12 Chemistry Keypoints Revision Questions Chapter 12

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Points to Remember

1. Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives are commonly called
as carbonyl compounds.
2. In Rosemund’s reduction, poisoning of Pd with BaSO4 prevent reduction of R –
CHO to R – CH2OH.
3. In the reaction of toluene with CrO3, acetic anhydride is used to protect
benzaldehyde by forming benzylidenediacetate to avoid its oxidation to benzoic
4. Order of reactivity of aldehydes and ketones towards nucleophilic addition is :
(ii) HCHO > RCHO > R CO R.
(iii) ArCHO > Ar COR > Ar CO Ar.
5. Benzaldehyde does not reduce Fehling’s reagent.
6. Aldehydes and ketones with atleast one H atom get condensed in presence of
a base. This is known as Aldol condensation.
7. Aldol condensation involves carbanion as intermediate.
8. Aldehydes with no H atoms under Cannizzaro’s reaction.
9. Ketones react with dihydric alcohols to form cyclic ketals.
10. Monocarboxylic acids having (C12C18) carbon atoms, are called fatty acids.
11. Boiling points of carboxylic acids is greater than corresponding alcohols.
12. Presence of EWGs enhances the acidic character of carboxylic acids.
13. COOH group is m-directing in electrophilic substitution reactions.
14. Compounds containing – CHO group are named as carbaldehydes if – CHO
groups are three or more.
15. Isomerism : Chain, position and functional.
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16. Structure of –CHO group sp2 hybridised.

17. General Methods of Preparation :

(i) Controlled oxidation of 1º alcohols :

RCH2OH   RCHO


(Collin’s reagent)
(ii) Dehydration of 1º alcohols :

RCH2OH 
Cu/573 K
 RCHO + H2
(iii) From Rosemund reaction/reduction :

RCOCl + H2   RCHO + HCl

4 Pd/BaSO

(iv) Hydration of alkynes :

CH  CH 
40% H SO
 CH  CH  OH   CHCHO
1% HgSO
2 4

(v) Reductive ozonolysis of alkenes :

R – OH = CH – R   2RCHO + H2O2

3 (i) O
(ii) Zn/H O 2

(vi) From salts of fatty acids :

(RCOO)2Ca + (HCOO)2Ca 

D Dist.
 2RCHO + 2CaCO3
(vii) Stephen’s reduction of nitrile compounds :
H O
R – C  N 
SnCl 2 /HCl
.HCl 
 [R – CH = NH–HCl] 3
 RCHO + NH4Cl
(viii) Hydrolysis of germinal halides :

(ix) From Grignard’s reagent :

RCHO + NH3 + Mg (OH)X
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 3
General Methods of Preparation of Ketones only
(i) Dehydrogenation of 2º alcohols :



(iv) From Grignard's reagents :

R'MgX + R – C N

R – C = O + NH3 + Mg (OH) X
(iv) From acid chlorides :
RCOCl + R2Cd 2R – C – R' + CdCl2

Physical Properties :

HCHO is a gas at normal temperature. Formalin is 40% as solution of HCHO.

Due to polarity they have high values of boiling point. Solubility in water is only
for lower members.
Reactivity :
(i) + I effect of alkyl groups decreases the +ve charge on carbonyl carbon.
(ii) Steric hindrance : Bulky group hinder approach of nucleophile.
(iii) -hydrogen atom is acidic due to resonance.
18. Vinegar is 8 to 10% solution of CH3COOH.
19. -hydrogen atoms in carboxylic acid are acidic in nature and can be easily
replaced by halogen atoms in HVZ reaction.
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21. Relative acid strength of RCOOH > HOH > ROH > HC  CH > NH3. It is because
a strong acid has weak conjugate base.
22. Some dicarboxylic acids bearing general formula HOOC – (CH2)n – COOH
where n – 0, 1, 2, ........etc.
HOOC – COOH Oxalic acid 1, 2 ethanedioic acid
HOOC – CH2 – COOH Malonic acid 1, 3 propanedioic acid
HOOC – (CH2)2 – COOH Succinic acid 1, 4 butanedioic acid
HOOC – (CH2)3 – COOH Glutonic acid 1, 5 pentamdioic acid
HOOC – (CH2)4 – COOH Adipic acid 1, 6 hexanedioic acid
23. Melting points : Higher : Even carbon atoms than next lower or higher homologues
containing even number of carbon atoms due to symmetry and closer packing of
molecules in the crystal lattice.


