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ECMA Festivalprogram 2017 Korrektur Eks

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European Chamber

Music Academy
Oslo Session 2017

Norwegian Academy of Music

20 - 24 April
Chamber music as a culture of Opening Concert
Thursday 20 April
7:30 pm
We are delighted to welcome you to Oslo
for another ECMA session. Enabling
European ensembles and top teachers
to come together here at the Norwegian
Academy of Music is a highly worthwhile Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827):
exercise. It makes us part of the incredi- String Quartet No. 6, Op. 18 in B flat major
bly rich European tapestry. I. Allegro con brio
II. Adagio ma non troppo
Certain fundamental elements need III. Schezo: Allegro
to be in place for a young ensemble to IV. La Malinconia: Adagio - Allegretto quasi allegro
develop. The most important is the focus
on music itself and on its qualities as Animato Quartet: Shin Sihan (Violin I), Tim Brackman (Violin II),
“language”. Throughout his long career, Elisa Karen Tavenier (Viola), Pieter de Koe (Cello)
ECMA founder Hatto Beyerle’s big pas-
sion has been to promulgate the funda-
mentals and linguistic qualities inherent
to music.
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897):
Another important aspect is the specific skills required for ensemble Piano Trio No. 3, Op. 101 in c minor
performance. Without them, the music will not sound right. We are loo- I. Allegro energico
king forward to Johannes Meissl introducing us to the subtle challenges of II. Presto non assai
ensemble performance. Important, too, is developing the chamber musi- III. Andante grazioso
cians’ ability to communicate: gaining awareness of psychology, creating a IV. Allegro molto
culture of co-operation, establishing how to best complement each other
and work together to prepare to achieve on a high level. That is where Quasi Trio: Roman Hranička (Violin), Judita Škodová (Cello),
the Norwegian Olympic and Paralympic Committee and Confederation Kateřina Ochmanová (Piano)
of Sports comes in. For many years, the organisation has helped athletes
perform at the very highest level. More recently it has started to provide
advice and practice schemes for dancers and musicians, as well. We are
proud to be able to present some of their work to our ECMA colleagues.

Are Sandbakken - Artistic director Oslo session
Concert Final Concert
Saturday 22 April Monday 24 April
6:00 pm 6:00 pm
Levinsalen Levinsalen

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Joseph Haydn (1732-1809):
String Quartet No. 18, KV 464 in A major String Quartet No. 66 in G major, Op. 77, No. 1, Hob.IIII:81 «Lobkowitz»
I. Allegro I. Allegro moderato
II. Adagio
Alegrar Quartet: Oda Holt Günther (Violin I), Inga Våga Gaustad III. Menuetto: Presto
(Violin II), Gustav Rørmark (Viola), Brage Botn Seim (Cello) IV. Finale: Presto

Ergo String Quartet: Brage Sæbø (Violin I), Brage Blix (Violin II),
Stinius Maurstad (Viola), Bjørn Sanders (Cello)
Béla Bartók (1881-1945):
String Quartet No. 3 in c sharp minor, Sz 85
I. Lento - attacca
II. Poco a poco accelerando - Allegretto Dmitrij Sjostakovitsj (1906-1975):
III. Introduzione - Allegro - attacca: - Allegro vivace Piano Quintet in g minor, Op. 57
I. Prelude: Lento
Cosmos Quartet: Helena Satué Cuixart (Violin I), Bernat Prat Sabater II. Fugue: Adagio
(Violin II), Lara Fernández Ponce (Viola), Oriol Prat Sabater (Cello) III. Scherzo: Allegretto
IV. Intermezzo: Lento
V. Finale: Allegretto

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827): Meteoros Quintet: Stepan Folov (Violin I), Alexandre Guy (Violin II),
Piano Trio No. 5 in D major, Op. 70, No. 1, «Ghost» Kai Shun Lin (Viola), Johannes Borchgrevink (Cello), Marina Kan (Piano)
I. Allegro vivace e con brio
II. Largo assai ed espressivo
III. Presto

