USA and Spain. On 30 April 1898 The in Manila Bay.: Americans Defeated The Spanish Fleet
USA and Spain. On 30 April 1898 The in Manila Bay.: Americans Defeated The Spanish Fleet
USA and Spain. On 30 April 1898 The in Manila Bay.: Americans Defeated The Spanish Fleet
Philippines is named after King Philip II Then in 1898 came war between the
of Spain USA and Spain. On 30 April 1898 the
From the 10th AD century Filipinos Americans defeated the Spanish fleet
in Manila Bay.
traded with China
Meanwhile Filipino revolutionaries had
the 12th Century AD Arab merchants surrounded Manila. Their leader, Emilio
reached the Philippines and they Aguinaldo declared the Philippines
introduced Islam. independent on 1898, 12 of June.
Magellan baptized a chief called However as part of the peace treaty
Humabon and hoped to make him a Spain ceded the Philippines to the USA.
puppet ruler on behalf of the Spanish The Americans planned to take over.
War between American forces in
Manila and the Filipinos began on 4
The Spaniards did not gain a foothold in February 1899. The Filipino-American
the Philippines until 1565 when Miguel War lasted until 1902 when Aguinaldo
Lopez de Legazpi led an expedition, was captured.
which built a fort in Cebu.
Later, in 1571 the Spaniards landed in The Philippines in the 20th Century
Luzon. Here they built the city of
In 1935 the Philippines were made a
Intramuros (later called Manila), which commonwealth and were semi-
became the capital of the Philippines. independent.
1762 the British captured Manila. They Manuel Quezon became president.
held it for two years but they handed it The USA promised that the Philippines
back in 1764 under the terms of the would become completely
Treaty of Paris, signed in 1763. independent in 1945.
However in December 1941 Japan
In 1892 Jose Rizal founded a movement attacked the US fleet at Pearl Harbor.
called Liga Filipina, which called for On 10 December 1941 Japanese troops
reform rather than revolution. As a invaded the Philippines. They captured
result Rizal was arrested and exiled to Manila on 2 January 1942. By 6 May
Dapitan on Mindanao. 1942 all of the Philippines were in
Meanwhile Andres Bonifacio formed a Japanese hands.
more extreme organisation called the However American troops returned to
Katipunan. the Philippines in October 1944. They
In August 1896 they began a recaptured Manila in February 1945.
revolution. Jose Rizal was accused of The Philippines became
supporting the revolution, although he
did not and he was executed on 30 independent on 4 July
December 1896. Yet his execution
merely inflamed Filipino opinion and 1946.
the revolution grew.
Manuel Roxas was the first President of the
newly independent nation.
The Philippines, officially known as the
By June 1898, General Emilio
Aguinaldo had captured the whole of
Republic of the Philippines (Filipino:
Repúblika ng Pilipinás), is a sovereign state Luzon and was ready to storm Manila
in Southeast Asia in the western Pacific with the help of Gregorio del Pilar,
Ocean. To its north across the Luzon Strait Artemio Recarte,
lies Taiwan. West across the South China Antonio Montenegro,
Sea sits Vietnam. Pantaleon Garcia, and many other
able generals. At that time, the term
The Battle of “Manila” referred to the walled city of
Manila Bay Intramuros. Aguinaldo’s men
surrounded the walls of Intramuros.
George Dewey,
Nearby areas like Tondo, Sta. Cruz,
then a
San Juan, and Caloocan were likewise
secured. The Spaniards
United States
stubbornly hoped for the arrival of
Navy’s Asiatic Squ
reinforcements from the
adron was waiting
Spanish mainland, but none ever
in Hong Kong
came. Aguinaldo on the other hand,
when He received
was firmly convinced that it just was
a cable from the
a matter of days before the Spaniards
then secretary
surrendered. Therefore, he started
of Navy, Theodore
planning for the declaration of
Roosevelt, stating that the war had
Philippine independence.
begun between the US and Spain.
