This document summarizes the smart building system used in a new office building in Hyderabad, India. The building uses a holistic approach focused on sustainability, energy efficiency, and indoor environmental quality. It utilizes a smart building system to optimize energy usage based on real-time weather and occupancy data. Key features include a radiant cooling system, natural daylighting design, solar panels, and green materials and resources. The smart building system ensures employee comfort and that the building is operating at peak energy efficiency.
This document summarizes the smart building system used in a new office building in Hyderabad, India. The building uses a holistic approach focused on sustainability, energy efficiency, and indoor environmental quality. It utilizes a smart building system to optimize energy usage based on real-time weather and occupancy data. Key features include a radiant cooling system, natural daylighting design, solar panels, and green materials and resources. The smart building system ensures employee comfort and that the building is operating at peak energy efficiency.
This document summarizes the smart building system used in a new office building in Hyderabad, India. The building uses a holistic approach focused on sustainability, energy efficiency, and indoor environmental quality. It utilizes a smart building system to optimize energy usage based on real-time weather and occupancy data. Key features include a radiant cooling system, natural daylighting design, solar panels, and green materials and resources. The smart building system ensures employee comfort and that the building is operating at peak energy efficiency.
This document summarizes the smart building system used in a new office building in Hyderabad, India. The building uses a holistic approach focused on sustainability, energy efficiency, and indoor environmental quality. It utilizes a smart building system to optimize energy usage based on real-time weather and occupancy data. Key features include a radiant cooling system, natural daylighting design, solar panels, and green materials and resources. The smart building system ensures employee comfort and that the building is operating at peak energy efficiency.
ARCHITECT: Sundaram Architects,Banglore. Ÿ Building loads are dynamic because of conditions of weather,occupancy, activity & all Holistic Approach of the Project: vary. Ÿ Sustainability, Ÿ SBS builds intelligence into building operations Ÿ Daylighting, in the form of energy saving algorithms. Ÿ Water Efficiency & Harvesting, Ÿ SBS provides the data we need to understand Ÿ Energy Efficiency & Atmosphere, the energy distribution in the buildings & Ÿ Materials & Resources, Ÿ SBS system makes sure that the system is living upto its energy potential. Ÿ Indoor Environmental Quality. Ÿ SBS system makes sure that the system is living upto its energy potential. RADIANT COOLING TECHNOLOGY: Ÿ SBS ensures the comfort of the employees by providing the right indoor air quality. Ÿ Radiant cooling is an innovative GREEN PRODUCT LIFESTLYE MANAGEMENT: approach to comfortable,high efficiency cooling. Ÿ Pipes are involved in floors, walls or ceilings and circulate chilled water. Ÿ Radiant cooling is most effective when used in conjuction with other energy reducing systems. Ÿ Cooling inside is achieved when the cold slab absorbs the heat (radiation) generated by people,compters,lighting and other equipment which are exposed to the slab. GREEN ARCHITECTURE: Ÿ This building is designed according to solar passive principles and has a high performance building envelope, consisting of insulated walls and roof. OFFICE INTERIOR: SOLAR PANELS Ÿ The window have glass in a double USED ON ROOF TOP: glazed unit with argon infill. This ensured at the overall solar heat gain is limited to 1/w sqft. Ÿ The width of the floor is restricted to 16m to ensure adequate daylight from north & south facing windows. NATURAL DAYLIGHT DESIGN: RADIANT TUBING IN THE CONCRETE SLAB: Ÿ The windows are completely shaded with horizontal louvers and vertical fins to prevent glare. This ensures that the office is day lit without glare from 8am to 5pm. Ÿ Above each window, a light shelf (a flat, horizontal, panel) is installed which reflects the incoming sunlight into the ceiling, thereby distributing deeper into the space.
Name: Surme Kashfa Khalil,
EVS INFOSYS HYDERABAD, Radiant Cooling Building Final.Y.B.Arch Roll No.:15AR40 AIKTC-Soa.