Q. 1. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their acid strengths :


Draw the structure of the compound whose IUPAC name is 4-chloropentan-
Cl O
| ||
Ans. CH3 – CH – CH2 – C – CH3

Q. 3. Which type of aldehyde can go Cannizzaro reaction ?

Ans. Aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes which do not contain -hydrogen.
Q. 4. Name the aldehyde which does not give Fehling’s solution test.
Ans. Benzaldehyde.
Q. 5. Arrange the following in order of their increasing reactivity towards HCN :
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 5

Q. 6. Mention industrial product obtained from HCHO.

Ans. Bakelite
Q. 7. Arrange the following compounds in increasing order of their boiling point :
CH3CHO, CH3CH2OH, CH3 – O – CH3, CH3 – CH2 – CH3
Ans. CH3 – CH2 – CH3 < CH3 – O – CH3 < CH3CHO < CH3CH2OH
Q. 8. How is acetone obtained from ethanol ?

Q. 9. Why do aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling point than alcohols ?
Ans. Due to presence of associated molecules with H-bonding in alcohols.
Q. 10. Write reaction between acetyl chloride and dimethyl cadmium.

Q. 11. What happens when CH3CHO is treated with K2Cr2O7 in presence of H2SO4 ?
K Cr O  H SO
Ans. CH3CHO + [O] 
2 2 7 2 4
Q. 12. Write the IUPAC name of

Ans. 3, 7-Dimethylocta-2, 6 dien-1-al

Q. 13. Give balanced equation and name of products when CH3COOH is treated
with PCl5 ?
Ans. CH3COOH + PCl5  CH3COCl + POCl3 + HCl
Q. 14. Write the name of ester which gives the ¯avor of pineapple.
Ans. Ethyl butanoate.
Q. 15. What product is obtained when ethyl benzene is oxidized with alkaline
KMnO4 ?
Ans. Benzoic acid (C6H5COOH) is obtained.
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Q. 16. What is RDX ?

Ans. RDX is Research and Development Explosive which is prepared by the nitration
of hexamethylene under controlled conditions.
Q. 17. Write IUPAC names of the following compound :
Ans. But-2-ene-1, 4-dioic acid

Q. 18. Write the IUPAC name of

Ans. Methyl-2-methylbenzoate.
Q. 19. Why does benzoic acid not undergo Friedel-Craft reaction ?
Ans. – COOH group in C6H5COOH is an E. W. G. which deactivates the benzene ring.
Hence electrophilic substitution becomes dif®cult.


Q. 1. How will you convert :

(i) C2H2  CH3COOH

(ii) C6H5CONH2  C6H5COOH

Ans. (i)

(ii) C6H5CONH2 + HNO2  C6H5COOH + N2 + H2O

Q. 2. Complete the following :


Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 7

Ans. (i)


Q. 3. An organic compound X has molecular formula C5H10O. It does not reduce

Fehling’s solution but forms a bisulphate compound. It also gives positive
Iodoform test. What are possible structures of X ? Explain your reasoning
relating structure.
Ans. Ketone give +ve test with Iodoform. It is methyl-ketone.
|| ||
CH3 – C – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 and CH3 – C – CH – CH3 are possible structures of
the compound. |
Q. 4. Give the chemical test to distinguish between :
(i) CH3CHO and CH3 – C – CH3
(ii) CH3CHO and C6H5CHO
Ans. (i) CH3CHO gives Tollen’s reagent test.
CH3CHO + 2AgNO3 + 2NH4OH  CH3COOH + 2Ag + 2NH4NO3 + 2H2O
Silver mirror
(ii) CH3CHO gives brick red ppt.
CH3CHO + 2CuSO4 + 4NaOH  CH3COOH + Cu2O + Na2SO4 + 2H2O
Brick red ppt.

