................................................................................... 48
Tab. 36 Other faults and actions ............................................................................................................. 49
Tab. 37 Regular maintenance tasks ........................................................................................................ 51
Tab. 38 Oil change intervals lubricants ................................................................................................... 52
Tab. 39 Regular service work .................................................................................................................. 52
Tab. 40 Checking the Cooling Oil Level .................................................................................................. 59
Tab. 41 Logged maintenance tasks ........................................................................................................ 75
Tab. 42 Consumable parts ...................................................................................................................... 76

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC vii
List of Tables

Service Manual Screw Compressor

viii SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
1 Regarding this Document
1.1 Using the Document

1 Regarding this Document

1.1 Using the Document
The service manual is part of the machine.
➤ Keep the service manual in a safe place throughout the life of the machine.
➤ Pass the manual on to the next owner/user of the machine.
➤ Ensure that all amendments received are entered in the manual.
➤ Enter details from the machine nameplate and individual items of equipment in the table in chap‐
ter 2.

1.2 Additional Documents

Included with this service manual are additional documents intended to assist in the safe operation
of the machine:
■ Certificate of acceptance / operating instructions for the pressure vessel.

Missing documents can be requested from KAESER.

➤ Make sure all documents are complete and observe the instructions contained in them.
➤ Make sure you give the data from the nameplate when ordering documents.

1.3 Copyright
This service manual is copyright protected. Queries regarding use or duplication of the documentation
should be referred to KAESER. Correct use of information will be fully supported.

1.4 Symbols and Identification

1.4.1 Warnings
Warning notices indicate three levels of danger signified by the signal word.

These show the kind of danger and its source!
The possible consequences of ignoring a warning are shown here.
The word "Danger" indicates that death or severe injury can result from ignoring the instruction.
➤ The measures required to protect yourself from danger are shown here.

➤ Always read and comply with warning instructions.

Signal word Meaning Consequences of non-observance

DANGER Warns of an imminent threat of danger Death or serious injury may result
WARNING Warns of possible danger Death or serious injury are possible

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 1
1 Regarding this Document
1.4 Symbols and Identification

Signal word Meaning Consequences of non-observance

CAUTION Warns of a possibly dangerous situa‐ Light injuries or material damage are possible

Tab. 1 The levels of danger and their meaning

1.4.2 Other instructions and symbols

This symbol refers to particularly important information.

Material Here you will find details on special tools, operating materials or spare parts.

Precondition Here you will find conditional requirements necessary to carry out the task.
Here conditions relevant to safety are named that will help you to avoid dangerous situations.

Option H1 ➤ This bullet is is placed by lists of actions comprising one stage of a task.
In lists of actions with several stages the sequence of actions is numbered.
Information that refers to only one option is marked with an indicator (e.g.: H1 means that this
section is only valid for machines with adjustable machine mountings). Option indicators used in
this service manual are explained in chapter 2.2 .
Information referring to potential problems are identified by a question mark.
The cause is named in the help text ...
➤ ... and a remedy given.
This symbol refers to important information or measures concerning environmental protection.

Further information Here, your attention is drawn to further topics.

Service Manual Screw Compressor

2 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
2 Technical Data
2.1 Nameplate

2 Technical Data
2.1 Nameplate
The model designation and important technical information are given on the machine's nameplate.

The nameplate is located on the outside of the machine:

■ above the cooler
■ on the rear of the machine.

➤ Enter data from the nameplate here as reference:

Characteristic Value
Part no.
Serial no.
Package FLA
Wiring Diagram

Tab. 2 Nameplate

2.2 Options
The table contains a list of possible options.
➤ Enter options here as a reference

Option Option code Exists?

Modulating control C1
Machine mountings H1
Air-cooling K1
Transformer power supply T2
Refrigeration dryer T3
Prepared for heat recovery W1

Tab. 3 Options

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 3
2 Technical Data
2.3 Weight

2.3 Weight
The weight given is the maximum. Actual weight of individual machine is dependent on equipment

SK 15 SK 20
Weight [lbs] 830 830

Tab. 4 Machine weight

2.4 Temperature
SK 15 SK 20
Minimum cut-in tempera‐ 40 40
ture [°F]
Typical airend discharge 167–200 167–200
temperature during opera‐
tion [°F]
Maximum airend dis‐ 230 230
charge temperature (auto‐
matic safety shut-down)

Tab. 5 Temperature

2.5 Ambient Conditions

SK 15 SK 20
Maximum elevation 3000 3000
AMSL* [ft.]
Permissible ambient tem‐ 40–115 40–115
perature [°F]
Cooling air temperature 40–115 40–115
Inlet air temperature [°F] 40–115 40–115
Maximum relative humidi‐ see figure 1 see figure 1
ty of inlet air
* Higher elevations are permissible only after consultation with the manufacturer

Tab. 6 Ambient Conditions

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4 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
2 Technical Data
2.6 Ventilation

Fig. 1 Maximum relative humidity

T Inlet air temperature [°F]
H Maximum relative humidity of inlet air [%]

2.6 Ventilation
The values given are minimum guide values.

SK 15 SK 20
Inlet opening Z see illus‐ 4.3 4.8
tration 11 [sq.ft.]
Forced ventilation with ex‐ 2943 3531
haust ventilator:
Flow rate [cfm] at 0.4 in wc
Exhaust duct: 13 3/4 x 23 5/8 13 3/4 x 23 5/8
Dimension [in]

Tab. 7 Ventilation

2.7 Pressure
Maximum working pressure: see nameplate

Safety relief valve activating pressure [psig]:

Maximum working pres‐ SK 15 SK 20

sure [psig
125 155 155
160 155 155
217 230 230

Tab. 8 Safety relief valve activating pressure

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 5
2 Technical Data
2.8 Delivery

2.8 Delivery
FAD [cfm]:

Maximum working pres‐ SK 15 SK 20

sure [psig]
125 63.6 77.7
160 53.7 65.3
217 38.8 47.7

Tab. 9 Free air delivery

2.9 Cooling Oil Recommendation

A sticker showing the type of oil filled is located near the oil separator filler.
Information for ordering cooling oil can be found in chapter 13.4.

2.9.1 Basic Information

Lubrication of an air compressor is essential to reliable operation. Carbon and varnish can form in
compressor cooling oils. These deposits block the flow of lubricant and cause excessive wear and
failure of moving parts. Contamination of the lubricant can allow the formation of acids, causing ex‐
tensive internal corrosion. Water may be condensed decreasing the lubricity.
Lubricants in rotary compressors do much more than lubricate. During the compression process, it
acts as a sealant in the airend which is important for maximum efficiency. The lubricant also absorbs
much of the heat of compression to cool the airend and reduce the temperature of the compressed
air. It’s not enough that a compressor cooling oil lubricates well, it must stand up to the heat, pressure
and contaminants that are present in every air compressor.

2.9.2 KAESER Lubricants

KAESER synthetic lubricants should be stored in a protected location to prevent contamination. Do
not re-use drums; flush and send to reconditioner.
Although the KAESER synthetic is not highly flammable, it will burn. While KAESER synthetic com‐
pressor cooling oil is less flammable than equal viscosity mineral oils, it cannot be classified as a fire-
resistant fluid. It has a flash point above 460 °F. Since the user has total control over the conditions
of the compressor lubricant, he assumes total responsibility for its safe usage.
Material Safety Data Sheets are available for each lubricant from your authorized KAESER Service
Regardless of the lubricant selected, the KAESER SIGMA lubricants will separate readily from water.
If condensate occurs it can easily be removed. Let the compressor sit so that any water can drain
back to the separator tank and separate to the bottom. See chapter 10.15 proper draining procedure.
KAESER has several lubricants available that are specially formulated to match these demands. They
feature excellent lubricity, outstanding demulsibility (ability to separate from water), and long life.

■ M-Series SIGMA compressor cooling oils are semi-synthetic lubricants.
■ M-Series SIGMA compressor cooling oils are the highest quality petroleum lubricants. M–460 is
specially blended to provide reliable performance in KAESER screw compressors.

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6 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
2 Technical Data
2.10 Cooling oil charge

■ S-Series SIGMA compressor cooling oils are synthetic lubricants.
■ S-Series SIGMA compressor cooling oils are formulated from the most advanced synthetic lu‐
bricants. These ”synthetic” lubricants begin as high quality petroleum feed stock. They are then
refined, processed and purified into fluids with very consistent molecular structure. These oils are
carefully blended to produce extremely consistant lubricants with superior properties. SIGMA
synthetic lubricants feature all the advantages of both PAO and diester fluids.
■ S–460 lubricant is recommended for compressors operating in ambient temperatures between
40 °F and 105 °F.


■ S–680 lubricant may be used when ambient temperatures are always between 70 °F and 105 °F.
■ FG–460 synthetic hydrocarbon based food grade lubricant is designed for use in rotary screw
compressors in the application where incidental food contact may occur with the discharge air.
This lubricant meets the requirements of the FDA Regulation 21 CFR §178.3570 and is
USDA H–1 approved and NSF certified. FG–460 is approved for canning, food packing, meat and
poultry processing and other applications where incidental food contact may occur.

2.10 Cooling oil charge

The charge of cooling oil for machines with heat recovery is increased by the volume of oil in
the heat exchanger and connecting lines.

SK 15 SK 20
Total charge [qt] 7.4 7.4
Topping up volume [qt] 0.3 0.3


Tab. 10 Cooling oil charge

2.11 Motors and Power

2.11.1 Drive motor
SK 15 SK 20
Rated power [HP] 15 20
Enclosure protection TEFC TEFC

Tab. 11 Drive motor

Rated speed [rpm]:

Maximum working pres‐ SK 15 SK 20

sure [psig]
125 3540 3555
160 3540 3555

Service Manual Screw Compressor

9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 7
2 Technical Data
2.12 Sound Pressure Level

Maximum working pres‐ SK 15 SK 20

sure [psig]
217 3540 3555

Tab. 12 Drive motor: nominal speed

2.12 Sound Pressure Level

Operational state:
■ Nominal volume flow
■ Nominal pressure

Measurement conditions:
■ Free-field measurement to CAGI/PNEUROP PN8 NTC 2.3
■ Measurement distance: 1 m

SK 15 SK 20
Sound pressure lev‐ 65 66
el [dB(A)]

Tab. 13 Sound Pressure Level

2.13 Power Supply

Basic requirements

The machine is designed for an electrical supply according to National Electric Code (NEC) NEC–
670, particulary NFPA 79, section 5.7. In the absence of any user-specified alternatives, the limits
given in these standards must be adhered to. Consult manufacturer for any other specific power


Do NOT operate package on any unsymmetrical power supply. Also do NOT operate package on
power supplies like, for example, a three-phase (open) delta or three-phase star with non-grounded
The machine requires a symmetrical three-phase power supply transformer with a WYE configuration
output as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. In a symmetrical three phase supply the phase angles and
voltages are all the same.
Other power supplies are not suitable.

Fig. 2 Three-phase star (wye); 4 wire; grounded neutral

Service Manual Screw Compressor

8 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
2 Technical Data
2.14 Power Supply Specifications

Fig. 3 Three-phase star (wye); 3 wire; grounded neutral

Further information Please contact authorized KAESER Service representative for options.
The electrical diagram 13.4 contains further specifications for electrical connection.

2.14 Power Supply Specifications

The following multi-strand copper core wires are given according to 2005 NEC 310.15, Table 310.16
for 40 °C ambient temperature.
If other local conditions prevail, like for example high temperature, the cross section should be
checked and adjusted according to 2005 NEC 110.14©, 220.3,310.15, Table 310.16, 430.6, 430.22,
430.24 and other local codes.
Dual element time delay fuses are selected according to 2005 NEC 240.6,430.52 and tables 430.52,
430.248 and 430–.250.
We strongly suggest using a separate copper conductor for the equipment GROUNDING. NEC Ta‐
ble 250.122 will point out the ”minimum size”, however, we recommend a ground conductor the same
size as the power leads, if local codes allow.

Rated power supply 208V ±10%, 3-ph, 60Hz

SK 15 SK 20
Pre-fuse [A] 70 80
Supply 4xAWG3 4xAWG2
Consumption [A] 47 57

Tab. 14 Supply 208V/3/60Hz

Rated power supply 230V ±10%, 3-ph, 60Hz

SK 15 SK 20
Pre-fuse [A] 60 80
Supply 4xAWG4 4xAWG3
Consumption [A] 43 55

Tab. 15 Supply 230V/3/60Hz

Rated power supply 460V ±10%, 3-ph, 60Hz

SK 15 SK 20
Pre-fuse [A] 30 40
Supply 4xAWG8 4xAWG6
Consumption [A] 22 27

Tab. 16 Supply 460V/3/60Hz

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9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9
2 Technical Data
2.15 Available heat capacity

2.15 Option W1
Available heat capacity
The quality of the heat transfer medium and its required flow rate depend on the type of heat
exchanger used.

