ChE 401 CRD Assignment-4

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Assignment 4 (Subject: Ch.E.

401 Chemical Reactor Design)

(Due Date: 26th November 2018)

Solve the following numerical Problems (CLO-2)

Question 1
A first-order heterogeneous irreversible reaction is taking place within a spherical catalyst pellet
which is plated with platinum throughout the pellet. The reactant concentration halfway between
the external surface and the center of the pellet (i.e., r = R/2) is equal to one-tenth the
concentration of the pellet’s external surface. The concentration at the external surface is 0.001 g
mol/dm3, the diameter (2R) is 2 x 10-3 cm, and the diffusion coefficient is 0.1 cm2/s.

i. What is the concentration of reactant at a distance of 3x10-4 cm in from the external pellet
ii. To what diameter should the pellet be reduced if the effectiveness factor is to be 0.8?
iii. If the catalyst support were not yet plated with platinum, how would you suggest that the
catalyst support be plated after it had been reduced by grinding?
Question 2
A first-order, heterogeneous, irreversible reaction is taking place within a catalyst pore which is
plated with platinum entirely along the length of the pore (Figure). The reactant concentration at
the plane of symmetry (i.e., equal distance from the pore mouths) of the pore is equal to one-
tenth the concentration at the pore mouth. The concentration at the pore mouth is 0.001 mol/dm3,
the pore length (2L) is 2 x 10-3 cm, and the diffusion coefficient is 0.1 cm2/s.

(a) Derive an equation for the effectiveness factor.

(b) What is the concentration of reactant at L/2?
(c) To what length should the pore length be reduced if the effectiveness factor is to be 0.8?
(d) If the catalyst support were not yet plated with platinum, how would you suggest the catalyst
support be plated after the pore length, L, had been reduced by grinding?
Question 3
A first-order reaction is taking place inside a porous catalyst. Assume dilute concentrations and
neglect any variations in the axial (x) direction.
i. Derive an equation for both the internal and overall effectiveness factors for the
rectangular porous slab shown in Figure.
ii. Repeat part (a) for a cylindrical catalyst pellet where the reactants diffuse inward in the

Question 4
The second-order decomposition reaction

is carried out in a tubular reactor packed with catalyst pellets 0.4 cm in diameter. The reaction is
internal-diffusion-limited. Pure A enters the reactor at a superficial velocity of 3 m/s, a
temperature of 250C, and a pressure of 500 kPa. Experiments carried out on smaller pellets
where surface reaction is limiting yielded a specific reaction rate of 0.05 m6/mol.g-cat.s.
Calculate the length of bed necessary to achieve 80% conversion. Critique the numerical answer.

Additional information:
Effective diffusivity: 2.66 x10-8 m2/s
Pellet density: 2 x106 g/m3
Ineffective diffusivity: 0.00 m2/s
Internal surface area: 400 m2/g
Bed porosity: 0.4

Question 5
Determine the effectiveness factor for a non-isothermal spherical catalyst pellet in which a first
order isomerization is taking place.
Additional Information:
Ai = 100 m2/m3
HR = -800,000 J/mol
De = 8.0 x 10-8 m2/s
CAS = 0.01 kmol / m3
External surface temperature of pellet, Ts = 400 K
E = 120,000 J/mol
Thermal conductivity of pellet = 0.004 J/m s K
dp = 0.005 m
Specific reaction Rate = 10-1 m/s at 400 K
Density of Calf’s liver = 1.1 g/dm3
How would your answer change if the pellets were 10-2, 10-4 and 10-5 m in diameter? What are
typical temperature gradients in catalyst pellets?

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