Q. 5. Would you expect benzaldehyde to be more reactive or less reactive in

nucleophilic addition reactions than propanal ? Explain your answer.
Ans. Carbon atom of carbonyl is C6H5CHO is less reactive than that of propanal.
C6H5CHO less polar due to resonance.
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Q. 6. Which acid of each pair shown here would you expect to be stronger ?
(i) CH3CO2H or CH2FCO2H
(ii) CH2FCO2H or CH2ClCO2H

(iv) or
Ans. (i) FCH2COOH
(iii) CH3 – CH – CH2COOH

Q. 7. Carboxylic acids do not give reactions of aldehydes and ketones why ?

Ans. It is due to resonance Position of > C = O group

keep changing.
Q. 8. Write IUPAC name of the following :

(i) (ii)

Ans. (i) 3, 5 Dimethylphenylethanoate

(ii) 5 bromo 3-chloro-2-iodobenzoic acid
Q. 9. Account for the following :
(i) Oxidation of toluene to C6H5CHO with CrO3 is carried out in presence
of acetic anhydride.
(ii) Melting point of an acid with even number is higher than those of its
neighbours with odd number of carbon atoms.
Ans. (i) It is used to prevent oxidation to benzoic acid.
(ii) Acids with even number of carbon atoms ®t into crystal lattice.
Q. 10. Distinguish between :
(i) C2H5OH and CH3CHO
(ii) C6H5COCH3 and C6H5CH2CHO
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 9

Ans. (i) C2H5OH evolves H2 gas with Na, CH3CHO not.

(ii) Acetophenone will give yellow ppt. of iodoform while C6H5CH2CHO will
Q. 11. Complete the following reactions by identifying A, B and C :
(i) A + Hydrogen (g) 
Pd/ BaSO4
 (CH3)2CH – CHO
(ii) CH3 – C — C – CH3 + NaOI B+C
| ||

Ans. (i) ‘A’ is

(ii) ‘B’ is CHI3 and ‘C’ is

Q. 12. Benzaldehyde gives a positive test with Tollen’s reagent but not with Fehling’s
and Benedict solutions. Why ?
Ans. It is due to stronger oxidizing nature of Tollen’s reagent as compared to Fehling
and Benedict’s solution and cannot oxidise benzaldehyde to benzoic acid. In
general, all these three can oxidise aliphatic acids.
Q. 13. Aldehydes usually do not form stable hydrates but chloral normally exists as
chloral hydrate. Give reason.
Ans. In case of aldehyde reaction is reversible.

In case of CCl3CHO, Cl atoms increases +ve charge on carbonyl carbon.

Therefore, weak nucleophiles like water readily added to the carbonyl group.

Q. 14. Give possible explanation for the following :

(i) Cyclohexanone forms cyanohydrins in good yield but 2, 2, 6
trimethylcyclohexanone does not.
(ii) There are two – NH2 groups in semicarbazide. However, only one is
involved in formation of semi carbozone.
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Ans. (i) Due to steric hindrance for CN at C = O and not of 3-methyl groups at
-position but in case of

(ii) Only one – NH2 group attached to C = O is involved in resonance. As

result electron density on theis NH2 group decreases and hence does not act
as nucleophile.

Q. 15. Aldehydes are easily oxidisable yet propanal can conveniently be prepared
by the oxidation of propanol by acidic K2Cr2O7.