Maximum heat capacity SK 15 SK 20

[kW] 8.8 11.0
[MJ/h] 32 40
[BTU/h] 7573 9467

Tab. 17 Heat capacity (option W1)

2.16 Refrigeration dryer

Compressed air system

ABT 24
Pressure drop [psig] 3
(referred to 100 psig work‐
ing pressure)
Maximum permitted work‐ 232
ing pressure [psig]

Tab. 18 Refrigeration dryer: compressed air system

Refrigerant circuit

The refrigeration dryer is contains a refrigerant that is classified by the Kyoto Protocol as a fluoridized
global warming gas.

ABT 24
Refrigerant R 134a
Global warming potential 1300
Charge quantity* [lb]
Maximum permitted work‐ 260
ing pressure [psig]
Safety pressure switch: 260
shutdown pressure [psig]
* Read off the charge quantity from the dryer nameplate and enter it in the table.

Tab. 19 Refrigeration dryer: refrigerant circuit

Service Manual Screw Compressor

10 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.1 Basic Information

3 Safety and Responsibility

3.1 Basic Information
The machine is manufactured to the latest engineering standards and acknowledged safety regula‐
tions. Nevertheless, dangers can arise through its operation:
■ Danger to life and limb of the operator or third parties.
■ Impairments to the machine and other material assets.

Disregarding these instructions can result in serious injury.
➤ Read the service manual carefully and take notice of the contents for safe machine operation.

➤ Use this machine only if it is in a technically perfect condition and only for the purpose for which
it is intended; observe all safety measures and the instructions in the service manual.
➤ Immediately rectify (have rectified) any faults that could be detrimental to safety.

3.2 Specified Use

The machine is intended solely for industrial use in generating compressed air. Any other use is
incorrect and does not comply with requirements. The manufacturer is not liable for any resulting
damages. The risk involved in such incorrect use is taken solely by the user.
➤ Keep to the specifications listed in this service manual.
➤ Operate the machine only within its performance limits and under the permitted ambient condi‐
➤ Do not use compressed air for breathing purposes unless it is specifically treated for such.
➤ Do not use compressed for any application that will bring it into direct contact with food products
unless it is specifically treated for this.

3.3 Improper Use

➤ Never direct compressed air at persons or animals.
➤ Cooling air, warmed after passing through the machine, may be used for heating purposes but
only when it poses no health risk to humans or animals. If necessary, hot cooling air should be
treated by suitable means.
➤ Do not allow the machine to take in toxic, acidic, flammable or explosive gases or vapors.
➤ Do not operate the machine in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion
protection are applied.

3.4 User's Responsibilities

3.4.1 Observe statutory and universally accepted regulations
This is, for example, nationally applied European directives and/or valid national legislation, safety
and accident prevention regulations.
➤ Observe relevant statutory and accepted regulations during installation, operation and mainte‐
nance of the machine.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

3.4.2 Qualified personnel

These are people who, by virtue of their training, knowledge and experience as well as their knowl‐
edge of relevant regulations can assess the work to be done and recognize the possible dangers

Authorized operators possess the following qualifications:

■ are of legal age,
■ are conversant with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the service manual
relevant to operation,
■ have received adequate training and authorization to operate electrical and compressed air de‐
■ Additional qualifications for compressors with refrigeration dryers:
─ Adequate training and authorization on refrigeration devices.

Authorized installation and maintenance personnel have the following qualifications:

■ are of legal age,
■ have read, are conversant with and adhere to the safety instructions and sections of the service
manual applicable to installation and maintenance,
■ are fully conversant with the safety concepts and regulations of electrical and compressed air
■ are able to recognize the possible dangers of electrical and compressed air devices and take
appropriate measures to safeguard persons and property,
■ have received adequate training and authorization for the safe installation and maintenance on
this equipment.
■ Additional qualifications for compressors with refrigeration dryers:
─ fully conversant with the safety concepts and regulations concerning refrigeration devices,
─ must be able to recognize the possible dangers of refrigeration devices and take appropriate
measures to safeguard persons and property.

➤ Ensure that operating, installation and maintenance personnel are qualified and authorized to
carry out their tasks.

3.4.3 Inspection Schedules and Accident Prevention Regulations

The machine is subject to local inspection schedules.
➤ Ensure that local inspection schedules are adhered to.

3.5 Dangers
Basic Information

Information concerning the various forms of danger that can arise during machine operation are found
Basic safety instructions are found in this service manual at the beginning of each chapter in the
section entitled 'Safety'.
Warning instructions are found before a potentially dangerous task.

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12 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

3.5.1 Safely Dealing with Sources of Danger

Information concerning the various forms of danger that can arise during machine operation are found


➤ Allow only qualified and authorized electricians or trained personnel under the supervision of a
qualified and authorized electrician to carry out work on electrical equipment according to elec‐
trical engineering regulations .
➤ Before every start-up, the user must make sure there is adequate protection against electric shock
from direct or indirect contact.
➤ Before starting any work on electrical equipment:
Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is
➤ Switch off any external power sources.
These could be connections to floating contacts or electrical machine heating, for example.
➤ Use fuses corresponding to machine power.
➤ Check regularly that all electrical connections are tight and in order.

Forces of compression

Compressed air is contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this energy can cause serious injury or
death. The following information concerns work on components that could be under pressure.
➤ Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the air main to ensure that no com‐
pressed air can flow back into the machine.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.
➤ Do not carry out welding, heat treatment or mechanical modifications to pressurized components
(e.g. pipes and vessels) as this influences the component's resistance to pressure.
The safety of the machine is then no longer ensured.

Compressed air quality

➤ Never directly inhale compressed air.

➤ Use appropriate systems for air treatment before using the compressed air from this machine as
breathing air and/or for the processing of food products.
➤ Use food-grade cooling oil whenever compressed air is to come into contact with food products.

Spring tension

Springs under tension or compression represent contained energy. Uncontrolled release of this en‐
ergy can cause serious injury or death.
Minimum pressure/check valves, pressure relief valves and inlet valves are powerfully spring-loaded.
➤ Do not open or dismantle any valves.

Rotating components

Touching the fan wheel, the coupling or the belt drive while the machine is switched on can result in
serious injury.
➤ Do not open the enclosure while the machine is switched on.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is
➤ Wear close-fitting clothes and a hair net if necessary.
➤ Make sure all covers and safety guards are in place and secured before starting.


➤ Avoid contact with hot components.

These include, for example, compressor airends or blocks, oil and compressed air lines, coolers,
oil separator tanks, motors and machine heaters.
➤ Wear protective clothing.
➤ If welding is carried out on or near the machine, take adequate measures to prevent sparks or
heat from igniting oil vapors or parts of the machine.


➤ Operate the machine only with full soundproofing.

➤ Wear hearing protection if necessary.
The pressure relief valve blowing off can be particularly loud.

Operating materials

➤ Strictly forbid fire, open flame and smoking.

➤ Follow safety regulations when dealing with lubricants and chemical substances.
➤ Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
➤ Do not inhale oil mist or vapor.
➤ Do not eat or drink while handling cooling and lubricating fluids.
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.
➤ Use only KAESER approved operating materials.

Unsuitable spare parts

➤ Use only spare parts approved by the manufacturer for use in this machine.
Unsuitable spare parts compromise the safety of the device.
➤ Use only genuine KAESER pressure components.

Conversion or modification of the machine

➤ Do not permit conversion or modification of the machine as this can compromise function and
safe working.

Extension or modification of the compressed air system

➤ Extension or modification of the compressor station:

Check the blow-off capacity of pressure relief valves on air receivers and compressed air lines
before installing any new machines.
➤ If the blow-off capacity is insufficient:
Install pressure relief valves with larger blow-off capacity.

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14 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.5 Dangers

3.5.2 Safe Machine Operation

Information on safe conduct when handling the machine is found here.


➤ Use suitable lifting gear that conforms to local safety regulations.

➤ Allow transport only by personnel trained in the safe movement of goods.
➤ Attach lifting gear only to suitable lifting points.
➤ Be aware of the center of gravity to avoid tipping.
➤ Make sure the danger zone is clear of personnel.


➤ Install the machine in a suitable compressor room.

➤ If installed outdoors, the machine must be protected from frost, direct sunlight, dust, rain and
splashing water.
➤ Do not operate in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion protection are in
For instance, the requirements of ATEX directive 94/9/EC "Equipment and Protective Systems
intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres".
➤ Ensure adequate ventilation.
➤ Ensure that required ambient conditions are maintained with regard to:
■ ambient temperature and humidity,
■ clean inlet air with no damaging contaminants,
■ inlet air free of explosive or chemically unstable gases or vapors,
■ inlet air free of acid/alkaline forming substances, particularly ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen
➤ Do not position the machine in warm exhaust air from other machines.
➤ Ensure accessibility so that all work on the machine can be carried out without danger or hin‐

Decommissioning, storage, disposal

➤ Drain out fluids and dispose of according to environmental regulations.

These include, for example, compressor oil and cooling water.
➤ Give refrigerant only to authorized groups for disposal.
➤ Dispose of the machine in accordance with local environmental regulations.

3.5.3 Organizational Measures

➤ Designate personnel and their responsibilities.
➤ Give clear instructions on reporting faults and damage to the machine.
➤ Give instructions on fire reporting and fire-fighting measures.

3.5.4 Danger Areas

The table gives information on the areas dangerous to personnel.
Only authorized personnel may enter these areas.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.6 Safety Devices

Activity Danger area Authorized personnel

Transport Within a 10 ft radius of the machine. Installation personnel for transport
No personnel during transport.
Beneath the lifted machine. No personnel!
Installation Within the machine. Installation personnel
Within 3 ft radius of the machine and its supply
Operation Within a 3 ft radius of the machine. Operating personnel
Maintenance Within the machine. Maintenance personnel
Within a 3 ft radius of the machine.

Tab. 20 Danger Areas

3.6 Safety Devices

Various safety devices ensure safe working with the machine.
➤ Do not change, bypass or disable safety devices.
➤ Check safety devices for correct function regularly.
➤ Do not remove or obliterate labels and notices.
➤ Ensure that labels and notices are clearly legible.

Further information More information on safety devices is contained in chapter 4, section 4.8.

3.7 Safety Signs

The diagram shows the positions of safety signs on the machine. The table lists the various safety
signs used and their meanings.

Fig. 4 Location of safety signs

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16 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.7 Safety Signs

Item Symbol Meaning

8 Danger of fatal injury from touching electrically live components!
➤ Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage
is present.
9 Machine starts automatically!
Severe injury could result from rotating components, electrical voltage and air pres‐
➤ Isolate from the power supply and lock out before opening any machine enclosure
or guard.
10 Severe injury could result from touching the belt drive or fan blade!
➤ Operate the machine only with fully closed safety guards, access doors and pan‐
➤ Isolate from the power supply and lock out before opening any machine enclosure
or guard.
11 Injury and/or contamination can result from breathing compressed air!
Contamination of food can result from using untreated compressed air for food proc‐
➤ Never breathe untreated compressed air.
➤ Air from this compressor must meet OSHA 29CFR1910.134 and
FDA 21CFR178.3570 standards, if used for breathing or food processing. Use
proper compressed air treatment.
13 Hot surface can cause burns!
➤ Let the machine cool down.
➤ Wear long-sleeved garments (not synthetics such as polyester) and protective
16 Wrong cooling oil level can cause machine defects or rising oil consumption (oil con‐
tent for pure air)!
➤ Check the oil level regularly and top up as necessary.
23 Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening component that is under
pressure and heavily spring loaded!
➤ Do not open or dismantle the valve.
➤ Call for authorized KAESER Service representative if a fault occurs.
24 Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening component under pres‐
➤ De-pressurize all pressurized components and enclosures.
➤ Secure that machine keeps de-pressurized.
➤ Check that machine is de-pressurized.
25 Ear damage and burns can result from loud noise and/or oil mist when the safety relief
valve opens!
➤ Wear ear protection and protective clothing.
➤ Close all access doors and cover panels.
27 Risk of electric shock!
If the interrupter has tripped current-carrying components of the controller should be
examined and replaced if damaged to reduce the risk of fire or electric shock.