The Malolos Congress
Dewey sailed from Hong Kong on
board his flagship Olympia with six
other heavily armed ships. He Emilio Aguinaldo issued a decree on July
brought with him a report on the 18, 1898 asking for the election of
location of the Spanish ships in delegates to
Corregidor and Manila at dawn of May the
1, 1898. Dewey entered Manila revolutionary
Bay almost undetected. When he saw congress,
the Spanish ships, which were under another decree
the command of General was
Patricio Montoya, he ordered his men promulgated
to fire. The battle began at 5:41 in five days later,
the morning and by 12:30 of the which declared that Aguinaldo would
same day, the Spaniards were raising appoint representatives of congress
the white flag in surrender. Although because holding elections is not practical
The Spanish ships outnumbered those at that time. He appointed 50 delegates in
of the Americans; the weapons of the all (but this number fluctuated from time
Americans were far more superior to to time). In accordance with these two
those of the Spaniards. The battle decrees, Aguinaldo assembled the
proved to be too costly for the Revolutionary Congress at the Brasoain
Spaniards, who lost 167 men and had Church in Malolos, Bulacan on September
214 others wounded. As for the 15, 1898.
Americans, no ships were destroyed,
and no soldier was killed or injured. The atmosphere was festive and the Pasig
The Battle of Manila Bay is considered Band played the national anthem. After
one of the easiest encounters ever Aguinaldo had read his
won in world history. speech congressional elections were held
The Siege of Manila among the delegates present. The
following were among the most important Republic was inaugurated in Malolos,
achievements of the Malolos Congress: Bulacan on January 21, 1899. After being
proclaimed president, Emilio Aguinaldo
1. In September 29, 1898, ratified the took his oath of office. The constitution
declaration of Philippine independence was read article by article and followed by
held at Kawit, Cavite on June 12, 1898 a military parade. Apolinario Mabini was
2. Passage of a law that allowed the elected as a prime minister. The other
Philippines to borrow P 20 million from cabinet secretaries were: Teodoro
banks for government expenses Sandico, interior; Baldomero Aguinaldo,
3. Establishment of the war; Gen. Mariano Trias, finance & war;
Universidad Literatura de Filipinas and Apolinario Mabini, foreign affairs; Gracio
other schools Gonzaga for welfare, Aguedo Velarde,
4. Drafting of the Philippine Constitution public instruction; Maximo Paterno, public
5. Declaring war against the United works & communication; and Leon María
States on June 12, 1899 Guerrero for agriculture, trade &
Malolos Constitution
Rizal told Valenzuela that the timing was After hearing Patiño’s revelations, Father
not right for a revolution. The people were Mariano Gil-accompanied by several
not yet ready and they did not have Guardias Civiles immediately searched the
enough weapons. He suggested that the premises of Diario de Manila and found
Katipunan obtain the support of wealthy evidence of the Katipunan’s existence. The
and influential Filipinos first, in order to governor general was quickly informed.
gain financial assistance. He also The printing press was padlocked and
recommended Antonio Luna as hundreds of suspected KKK members
commander of its armed forces, since were arrested.
Luna had much knowledge and expertise The Cry of Pugadlawin
in military tactics.
News about the
discovery of
the Katipunan spread to
Valenzuela returned to Manila on June 26 Manila and nearby
and relayed Rizal’s advice to Bonifacio, suburbs, and Andres
who admitted that it would indeed Bonifacio immediately
be fatal for the Filipinos to fight without called for a general
enough weapons. However, there was no meeting. Various wings
stopping the Revolution. Bonifacio ordered of the Katipunan
his men to prepare for battle. He directed gathered at the house of
them to store enough food and other Juan Ramos
supplies. Battle plans were made with the in Pugadlawin on August
help of Emilio Jacinto. It was suggested 23, 1896. Ramos was the
that the revolutionary headquarters be son of Melchora Aquino,
located near the seas or mountains to also known as “Tandang Sora” and was later
provide for an easy retreat, if necessary. acknowledged as the Mother of the Katipunan."
