12 Chemistry Keypoints Revision Questions Chapter 12
12 Chemistry Keypoints Revision Questions Chapter 12
12 Chemistry Keypoints Revision Questions Chapter 12
Points to Remember
1. Aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives are commonly called
as carbonyl compounds.
2. In Rosemund’s reduction, poisoning of Pd with BaSO4 prevent reduction of R –
CHO to R – CH2OH.
3. In the reaction of toluene with CrO3, acetic anhydride is used to protect
benzaldehyde by forming benzylidenediacetate to avoid its oxidation to benzoic
4. Order of reactivity of aldehydes and ketones towards nucleophilic addition is :
(ii) HCHO > RCHO > R CO R.
(iii) ArCHO > Ar COR > Ar CO Ar.
5. Benzaldehyde does not reduce Fehling’s reagent.
6. Aldehydes and ketones with atleast one H atom get condensed in presence of
a base. This is known as Aldol condensation.
7. Aldol condensation involves carbanion as intermediate.
8. Aldehydes with no H atoms under Cannizzaro’s reaction.
9. Ketones react with dihydric alcohols to form cyclic ketals.
10. Monocarboxylic acids having (C12C18) carbon atoms, are called fatty acids.
11. Boiling points of carboxylic acids is greater than corresponding alcohols.
12. Presence of EWGs enhances the acidic character of carboxylic acids.
13. COOH group is m-directing in electrophilic substitution reactions.
14. Compounds containing – CHO group are named as carbaldehydes if – CHO
groups are three or more.
15. Isomerism : Chain, position and functional.
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(Collin’s reagent)
(ii) Dehydration of 1º alcohols :
Cu/573 K
(iii) From Rosemund reaction/reduction :
40% H SO
1% HgSO
2 4
R'MgX + R – C N
R – C = O + NH3 + Mg (OH) X
(iv) From acid chlorides :
RCOCl + R2Cd 2R – C – R' + CdCl2
Physical Properties :
21. Relative acid strength of RCOOH > HOH > ROH > HC CH > NH3. It is because
a strong acid has weak conjugate base.
22. Some dicarboxylic acids bearing general formula HOOC – (CH2)n – COOH
where n – 0, 1, 2, ........etc.
HOOC – COOH Oxalic acid 1, 2 ethanedioic acid
HOOC – CH2 – COOH Malonic acid 1, 3 propanedioic acid
HOOC – (CH2)2 – COOH Succinic acid 1, 4 butanedioic acid
HOOC – (CH2)3 – COOH Glutonic acid 1, 5 pentamdioic acid
HOOC – (CH2)4 – COOH Adipic acid 1, 6 hexanedioic acid
23. Melting points : Higher : Even carbon atoms than next lower or higher homologues
containing even number of carbon atoms due to symmetry and closer packing of
molecules in the crystal lattice.
Q. 9. Why do aldehydes and ketones have lower boiling point than alcohols ?
Ans. Due to presence of associated molecules with H-bonding in alcohols.
Q. 10. Write reaction between acetyl chloride and dimethyl cadmium.
Q. 11. What happens when CH3CHO is treated with K2Cr2O7 in presence of H2SO4 ?
Ans. CH3CHO + [O]
2 2 7 2 4
Q. 12. Write the IUPAC name of
Ans. Methyl-2-methylbenzoate.
Q. 19. Why does benzoic acid not undergo Friedel-Craft reaction ?
Ans. – COOH group in C6H5COOH is an E. W. G. which deactivates the benzene ring.
Hence electrophilic substitution becomes dif®cult.
Ans. (i)
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 7
Ans. (i)
Q. 6. Which acid of each pair shown here would you expect to be stronger ?
(i) CH3CO2H or CH2FCO2H
(ii) CH2FCO2H or CH2ClCO2H
(iv) or
Ans. (i) FCH2COOH
(iii) CH3 – CH – CH2COOH
Q. 7. Carboxylic acids do not give reactions of aldehydes and ketones why ?
(i) (ii)
Q. 12. Benzaldehyde gives a positive test with Tollen’s reagent but not with Fehling’s
and Benedict solutions. Why ?
Ans. It is due to stronger oxidizing nature of Tollen’s reagent as compared to Fehling
and Benedict’s solution and cannot oxidise benzaldehyde to benzoic acid. In
general, all these three can oxidise aliphatic acids.
Q. 13. Aldehydes usually do not form stable hydrates but chloral normally exists as
chloral hydrate. Give reason.
Ans. In case of aldehyde reaction is reversible.
Ans. (i) Due to steric hindrance for CN at C = O and not of 3-methyl groups at
-position but in case of
Q. 15. Aldehydes are easily oxidisable yet propanal can conveniently be prepared
by the oxidation of propanol by acidic K2Cr2O7.
Ans. Aldehydes having boiling points less than 373 K can be removed by distillation
therefore propanal 323 can easily be prepared from propanol-1 by distillation
from the alcohol acid dichromate solution.
(iv) C6H5COCl/AlCl3
H 3O
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 13
Amm. AgNO
(vi) CH3CH2CH2CHO 3
Tollen's reagent
Ans. (i)
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(ii) –
Ans. (i)
Ans. (i) CH3CHO gives brick red ppt. with Fehling, C6H5CHO not.
(ii) Phenol does not give brisk effervescence but CH3COOH gives this test with
(iii) Pentanal forms silver mirror but pentan-2-one does not.
Q. 10. Convert :
(i) Benzaldehyde to acetophenone
(ii) Malonic acid to acetic acid
(iii) Acetaldehyde to 2-butanol
Ans. (i)
D= E= F=
Dry ether
Ans. (i)
Aldehydes, Ketones And Carboxylic Acids | 19
Q. 4. (i) How will you prepare (a) acetic anhydride and (b) acetyl chloride from
CH3COOH ? Write the equation involved in each case.
(ii) Why is the boiling point of acid anhydride higher than the acid from
which it is obtained ?
(ii) Acid anhydride bigger size than corresponding acids and stronger van der
Waal’s forces of attraction than their corresponding acids.
Q. 5. Complete the following reactions and write main products :
(i) CO / H+
(iii) CH3MgBr 2
(ii) H O/ H +
(iv) CH3COOH + NH3