Trio Gaon: Jehye Lee (Violin), Samuel Lutzker (Cello),

Tae-Hyung Kim (Piano)
Lectures and Masterclasses

Friday 21 April Lecture: ‘The Culture of Achievement
3:00pm - The reciprocal gain in group related collaboration
Levinsalen and individual achievement
Alexander Stöckl og Jarle Aambø from the top of
Olympics Games in Oslo

Saturday 22 April Workshop: We are all in the same boat

3:00pm - Learning by teaching
Levinsalen Morten Carlsen, NMH

Sunday 23 April Lecture: Music, language, reflection and reality

3:00pm Hatto Beyerle

Hatto Beyerle
Monday 24 April Lecture: Ensemble Technique Viola
3:00pm - With a special focus on intonation
Levinsalen Johannes Meissl Hatto Beyerle is the founder and cur- national competitions, including the
rent artistic director of the European Hagen Quartet, Artis Quartet, Wihan
Chamber Music Academy ECMA. He is Quartet, Szymanowski Quartet, Itur-
also artistic director of the Europäis- riaga Quartet and Meta4 Quartet, the
ches Kulturforum Grossraming in Quatuor Ysaye, Quatuor Debussy, Qua-

Masterclasses Austria. tuor Manfred, the Quartetto di Cre-

mona, the Trio Jean Paul and the Trio
As violist and chamber musician, Bey- Ernest Chausson.
erle tours worldwide with the Vienna
Soloists, the Alban Berg Quartet and Hatto Beyerle lives in Benthe, Germany.
Experience the Masters at Work the Vienna Chamber Ensemble. In ad-
dition to his performing activities he
Masterclasses with the ECMA ensembles are held every day holds teaching posts in Vienna (MDW),
(Thursday - Monday) from about 9:30am till the afternoon. Cincinnati (CCM), Hanover (HMTMH),
Basel (MAB) and Fiesole (Florence)
Hatto Beyerle, Johannes Meissl, Ralf Gothóni, Kathryn Stott, Lars and is much in demand for master clas-
Anders Tomter and Morten Carlsen will be giving masterclasses. ses in both viola and chamber music in
Europe, Australia, Canada, China and
Detailes and schedule are available at the Academy. the USA.

