RET670 Transformer Testing Guide

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The document discusses different testing procedures for various protection devices used in power transformers including differential, thermal overload, over excitation and tapchanger overcurrent protection.

The document discusses low impedance and high impedance differential protection.

The bias characteristics can be obtained using parameter settings and can also be checked manually by injecting current on both sides of the transformer with 180 degree phase shift and varying the angle until trip.

Prepared by

RET670 Manoj N

Differential Protection(87) – High impedence protection

During Testing By pass all Series connected resistors and Parallel connected Metrosil for Safety purpose.

U > Alarm U > Trip

Pick up current = Set Voltage / Set resistance value Pick up current = Set Voltage / Set resistance value
= 15V / 1000Ω = 75V / 1000Ω
= 0.015 A. = 0.075 A.

AD Alarm Alarm Delay AD Trip Trip Delay
Phase Channel Pick-up val. Drop-off inj. val. meas. Phase Channel Pick-up Drop-off val. inj. val. meas. Val.
[A] val. [V] [A] val. [s] val. [A] [A] [A] [ms]
R AI01 0.016 0.014 5.033 R AI01 0.076 0.073 30.40
Y AI02 0.015 0.014 0.030 5.030 Y AI02 0.076 0.074 0.150 28.90
B AI03 0.015 0.014 5.028 B AI03 0.076 0.074 31.40
RYB AI01-03 0.016 0.014 0.030 5.059 RYB AI01-03 0.075 0.074 0.150 30.20
Differential Protection(87) – Low impedence protection

Pick up 3φ = diff setting * (Full load current / CT Ratio )

Pickup 1φ = diff setting * (Full load current / CT Ratio) * 1.5
Bias Characteristics:

Curve can be obtained as follows

Using the parameter setting idmin,

endsection1,2 slope section 2,3 the
curve can be obtained.
1.Bias can be checked by Omicron,
2.Bias can also be checked by
Manually by injecting in times of Trafo
Nominal current on both side with 180°
shift, vary any one angle till trip, I Diff
can be calculated using
ϕ 
I diff = 2 ⋅ iinj ⋅ sin  
Where, iinj = Injected Current,
Φ = Operated angle.

Blocking of Differential protection:

1. Harmonic Restraint(2nd & 5th Harmonic)

Harmonics is nothing but Multiples of Frequency
Second harmonic:
Inject the full load current as per the calculation + inject >10 % of the full load
current with set 100 hz frequency(2*50 hz) → NO TRIP.

Inject the full load current as per the calculation + inject <10 % of the full load
current with set 100 hz frequency(2*50 hz) → TRIP.
Fifth harmonic:
Inject the full load current as per the calculation + inject >25 % of the full load
current with set 250 hz frequency(5*50 hz) → NO TRIP.

Inject the full load current as per the calculation + inject <25 % of the full load
current with set 250 hz frequency(5*50 hz) → TRIP.
2. Open CT detection.

The OPEN CT Algorithm will only detect an OPEN CT if the load on the
power transformer is from 10% to 110% of the rated load current.
The search of OPEN CT starts after 60 seconds since the bias current
enters the 10-110% range.

OPEN CT DETECTION→ Block Diff Protn..

3. Cross Blocking.

2nd or 5th Harmonic Restraint in R ph → Block Diff Protn in Y & B phases.

2nd or 5th Harmonic Restraint in Y ph → Block Diff Protn in R & B phases.
2nd or 5th Harmonic Restraint in B ph → Block Diff Protn in R & Y phases.

We need to test this in 2 methods

1. Without Cooling
2. With Cooling
Trip Lockout will be connected to Trip once after cool down to
allowable temp we can able to energise
the transformer.

*) Calculation of nominal value:

TTrip = ((IRef*IBase/IRef)*(ITrip/10000))2*100 =
((100*100/100)*(100/10000)) 2*100 = 121%

TStart = TTrip*Start injection/100 = 121%*50%/100 = 60.5%

t = 150 ln (((52 – (60.5 – 0)/100) / ((52 –(121-0)/100))) =

Trip temperature (with cooling) T=150min

Current Delay
Phase Sensors Injected. val. [A] nom. val. [s]* meas. val. [s]
R AI01 226.20
Y AI02 5*0.58=2.9 226.01 225.90
B AI03 225.70

Trip temperature (without cooling) T=360min

Current Delay
Phase Sensors Injected. val. [A] nom. val. [s]* meas. Val. [s]
R AI01 292.10
Y AI02 6.74*0.43=2.9 293.16 291.40
B AI03 291.3


No current compensation is used.

Tailor made curve

Over excitation is based on Voltage

of LV side of transformer any two
phase is enough to measure based
on setting in general setting.


This is nothing but a over current used to inihibit the operation of Tapchanger,
means when we have current threshold higher than the set value tap changer operation is

Prepared by
Manoj N

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