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3 Safety and Responsibility
3.8 In Emergency

Item Symbol Meaning

28 Risk of electric shock!
To maintain overcurrent short-circuit, and ground-fault protection, the manufacturer's
instructions for setting the interrupter must be followed to reduce the risk of fire or
electric shock.

Tab. 21 Safety Signs

3.8 In Emergency
3.8.1 Fire fighting
Suitable extinguishing media
■ Foam
■ Carbon dioxide
■ Sand or dirt

Unsuitable or unsafe extinguishing media

■ Strong water jet

1. Keep calm.
2. Give the alarm.
3. Switch off the main power supply disconnect device if possible.
4. Move to safety:
■ warn any persons in danger
■ help incapacitated persons
■ close the doors
5. Try and extinguish the fire if you have the knowledge to do so.

3.8.2 Remove any compressor cooling oil from your person.

➤ Eye contact
Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and seek medical assistance.
➤ Skin contact
Wash off immediately

3.8.3 Injury from Handling Refrigerant

Eye contact:

➤ Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water and seek medical assistance.

Skin contact:

➤ Wash off immediately.

➤ Treat burns and frostbite appropriately.

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18 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
3 Safety and Responsibility
3.9 Warranty


➤ Remove the affected person to fresh air and make him or her rest.
➤ If breathing stops, apply artificial respiration and call for medical assistance.

3.9 Warranty
This service manual contains no independent warranty commitment. Our general terms and condi‐
tions of business apply with regard to warranty.
A condition of our warranty is that the machine is used for the purpose for which it is intended under
the conditions specified.
Due to the multitude applications for which the machine is suitable the obligation lies with the user to
determine its suitability for his specific application.

In addition, we accept no warranty obligation for:

■ the use of unsuitable parts or operating materials,
■ unauthorized modifications,
■ incorrect maintenance,
■ incorrect repair.

Correct maintenance and repair includes the use of original spare parts and operating materials.
➤ Obtain confirmation from KAESER that your specific operating conditions are suitable.

3.10 Environmental Protection

➤ Store and dispose of operating materials and replaced parts in accordance with local environ‐
mental protection regulations.
➤ Observe relevant national regulations.
This applies particularly to parts contaminated with cooling oil.
➤ Do not allow cooling oil to escape to the environment or into the sewage system.

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4 Design and Function
4.1 Enclosure

4 Design and Function

4.1 Enclosure

Fig. 5 Enclosure
1 Control cabinet door 4 Oil level indicator viewing window
2 Latch 5 Operating hours counter viewing window
3 Panel

The enclosure, when closed, serves various functions:

■ sound insulation
■ protection against contact with components
■ cooling air flow control

Safe and reliable operation is only assured with the enclosure closed.
Access doors are hinged to swing open and removable panels can be lifted off.
Latches are released by a key supplied with the machine.

4.2 Functional Description of the Machine

Functional description using an air-cooled machine as an example.

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20 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
4 Design and Function
4.2 Functional Description of the Machine

Fig. 6 Machine layout

1 Inlet valve 6 Control cabinet
2 Minimum pressure/check valve 7 Oil separator tank
3 Drive motor 8 Air filter
4 Oil filter 9 Oil/air cooler
5 Airend 10 Add-on cabinet for refrigeration dryer

Ambient air is cleaned as it is drawn in through the filter 8 .

The air is then compressed in the airend 5 .
The airend is driven by an electric motor 3 .
Cooling oil is injected into the airend. It lubricates moving parts and forms a seal between the rotors
themselves and between them and the airend casing. This direct cooling in the compression chamber
ensures a very low airend discharge temperature.
Cooling oil recovered from the compressed air in the oil separator tank 7 gives up its heat in the oil
cooler 9 . The oil then flows through the oil filter 4 and back to the point of injection. Pressure within
the machine keeps the oil circulating. A separate pump is not necessary. A thermostatic valve main‐
tains optimum cooling oil temperature.
Compressed air, freed of cooling oil in the oil separator tank 7 , flows through the minimum pressure/
check valve 2 into the air cooler 9 . The minimum pressure/check valve ensures that there is always
a minimum internal air pressure sufficient to maintain cooling oil circulation in the machine.
The air cooler brings down the compressed air temperature of only 5 to 10 K above ambient. Most of
the moisture carried in the air is removed during this cooling process.

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4 Design and Function
4.3 Refrigeration Dryer

4.3 Refrigeration Dryer

Fig. 7 Refrigeration Dryer

10 Refrigeration Dryer
12 Condensate drain

The downstream refrigeration dryer removes moisture from the compressed air.
The condensate drain ejects the precipitate.

4.4 Floating relay contacts

Floating relay contacts are provided for the transfer of signals, messages.
Information on location, loading capacity and type of message or signal is found in the electrical
If the floating relay contacts are connected to an external voltage source, voltage may be
present even when the machine is isolated from the power supply.

4.5 Options
The options available for your machine are described below.

4.5.1 Option H1
Machine mountings
These mountings allow the machine to be anchored firmly to the floor.

Fig. 8 Machine mountings

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22 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
4 Design and Function
4.6 Operating States and Control Modes

4.5.2 Option W1
Prepared for external heat recovery
Connections are provided for an external system to recover surplus heat.
A thermostatic valve in the machine keeps the cooling oil at the ideal working temperature. The ther‐
mostatic valve does not function when the machine is delivered. The necessary working element must
be installed when installing the heat recovery system.
The external heat recovery system takes heat from the cooling oil via a heat transfer medium. The
available heat to be recovered depends on the operating conditions of the machine.

4.6 Operating States and Control Modes

4.6.1 Operating states of the machine
The machine operates in the following states:
The inlet valve is open. The airend delivers compressed air to the compressed air system.
The drive motor runs under full load.
The inlet valve is closed. The minimum pressure/check valve shuts off the oil separator from the
compressed air system. The oil separator tank is vented.
A small volume of air circulates through the bleed hole in the inlet valve, through the airend and
back to the inlet valve via the venting valve.
The drive motor runs unloaded and consumes very low power.
The inlet valve is closed. The minimum pressure/check valve shuts off the oil separator from the
compressed air system. The oil separator tank is vented.
The drive motor is stopped.
With the help of a control valve (the proportional controller), the degree of opening of the inlet
valve is continuously varied in relation to the actual air demand. The airend delivers compressed
air to the compressed air system..
The load and power consumption of the drive motor rises and falls with the air demand.
The regulating valve is factory set. Consult with authorized KAESER Service representative be‐
fore making alterations.

4.6.2 Control modes

Using the selected control mode, the controller switches the compressor between its various opera‐
tional states in order to compensate for air being drawn off by consumers and maintain system
pressure between the set minimum and maximum values.

The SIGMA CONTROL BASIC can work with the following control modes:
Option C1 ■ MODULATING control

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4 Design and Function
4.7 Refrigeration Dryer Control Modes


In the DUAL control mode, the compressor is switched back and forth between LOAD and IDLE to
maintain network pressure between the set minimum and maximum values. When the maximum
pressure is reached the machine switches to IDLE. When the preset idling time has elapsed the
machine is STOPPED.
The idling time is fixed in SIGMA CONTROL BASIC.


In the QUADRO mode, the controller operates as in the DUAL mode during periods of high air demand
by switching between LOAD and IDLE but during periods of high air demand it switches directly
between LOAD and STOPPED.
This mode of control requires two pre-set time periods: the running time and the idling to stop time.
The idling/stopped and the running time are set in SIGMA CONTROL BASIC.

Option C1 MODULATING control mode

The MODULATING control mode is an extension of DUAL control. The difference being that, in
DUAL, the delivery of the compressor is steplessly varied within the control range of the machine.
This control mode is not available on frequency-controlled variable speed compressors (SFC).

Compressed air demand Operating states


Tab. 22 Operating states under MODULATING control

4.7 Refrigeration Dryer Control Modes

The controller can operate in the following modes:


In this mode the refrigeration dryer runs continuously, even if the compressor is shut down.
This mode of control is set up at the factory.


The refrigeration dryer is time-controlled and is switched on and off when the compressor is stopped.
In this mode, the operating temperature is held within tight limits.
This control mode saves energy.

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24 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
4 Design and Function
4.8 Safety Devices

Which control mode is the most practical, and when?

Control mode Advantage Disadvantage

CONTINUOUS Constant dew point. Higher power consumption when the compres‐
sor is shut down
TIMER Lower power consumption when Brief increase in dew point when the compres‐
the compressor is shut down sor re-starts

Tab. 23 Refrigeration dryer control modes

4.8 Safety Devices

The following safety devices are provided and may not be modified in any way:
■ «EMERGENCY STOP» button,
The «EMERGENCY STOP» button shuts down the machine immediately. The motor remains
stopped. The pressure system is vented.
■ Safety relief valve:
The safety relief valve protects the machine from excessive pressure. This is factory set.
■ Door interlock switches:
The machine will stop automatically if a safety interlocked door or panel is opened or removed.
■ Enclosures and covers for moving parts and electrical connections:
These protect against accidental contact.

4.9 SIGMA CONTROL BASIC Keys and Indicators

Fig. 9 Keys

Item Description Function

1 «ON» Switches the machine on.
2 «OFF» Switches the machine off.
Resets alarms.
Resets the maintenance interval counter.
6 «DOWN» Scrolls down the parameter list.
Reduces a parameter value.

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4 Design and Function
4.10 Function of the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC

Item Description Function

7 «UP» Scrolls up the parameter list.
Increases a parameter value.
8 «escape» Exits the edit mode without saving.
9 «enter» Enters edit mode.
Exits the edit mode and saves.
Only affects the value in the third line of the display.

Tab. 24 Keys

Fig. 10 Indicators

Item Description Function

12 Display field Alphanumeric display with 4 lines.
13 Alarm Flashes red when an alarm occurs.
Lights continuously when acknowledged.
15 Warning Lights yellow for:
■ maintenance work due,
■ warning messages
16 Controller power Lights green when the power supply to the controller is switched on.
19 Machine ON Lights green when the machine switched on.

Tab. 25 Indicators

4.10 Function of the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC

4.10.1 Display layout
xx.x bar Line 1
yy °C Line 2
z 0000 h Line 3
12345678SpTi Line 4

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26 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
4 Design and Function
4.10 Function of the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC

Line Display Meaning

1 xx.x Current network pressure in bar, psi or MPa.
2 yy Current airend discharge temperature (ADT) in °C or °F.
3 z Display and settings for parameters (see table 27)
4 1, 2, ... Code for alarm and warning messages (see table 34 and table 35).

Tab. 26 Display field

4.10.2 Parameters
Pa‐ Meaning
0 Operating hours counter
Displays the period over which the motor was switched on.
1 Load hours counter
This shows the number of hours the drive motor has run under LOAD.
2 Maintenance interval counter
Displays the number of operating hours until the next scheduled maintenance.
SIGMA CONTROL BASIC counts the operating hours backwards from a set value. The warn‐
ing message 'S' is displayed when the counter reaches zero.
The maintenance interval counter is reset to its original value after the maintenance work has
been carried out.
The interval starts anew.
3 Safety relief valve check mode on/off (password protected)
This function switches the safety relief valve blow-off pressure check mode on and off.
The warning message i is displayed when the check mode is switched on.
See chapter 10.10 for the password and to carry out the check.
4 Units of measurement for display of temperature
The airend discharge temperature can be displayed in either °C or °F.
5 Units of measurement for display of pressure
The current working pressure can be displayed in bar, psi or MPa.
6 Compressor/refrigeration dryer ON/OFF control mode
This parameter selects the control mode of the compressor and the internal refrigeration dryer
(if fitted).
Factory setting: OFF

■ Compressor: QUADRO
■ Dryer: TIMER

■ Compressor: DUAL

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4 Design and Function
4.10 Function of the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC

Pa‐ Meaning
7 Pressure setpoint: switching differential
The switching differential determines the difference between cut-in pressure and cut-out
pressure (system pressure setpoint: switching pressure) and therefore the switching frequen‐
cy from LOAD to IDLE.
Range of adjustment [psi]: -1.5 ... -70
8 System pressure setpoint: switching point
The the switching point corresponds to the working pressure of the air main and the cut-out
pressure of the compressor.
Range of adjustment [psig]: 80 ... maximum working pressure
9 Maximum working pressure
The machine can deliver air up to this working pressure (see nameplate).
The maximum working pressure is factory-set and can only be changed by an authorized
KAESER Service representative.

Tab. 27 Parameters

4.10.3 Messages
Alarm message

An alarm shuts the machine down automatically. The red LED 13 blinks (Figure 10).

Warning message

The countdown of the maintenance interval counter is displayed. The yellow LED 15 lights (Fig‐
ure 10).

