Charter: Unesco /uia For Architectural Education
Charter: Unesco /uia For Architectural Education
Charter: Unesco /uia For Architectural Education
We, the architects, concerned for the future qualitative This is particularly true for those who are working in a developing
development of the built environment in a fast changing world, context, where the architects could accept the role of an «enabler»,
believe that architecture involves everything that influences the rather than that of a «provider», and where the profession can
way in which the built environment is planned, designed, made, meet new challenges. There is no doubt that the architect’s
used, furnished, landscaped and maintained. We feel responsible capacity to solve problems, can greatly contribute to tasks such
for the improvement of the education and training of future as community development, self-help programmes, educational
architects to enable them to meet the expectations of XXIst facilities, etc., and thus make a significant contribution to the
Century societies worldwide for sustainable human settlements improvement of the quality of life of those who are not accepted
in every cultural heritage. as citizens in their full right and who cannot be counted among
the architect’s usual clients.
We are aware of the fact that, in spite of many outstanding and
sometimes spectacular contributions of our profession, there is
a surprisingly small percentage of the built environment which
is actually conceived and realised by architects and planners.
There is still room for the development of new tasks for the
profession when architects become aware of the increasing
needs identified and possibilities offered in areas which have
not, up to now, been of major concern to the profession. Still
greater diversity is therefore needed in professional practice
and, as a consequence, in architectural education and training.
The basic goal of education is to develop the architect as a «
generalist ».
The aims of this Charter are that it be used, in the first instance, for the creation of a global network of architectural education
within which individual achievements can be shared by all and that it will enhance the understanding that architectural education
constitutes some of the most significant environmental and professional challenges of the contemporary world.
We therefore declare:
0 That the educators must prepare architects to formulate new solutions for the present and the future as the new era will bring
with it grave and complex challenges with respect to social and functional degradation of many human settlements. These
challenges may include global urbanisation and the consequent depletion of existing environments, a severe shortage of
housing, urban services and social infrastructure, and the increasing exclusion of architects from built environment projects.
1 That architecture, the quality of buildings and the way they relate to their surroundings, respect for the natural and built
environment as well as the collective and individual cultural heritage are matters of public concern.
2 That it is in the public interest to ensure that architects are able to understand regional characteristics and to give practical
expression to the needs, expectations and improvement to the quality of life of individuals, social groups, communities and
human settlements.
3 That methods of education and training for architects are varied in order to develop a cultural richness and allow for flexibility
in the development of the curriculum to respond to the changing demands and requirements (including methods of project
delivery) of the client, the users, the construction industry and the architectural profession, whilst being aware of the political
and financial motivations behind such changes.
4 That, subject to recognition of the importance of regional and cultural customs and practices and the need for differences
in curriculum to accommodate these variations, a common ground exists within the pedagogical methods used, and by
establishing capabilities, this will enable countries, architecture schools and professional organizations to evaluate and
improve the education given to future architects.
5 That the increasing mobility of architects between different countries calls for mutual recognition or validation of individual
degrees, diplomas, certificates and other evidence of formal qualification.
6 That the mutual recognition of degrees, diplomas, certificates or other evidence of formal qualification to practise in the
field of architecture has to be based on objective criteria, guaranteeing that holders of such qualifications have received and
continue to maintain the kind of education and training called for in this Charter.
7 That the vision of the future world, cultivated in architecture schools, should include the following goals :
• a decent quality of life for all the inhabitants of human settlements.
• a technological application which respects the social, cultural and aesthetic needs of people and is aware of the appropriate
use of materials in architecture and their initial and future maintenance costs.
• an ecologically balanced and sustainable development of the built and natural environment including the rational
utilisation of available resources.
• an architecture which is valued as the property and responsibility of everyone.
8 That issues related to architecture and the environment should be introduced as part of the general education at primary and
secondary schools, because an early awareness of the built environment is important to both future architects, clients and
users of buildings.
9 That systems for continuing professional development should be set up for architects as architectural education should never
be considered a closed process but one in which life-long learning occurs.
11 That cultural diversity, which is as necessary for human kind as biodiversity is for nature, is the common heritage of all
humanity, and should be recognized and understood, for the benefit of present and future generations. (Refer to the UNESCO
Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of November 2001,
0 That architectural education develops the capacity in students to be able to conceptualise, design, understand and realise
the act of building within a context of the practice of architecture which balances the tensions between emotion, reason
and intuition, and which gives physical form to the needs of society and the individual.
1 That architecture is a discipline which draws knowledge from the humanities, the social and the physical sciences,
technology, environmental sciences, the creative arts and the liberal arts.
2 That education leading to formal qualifications and permitting professionals to practice in the field of architecture has to
be guaranteed to be at university/tertiary level with the discipline of architecture as the main subject and be available at
universities, polytechnics and academies. This education must maintain a balance between theory and practice.
• Ability to engage imagination, think creatively, innovate and provide design leadership.
• Ability to gather information, define problems, apply analyses and critical judgement and formulate strategies for action.