Among his present and former stu-

Open to the public. dents are many prize winners of inter-
Johannes Meissl Ralf Gothóni
Violin Piano
Johannes Meissl is professor for string centres and festivals from New York to Ralf Gothóni has a many-sided and world- Very close to Gothónis heart is the contact
chamber music and vice director of the Tokyo. Numerous prizes for more than 30 wide career as pianist, chamber musician, with young musicians; his has been profes-
Joseph Haydn Institut for Chamber Music recordings (such as Grand Prix du Disque, conductor, composer and pedagogue. He sor for chamber music in Berlin, Hamburg,
at Vienna’s University of Music and Per- Diapason d’Or, Deutscher Schallplatten- became well-known for his unconventional Helsinki, London, in Madrid at the Insti-
forming Arts. Artistic director of isa (Inter- preis Echo etc.), and the «Artis series» at way of music-making and about the whole- tuto de Musica Camara, Reina Sofia and in
national Summer Academy Prague-Vienna- the Gesellschaft d. Musikfreunde in Vienna, ness of his musicianship. His tight concert Karlsruhe, Germany. He also gives master
Budapest), he also gives masterclasses at now running its 19th season, also prove the schedule have included major festivals classes worldwide and is invited as juror at
numerous renowned schools and summer international position of the quartet. (Berlin, Edinburgh, Salzburg, La Roque the major piano competitions.
academies such as CNSM Paris, Guildhall de Antheron, The Proms etc.), orchestras
School of Music and Drama London, Tokyo Beside the quartet work J. Meissl appears (Bayerischer Rundfunk, Berlin and War- Mr Gothóni’s repertoire as composer
Geidai and Casals Festival Prades, to name in recitals and as a soloist and at numerous saw philharmonics etc.) and recording includes a chamber concerto for viola and
a few. chamber music festivals. studios (c. 100 recordings for international orchestra, 1 hour chamber cantata for vio-
labels). Gothóni appears regularly both as lin, piano and orchestra, 3 chamber operas,
Born in Austria, J. Meissl studied at A. J. Meissl is co-initiator of numerous inter- a soloist and conductor, conducting often chamber music and songs.
Bruckner-Conservatory Linz (violin and national projects in the field of chamber from the keyboard. He has premiered more
composition ) and at the Academy of Music music and shares with Hatto Beyerle the than a dozen piano concertos (Tavener, In the 80’s, during Gothóni’s artistic di-
in Vienna with W. Schneiderhan and G. function of artistic director of ECMA. Sallinen, Rautavaara, Curtis-Smith, Glick, rectorship, the Savonlinna Opera Festival
Hetzel and got strong artistic impulses by Segerstam etc) and as a conductor he expanded to its format of today. In the 90-
Hatto Beyerle. He graduated with distinc- Having done regular coaching with several worked a.o. as the principal conductor of ties he was the initiator and artistic direc-
tion and special award. In 1982 he joined orchestras and youth orchestras for many the English Chamber Orchestra in 2001- tor of “The Forbidden City Music Festival”
the Artis Quartet. As a member of this years he has recently sucessfully taken up 2009 and as the musical director of North- in Beijing and since 2007 he has directed
ensemble he took the opportunity for fur- conducting. west Chamber Orchestra in Seattle. In “Musical Bridges” between Egypt, Aserbai-
ther studies with the LaSalle Quartet in the 2004 he was appointed as the guest con- jan, Turkey, Jordan and Finland. He has also
USA. After several prizes at international ductor of Deutsche Kammerakademie. As been successful as a writer of three books
competitions the quartet became a regu- chamber musician he performs regularly at with essays about musical phenomenology.
lar at the world’s most important music the important festivals.
Kathryn Stott Lars Anders Tomter
Piano Viola

Kathryn Stott, recognised as one of Turkey, the UK, Australia and a second Lars Anders Tomter is one of today’s laborating with the most distinguished
Britain’s most versatile and imaginative tour of New Zealand. most outstanding violists. The Giant of conductors. He is a regular guest at
musicians, studied at the Yehudi Menuhin the Nordic Viola (The Strad) was born festivals, including Schleswig-Hoistein,
School and the Royal College of Music and Maintaining a keen interest in contem- at Hamar, Norway. He studied violin and Lockenhaus, Kissingen Summer, BBC
was a prize-winner at the Leeds Interna- porary music, she has had many works viola with Leif Jørgensen at the Oslo Proms, Mondseetage, Styriarte, as well
tional Piano Competition 1978. She is a written for her, including seven by Gra- Music Conservatory and the Norwegian as a number of Scandinavian festivals.
Visiting Professor and an Honorary Mem- ham Fitkin. Latest recording releases in- Academy of Music, and made his début His recordings include Walton’s Viola
ber of the RAM, and International Chair clude Solitaires on BIS, her exploration of on both instruments at the age of seven- Concerto for Naxos (8.553402). In addi-
(Piano) at the RNCM. French works for piano, and an 8 CD box teen. After continuing his studies with tion, he is artistic director of the Nor-
set re-release of her Conifer recordings on Max Rostal and Sándor Vegh, he was wegian Risør Chamber Music Festival.
Recent highlights as a soloist have in- SONY. awarded a special prize for his inter- Lars Anders Tomter is a professor at the
cluded return visits to the BBC Proms, pretation of Bartók’s Viola Concerto at Norwegian Academy of Music. He plays
Wigmore Hall, London, an extensive Kathryn Stott has been the artistic vision the International Viola Competition in a Gasparo da Salò viola dating from
tour of Australia and New Zealand, per- behind several major festivals, chamber Budapest in 1984, and won the Maurice 1590.
formances with cellist Giovanni Sollima and concert series in the United Kingdom Vieux International Competition in Lille
and appearances with JP Jofre and his and in Italy, establishing a reputation as in 1986. Since then his appearances as
Hard Tango Chamber Band in New York. an astute programmer and she was ap- a viola soloist have been greeted with
To celebrate their 30th anniversary of pointed a Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts the highest public and critical acclaim
performing together, Kathryn recorded et Lettres by the French Government for throughout the world.
‘The Arc of Life’ with Yo-Yo Ma. Upcoming her ‘Fauré and the French Connection’.
performances include concerts in Ger- She joined the faculty at the Norwegian Tomter has performed with major
many, France, Norway, Japan, the USA, Academy of Music in September 2016. orchestras throughout Europe, col-
Alexander Stöckl
Ski jumping coach