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28 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.1 Safety

5 Installation and Operating Conditions

5.1 Safety
➤ Strictly forbid fire, open flame and smoking.
➤ If welding is carried out on or near the machine, take adequate measures to prevent sparks or
heat from igniting oil vapors or parts of the machine.
➤ The machine is not explosion-proof:
Do not operate in areas in which specific requirements with regard to explosion protection are in
For instance, the requirements of ATEX directive 94/9/EC "Equipment and Protective Systems
intended for use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres".
➤ Ensure that required ambient conditions are maintained with regard to:
■ ambient temperature and humidity,
■ clean inlet air with no damaging contaminants,
■ inlet air free of explosive or chemically unstable gases or vapors,
■ inlet air free of acid/alkaline forming substances, particularly ammonia, chlorine or hydrogen
➤ Keep suitable fire extinguishing agents ready for use.

5.2 Installation Conditions

5.2.1 Place of installation and distances
The machine is intended for installation in an appropriate machine room. Information on distances
from walls and ventilation is given below.
The distances quoted are recommended distances and ensure unhindered access to all ma‐
chine parts.
➤ Please consult KAESER if they cannot be adhered to.

Precondition The floor must be level, firm and capable of bearing the weight of the machine.

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5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.2 Installation Conditions

Fig. 11 Recommended installation and dimensions [inch]

A Exhaust fan
B Exhaust air duct
Z Cooling air inlet aperture

Ambient temperature too low!
Frozen condensate and highly viscous cooling oil can cause damage when starting the machine.
➤ Make sure that the temperature of the machine is at least +40 °F before starting.
➤ Heat the machine room adequately or install an auxiliary heater.

1. If installed outdoors, protect the machine against frost, direct sunlight, dust and rain.
2. Ensure accessibility so that all work on the machine can be carried out without danger or hin‐

5.2.2 Ensure adequate ventilation

If the ventilation is insufficient, a dangerous vacuum can build up in the machine room.

➤ Ensure that the volume of air flowing into the machine room is at least equivalent to that being
removed from it by the machine and exhaust fan.
➤ Make sure that the machine and exhaust fan can only operate when the inlet aperture is actually
➤ Keep the inlet and exhaust apertures free of obstructions so that the cooling air can flow freely
through the machine room.

5.2.3 Exhaust duct design

The machine can only overcome the air resistance at the cooling air inlet and exhaust determined by
the duct design. Any additional air resistance will reduce airflow and deteriorate machine cooling.

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30 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
5 Installation and Operating Conditions
5.3 Using the Compressor to Supply A Compressed Air System.

➤ Consult the KAESER service representative before deciding on:

■ the design of the exhaust air ducting
■ the intersection between the machine and the exhaust air duct
■ the length of the ducting
■ the number of duct bends
■ the design of flaps or shutters
Use only motorized ventilation flaps and louvers on variable frequency drive (SFC) machines.
Flaps or louvers that open through the pressure of the airflow against the force of gravity do not
open sufficiently at low cooling fan speeds.

Further information Further information on installation of exhaust air ducts can be found in chapter 13.3.

5.3 Using the Compressor to Supply A Compressed Air System.

When the machine is connected to a compressed air system, the system operating pressure must
not exceed 232 psig.
Initial filling of a fully vented air network generally creates a very high rate of flow through air treatment
devices. These conditions are detrimental to correct treatment. Air quality suffers.
To ensure maintenance of desired air quality when filling a vented compressed air system we rec‐
ommend the installation of an air main charging system.
➤ Please allow KAESER to advise on this subject.

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6 Installation
6.1 Safety

6 Installation
6.1 Safety
The following instructions must be followed for safe installation.
Warning instructions are always given before a potentially dangerous action.

Basic Safety Instructions

1. Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.

2. Installation work may only be carried out by authorized personnel.
3. Before switching on, make sure that:
■ no one is working on the machine,
■ all access doors and panels are closed and secure.

Working on electrically conducting components

1. Work on electrically conducting components may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
2. Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.
3. Check that there is no voltage on floating relay contacts.

Working on pressure systems

1. Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air system to ensure
that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
2. Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.
3. Check all machine hose connectors with a handheld pressure gauge to ensure that all read zero.
4. Do not open or dismantle such valves.

Working on the drive

1. Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.
2. Do not open the enclosure while the machine is switched on.

Further information Specification of authorized personnel is found in chapter 3.4.2.

Specification of dangers and their avoidance is found in chapter 3.5.

6.2 Reporting Transport Damage

1. Check the machine for visible and hidden transport damage.
2. Inform the carrier and the manufacturer in writing of any damage without delay.

6.3 Making the Compressed Air Connection

Precondition The compressed air system is vented completely.

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6 Installation
6.4 Connecting the condensate drain

Fig. 12 Compressed air connection

1 Axial compensator or hose
2 Shut-off valve

Serious injury or death can result from loosening or opening components under pressure.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.

1. A shut off valve must be installed by the user in the connection line.
2. Make the compressed air connection with an axial compensator or hose.

6.4 Connecting the condensate drain

A threaded hose connection is provided to connect the drain hose to the condensate drain outlet.
Condensate must drain freely.

The illustration shows typical installations.

Condensate flows into the collecting line from above, thereby preventing any backflow to the com‐

Fig. 13 Condensate drain dimensions [inch]

1 Threaded connection
2 Condensate collecting line

➤ Connecting the condensate drain line.

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6 Installation
6.5 Making the Power Supply Connection

➤ Collect condensate in a suitable container and dispose of in accordance with environmental


Further information The dimensional drawing in chapter 13.3 gives the size and position of the condensate drainage
connection ports.

6.5 Making the Power Supply Connection

This is a Tri-Voltage machine.

The machine can be set up to one of the following supply voltages:

■ 208V
■ 230V
■ 460V

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off.

The disconnecting device is locked in the off position.
A check has been made to ensure no voltage is present.

1. Have the electrical connections carried out by authorized personnel only.

2. Carry out protection measures as stipulated in relevant regulations (IEC 364 or example) and in
national accident prevention regulations. In addition, the regulations of the local electricity supplier
must be observed.
3. In case of a fault, check the disconnecting time of overload relays.
4. Use supply conductors and fuses in accordance with local regulations.
5. The user must provide the machine with a lockable supply disconnecting device.
This could be, for example, a switch-disconnector with fuses. If a circuit breaker is used it must
be suitable for the motor starting characteristics.
6. Check that the correct taps on the control voltage transformer are connected according to the
supply voltage.
If this is not correct, change the connection to suit the power supply voltage.

Danger of fatal injury from electric shock!
➤ Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.

7. If necessary: Set up the machine for the correct power supply voltage as described in chap‐
ter 6.5.1.
8. Connect the power supply.

Further information The electrical diagram 13.4 contains further specifications for electrical connection.

6.5.1 Changing main voltage connections

Machine set up for [V] 208 230 460
Machine may be modified 230 208 208
[V] 460 460 230

Tab. 28 Voltage selection

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6 Installation
6.5 Making the Power Supply Connection

The following parts have to be considered for making the change:

■ Jumpers in the drive motor terminal box
■ Drive motor overload protection relay
■ Control transformer
■ Motor protection switch for the refrigeration dryer (only if present).
■ Transformer for the refrigeration dryer (only if present).

Material The required jumpers (also known as ’bridges’ or ’links’) are provided in the control cabinet.

Precondition A check has been made to ensure no voltage is present.

Changing the jumpers in the drive motor terminal box

➤ Open the terminal box and change the jumpers in accordance with the electrical diagram.

Adjusting the overload protection cutout

➤ Check the overload protection relay setting.

SK 15 SK 20
208V, 3-ph, 60Hz [A] 27 36
230V, 3-ph, 60Hz [A] 25 33
460V, 3-ph, 60Hz [A] 13 16

Tab. 29 Overload protection cutout settings.

Connecting the control transformer

➤ Open the control cabinet and connect the control transformer in accordance with the electrical

Connecting the dryer transformer (option T2) for models equipped with a refrigeration dryer only

Power for the refrigeration dryer (if one is present) is provided by a transformer.
Do only use terminal 0V–208V–230V–460V (primary side of the transformer) for changing the
main voltage connection. Do not change the terminal 0V–230V. This terminal is readily wired.

➤ Open the control cabinet and connect the transformer in accordance with the electrical diagram.

Connecting and adjusting the motor protection switch for models equipped with a refrigeration dryer

1. Open the control cabinet and connect the motor protection switch in accordance with the electrical

Power Supply Motor Protection Switch Setting [A]

208V Q121 7.0
230V Q121 7.0
460V Q12 3.5

Tab. 30 Motor protection switch settings

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6 Installation
6.6 Refrigeration dryer: Connecting the transformer according to the power supply.

6.6 Option T2
Refrigeration dryer: Connecting the transformer according to the
power supply.
The refrigeration dryer transformer has tappings for various power supply voltages.
1. Check that the correct connections are made for the supply voltage provided for the machine.
2. If necessary, re-connect the transformer to match the power supply voltage.

Further information The electrical diagram in chapter 13.4 contains further details of the power supply connection.

6.7 Options
6.7.1 Option H1
Anchoring the machine
➤ Use appropriate fixing bolts to anchor the machine.

Further information Details of the fixing holes are contained in the dimensional drawing in chapter 13.3.

6.7.2 Option W1
Connecting the external heat recovery system
An unsuitable heat exchanger or incorrect installation may influence the cooling oil circuit within
the compressor. Damage to the machine will follow.
➤ Consult KAESER on a suitable heat exchanger and expert installation.

Material Working element for the thermostatic valve

(delivered with the KAESER heat recovery system or should be ordered separately)
Heat recovery system with installation material

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.

Pressure in the cooling oil circuit
Devices under pressure can injure or cause death if the contained energy is released suddenly or
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.

Fitting the working element in the thermostatic valve

The machine is delivered without a working element in the thermostatic valve.

The working element moves the valve plunger in response to the temperature of the cooling oil. This
makes the connection to the heat exchanger.

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36 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
6 Installation
6.7 Options

Fig. 14 Fitting the working element in the thermostatic valve

1 Screw 4 Spacer
2 Cover 5 Working element
3 Plunger

1. Undo the screws 1 and remove the cover 2 .

The valve plunger 3 is lifted by spring force.
2. Take out the valve plunger and the spacer 4 .
3. Place the working element 5 and the spacer in the valve plunger.
4. Replace the valve plunger in the thermostatic valve and screw down the cover.

Connecting the heat exchanger

Fig. 15 Heat exchanger connection

1 Screw plug

1. Remove the screw plug 1 .

2. Connect the heat exchanger according to specifications from KAESER and the exchanger man‐

Further information The dimensional drawing in chapter 13.3 gives the flow direction, size and location of the connection

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7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Safety

7 Initial Start-up
7.1 Safety
The following instructions must be followed for safe machine commissioning.
Warning instructions are always given before a potentially dangerous action.

Basic safety instructions

1. Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.

2. Commissioning may only be carried out by authorized personnel.
3. Before switching on, make sure that:
■ no one is working on the machine,
■ all access doors and panels are closed and secure.

Working on electrically conducting components.

1. Work on electrically conducting components may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
2. Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.
3. Check that there is no voltage on floating relay contacts.

Working on pressure systems

1. Close shut off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the compressed air system to ensure
that no compressed air can flow back into the machine.
2. Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.
3. Check all machine hose connectors with a handheld pressure gauge to ensure that all read zero.
4. Do not open or dismantle such valves.

Working on the drive

1. Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.
2. Do not open the enclosure while the machine is switched on.

Further information Specification of authorized personnel is found in chapter 3.4.2.

Specification of dangers and their avoidance is found in chapter 3.5.

7.2 To be noted before commissioning

Incorrect or improper commissioning can cause injury to persons or damage to the machine.

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7 Initial Start-up
7.3 Checking Installation and Operating Conditions

➤ Commissioning of the machine may only be carried out by trained and authorized installation or
maintenance personnel.

Special measures for re-commissioning after storage

Storage period lon‐ Remedy

ger than...
12 months ➤ Change the oil filter.
➤ Change the oil separator cartridge.
➤ Change the cooling oil.
➤ Have the motor bearings checked by an authorized KAESER Service rep‐
36 months ➤ Have the overall technical condition checked by an authorized KAESER
Service representative.

Tab. 31 Re-commissioning after storage

7.3 Checking Installation and Operating Conditions

➤ Check and confirm all the items in the checklist before starting the machine.

To be checked See chapter OK?