The Katipunan is Discovered Bonifacio asked his men whether they were willing
to fight to the bitter end. Everyone shouted their
approval, except for Teodoro Plata, who though that
Rumors about a secret revolutionary
it was too soon for a revolution. Heartened by his
society had long been in circulation, men’s response, Bonifacio then asked them to tear
although no solid evidence could be found their cedulas (residence certificates) to pieces, as a
to support them. The big break as far as sign of their defiance and determination to rise
the Spanish authorities was concerned, against the Spaniards. The men immediately tore up
came on August 19, 1896 when a KKK their cedulas, shouting, Mabuhay ang Pilipinas (long
member, Teodoro Patiño told his sister live the Philippines) -known as the Cry of
Honoria about the existence of the Pugadlawin.
Katipunan. Patiño was a worker in the
printing press of Diario de Manila. Honoria The Katipunan in Cavite
was then living with nuns in a
Mandaluyong orphanage. Cavite soon became the center of the Revolution, and
the Katipuneros there divided themselves into the
Magdalo and Magdiwang factions. Baldomero
Aguinaldo, brother of Emilio Aguinaldo, headed the
Magdalo group, which was stationed in Kawit. later reversed the commutation upon pressure from
General Mariano Alvarez led the Magdiwang group, Pio Del Pilar and other officers. On orders from
which was stationed in Noveleta. General Mariano Noriel, Andres Bonifacio was
executed at the foothills of Mt. Buntis by Major
The two groups fought in Lazaro Makapagal on May 10, 1897.
separate battles. Emilio
Aguinaldo overran Kawit The Revolution Continues
on August 31, 1896,
while Alvarez attacked Bonifacio’s death did not deter the Filipinos from
Noveleta. In Bacoor, fighting for their freedom. The Spanish government,
Aguinaldo tried to for its part, doubled its efforts in trying to
intercept Spanish control Cavite, which was considered the seat of the
reinforcements coming Revolution. When Governor General Primo de
from Manila; but he was Rivera replaced Camilo Polavieja on April 27, 1897,
repulsed and forced to he immediately marched to Naic, Cavite to persuade
retreat to nearby Imus. the Filipinos to surrender. The rebels, however, stood
Here, on the morning of September 5, he defeated the their ground.
Spanish troops under the command of General
Aguirre. A hundred Spaniards were killed and 60 Aguinaldo realized that Cavite was no longer safe for
weapons were confiscated. Aguinaldo was hailed as a his men. They moved to Batangas, where they
hero. The adoring Caviteños referred to him as temporarily set up camp in the town of Talisay.
“General Miong” and no longer “Kapitan Miong.” However, Spanish soldiers were able to pursue them
there. Thus, they retreated to Morong on June 10,
General Aguinaldo’s numerous victories in the 1897 and proceeded to Biak-na-Bato in
battlefield made him the acknowledged revolutionary Bulacan. Click here to continue with Pact of Biak-na-
leader in Cavite. He issued a proclamation on Bato.
October 31, 1896 enjoining the people to take The Biak-na Bato Republic
courage and continue fighting for Philippine
independence. Emilio Aguinaldo established
his headquarters in Biak-na-Bato in
Owing to the defeat of the Spaniards in Bulacan province. The news immediately
Cavite, Camilo de Polavieja replaced Ramon Blanco spread throughout the country, and the
as governor general on December 13, 1896. Polavieja revolutionaries were once more in high
was more successful than his predecessor and slowly spirits. General llanera, who was in Nueva
regained one-third of the province. Ecija, declared his support for Aguinaldo.
In July 1897, Aguinaldo established the
Andres Bonifacio's Execution Biak-na-Bato Republic and issued a
proclamation stating the following
While Aguinaldo was recognized as leader by the demands:
Magdalo faction, Bonifacio was recognized as the ▪ Expulsion of the friars and the return of
leader of the Katipunan by the Magdiwang faction. the friar lands to the Filipinos
An assembly was held in Imus, Cavite on December ▪ Representation of the Philippines in the
31, 1897 to settle the leadership issue but was not Spanish Cortes
successful. Then on March 22, another assembly was
▪ Freedom of the press and of religion
held at Tejeros (known as the Tejeros Convention)
▪ Abolition of the government’s power to
to elect officers of the revolutionary government.
