Letter Tree Planting

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Laguna Northwestern College

San Lorenzo Ruiz Montessori Center

A. Serrano St. Brgy. BuhaySiniloan, Laguna

December 8, 2017

Mr. Roldan N.Castaño

Brgy. Captain
Brgy. BuhaySiniloan, Laguna

RE: Permission to Conduct Research Study

Dear Mr. Castaño

We, Laguna Northwestern College – San Lorenzo Ruiz Montessori Center coordinator and students, are writing to
request permission to conduct a research document at your barangay. We are currently studying the socio-support and
delivery system that involves students in community work in terms of socio civic programs in our CWTS class. Our
performance task in this subject is to make a documentary report about some problems in your barangay and make a
proposal project on how we can help in that matter.

If approval is granted, the documentation should take no longer than (2) hours and to be done on your convenience. The
data/results of this study will remain absolutely confidential and to be used on educational purposes only.

Your approval to conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.


Mr. Michael Andrew A. Rojo

CWTS –Coordinator

Mrs. Ginalyn P. Insigne

Officer – In – Charge

Approved by:

Barangay Captain
Laguna Northwestern College
San Lorenzo Ruiz Montessori Center
A. Serrano St. Brgy. Buhay Siniloan, Laguna

March 21, 2019

To whom it may concern,

Greetings in the name of our Lord!

On March 21 (Thursday) the LNC-SLRMC will be having “Tree Planting Program at Brgy Llavac, Siniloan Laguna. In
accordance with this may I have your permission to allow your son / daughter to participate in this matter as a part of
their academic activities.


Tree Planting Coordinator


I am allowing my son/daughter , from

grade/section __________________________, to take part in the activities of Tree Planting Program, I fully understand
the program as well as the responsibilities required from my son/daughter. I am also aware that these are necessary for
his/her academic formation and as an individual. Having gathered information about the Tree Planting Program (from my
daughter/son and the letter from the Coordinator), it is with my knowledge that s/he will be present and will perform well
in- and off-campus. If there are changes in schedule, I will hold my son/daughter responsible in providing me with the
necessary information. I further recognize that the coordinator, will provide legal diligence in ensuring the safety of my
son/daughter during field deployment. I personally guarantee that my son/daughter will fulfill his/her duties and
responsibilities and will promote the good name of the school. Furthermore, s/he will be held liable for any untoward
incident resulting from her/his negligence and irresponsibility.

Signature over printed name of parent/guardian Date

Signature over printed name of student

Address and contact number/s of parent/guardian: _____________________________________________


Parents’/guardian’s comments/suggestions: ____________________________________________________


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