Austrian-born Alexander Stöckl

moved to Norway in 2011 to be-
come head coach of the Norwegian
national ski jumping team. His ten-
ure has been highly successful, and
he was named coach of the year
at the Norwegian national sports
gala in 2015. Amongst his achieve-
ments is the team gold won during
the 2016 World Championships in
Falun. A competent singer, Stöckl
was the frontman of the a cappella
group Harry and the Nicknames, a
well known outfit in Austria.

Morten Carlsen

Morten Carlsen teaches viola and re-

lated subjects (also violin) at the Nor-
challenged: Heideggerian Inspirations,
Springer 2014 with an article called Jarle Aambø
wegian Academy of Music, which he has «Practice as Self-Exploration». Sports executive
been doing since 1989. He is a regular
visiting teacher at the University of Mu- Morten Carlsen has a soloist diploma Jarle Alex Aambø is a Norwegian
sic in Vienna, where he studied, and the from the Universität für Musik und sports executive who has served
Paris Conservatoire. darstellende Kunst, Vienna as an alpine skiing coach, head
coach at the Norwegian Ski Fed-
His career as performer involved or- Professional experience: eration and elite sports director of
chestral positions, top-level chamber - Co-principal viola of Orchester der the Norwegian Olympic and Para-
music and solo performances and re- Beethovenhalle, Bonn 1982-84 and of lympic Committee and Confedera-
cordings. Carlsen is fascinated also RSO Stuttgart 1984-88. tion of Sports, where he has also
by the more philosophic aspects of - Similar position in the Oslo Philhar- held a number of other roles. He
teaching and performing and has writ- monic Orchestra 1988-94. holds qualifications in hygiene and
ten smaller articles, and lectured on - Engagements as principal viola in the sports biology. In his role as elite
subjects such as instrumental practice, orchestra of the Norwegian Opera and sports director, Aambø launched
performer history and talent education. the Norwegian Broadcasting (KORK). a project with the Norwegian
National Opera and Ballet which
A collection of his advanced exercises sought to develop a value-based
for violin/viola, Vademecum, has been performance culture. The project
published. He contributes to the an- has since been extended to include
thology Philosophy of Music Education high-performance organisations in
all parts of society.