➤ Are the operators fully conversant with safety regulations? –
➤ Have all the installation conditions been fulfilled? 5
➤ Is a user's lockable power supply disconnecting device installed? 6.5
➤ Does the power supply conform to the specifications on the nameplate? 2.1
➤ Are the power supply cable core cross-sections and fuse ratings adequate? 2.14
➤ Option T2: Do the connections to the transformer correspond with the mains 6.6
➤ Have all electrical connections been checked for tightness? –
➤ Is a shut-off valve fitted to compressed air outlet? 6.3
➤ Has the connection to the air system been made with a hose or axial com‐ 6.3
➤ Is the condensate drain connected? 6.4
➤ Has the V-belt tension been checked? 10.9
➤ Is there sufficient cooling oil in the separator tank? 10.12
(cooling oil level indicator outside the red zone)
➤ Is there sufficient cooling oil in the airend? 7.5
➤ Is the machine firmly anchored to the floor? 6.7.1
(option H1)
➤ Are door interlock switches aligned and their function checked? 7.7
➤ Are all access doors closed and latched and all removable panels in place –
and secured?

Tab. 32 Installation conditions checklist

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7 Initial Start-up
7.4 Setting the Overload Protection Cut-Out

7.4 Setting the Overload Protection Cut-Out

In the star-delta configuration the phase current is fed via the overload protection cut-out. This phase
current is 0.58-times the rated motor current (see nameplate in the control cabinet).
To prevent the overload protection cut-out from being triggered by voltage fluctuations, tem‐
perature influences or component tolerances, the setting can be higher than the calculated
phase current.
➤ Set up the overload protection cut-out.
The overload cut-out drops out despite being correctly set?
➤ Contact authorized KAESER Service representative.

7.5 Pouring Cooling Oil into the Airend

Fill the airend manually with cooling oil before initial start-up and after a shutdown period of more than
3 months.
A label showing the type of oil used is found near the oil separator tank filling port.
➤ Use the same type of oil.

Material 0.5 quart Cooling oil

Precondition The power supply disconnecting (isolating) device is switched off,

the switch is locked in the off position,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.

Fig. 16 Airend filling port

1 Filler plug
2 Airend

1. Unscrew the filler plug from the airend.

2. Pour cooling oil into the airend and tighten the filler plug.
3. Turn the rotors manually by means of the belt pulley to distribute the oil.

7.6 Check Direction of Rotation

The machine is designed for a clockwise phase sequence.
Ideally, the direction of phase rotation should be measured with a phase sequence meter.
Alternatively, start the machine very briefly and observe the direction of rotation of the motor cooling

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7 Initial Start-up
7.7 Checking the Door Interlock Switch

1. Check the direction of phase rotation with a phase sequence meter.

2. If the direction is incorrect, reverse the supply phases L1 and L2.
You have no phase sequence meter?
➤ Switch the machine on and off again the moment the drive motor begins to turn.
➤ Compare the direction of rotation of the motor with the arrows on the motor and the airend
➤ If the direction is incorrect, reverse supply phases L1 and L2.

7.7 Checking the Door Interlock Switch

The interlock switch stops the machine as soon as a door or access panel is opened.
Check the interlock switch function on commissioning.
The door interlock switch is an important safety device.
The machine may only be operated with a correctly functioning interlock switch.

Fig. 17 Interlock switch position

1 Door interlock switch
2 Panel

1. Open the access panel 2 while the machine is running.

The machine switches off automatically. The controller displays an alarm message.
2. Close the panel and acknowledge the alarm.
The machine does not switch off automatically?.
➤ Have the interlock switch checked by an authorized KAESER Service representative agent.

7.8 Starting the machine for the first time

Precondition No one is working on the machine,
all access doors are closed,
all removable panels in place and secured.

1. Open the shut-off valve to the compressed air system.

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7 Initial Start-up
7.9 Network Pressure Setting

2. Switch on the main power supply disconnecting device.

After the controller has carried out a self-test, the green LED Power ON lights.
3. Press the «ON» key.
The green LED Machine ON lights.
The motor starts up and after a short time the machine switches to LOAD and delivers com‐
pressed air.
➤ Keep an eye on the machine during the first few hours of operation to ensure that it is
operating correctly.
➤ After the first 50 operating hours, all screw-type electrical connections should be checked
and tightened if necessary.

7.9 Network Pressure Setting

The cut-out pressure is factory set at the maximum permissible working pressure of the machine.
Adjustment is necessary for individual operating conditions.
Do not set the machine's cut-out pressure higher than the maximum working pressure of the
compressed air system.
The machine may not toggle more than twice per minute between LOAD and IDLE.
To reduce switching (toggling) frequency:
➤ Increase the difference between cut-in and cut-out pressure.
➤ Add an air receiver downstream to increase buffer capacity.

System pressure setpoint: switching point

1. Scroll with the arrow keys until the parameter 8 "System pressure: switching point" is displayed
in line 3.
2. Depress the «enter» key for at least three seconds until the cursor blinks.
3. Use the arrow keys to set the desired switching point and confirm with the «enter» key.

Pressure setpoint: switching differential

This switching differential is factory set. Adjust this parameter if the motor starting frequency is too
1. Scroll with the arrow keys until the parameter 7 "System pressure: switching differential" is dis‐
played in line 3.
2. Depress the «enter» key for at least three seconds until the cursor blinks.
3. Use the arrow keys to set the desired differential and confirm with the «enter» key.

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8 Operation
8.1 Switching On and Off

8 Operation
8.1 Switching On and Off
Always switch the machine on with the «ON» key and off with the «OFF» key.
A power supply disconnecting device has been installed by the user.

Fig. 18 Switching On and Off

1 Machine ON LED (green) 3 «OFF» key
2 «ON» key 8 Controller ON LED (green)

8.1.1 Switching on
Precondition No personnel are working on the machine,
All access doors and panels are closed and secure.

1. Switch on the power supply disconnecting device.

After the controller has carried out a self-test, the green Power ON LED lights continuously.
2. Press the «ON» key.
The green Machine ON LED lights continuously.
If a power failure occurs, the machine is not prevented from automatic re-starting.
It can start automatically again as soon as power is restored.

Result The compressor motor starts as soon as system pressure is lower than the setpoint pressure (cut-
out pressure).

8.1.2 Switching off

Depending on current operating condition, the machine shuts down after a protective run-on period.

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8 Operation
8.2 Switching Off in an Emergency and Switching On again

The machine switches to IDLE. The motor stops immediately.
The Machine ON LED flashes. The Machine ON LED extinguishes.
The drive motor comes to a stop after
about 15 seconds.
The Machine ON LED extinguishes.

Tab. 33 Switching off with/without run-on time.

1. Press the «OFF» key.

The machine is ready to operate as soon as the Machine ON LED is extinguished. The machine
can be started again.
2. Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting device.
The machine is switched off and isolated from the mains supply. The Controller Power LED ex‐

8.2 Switching Off in an Emergency and Switching On again

The EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton is located below the control panel.

Fig. 19 Switching off in an emergency

9 EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton


➤ Press the EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton.

The pushbutton remains latched in.
The compressor's pressure system is vented and the machine is prevented from automatically

Switching on

Precondition The fault has been rectified

1. Turn the EMERGENCY STOP pushbutton in the direction of the arrow to unlatch it.
2. Press the reset key to reset any alarm messages.
The machine can now be started again.

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8 Operation
8.3 Setting Parameters

8.3 Setting Parameters

If a password is needed it is requested automatically.
Every action can be cancelled with the «escape» key.
If no key is pressed in the edit mode for ten seconds, the display automatically returns to the
previous mode.
Restarting the controller is not necessary. Edited parameters are immediately effective.
Compressed air systems pressure and airend discharge temperature are neither updated nor
displayed while in the edit mode.

Entering the edit mode.

1. Scroll with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys until the desired parameter appears in line 3.
2. Depress the «enter» key for at least 3 seconds.

Result Depending on the parameter, either the indicated word flashes or the position for the first character
of the required password.

Changing a parameter that is not password protected.

Precondition The current parameter setting flashes.

➤ Use the «UP»/«DOWN» keys to change the value of the parameter and confirm with the
«enter» key.

Changing a password protected parameter.

Some parameters can only be accessed for changing after a password has been given. The password
consists of five characters.

Precondition The first character flashes.

1. Select the first character with the «UP»/«DOWN» key and confirm with «enter».
The next character flashes.
2. Repeat setting until all characters are entered.
When the correct password is entered the parameters are displayed.
3. Use the «UP»/«DOWN» keys to change the value of the parameter and confirm with the
«enter» key.

8.4 Acknowledging Alarm and Warning Messages

Messages are displayed on the "new value" principle:
■ Message received: LED flashes
■ Message acknowledged: LED lights
■ Message gone: LED extinguished


■ Message received: LED flashes

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8 Operation
8.5 Switching off the Refrigeration Dryer

■ Message gone: LED flashes

■ Message reset: LED extinguished

Fig. 20 Acknowledging/resetting messages

10 warning (yellow) LED
11 alarm (red) LED
12 «acknowledge/reset» key

Alarm message

Precondition Fault has been rectified

➤ Reset the message with the «acknowledge/reset» key.

alarm LED extinguishes.
The machine is now ready to start again.

Warning message

Precondition The danger of an alarm is eliminated.

Maintenance has been carried out

➤ Reset the message with the «acknowledge/reset» key.

warning LED extinguishes.

8.5 Option T3
Switching off the Refrigeration Dryer
If the compressor is to be run without the refrigeration dryer, the dryer can be shut down by means
of its motor protection switch (refrigerant compressor motor). The motor protection switch is located
in the control cabinet. It is marked -Q12 on the last page of the electrical diagrams.
➤ Shut down the refrigeration dryer by means of its motor protection switch (-Q13).

Further information Electrical diagram 13.4 gives the location of the motor protection switch.

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9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.1 Basic Information

9 Fault Recognition and Rectification

9.1 Basic Information
The following tables are intended to assist in locating causes of faults.

There are three types of fault:

■ Alarm: red LED flashes - see chapter 9.2.
■ Warning: yellow LED flashes - see chapter 9.3.
■ Other faults: no indication - see chapter 9.4.

The messages valid for your machine are dependant on the controller and individual equipment.
1. Do not attempt fault removal measures other than those given in this manual.
2. In all other cases:
have the fault rectified by an authorized KAESER Service representative agent.

9.2 Alarm Messages (machine shutdown)

The error code appears in the 4th line of the display field.
A sticker with symbols explains the error code.

Error Symbol Meaning Remedy

1 EMERGENCY STOP button ➤ Unlatch the EMERGENCY STOP button
pressed. ➤ Close the access door or replace the
Access door open or panel re‐ panel.
2 Motor alarm ➤ Check overload protection setting / motor
Overload protection of drive or fan protection switch.
motor (if fitted). ➤ Change the oil separator cartridge.
Machine with frequency-controlled ➤ Check minimum pressure/check valve.
drive: ➤ Have the frequency converter checked
fault in the frequency converter. by an authorized KAESER Service rep‐
3 Build-up of back pressure: ➤ Change over phase lines L1 and L2.
■ Incorrect motor rotation direc‐ ➤ Replace drive belts.
■ Drive belts damaged.
■ Compressor not venting cor‐
rectly when STOPPED.
4 Maximum permissible airend dis‐ ➤ Clean the cooler.
charge temperature exceeded. ➤ Maintain sufficient distance between the
cooling air inlet and exhaust openings
and any wall. Check the cooling oil level.
➤ Ensure that the permissible room tem‐
perature is not exceeded.
➤ Replace the oil filter.

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9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.3 Warning messages (yellow LED lights)

Error Symbol Meaning Remedy

5 Fault in the refrigeration dryer. ➤ Clean the refrigerant condenser.
➤ Ensure adequate ventilation.
➤ Install an extractor fan.
6 Defective analog input (pressure ➤ Check lines and connections.
or temperature sensor).

7 Maximum permissible temperature ➤ Ensure adequate ventilation.

of the controller casing exceeded. ➤ Ensure that the permissible room tem‐
perature is not exceeded.
8 – Spare. –

Tab. 34 Alarm messages

9.3 Warning messages (yellow LED lights)

The error code appears in the 4th line of the display field.
A sticker with symbols explains the error code.

Error Symbol Meaning Remedy

S Maintenance interval ➤ Carry out maintenance.

p Back pressure present. ➤ Check direction of drive motor rotation.

➤ Call authorized KAESER Service represen‐
T Machine below minimum per‐ ➤ Increase room temperature.
missible starting temperature.

i Safety relief valve check ➤ Check safety relief valve.

mode switched on. ➤ Deactivate check mode.

