Rahul Rajak: Laboratory (SIL) Avionics Department, Rotary Wing Research& Design Centre (RWR&DC), HAL Bangalore.)
Rahul Rajak: Laboratory (SIL) Avionics Department, Rotary Wing Research& Design Centre (RWR&DC), HAL Bangalore.)
Organization: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited, Under Pinaka Aerospace Aug 2018- Present
Was able to eliminate machine failures to the minimum possibility.
The service turnaround time was highly appreciated by the superiors.
Worked on the simulation and testing of the avionics systems on the Integrated Architecture&
Display System (IADS) of Advanced Light Helicopter (ALH).
Perform ATP (Acceptance Test Procedure) for Radio Altimeter, GPS and V/UHF Systems for
different IADS software versions in System Integration Laboratory.
Simulation & Testing of the avionics systems (Radio Altimeter, GPS, Digital Moving Map, and
V/UHF) interfaced with ARINC 429 and MIL-STD- 1553 Data Bus.
Preparation of wiring diagram, Loom diagram and wire bundle diagram using the AUTOCAD
Knowledge of ARINC 429 & MIL-STD 1553 Data Bus.
Analysis of FDR data w.r.t Avionics System.
Knowledge of DO 178B/C, lifecycle data & certification process.
Project Completed: Viom Networks, Reliance, American Tower, Tower Vision, Indus Tower and Ascend.
Mobile Control Robot – Cell phone operated Land rover, it is one of the simple robotics projects using
A robot is an automatically guided machine which is able to do tasks on its own, almost always due To
Electronically programmed instructions Radio control (often abbreviated to R/C).
The robot can be operated from anywhere just Presence mobile network.
The “mobile controlled robot” is controlled by a mobile phone that makes a call to mobile phone attached
to the robot.
The robot can be used for reconnaissance or surveillance.