Alegrar Ensemble Animato Quartet

Oda Holt Günther (Violin I), Inga Våga Alegrar has performed on several occa- Shin Sihan (Violin I), Tim Brackman gebouw in Amsterdam.
Gaustad (Violin II), Gustav Rørmark sions at the Oslo Quartet Series. They (Violin II), Elisa Karen Tavenier (Viola),
(Viola), Brage Botn Seim (Cello) have played in several venues and fes- Pieter de Koe (Cello) The quartet was invited to give con-
tivals nationally, as well as in Wigmore certs during the HARMOS festival in
Alegrar string quartet consists of mem- Hall, London. In 2016 -17 Alegrar has The genre of string quartets offers the Portugal and the “Festival International
bers age 15-18. The quartet started in performed in two collaborative project members of the Animato Quartet a de Inverno de Campos do Jordao” in
the talent development program “Young with Oslo Camerata and the Trondheim unique opportunity for endless explora- Brazil. During this festival the Animato
Talents” at the Barratt Due Institute of Soloists, both as soloists in concert with tion. Playing the music is both a chal- Quartet received an award for “Artistic
Music. Kari Ravnan has been their teach- OC, and performed their own repertoire. lenge and a delight for them. The Anima- Excellence” for their performance. The
er and mentor since ¾ of the current to Quartet aims for a vivid interpretation quartet follows lessons with Eberhard
crew started playing together in 2013. Alegrar has won several awards in of traditional repertoire as well as new Feltz, Gerhard Schulz, Johannes Meissl,
The quartet has received instruction and national music competitions for youth repertoire written for them. They have Anner Bylsma, Hatto Beyerle, Dimitri
inspiration through participation in mas- and the bronze medal in the junior performed at the Dr. Anton Phillips Hall Ferschtman, Ásdís Valdimarsdóttir, Jan
ter classes and mentoring programs, like class in Fischoff Competition in Indi- in The Hague, the Dr. Alem hall in Cam- Willem de Vriend, David Dolan, Michel
the Oslo Quartet Series’ talent develop- ana, USA. pos Do Jordao Brazil, the Casa da Música Strauss, Vera Beths, the Escher Quartet
ment program. Alegrar has also worked in Portugal and the small hall of the and the Quiroga Quartet. Recently they
with a number of distinguished musi- Individually, the members are active Royal Concertgebouw Amsterdam. They attended their first European Chamber
cians from home and abroad, including and ambitious solo musicians who took part in the International Chamber Music Academy which they will attend
musicians from Vertavo and Oslo String can show a large collection of prices, Music Festival Utrecht, The International more often as an nominated ensemble.
Quartet. As junior ensemble at Trond- awards and merits. Chamber Music Festival Schiermon- All members of the quartet are currently
heim International Chamber Music Acad- nikoog and Festival Classique The Hague. studying at the Royal Conservatoire in
emy in September 2016, they performed The Animato Quartet was a finalist of The Hague. The quartet received their
and received master classes with among the National Conservatory Competition instruments on loan by the Dutch Na-
others Hatto Beyerle. in 2014, which was held at the Concert- tional Music Instrument Foundation.
Cosmos Quartet Ergo String Quartet
Helena Satué Cuixart (Violin I), Bernat string quartet discipline of the prestig- Brage Sæbø (Violin I), Brage Blix musicians from Norway, England and
Prat Sabater (Violin II), Lara Fernández ious “Concurs de Genève” celebrated in (Violin II), Stinius Maurstad (Viola), Austria, notably Are Sandbakken and
Ponce (Viola), Oriol Prat Sabater (Cello) Geneva last November. Bjørn Sanders (Cello) Geir Inge Lotsberg (Oslo String Quar-
tet), Johannes Meissl, Tim Fredriksen,
The Cosmos Quartet was established in Since the beginning, they have played at Ergo String Quartet is a young, aspir- Hatto Beyerle, Patrick Jüdt, and Corina
2014 from the friendship and mutual in- venues such as “Fundación Juan March” ing and award-winning ensemble from Belcea. They have also played at several
terests of four young Spanish musicians. in Madrid, “Auditorio Miguel Delibes” Norway. They started originally as a national and international concerts,
They have received coaching from pro- in Valladolid, and “ORF Kulturhaus” of trio in 2011. After winning their class of notably: chamber music concert in the
fessors such as Rainer Schmidt, Johannes Vienna. They have been invited to partic- ensembles in the National music com- Norwegian National Opera, Oslo; Malta
Meissl, Hatto Beyerle, Krzysztof Chor- ipate at the “East Neuk Festival” in Ed- petition for youth, they moved on and International Music Festival; European
zelski and Quartetto di Cremona among inburgh and the “Académie Musicale de started to play the wonderful repertoire concert in Helsinki, Finland (Temppe-
others. Villecroze” in France, held by Johannes of string quartets. liaukion kirkko); Oslo Quartet Series;
Meissl in 2015. Horten Chamber Music festival and
Despite the fact that it is a recently During their time as a quartet and trio, Trondheim Chamber Music Festival.
formed ensemble, the Cosmos Quar- The quartet is based in Barcelona they have won many national competi-
tet has already gained an international with the support of “Residència tions, notably the Sparre Olsen competi-
career winning Third Prize at the “Carl d’Investigadors de Catalunya” and Dr. tion and two first prices, as a quartet,
Nielsen International Chamber Music Francesc Farré i Rius. in the National music competition for
Competition”, and the “Kammermusik youth. In 2013 they also won in the
Preis” and “Artis Quartet Preis” both at finals, being nominated as “Musician of
the “isaMasterClass” in August 2014. the Year”. The ensemble has been play-
Recently has been semifinalist in the ing with various renowned chamber
Quasi Trio Trio Gaon
Roman Hranička (Violin), Judita 2015 Quasi Trio took part in chamber Jehye Lee (Violin), Samuel Lutzker Harald Eggebrecht, wrote in a recent
Škodová (Cello), Kateřina Ochmanová music masterclass in Grafenegg. The (Cello), Tae-Hyung Kim (Piano) review of one of their concerts: “Along
(Piano) session was held by ECMA with the with the extraordinary soloistic capa-
Johannes Meissl (MDW), Hatto Bey- The Munich-based Trio Gaon was bilities of the three players, one was also
Quasi Trio has been formed in 2014 in erle (MDW), Jerome Pernoo (CNSMD formed in 2013. Together the three mu- astounded by their highly refined sense
order to achieve the level of the best Paris), Peter Cropper (Lindsay Quar- sicians completed their chamber music for transparency and balance of sound,
chamber ensembles of its generation tet) and Avedis Kouyoumdjian (MDW). degrees at the Conservatory of Munich, as well as by the presence of that very
in the country and beyond. In its origi- In June 2016 the ensemble members and were taught by Ana Chumachenco, spirit of what playing chamber music
nal women formation, the trio received performed as soloists with Vinohrady Friedemann Berger and Christoph Pop- together can mean.”
2nd prize at The Bohuslav Martinů Symphony Orchestra (L. van Beethoven: pen. As participants of the European
Foundation Interpretation Competi- Triple concerto C major). In summer Chamber Music Academy (ECMA) they
tion and a special prize for the best 2016 Quasi Trio took part in prestig- are continuing to refine their chamber
interpretation of Bohuslav Martinů’s ious International Summer Academy in music education.
work. The final concert was recorded Reichenau an der Rax (Austria), tak-
and then telecasted by Czech Radio. All ing masterclasses of Johannes Meissl, The young ensemble has won prizes
three members are either students or Jan Talich, Petr Prause, Josef Klusoň, at influential competitions, such as the
alumni of the Academy of Performing Evgenia Epshtein, Peter Nagy, Gábor renowned international Joseph Haydn
Arts in Prague and have been awarded Csalog, Avedis Kouyoumdjian and Anita Chamber Music Competition in Vienna
many prizes at national and interna- Mitterer. They were awarded a prize for and the Music Prize of Kulturkreis
tional both solo and chamber music the best piano ensemble and performed Gasteig e.V. where they achieved the
competitions. The trio has been taking at the prize winners‘ concert in Vienna highest ranking of the entire competi-
classes with Václav Bernášek, Miroslav ÖRF Radio. Since September the trio has tion.
Petráš, Mirko Škampa, Jan Talich, Ivan been taking classes of the well-known
Štraus, František Malý and Ivo Kahánek Trio Wanderer in Paris within their two- The acclaimed musicologist and mu-
in Prague, Peter Schuhmayer in Vienna year study program at Conservatoire à sic critic of the Sueddeutsche Zeitung,
and Arkadi Zenzipér in Dresden. In May rayonnement régional.
ECMA - ECMA Partners
The European Spirit