Tab. 35 Warning messages

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48 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
9 Fault Recognition and Rectification
9.4 Other Faults

9.4 Other Faults

Fault Possible cause Remedy
Machine runs but produces no Inlet valve not opening or only Call authorized KAESER Serv‐
compressed air. opening partially. ice representative.
Venting valve not closing. Call authorized KAESER Serv‐
ice representative.
Leaks in the pressure system. Check pipework and connec‐
tions for leaks and tighten any
loose fittings.
Air consumption is greater than Check the air system for leaks.
the capacity of the compressor. Shut down the consumer(s).

Hose coupling or maintenance Remove coupling or mainte‐

hose still plugged into the quick- nance hose.
release coupling on the oil sep‐
arator tank.
Cooling oil runs out of the air fil‐ Oil level in the oil separator tank Drain off oil until the correct level
ter. too high. is reached.
Inlet valve defective. Call authorized KAESER Serv‐
ice representative.
Compressor switches between Air receiver too small. Increase size of air receiver.
LOAD and IDLE more than twice Airflow into the compressed air Increase air pipe diameters.
per minute. network restricted. Check filter elements.
The differential between cut-in Check switching differential.
and cut-out pressure too is
Cooling oil leaking into the floor Hose coupling or maintenance Remove coupling or mainte‐
pan. hose still plugged into the quick- nance hose.
release coupling on the oil sep‐
arator tank.
Oil cooler leaking. Call authorized KAESER Serv‐
ice representative.
Leaking joints. Tighten joints.
Replace seals.
Cooling oil consumption too Unsuitable oil is being used. Use SIGMA FLUID cooling oil.
high. Oil separator cartridge split. Change the oil separator car‐
Oil level in the oil separator tank Drain off oil until the correct level
too high. is reached.
Oil return line clogged. Check dirt trap in the return line.

Tab. 36 Other faults and actions

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10 Maintenance
10.1 Safety

10 Maintenance
10.1 Safety
The following instructions must be followed for safe machine maintenance.
Warning instructions are always given before a potentially dangerous action.

Basic safety instructions

1. Follow the instructions in chapter 3 'Safety and Responsibility'.

2. Maintenance work may only be carried out by authorized personnel!
3. Before switching on, make sure that:
■ no one is working on the machine,
■ all access doors and panels are closed and secure.

Working on electrically conducting components.

1. Work on electrically conducting components may only be carried out by authorized electricians.
2. Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.
3. Check that there is no voltage on floating relay contacts.

Working on pressure systems

1. Close shut-off valves or otherwise isolate the machine from the air main to ensure that no com‐
pressed air can flow back into the machine.
2. Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.
3. Check all machine hose connectors with a handheld pressure gauge to ensure that all read zero.
4. Do not open or dismantle such valves.

Working on the drive

1. Switch off and lock out the supply disconnecting device and check that no voltage is present.
2. Do not open the enclosure while the machine is switched on.

Further information Specification of authorized personnel is found in chapter 3.4.2.

Specification of dangers and their avoidance is found in chapter 3.5.

10.2 Maintenance Schedule

10.2.1 Logging maintenance work
The maintenance intervals given are those recommended for average operating conditions.
➤ Maintenance tasks should be carried out more frequently where operating conditions are
unfavorable (e.g. dusty atmosphere) or when the equipment is heavily utilized.
➤ Adjust the maintenance intervals with regard to operating conditions.

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10 Maintenance
10.2 Maintenance Schedule

➤ Keep a log of all maintenance and repair work.

This enables the frequency of individual maintenance tasks and deviations from our recommen‐
dations to be determined.

Further information A prepared list is provided in chapter 10.19.

10.2.2 Resetting maintenance interval counters

SIGMA CONTROL BASIC has a maintenance interval counter that counts down the operating hours
to the next maintenance.
The counter reading shows the number of operating hours to the next periodic machine maintenance.
Reset the counter to the original value once the task has been carried out.
1. Select parameter 2 (maintenance interval counter) with the «UP»/«DOWN» keys.
2. Depress the «enter» key for at least 3 seconds.
3. When the cursor blinks, confirm the offered value with the «enter» key.

10.2.3 Regular maintenance tasks

The table below lists maintenance tasks required.
➤ Take note of the controller's service messages and carry out tasks punctually, taking ambient
and operating conditions into account.

Interval Maintenance task See chapter

Weekly Check the cooling oil level. 10.12
Cooler: 10.3
Check the filter mat.
Control cabinet: 10.4
Check the filter mat.
Check the condensate drain. 10.18.2
Up to 1,000 h Maintain the drive belts. 10.9
Check the air filter. 10.7
Clean the cooler. 10.5
Cooler: 10.3
Clean the filter mat.
Control cabinet: 10.4
Clean the filter mat.
Clean the refrigerant condenser. 10.18.1
Up to 3,000 h Change the air filter element. 10.7
Cooler: Change the filter mat. 10.5
Control cabinet: Change the filter mat. 10.4
Up to 3,000 h Change the oil filter. 10.16
At least annually
Up to 3,000 h Change the oil separator cartridge. 10.17
At the latest every 3 years
h = operating hours

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10 Maintenance
10.2 Maintenance Schedule

Interval Maintenance task See chapter

Variable, see table 38 Change the cooling oil. 10.15
Annually Check that all electrical connections are tight. –
Check the pressure relief valve. 10.10
Check the over-heating safety shutdown function. 10.11
Check the cooler for leaks. 10.5
Maintain the heat recovery system. 10.6
h = operating hours

Tab. 37 Regular maintenance tasks

10.2.4 Cooling oil changing interval

Machine utilization and ambient conditions are important criteria for the number and length of the
change intervals.
Authorized KAESER Service representative will support you in determining appropriate inter‐
vals and provide information on the possibilities of oil analysis.

➤ Please observe national regulations regarding the use of cooling oil in oil-injected screw com‐
➤ Check operating conditions and adjust intervals as necessary.

SIGMA Lubricant Description Maximum Recommended Change Interval
First oil change Subsequent oil change
M–460 ISO 46 Semi-Synthetic 2,000 Hours 3,000 Hours
S–460 ISO 46 Synthetic Lubri‐ 6,000 Hours 8,000 Hours
S–680 ISO 68 Synthetic Lubri‐ 6,000 Hours 8,000 Hours
FG–460 ISO 46 Food Grade 2,000 Hours 3,000 Hours
Synthetic Fluid

Tab. 38 Oil change intervals lubricants

10.2.5 Regular service work

The table below lists necessary service tasks.
➤ Only authorized KAESER Service representatives should carry out service work.
➤ Carry out service tasks punctually and with consideration of ambient and operating conditions.

Interval Service task

Up to 12,000 h Check valves.
Up to 12,000 h, at the lat‐ Check drive motor bearings.
est every 3 years
h = operating hours

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10 Maintenance
10.3 Cooler: Cleaning or Renewing the Filter Mats

Interval Service task

Up to 36,000 h, at the lat‐ Check hose lines.
est every 8 years
h = operating hours

Tab. 39 Regular service work

10.3 Cooler: Cleaning or Renewing the Filter Mats

The filter mats help to keep the cooler clean. If the filter mats are clogged, adequate cooling of the
components is no longer ensured.

Material Filter mats:

Warm water and household detergent
Spare parts (as required)

Precondition The machine is switched off.

Fig. 21 Filter mat for the air and oil cooler

1 Filter mat

No tools are needed to remove the filter mat.

1. Carefully remove the filter mat from the retaining frame.
2. Beat the mat or use a vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt. If necessary, wash with lukewarm
water and household detergent.
3. Change the filter mat if cleaning is not possible or if the change interval has expired.
4. Carefully insert the filter mat in the retaining frame.

10.4 Cleaning or Replacing the Control Cabinet Filter Mats

Filter mats protect the control cabinet from ingress of dirt. If the filter mats are clogged, adequate
cooling of the components is no longer ensured. In such a case, clean or replace the filter mats.

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10 Maintenance
10.5 Cooler Maintenance

Material Warm water and household detergent

Spare parts (as required)

Precondition The power supply disconnecting (isolating) device is switched off,

the disconnect device is locked in the off position,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine has cooled down.

Fig. 22 Control cabinet ventilation grill

1 Ventilation grill
2 Filter mat

1. Carefully remove the ventilation grill 1 and take out the filter mat 2 .
2. Beat the mat or use a vacuum cleaner to remove loose dirt. If necessary, wash with lukewarm
water and household detergent.
3. Change the filter mat if cleaning is not possible or if the change interval has expired.
4. Lay the filter mat in the frame and latch in the ventilation grill.

10.5 Cooler Maintenance

Regular cleaning of the cooler ensures reliable cooling of the machine and the compressed air. The
frequency is mainly dependent on local operating conditions.
A leaking cooler results in loss of cooling oil and reduced air delivery.

Material Brush and vacuum cleaner.

Breathing mask (if required)

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off

The disconnecting device is locked in the off position
A check has been made no voltage is present
The machine has cooled down.

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10 Maintenance
10.6 Maintaining the external heat recovery system

Fig. 23 Filter mat for air and oil cooler

1 Filter mat

Cleaning the cooler.

A filter mat helps to keep the cooler clean but cooler cleaning is necessary after a period of time.
Do not clean the cooler with a sharp instrument, otherwise it could be damaged.
Avoid dust disturbance.
1. Carefully remove the filter mat from the retaining frame.
2. Dry brush the oil and air coolers and use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dirt.
3. Carefully insert the filter mat in the retaining frame.
The air and oil coolers can no longer be properly cleaned?
➤ Heavy and stubborn contamination should be removed by authorized KAESER Service

Check the cooler for leaks.

➤ Visual check: Is cooling oil dripping from the cooler?

Is the cooler leaking?
➤ Have the cooler repaired immediately by an authorized KAESER Service representative.

10.6 Option W1
Maintaining the external heat recovery system
Deposits in the heat exchanger can significantly reduce its capacity to transfer heat.
Check the heat exchanger regularly for leaks and contamination. Frequency of checking is dependant
on the characteristics of the heat transfer medium.
➤ Monitor the pressure in the heat transfer medium line to detect any drop in pressure.
➤ Have the external heat recovery system checked annually by an authorized KAESER Service

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10 Maintenance
10.7 Air Filter Maintenance

10.7 Air Filter Maintenance

Check that all sealing surfaces match each other. The use of an unsuitable air filter element
can permit dirt to ingress the pressure system and cause damage to the machine.
The air filter element cannot be cleaned.

Material Replacement part

Precondition The power supply disconnecting (isolating) device is switched off,

the disconnect device is locked in the off position,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine has cooled down.

Fig. 24 Air filter maintenance

1 Snap fastener
2 Air filter element
3 Air filter housing

1. Release the spring clips and remove the element.

2. Clean all parts and sealing surfaces.
3. Insert the new element in the housing.
4. Clip the air filter housing onto the inlet valve.

10.8 Drive Motor Maintenance

The drive motor bearings are permanently greased. Subsequent greasing is not necessary.
➤ Have the motor bearings checked by an authorized KAESER Service representative during serv‐

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10 Maintenance
10.9 Maintaining the Drive Belts

10.9 Maintaining the Drive Belts

Material Spare parts (if required)

Precondition The power supply disconnecting (isolating) device is switched off,

the switch is locked in the off position,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine has cooled down.

Touching rotating drive belts may result in severe bruising or even loss of limb or extremities.
➤ Switch off and lock out the power supply disconnecting (isolating) device and check that no
voltage is present.

Fig. 25 Drive Belt Maintenance

1 Nut
2 Nut
3 Marker pin (the illustration shows that belt tensioning is required)

Checking the belt tension and adjustment

The tensioning device uses spring force to apply correct tension to the belts.
Adjust the tension when the marker pin reaches the top of the elongated hole.
1. Loosen the locking nut 2 .
2. Use the adjusting nut 1 to adjust spring tension until the marker pin reaches the lower end of the
elongated hole.
3. Tighten the locking nut 2 .

Visual damage check

1. Turn the pulley by hand so that all of the belt can be inspected for damage.
2. Change any damaged belts immediately.

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10 Maintenance
10.10 Checking the Safety Relief Valve

Changing the belts

Fig. 26 Changing the belts

1 Nut 5 Insulation
2 Nut 6 Bracket rail
3 Marker pin (the illustration shows that belt 7 Plate
tensioning is required)
4 Plate

1. Loosen the locking nut 2 .

2. Turn adjusting nut 1 to loosen the tension on the belts until they can be removed from the pulley.
3. Remove the panel 4 and the insulation piece 5 .
4. Remove the plate 7 and the bracket 6 .
5. Remove the belts, drawing them carefully over the fan wheel, and replace with a new set of belts.
6. Replace the bracket 6 the plate 7 and insulating piece 5 .
7. Use the adjusting nut 1 to adjust spring tension until the marker pin 3 reaches the lower end of
the elongated hole.
8. Tighten the locking nut 2 .

