Advance Java Questions

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IT404 Enrol. No .............. .




Time: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks : 70

Note : Attempt questions from all sections as directed.

SECTION - A (3 0 Marks)

Attempt any five questions out of six.

Each question carries 06 marks .

1. Elaborate the role of Cookies used for session tracking

with an example.

2. A J2EE application is a combination of various

modules . Define each module along with its extension
type of each packaged file of module, components
included in it and deployment descriptor.

3. Explain all implicit objects available 1n JSP with


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4. Very often a user is completely unaw
. . are that a
browser resends information to the serv
er When
"refresh button" in Microsoft Internet Expl a
" . . orer or a
" reload button 1n Netscape/Moz11la is click d
e • Even
if a browser warn s u ser, a u ser cannot f
o ten
understand the technical meaning of the warning. This
action can cause form data to be resubmitted . How
do you prevent multiple submits due to repeated
"refresh button" clicks ? Explain with code.

5. What is Remote Reference Layer ? Explain how

Remote Method Invocation technique work?

6. Write a Java program to insert, delete, update and

relieve data from database using JDBC connectivity.

SECTION - B (20 Marks)

Attempt any two questions out of three.
Each question carries 10 marks.

7. (a) Assume login application with Sign-In and

Sign-Up operations. Represent the application
components in terms of the Model View Controller
design pattern. (5)

(b) What is bean persistence property ? What is th e

serializable class in Java beans ? (S)

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8. (a) Different i ate b:et w ee n Stat ement, Prepared
Statement and Callable statement Objects with
suitable example ? (5)

(b) Draw and Explain the lifecycle model of JSP

and a Servlet. Write down differences between
them. (5)

9. (a) Describe Android application Architecture? Draw

the lifecycle 1nodel ·of an Android. (5)

. (b) Explain the five standard actions tags available in

JSP with the help of an example. (5)

SECTION - C (20 Marks)


10. (a) Write short note on :

(i) Struts Validation Framework

(ii) Http Status Codes

(iii) HTTP Port Numbers

(b) Create a web application wi th follow ing


- Student bean class having data members

S-ID, Name, Department
P.T.0 .


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Register.j sp page to read all the attributes of

tl1e Stu dent Bean Class & store in the
clatalJase iti Student table

J..Jist.j sp page to display all registered Student

Update.jsp page to 11pdate the details of an

Student (12)

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