ECMA has a vision: The “ECMA-spirit,” receive aditional impulses from lectures MEMBERS
with its approach to music and music- and focused workshops on topics inclu- AUSTRIA, Vienna - mdw - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
making, ought to become a “matter of ding cultural history, historically infor- AUSTRIA, Grafenegg - Grafenegg Kulturbetriebsgesellschaft m.b.H.
course” for musicians and audiences med performance, and philosophy. In FRANCE, Paris - Conservatoire national supérieur de musique
alike. By constantly re-evaluating the addition to helping participants explore ITALY, Fiesole - Scuola di Musica di Fiesole – Fondazione Onlus
treasures of our cultural heritage and the importance and impact of cultural
LITHUANIA, Vilnius - Lietuvos muzikos ir teatro akademija
developing new creative potentials in knowledge such as rhetoric and Greek
NORWAY, Oslo - Norges musikkhøgskole
interpretation based on research into verse in order to gain a more profound
the philosophy and musical language of understanding of European music, SWITZERLAND, Bern - Hochschule der Künste
the 17th and 18th centuries, ECMA se- ECMA also collaborates with academic THE NETHERLANDS, The Hague - Koninklijk Conservatorium
eks to contribute to a society and future partners on research projects in various UNITED KINGDOM, Manchester - Royal Northern College of Music
that are worth living in. fields. And of course, ECMA also works
to develop new networks by bringing
ECMA was founded in 2004 at the initia- together people from different back- COOPERATING PARTNERS
tive of Hatto Beyerle. It is an association grounds and cultures. AUSTRIA, Großraming - Europäisches Kulturforum Großraming
of European music universities, con- AUSTRIA, Horn - Allegro Vivo Kammermusik Festival
servatoires and festivals in the field of ECMA – Next Step is an Erasmus+ stra- AUSTRIA, Vienna - isa - International Summer Academy of the mdw
chamber music that, together, provide tegic partnership programme in cham- AUSTRIA, Graz - Steirisches Kammermusikfestival
ongoing training for chamber music en- ber music.
BELGIUM, Flandern - Gent Festival of Flanders
sembles. Within this program, the part-
FRANCE, Prades - Festival Pablo Casals
ner institutions host regular sessions
(lasting one week each; seven or more ecma-music.com FRANCE, Paris - Centre de Musique de Chambre
weeks per year). Renowned tutors work ITALY, Ravenna - Ravenna Festival
intensively with the ensembles, impar- UNITED KINGDOM, London - Wigmore Hall
ting to them new impulses for their
artistic work. The young musicians will
The Norwegian
Academy of Music