• Ability to think three-dimensionally in the exploration of design.
• Ability to reconcile divergent factors, integrate knowledge and apply skills in the creation of a design solution.
4.2.1. Cultural and Artistic Studies
• Ability to act with knowledge of historical and cultural precedents in local and world architecture.
• Ability to act with knowledge of the fine arts as an influence on the quality of architectural design.
• Understanding of heritage issues in the built environment.
• Awareness of the links between architecture and other creative disciplines.
4.2.2. Social Studies
• Ability to act with knowledge of society, and to work with clients and users that represent society’s needs.
• Ability to develop a project brief through definition of the needs of society users and clients, and to research and define
contextual and functional requirements for different types of built environments.
• Understanding of the social context in which built environments are procured, of ergonomic and space requirements
and issues of equity and access.
• Awareness of the relevant codes, regulations and standards for planning, design, construction, health, safety and use of
built environments.
• Awareness of philosophy, politics, and ethics as related to architecture.
4.2.3. Environmental Studies
• Ability to act with knowledge of natural systems and built environments.
• Understanding of conservation and waste management issues.
• Understanding of the life cycle of materials, issues of ecological sustainability, environmental impact, design for
reduced use of energy, as well as passive systems and their management.
• Awareness of the history and practice of landscape architecture, urban design, as well as territorial and national
planning and their relationship to local and global demography and resources.
• Awareness of the management of natural systems taking into account natural disaster risks.
4.2.4. Technical Studies
• Technical knowledge of structure, materials, and construction.
• Ability to act with innovative technical competence in the use of building techniques and the understanding of their
• Understanding of the processes of technical design and the integration of structure, construction technologies and
services systems into a functionally effective whole.
• Understanding of services systems as well as systems of transportation, communication, maintenance and safety.
• Awareness of the role of technical documentation and specifications in design realisation, and of the processes of
construction, cost, planning and control.
4.3. SKILL
• Ability to work in collaboration with other architects and members of interdisciplinary teams.
• Ability to act and to communicate ideas through collaboration, speaking, numeracy, writing, drawing, modelling and
• Ability to utilise manual, electronic, graphic and model making capabilities to explore, develop, define and communicate
a design proposal.
• Understanding of systems of evaluation, that use manual and/or electronic means for performance assessments of built
5. That the quantitative indicators necessary are that:
5.1. The balanced acquisition of subjects and capabilities cited in Sections II.3 and II.4 requires a period of not less than five
years of full-time studies in an accredited Study Programme at University or an equivalent institution.
5.2. Graduates of architecture will be required to have completed at least two years of acceptable experience/training/
internship, in addition to the 5 years of study, prior to registration/ licensing/certification to practice as an architect (but
with the objective of working towards three years) while allowing flexibility for equivalency, of which one year may be
obtained prior to the conclusion of academic studies.
In order to achieve the above mentioned Objectives, the following conditions and requirements should be taken into account:
1. That adequate studios, laboratories, facilities for research, advanced studies, libraries, information and data exchanges for
new technologies should be provided at schools of architecture.
2. That in order to promote a common understanding and to raise the level of architectural education, the creation of a network,
on a worldwide basis for the exchange of information, teachers and senior students is as necessary as a regional network to
promote an understanding of diverse climate, materials, vernacular practices and culture. The use of external examiners is a
recognised method of achieving and maintaining comparable national and global standards.
3. That each teaching institution must adjust the number of students according to its teaching capacity and the selection of
students shall be in relation to the aptitudes required for a successful education in architecture, and this will be applied by
means of an appropriate selection process at the point of entry into each academic programme.
4. That teacher/student numbers must reflect the design studio teaching methodology required to obtain the above capabilities
as studio teaching should be a major part of the learning process.
5. That individual project work with direct teacher/student dialogue should form the basis of the learning period, continuous
interaction between the practice and teaching of architecture must be encouraged and protected and design project work
must be a synthesis of acquired knowledge and accompanying skills.
6. That the development of conventional drawing skills is still a requirement of the educational programme and modern
personalised computer technology and the development of specialised software makes it imperative to teach the use of
computers in all aspects of architectural education.
7. That research and publication should be regarded as an inherent activity of architectural educators and may encompass
applied methods and experiences in architectural practice, project work and construction methods, as well as academic
8. That education establishments should create systems for self-evaluation and peer review conducted at regular intervals
including in the review panel, appropriately experienced educators from other schools or other countries and practising
architects, or participate in the approved UNESCO-UIA Validation System or a recognized, equivalent system.
9. That education should be formalised by an individual’s demonstration of capabilities by the end of the programme of studies,
the principal part being a presentation of an architectural project demonstrating the acquired knowledge and concomitant
skills. For this purpose, juries should constitute an interdisciplinary team, including examiners external to the school who may
be practitioners or academics from other schools or countries but who must have experience and expertise in the assessment
process at that level.