Ans. Aldehydes having boiling points less than 373 K can be removed by distillation
therefore propanal 323 can easily be prepared from propanol-1 by distillation
from the alcohol acid dichromate solution.


Q. 1. Illustrate the following name reactions :

(i) Clemmensen’s Reduction

(ii) Beckmann Rearrangement

(iii) Benzoin Condensation

Ans. (i) Both aldehydes and ketones are reduced to hydrocarbons.

CH3CHO + 4[H] 

 CH3CH3 + H2O
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 11

(ii) Formation of ketoximes on treatment with an acid (H2SO4) or reagents like

PCl5, SOCl2 etc.


Q. 2. Predict the organic products of the following reactions :






Ans. (i) C6H5 – COOK


(iii) C6H5CN = N – NHCONH2

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(iv) C6H5COCl/AlCl3



Q. 3. Write chemical reaction to affect the following transformations :

(i) Butan-1-ol  Butanoic acid

(ii) Benzyl alcohol to pheynylethanoic acid

(iii) 3-Nitrobromobenzene to 3-nitrobenzoic acid

(iv) 4-methylacetophenone to Terephthalic acid

(v) Cyclohexene  Hexane-1, 6 dioic acid

(vi) Butanal  Butanoic acid

CrO  H SO
Ans. (i) CH3CH2CH2CH2OH 
3 2 4
Jones reagent

(ii) C6H5CH2OH 

 C6H5CH2Br 

H 3O


Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 13


Amm. AgNO
(vi) CH3CH2CH2CHO  3
Tollen's reagent

Q. 4. Draw the structure of the following derivatives :

(i) 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazone of C6H5CHO
(ii) Cyclopropanone oxime
(iii) Acetaldehydedimethylacetal
(iv) Semicarbazone to cyclobutanone
(v) Ethylene ketal of hexan-3-one
(vi) Methylhemiacetal of formaldehyde

Ans. (i)





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Q. 5. Draw the structure of a carbonyl group and indicate :

(i) hybridized state of carbon
(ii) the  and  bonds
(iii) the electrophilic and nucleophilic centres
Ans. (i) hybridized state of ‘C’ is sp2



Q. 6. Complete the following as missing starting material, reagent or products :


(ii) –


Ans. (i)

(ii) B2H6/THF, PCC (Hydroboration)


Q. 7. How can the following converted :

(i) Ethanol  Acetone

(ii) Benzene  Acetophenone
(iii) Benzoic acid  Benzaldehyde
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 15


(iii) C6H5COOH   C6H5COCl + H2   C6H5CHO + HCl

5 PCl 4 Pd/BaSO

Q. 8. Give reasons for the following :

(i) Carboxylic acids do not give characteristic reactions of carbonyl group.
(ii) Treatment of C6H5CHO with HCN gives a mixture of two isomers which
cannot be separated even by fractional distillation.
(iii) Sodium bisulphate is used for puri®cation of ketones and aldehydes.

Ans. (i) Because of resonance, the position of > C = O

group is changing.

(ii) Due to two optical isomers fractional distillation is not possible.

(iii) Due to formation of additional compound with NaHCO3 whereas impurities

do not.

Q. 9. Write tests to distinguish between :

(i) CH3CHO and C6H5CHO
(ii) C6H5 – OH and CH3COOH
(iii) Pentanal and Pentan-2-one
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Ans. (i) CH3CHO gives brick red ppt. with Fehling, C6H5CHO not.
(ii) Phenol does not give brisk effervescence but CH3COOH gives this test with
(iii) Pentanal forms silver mirror but pentan-2-one does not.
Q. 10. Convert :
(i) Benzaldehyde to acetophenone
(ii) Malonic acid to acetic acid
(iii) Acetaldehyde to 2-butanol

Ans. (i)



Q. 11. Write the structures of organic compound A to F in the following sequence

of reactions :