The Norwegian Academy of Music The Norwegian Academy of Music has

(NMH) based in Oslo, is a leading artis- excellent concert halls, recording studi-
tic and academic university college with os, the largest specialty music library in
over 700 students. Norway, and an extensive collection of
historical instruments. Rooms and sui-
NMH offers music education founded on tes are designed and equipped to give
research and artistic development work. students and staff optimal access and
Our teachers are leading performers, resources for teaching, research, artis-
music pedagogues, conductors, church tic development, creativity and musical
musicians, music therapists and compo- expansion. Our buildings and facilities
sers. provide among the best and most mo-
dern music education environments in
The high quality of education offered Europe.
at the Norwegian Academy of Music is
made possible by our faculty and staff of The Norwegian Academy of Music
highly qualified professionals. The com- houses over 400 concerts per year, the
petence of over 180 employees spans highest concert production activity
many genres and specializations, ensur- among Oslo’s many halls and music ve-
ing breadth in teaching, research and nues. Many concerts are also organized
presentation. The Norwegian Academy in collaboration with local organizations
of Music fosters strong communities in and partners in Oslo and the surround-
performance, music education, acade- ing area.
mic and creative disciplines through its
active working groups.
The history of the Norwegian Academy
of Music starts with its opening in 1973,
but the school has an academic heritage
that extends back to the 19th century,
beginning with the Lindeman family.
Session Organizers
Ellen Haldar
[email protected]
+47 23 36 70 75
(mobile) +47 995 21 343

Artistic Director:
Are Sandbakken
[email protected]
+47 23 36 70 00

Norwegian Academy of Music

Slemdalsveien 11
PB 5190, Majorstua
NO-0302 OSLO
+47 23 36 70 00
[email protected]

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