10.10 Checking the Safety Relief Valve

In order to check the safety relief valve, the machine's working pressure is raised above the blowoff
pressure of the valve.
Blowoff protection and network pressure monitoring are switched off during the test.
➤ Operate the machine only with a fully functioning safety relief valve.

Preparation for the test

Precondition The machine is switched off.

1. Close the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.

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10.11 Checking the Overheating Safety Shutdown Function

2. Read the blowoff pressure on the valve.

(the blowoff pressure is usually to be found at the end of the part identification)
3. Use the arrow keys to scroll the parameter 3 "Safety relief valve check mode" and confirm by
depressing the «enter» key at least three seconds.
4. Enter the password "BASIC" and confirm with the «enter» key.
5. Use the arrow keys to select parameter "on" and confirm.

Carrying out the check

The machine starts in IDLE as soon as it is switched on.

So long as the «ON» key is depressed and held, the machine switches to LOAD and pressure builds
up in the oil separator tank. When the «ON» key is released, the machine switches back to IDLE and
stops automatically when the preset idling period has elapsed.

Precondition The machine is switched off.

Safety relief valve blows off.
Excessive noise is caused when the safety relief valve blows off.
There is danger of scalding from hot oil.
There is danger of injury from bursting components and compressed air.
➤ Close all access doors and replace and secure all removable panels.
➤ Wear ear and eye protection.
➤ Abort the test if the working pressure reaches 10% above the blowoff pressure of the valve.

1. Press the «ON» key.

The machine starts in IDLE.
2. Observe the pressure indicator on the SIGMA CONTROL BASIC while depressing the «ON» key.
3. Stop the test as soon as the pressure relief valve blows off or working pressure reaches 10%
above the blowoff set point.
4. If necessary, vent the machine and replace the safety relief valve.

Return to operational state.

1. Call up the edit mode again and enter the password "BASIC".
2. Use the arrow keys to select parameter "off" and confirm with the enter key.
3. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.

10.11 Checking the Overheating Safety Shutdown Function

The machine should shut down if the airend discharge temperature reaches a maximum of 230 °F.
➤ Have the safety shutdown function checked by an authorized KAESER Service representative.

10.12 Checking the Cooling Oil Level

The oil level can be seen through a window in the front access door.
The ideal situation is with the oil level around the optimum mark when the machine is running.

Operating mode Minimum oil level Maximum oil level

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10.13 Venting the machine (depressurizing)


Tab. 40 Checking the Cooling Oil Level

Precondition The machine has been running at least 5 minutes under LOAD.

Fig. 27 Checking the Cooling Oil Level

1 Minimum oil level
2 Maximum oil level
3 Optimum level

➤ Check the oil level with machine running under LOAD.

Result Top up when the indicator shows minimum level.

10.13 Venting the machine (depressurizing)

The machine must be isolated from the compressed air system and completely vented before
undertaking any work on the pressure system.

The oil circuit vents automatically as soon as the machine is stopped.

Venting takes place in three stages:

■ Isolate the compressor from the compressed air system.
■ Vent air from the oil separator tank.
■ Vent air manually from the air cooler.

Material The hose coupling, shut-off valve and maintenance hose lie beneath the oil separator tank.

Precondition The mains disconnecting device is switched off

The disconnecting device is locked in the off position
A check has been made no voltage is present

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10 Maintenance
10.13 Venting the machine (depressurizing)

Compressed air!
Compressed air and devices under pressure can injure or cause death if the contained energy is
released suddenly or uncontrolled.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.

Fig. 28 Venting the machine

1 Hose coupling (air cooler venting) 7 Shut-off valve.
2 Pressure gauge A Shut-off valve open
3 Hose coupling (oil separator tank venting) B Shut-off valve closed
6 Male hose coupling/fitting 8 Maintenance hose

Isolate the machine from the compressed air system.

➤ Close the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.
If no shut-off valve is provided, the complete compressed air system must be vented.

Vent air from the oil separator tank.

Escaping oil mist is damaging to health.
➤ Do not direct the maintenance hose at a person while venting.
➤ Do not inhale the oil mist.

➤ Check that the oil separator tank pressure gauge reads 0 psig.

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10.14 Topping up the Cooling Oil

After automatic venting the pressure gauge does not read zero?
➤ Make sure that the shut-off valve is closed or that the compressed air system is vented to
➤ With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 3 .
➤ Slowly open the shut-off valve 7 to release pressure.
➤ Withdraw the male hose fitting 6 and close the shut-off valve 7 .
➤ If manual venting does not bring the oil separator tank pressure gauge to 0 psig, call an
authorized KAESER Service representative.

Vent air manually from the air cooler.

After shutting down the compressor and venting the oil separator tank, there is still pressure on
the machine from the compressed air system or in the section from the shut-off valve to the
minimum pressure/check valve.
1. With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 1 .
2. Slowly open the shut-off valve 7 to release pressure.
3. Withdraw the male hose fitting 6 and close the shut-off valve 7 .

10.14 Topping up the Cooling Oil

The machine must be isolated from the compressed air system and completely vented before
undertaking any work on the pressure system.

Material The hose coupling, shut-off valve and maintenance hose lie beneath the oil separator tank.

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off

The disconnecting device is locked in the off position
A check has been made no voltage is present

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10.14 Topping up the Cooling Oil

Fig. 29 Topping up the Cooling Oil

1 Hose coupling (air cooler venting) 6 Male hose coupling/fitting
2 Pressure gauge 7 Shut-off valve.
3 Hose coupling (oil separator tank venting) A Shut-off valve open
4 Oil filler with plug B Shut-off valve closed
5 Cooling oil level indicator 8 Maintenance hose

1. Vent the machine as described in 10.14.1.

2. Fill with cooling oil and test run as described in 10.14.2.

10.14.1 Venting the Machine (depressurizing)

The oil circuit vents automatically as soon as the machine is stopped.

Venting takes place in three stages:

■ Isolate the compressor from the compressed air system.
■ Vent air from the oil separator tank.
■ Vent air manually from the air cooler.

Compressed air!
Compressed air and devices under pressure can injure or cause death if the contained energy is
released suddenly or uncontrolled.
➤ Vent all pressurized components and chambers completely.

Isolate the machine from the compressed air system

➤ Close the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.
If no shut-off valve is provided, the complete compressed air system must be vented.

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10.14 Topping up the Cooling Oil

Vent air from the oil separator tank

Escaping oil mist is damaging to health.
➤ Do not direct the maintenance hose at a person while venting.
➤ Do not inhale the oil mist.

➤ Check that the oil separator tank pressure gauge reads 0 psig.
After automatic venting the pressure gauge does not read zero?
➤ Make sure that the shut-off valve is closed or that the compressed air system is vented to
➤ With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 3 .
➤ Slowly open the shut-off valve 7 to release pressure.
➤ Withdraw the male hose fitting 6 and close the shut-off valve 7 .
➤ If manual venting does not bring the oil separator tank pressure gauge to 0 psig, call an
authorized KAESER Service representative.

Vent air manually from the air cooler

After shutting down the compressor and venting the oil separator tank, there is still pressure on
the machine from the compressed air system or in the section from the shut-off valve to the
minimum pressure/check valve.
1. With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 1 .
2. Slowly open the shut-off valve 7 to release pressure.
3. Withdraw the male hose fitting 6 and close the shut-off valve 7 .

10.14.2 Top up with cooling oil and test run

Topping up the Cooling Oil

A sticker on the oil separator tank gives the type of oil it contains.

The machine could be damaged by unsuitable oil
➤ Never mix different types of oil.
➤ Top up only with the same type of oil as already in the machine.

1. Unscrew the filler plug 4 slowly.

2. Top up to bring the oil to the correct level.
3. Replace the plug sealing ring if necessary and screw in the plug.

Start the machine and carry out a test run

1. Close all access doors; replace and secure all removable panels.
2. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.
3. After about 10 minutes, check the oil level again and top up if necessary.
4. Switch off the machine and visually check for leaks.

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10.15 Changing the cooling oil

10.15 Changing the cooling oil

The machine must be isolated from the compressed air network and completely vented before
undertaking any work on the pressure system.

Drain the oil completely from the following components:

■ Oil separator tank
■ Oil cooler
■ Thermostatic valve (option W1)

Always change the oil filter and oil separator cartridge when changing the oil.
Compressed air helps to expel the oil. This compressed air can be taken either from the compressor
itself or from an external source.

An external source of compressed air is necessary in the following cases:

■ The machine is not operational.
■ The machine is to be restarted after a long period of standstill.

Material Cooling oil

Cooling oil receptacle
The maintenance hose with hose coupling and shut-off valve needed for venting is stowed beneath
the oil separator tank.

There is risk of burns from hot components and oil.
➤ Wear long-sleeved clothing and gloves.

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10.15 Changing the cooling oil

Fig. 30 Changing the cooling oil, oil separator tank

1 Hose coupling (air cooler venting) A Shut-off valve open
2 Pressure gauge B Shut-off valve closed
3 Hose coupling (oil separator tank venting) 8 Maintenance hose
4 Oil filler port with plug 9 Hose coupling (oil drain)
5 Cooling oil level indicator 10 Shut-off valve (venting line)
6 Male hose fitting 11 Shut-off valve (oil drain)
7 Shut-off valve

Changing the oil with internal pressure Changing the oil using an external compressed
air source
The machine has been running for at least 5 mi‐ The supply disconnecting device is switched off,
nutes under LOAD. the device is locked off,
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge a check has been made that no voltage is present.
on the oil separator tank reads 0 psig. The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge
1. Close the shut-off valve 10 in the venting on the oil separator tank reads 0 psig.
line. An external source of compressed air is available.
2. Start the machine and watch the oil separator 1. Close the shut-off valve 10 in the venting
tank pressure gauge 2 until it reads 44–73 line.
psig. 2. With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male
3. Switch off the machine. hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 3 .
4. Wait at least 2 minutes to allow the oil to flow 3. Connect the maintenance hose to the exter‐
back to the separator tank. nal air supply.
4. Open the shut-off valve 7 until the pressure
gauge on the oil separator tank reads 44–73
5. Close the shut-off valve 7 and remove the
male hose fitting from the coupling.

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10.15 Changing the cooling oil

Draining the oil from the separator tank

Contact KAESER Service if condensate is detected in the cooling oil.

It is necessary to adapt the airend discharge temperature to individual ambient conditions.

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.

1. Have an oil receptacle ready.

2. With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 9 .
3. Place the end of the maintenance hose in the oil receptacle and secure it in place.
4. Open the shut-off valve 11 .
5. Slowly open the shut off valve 7 in the maintenance hose to release oil and close immediately
when air escapes.
6. Close the shut-off valve 11 and unplug the male hose fitting.
➤ Dispose of used oil in accordance with environmental protection regulations.

Draining the oil from the cooler

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.

Fig. 31 Changing the cooling oil, oil cooler

1 Oil cooler 6 Male hose fitting
2 Hose coupling (oil drainage) 7 Shut-off valve
3 Shut-off valve

1. Have an oil receptacle ready.

2. With the shut-off valve closed, insert the male hose fitting 6 into the hose coupling 2 .
3. Place the end of the maintenance hose in the oil receptacle and secure it in place.

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10.15 Changing the cooling oil

4. Open the shut-off valve 3 .

5. Slowly open the shut-off valve 7 of the maintenance hose and allow oil and air to drain completely.
Pressure gauge on the oil separator tank indicates 0 psig.
6. Close the shut-off valve 2 and unplug the male hose fitting.
➤ Dispose of used oil in accordance with environmental protection regulations.

Option W1 Draining the oil from the thermostatic valve

A drain plug is provided to drain oil from the thermostatic valve. If the machine is connected to an
external heat recovery system, oil should also be drained from the heat exchanger at a suitable point.

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge on the oil separator tank reads 0 psig.

Fig. 32 Changing the cooling oil, heat recovery system

2 Thermostatic valve
3 Screw plug

1. Have an oil receptacle ready.

2. Remove the drain plug 3 and allow the oil to drain completely.
3. Replace the plug 3 .

Filling with oil

1. Slowly unscrew the filler plug 4 (see illustration 30).

2. Fill with cooling oil.
3. Check the filler plug and ring seal for damage and screw the plug back in again.

Starting the machine and carrying out a trial run

1. Close all access doors, replace and secure all removable panels.
2. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air network.
3. Switch on the power supply and reset the maintenance interval counter.
4. Start the machine and check the oil level again after about 10 minutes, topping up if necessary.
5. Switch off the machine and check visually for leaks.