10. That in order to benefit from the wide variety of teaching methods, including distance learning, exchange programmes for
teachers, and students at advanced levels are desirable. Final projects could be shared among architecture schools as a means
of facilitating comparison between results and self-evaluation of teaching establishments, through a system of international
awards, exhibitions and publications on the internet web site.
This Charter was created on the initiative of UNESCO and the UIA to be applied internationally to architectural education and needs
the guarantee of protection, development and urgent action.
The Charter constitutes a framework providing direction and guidance to students and teachers of all establishments involved in
education and training in architecture and planning. It is conceived as a «dynamic» document that will be revised regularly, thus
taking into consideration new orientations, needs and developments in professional practice, as well as in education systems.
Beyond all aesthetic, technical and financial aspects of the professional responsibilities, the major concerns, expressed by the Charter,
are the social commitment of the profession, i.e. the awareness of the role and responsibility of the architect in his or her respective
society, as well as the improvement of the quality of life through sustainable human settlements.
Revised, 2017 Edition
2017 Sexennial revision with no modifications of the 2011 Edition
The UNESCO-UIA Charter initially approved in 1996, was drafted by a group of ten experts, coordinated by Fernando Ramos
Galino, Spain, including: Lakhman Alwis, Sri Lanka, Balkrishna Doshi, India, Alexandre Koudryavtsev, Russia, Jean-Pierre Elog
Mbassi, Benin, Xavier Cortes Rocha, Mexico, Ashraf Salama, Egypt, Roland Schweitzer, France, Roberto Segre, Brazil, Vladimir
Slapeta, Czech Republic, Paul Virilio, France.
This text was revised in 2003-2005 by the UNESCO-UIA Validation Committee for Architectural Education-VCAE
The authors of this revision were:
Jaime Lerner, Brazil, UIA President and Wolf Tochtermann, UNESCO, both Co-Presidents of VCAE, Fernando Ramos Galino, Spain,
VCAE General reporter and Director of the UIA Education Commission, Brigitte Colin, UNESCO, Jean-Claude Riguet, France, UIA
Secretary General, and the following regional members of VCAE:
Region I: Paul Hyett, United-Kingdom, Roland Schweitzer, France, Alain Viaro, Switzerland
Region II: Alexandre Koudryavtsev, Russia, Alexandru Sandu, Romania, Vladimir Slapeta, Czech Republic
Region III: Sara Maria Giraldo Mejia, Colombia, Enrique Vivanco Riofrio, Ecuador James Scheeler, USA
Region IV: Louise Cox, Australia, Nobuaki Furuya, Japan
Region V: Ambrose A. Adebayo, South Africa, Said Mouline, Morocco, Zakia Shafie, Egypt
This text was revised in 2008-2011 by the UNESCO-UIA Validation Committee for Architectural Education –VCAE
The authors of this revision are :
Louise Cox, Australia, UIA President, Wolf Tochtermann, UNESCO, both Co-Presidents of VCAE, Fernando Ramos Galino, Spain and
Sungjung Chough, R. of Korea, VCAE Reporters and co-Directors of the UIA Education Commission, and the following regional
members of VCAE:
Region I: Roland Schweitzer, France, Alain Viaro, Switzerland,
Region II: Alexandre Koudryavtsev, Russia, Vladimir Slapeta, Czech Republic
Region III: Norma Patricia Mora Morales, Costa Rica, Kate Schwennsen, USA
Region IV: Nobuaki Furuya, Japan
Region V: Rodney Harber, South Africa, Zakia Shafie, Egypt
in collaboration with the following members of the Reflection Groups of the UIA Education Commission: Region I: Giorgio Cirilli,
Italy, Jörg Joppien, Germany; Region II: Nana Kutateladze, Georgia, James Scheeler, USA; Region III: Hector Garcia Escorza, Mexico;
Region IV: George Kunihiro, Japan; Region V: Magda Mostafa, Egypt, Seif A. Alnaga, Egypt
This text was revised in 2014- 2017 by the UNESCO-UIA Validation Council for Architectural Education (VCAE).
The authors of this revision are :
Esa Mohamed, UIA President, Jana Revedin, UNESCO, both Co-Presidents of VCAE, Fernando Ramos Galino, Spain, and Kate
Schwennsen, VCAE Co-Reporters and Co-Directors of the UIA Education Commission, and VCAE Members 2014-2017:
Region I: Lorenz Bräker, Switzerland, Béatrice Laville, France, Roland Schweitzer, France;
Region II: Deniz Incedayi, Turkey, UIA Vice-President, Olena Olynik, Ukraine, Vladimir Slapeta, Czeck R., Fani Vavili, Greece;
Region III: Norma Patricia Mora Morales, Costa Rica;
Region IV: Nobuaki Furuya, Japan, Nuno Soares, Macao;
Region V: Mohamed Chaoui, Morocco, Jean-Jacques Kotto, Cameroun, Hoda El Masry, Egypt, Magda Mostafa, Egypt, Vity Nsalambi,
Angola, Rodney Roy Harber, S. Africa
International union of architects / UIA
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