Ans. A = C6H6 B = C6H5NO2 C=

Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 17

D= E= F=

Q. 12. Complete the following :

(i) CH3CONH2 + HNO2 
(ii) CH3CONH2 + NaOH + Br2 


Ans. (i) CH3COOH + N2 + H2O

(ii) CH3NH2 + Na2CO3 + NaBr + H2O



Q. 1. Which of the following compounds would undergo Aldol condensation,

which the Cannizzaro reaction and which neither ? Write the structures of
the expected products of aldol condensation and Cannizzaro reaction :
(i) Methanal (ii) 2-Methylpentanal
(iii) Benzaldehyde (iv) Benzophenone
(v) Cyclohexanone (vi) 1-Phenylpropanone
(vii) Phenylacetaldehyde (viii) Butan-1-ol
(ix) 2, 2 Dimethylbutanal
Ans. (i), (iii) and (ix) will give Cannizzaro reaction due to absence of -hydrogen.
(ii), (v), (vi) and (vii) will give aldol condensation due to presence of -hydrogen.
(iv) and (viii) will neither undergo Cannizzaro’s reaction nor Aldol condensation
because benzophenone does not give -hydrogen and butanol is alcohol, not
aldehyde which cannot undergo aldol condensation.
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Q. 2. An organic compound ‘A’ (C3H6O) is resistant to oxidation but forms

compound ‘B’ (C3H8O). On reduction ‘B’ reacts with HBr to form the
compound ‘C’. ‘C’ with Mg forms Grignard’s reagent ‘D’ which reacts with
‘A’ to form a product which on hydrolysis gives ‘E’. Identify ‘A’ to ‘E’.
Ans. ‘A’ must be ketone.

Dry ether


Q. 3. Give structure of the following compounds :

(i) 2-methoxypropionaldehyde
(ii) 3-hydroxy butanal
(iii) 2-hydroxy cyclopentanecarbaldehyde
(iv) 4-oxopentanal
(v) Di-seebutyl ketone

Ans. (i)


Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 19



Q. 4. (i) How will you prepare (a) acetic anhydride and (b) acetyl chloride from
CH3COOH ? Write the equation involved in each case.
(ii) Why is the boiling point of acid anhydride higher than the acid from
which it is obtained ?

Ans. (i) (a)


(ii) Acid anhydride bigger size than corresponding acids and stronger van der
Waal’s forces of attraction than their corresponding acids.
Q. 5. Complete the following reactions and write main products :

(i) CH3CONH2 + HNO2  (ii) CH3COCl + H2O (steam) 

(i) CO / H+
(iii) CH3MgBr  2
(ii) H O/ H +
(iv) CH3COOH + NH3 


(v) CH3COOH + C2H5OH 

conc. H2 SO4
 (vi) HCHO + NH3 

(vii) CH3CHO 

LiAlH 4 (viii) CH3CHO

(ix) CH3COR + NaOI  (x) C6H5CHO + NH2 – NH2 

Ans. (i) CH3COOH (ii) CH3COOH

(iii) CH3COOH (iv) CH3CONH2

(v) CH3COOC2H5 (vi) (CH2)6N4 (Urotropine)

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(vii) CH3CH2OH (viii)

(ix) CHI3 (x)

Q. 6. Give reasons for the following :

(i) C6H5COOH is weaker than formic acid.
(ii) HCOOH and CH3COOH differentiated by Tollen’s reagent.
(iii) R – COOH do not give characteristic reaction with > C = O.
(iv) Carboxylic acids are stronger acids than phenols.
(v) Acid amides are weakly basic in nature.
Ans. (i) Due to disabilities of carboxylate anion due to conjugation.
(ii) HCOOH acid is a stronger acid than CH3COOH.
(iii) > C = O group is sterically hindered in carboxylic acid.
(iv) Dispersal of –ve charge on carboxylate ions than phenate ion.
(v) Acid amides are basic due to lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom.

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