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10.16 Changing the Oil Filter

10.16 Changing the Oil Filter

The machine must be isolated from the compressed air sysstem and completely vented before
undertaking any work on the pressure system.

Material Replacement part

Cooling oil container

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off

The disconnecting device is locked in the off position
A check has been made no voltage is present
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 psig.

There is risk of burns from hot components and oil.
➤ Wear long-sleeved clothing and gloves.

Fig. 33 Changing the oil filter

1 Oil filter
2 Direction to unscrew

Changing the oil filter

1. Unscrew the oil filter counter-clockwise, catch oil spillage and dispose of in accordance with
environmental protection regulations.
2. Lightly oil the new filter's O-ring.
3. Turn the oil filter clockwise by hand to tighten.
➤ Dispose of parts and materials contaminated with oil in accordance with environmental
protection regulations.

Start the machine and carry out a test run

1. Close all access doors; replace and secure all removable panels.
2. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.
3. Switch on the power supply and reset the maintenance interval counter.

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10.17 Changing the Oil Separator Cartridge

4. After about 10 minutes, check the oil level again and top up if necessary.
5. Switch off the machine and visually check for leaks.

10.17 Changing the Oil Separator Cartridge

The machine must be isolated from the compressed air system and completely vented before
undertaking any work on the pressure system.
The oil separator cartridge cannot be cleaned.

The life of the oil separator cartridge is influenced by:

■ contamination in the air drawn into the compressor,
■ adherence to the changing intervals for:
─ cooling oil
─ oil filter
─ air filter

Material Replacement part

Cleaning rag

Precondition The power supply disconnecting device is switched off

The disconnecting device is locked in the off position
A check has been made no voltage is present
The machine is fully vented, the pressure gauge reads 0 psig.

Fig. 34 Changing the Oil Separator Cartridge

14 Cover 19 Nut (self locking)
15 Dirt trap 20 Fitting
16 Air pipe 21 Gasket
17 Retaining screw 23 Oil separator cartridge

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70 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
10 Maintenance
10.18 Refrigeration dryer maintenance

Changing the Oil Separator Cartridge

1. Unscrew the fitting 20 and carefully put the parts to one side, then pull out the copper pipe at
item 15 .
2. Unscrew the nut 19 and turn the air pipe 16 to one side.
3. Remove the cover retaining screws 17 and carefully lift the cover 14 .
4. Take out the old oil separator cartridge 23 together with the gaskets 21 and dispose of these
according to environmental protection regulations.
5. Clean all sealing faces.
6. Insert the new oil separator cartridge with gaskets and screw down the cover.
7. Install a new O-ring and strainer in the dirt trap 15 .
8. Attach the air pipe to the cover 14 with a new, self-locking nut.
9. Replace and tighten all fittings.
➤ Dispose of parts and materials contaminated with oil in accordance with environmental
protection regulations.

Start the machine and carry out a test run

1. Close all access doors; replace and secure all removable panels.
2. Open the user's shut-off valve between the machine and the compressed air system.
3. Switch on the power supply and reset the maintenance interval counter.
4. Stop the machine after 10 minutes and visually check for leaks.

10.18 Refrigeration dryer maintenance

The refrigeration circuit is permanently sealed and needs no maintenance. Repairs may only be
carried out by certified personnel.

Material Compressed air for blowing out

Cleaning cloths
Vacuum cleaner
Spares as required

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10 Maintenance
10.18 Refrigeration dryer maintenance

Fig. 35 Refrigeration dryer

1 Access panel 4 Refrigerant condenser
2 Viewing window: condensate drain 5 Latch
3 Condensate drain

➤ Check and clean the refrigerant condenser and condensate drain regularly as described below.

10.18.1 Cleaning the refrigerant condenser

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,
the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.

1. Undo the latch 5 and remove the panel 1 .

2. Use compressed air (73 < psig) to blow the condenser 4 through from outside to inside and then
vacuum up the dirt.
3. Replace the panel again.

10.18.2 Checking condensate drainage

The check is made with the machine running. The LED lights as soon as condensate begins to drain.
It can be seen through the window ( 2 in Fig. 35).

Precondition Machine running under LOAD

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72 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
10 Maintenance
10.18 Refrigeration dryer maintenance

Fig. 36 Checking condensate drainage

2 «TEST» button

➤ Visual check: Does condensate flow as soon as the LED illuminates?

Condensate does not flow?
The condensate drain hose or the drain itself is blocked.
➤ Switch off the machine and clean the drain pipe.
➤ Condensate drain manual check: Press the «TEST» button and hold for at least 2 seconds.
➤ Carry out maintenance on the condensate drain if condensate still does not flow.
➤ Collect condensate in a suitable container and dispose of in accordance with environmental

10.18.3 Condensate drain maintenance

The condensate drain cannot be cleaned. The service unit must be changed if condensate does not

Precondition The supply disconnecting device is switched off,

the device is locked off,
a check has been made that no voltage is present.
Machine fully vented (no pressure).

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10 Maintenance
10.18 Refrigeration dryer maintenance

Fig. 37 Condensate drain maintenance

1 Service module 5 Snap fastener
2 Control module 6 Drain hose fitting
3 Sensor 7 Contact spring
4 Sensor opening 8 Inlet

Removing the service module

1. Close the shut-off valve upstream of the condensate drain.

2. Unscrew the drain hose fitting.
3. Press the snap fastener 5 and remove the control module carefully from the service module.
4. Unscrew the service module carefully from the inlet pipe.

Fitting the service module

Precondition Use only genuine KAESER service modules.

Make sure the top of the service module and the contact spring are clean and dry.

1. Screw the service module to the inlet pipe using sealing tape.
2. Insert the control module sensor 3 carefully in the opening 4 in the new service module.
3. Place the hook of the control module into the service module eye and press until the snap fastener
can be heard to click into place.
4. Fit the drain hose and open the shut-off valve upstream of the condensate drain.
5. Close all access doors, replace and secure all removable panels.

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74 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
10 Maintenance
10.19 Document maintenance and service work.

10.19 Document maintenance and service work.

Machine number:
➤ Enter maintenance and service work carried out in the list.

Date Maintenance task carried out Operating hours Signature

Tab. 41 Logged maintenance tasks

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9_5745 03 USE SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 75
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.1 Note the nameplate

11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service

11.1 Note the nameplate
The nameplate contains all information to identify your machine. This information is essential to us
in order to provide you with optimal service.
➤ Please give the information from the nameplate with every inquiry and order for spares.

11.2 Ordering Consumable Parts and Operating Materials

The characteristics of KAESER consumable parts and operating materials correspond to the original
and are particularly suited to the machine.

Personal injury or damage to the machine may result from the use of unsuitable spare parts or
operating materials.
Unsuitable or poor quality consumable parts and operating materials may damage the machine or
impair its proper function.
In the event of damage, personal injury can result.
➤ Use only original KAESER parts and operating materials.
➤ Have an authorized KAESER Service representative carry out regular maintenance.


Name Quantity Number

Air filter element 1 1250
Filter mat (cooler) 1 1050
Filter mat (control cabinet) 2 1100
Oil filter 1 1200
Oil separator cartridge 1 1450
Cooling oil 1 1600
Drive belts 1 1800

Tab. 42 Consumable parts


■ authorized service technicians with KAESER factory training,
■ increased operational reliability ensured by preventive maintenance,
■ energy savings achieved by avoidance of pressure losses,
■ optimum conditions for operation of the compressed air system,
■ the security of genuine KAESER spare parts,
■ increased legal certainty as all regulations are kept to.

➤ Why not sign a SIGMA AIR SERVICE maintenance agreement!

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76 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.4 Service Addresses

Result Your advantage:

lower costs and higher compressed air availability.

11.4 Service Addresses

Addresses of KAESER representatives are given at the end of this manual.

11.5 Spare Parts for Service and Repair

With the help of this parts list you can plan your material requirement according to operating conditions
and order the spare parts you need.
➤ Make sure that any service or repair tasks not described in this manual are carried out by
an authorized KAESER Service representative.

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11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.5 Spare Parts for Service and Repair

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78 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
11 Spares, Operating Materials, Service
11.5 Spare Parts for Service and Repair

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12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.1 Putting Out of Operation

12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport

12.1 Putting Out of Operation
This is necessary under the following circumstances:
■ The machine is temporarily not needed.
■ The machine is to be moved to another location.
■ The machine is to be scrapped.

Temporarily putting out of operation

Precondition The machine can be started at regular intervals.

➤ Run the machine once a week for at least 30 minutes under LOAD to ensure sufficient protection
against corrosion.

Putting out of operation for a longer period

Precondition Before putting out of operation, the machine should be run under LOAD for at least 30 minutes.
Switch off the power supply disconnecting device,
the disconnect device is locked in the off position,
check that no voltage is present.
Machine fully vented (no pressure).

1. Allow the machine to cool down completely.

2. Disconnect all air and electrical connections.

12.2 Packing
A wooden crate is required for ground transport to protect the machine from mechanical damage.
Consult an authorized KAESER Service representative for advice on packing for sea or air transport.

Material Desiccant
Plastic sheeting
Wooden transport crate

Precondition The machine is decommissioned.

Machine is dry and cooled down.

1. Place desiccant inside the machine cabinet.

2. Wrap the machine in plastic sheeting.

12.3 Storage
Moisture can lead to corrosion, particularly on the surfaces of the airend and oil separator tank.
Frozen moisture can damage components, diaphragms, valves and gaskets.
Advice can be obtained from KAESER on storage and re-commissioning.

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80 SK T Tri-Voltage, SIGMA CONTROL BASIC 9_5745 03 USE
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.4 Transporting

Machine damage from moisture and frost.
➤ Prevent ingress of moisture and condensation.
➤ Maintain >32 °F storage temperature.

➤ Store the machine in a dry, frost-proof room.

12.4 Transporting
12.4.1 Safety
Weight and center of gravity determine the suitable transporting method. The center of gravity is
shown in the drawing in chapter 13.3.

Precondition Transport only by fork truck or lifting cradle and with personnel trained in the safe use of the transport

➤ Make sure the danger zone is clear.

12.4.2 Transporting with a forklift

Precondition The whole machine must be over the forks.

Fig. 38 Transporting with a forklift

➤ Drive the forks completely under the machine or palette and lift carefully.

12.4.3 Transporting with a crane

A suitable lifting cradle ensures correct transportation.
The lifting slings must be fully under the machine.
The slings must not press on the side of the machine.

Examples of unsuitable fixing points:

■ Pipe supports
■ Flanges
■ Attached components such as centrifugal separators, condensate drains or filters
■ Rain protection covers

Precondition The lifting cradle complies with local safety regulations.

No pressure should bear on the sides of the machine cabinet.

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12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.5 Disposal

Fig. 39 Transporting with a crane

Machine damage by incorrect lifting cradle attachment.
➤ Do not attach the lifting cradle to any of the machine components.
➤ The machine manufacturer can advise on application of a suitable lifting cradle.

➤ Use the lifting cradle correctly and lift the machine carefully.

12.5 Disposal
When disposing of a machine, drain out all liquids and remove dirty filters.

Precondition The machine is decommissioned.

1. Completely drain the cooling oil from the machine.

2. Remove used filters and the oil separator cartridge.
3. Hand the machine over to an authorized disposal expert.
➤ Parts contaminated with cooling oil must be disposed of in accordance with local environ‐
ment protection regulations.

Compressors with refrigeration dryers

The sealed refrigerant circuit still contains both refrigerant and oil.
➤ Refrigerant and oil must be drained and disposed of by authorized personnel.

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13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

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13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

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13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

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13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

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13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

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13 Annex
13.1 Pipeline and instrument flow diagram (P+I diagram)

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13 Annex
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode

13.2 Option C1
Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING
control mode

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13 Annex
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode

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13 Annex
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode

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13 Annex
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode

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13 Annex
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode

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13 Annex
13.2 Pipe and Instrument Flow Diagram (P+I diagram): MODULATING control mode

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13 Annex
13.3 Dimensional Drawing

13.3 Dimensional Drawing

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13 Annex
13.3 Dimensional Drawing

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13 Annex
13.3 Dimensional Drawing

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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13 Annex
13.4 Electrical Diagram

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