Aguinaldo won as president while Bonifacio was banish Filipinos
relegated as the Director of the Interior. Bonifacio ▪ Equality for all before the law.
rejected the elections and declared it void. Bonifacio
later formed the Naic Military A charter based on the Cuban
Agreement, essentially creating a government Constitution was also drafted by Felix
contending Aguinaldo's. Soon after, Bonifacio was Ferrer and Isabelo Artacho. It was signed
captured, stood trial, and was sentenced to death by a on November 1, 1897. The Biak-na-Bato
War Council of Aguinaldo's government. Aguinaldo Constitution provided for
initially commuted the sentence to deportation but the establishment of a Supreme council
that would serve as the highest governing 27, 1897. Some Filipino generals,
body of the Republic. It also outlined however, did not believe in the sincerity of
certain basic human rights, such the Spaniards. They refused to surrender
as freedom of religion, freedom of the their arms. Nevertheless, the Te Deum
press, and the right to education. Emilio was still sung on January 23, 1898.
Aguinaldo and Mariano Trias were elected
Supreme Council president and vice The Biak-na-Bato Pact Fails
president, respectively.
The Filipino’s and the Spaniards did not
The Pact of Biak-na-Bato trust each other. As a result, periodic
clashes between the two groups still took
Pedro Paterno, a Spaniard born in the place even after Aguinaldo’s departure
Philippines volunteered to act as from the country. The Spanish did not pay
the entire agreed amount.
The Spanish-American War
● 1972 - Martial Law was declared by ● 2001 - Estrada was forced to step
President Marcos. This period is down due to public outrage over
marked with human rights abuses corruption allegations. Vice President
and corruption. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo assumes the
● 1981 - Marcos lifts Martial Law.
● 2004 - Presidential election takes
● 1983 - Opposition leader Benigno place. Arroyo's closest rival (a dear
"Ninoy" Aquino returns from exile and friend of Ex-President Estrada) is film
is assassinated on arrival at Manila actor Fernando Poe, Jr. Arroyo
International Airport; Aquino's widow narrowly defeats Poe, taking 39.5%
Corazon leads the "People Power" of the vote to Poe's 36.6%.
protest movement.
● 2005 - A taped conversation
between President Arroyo & an
● 1986 - Marcos was officially
election official surfaced during the
declared winner in a presidential
2004 elections implying she
election beating Corazon Aquino amid
influenced the official election results.
charges of fraud; demonstrations
Calls for her resignation and
erupt; Marcos flees to Hawaii; Aquino
demonstrations followed soon after.
is declared president and forms a new
In September 2005, Congress voted
down the filing of an impeachment
against Arroyo.
● 2007 - Former President Joseph Early life[edit]
Estrada is convicted of plunder, the
first ever in the history of the Born in the town of Badoc, Ilocos Norte in the
Philippines. northern Philippines, Juan N. Luna was the third
among the seven children of Joaquín Posadas Luna
and Laureana Ancheta Novicio-Luna. In 1861, the
● 2010 - First automated national Luna family moved to Manila and he went to Ateneo
elections in the Philippines. Municipal de Manila where he obtained his Bachelor
of Arts degree. He excelled in painting and drawing,
and was influenced by his brother, Manuel N. Luna,
● 2010 - Benigno "Noynoy" Simeon
who, according to Filipino patriot José Rizal, was a
Cojuangco Aquino III wins the better painter than Juan himself.
Presidential elections and sworn in at
Manila's Rizal Park on June 30, 2010. Luna enrolled at Escuela Nautica de Manila
(now Philippine Merchant Marine Academy) and
became a sailor. He took drawing lessons under the
● 2016 - Rodrigo "Rody" Roa Duterte, illustrious painting teacher Lorenzo Guerrero
the former Mayor of Davao City of Ermita, Manila. He also enrolled in the Academy of
assumes the Presidency. He is the Fine Arts (Academia de Dibujo y Pintura) in Manila
where he was influenced and taught how to draw by
first president to come from
the Spanish artist Agustin Saez. However, Luna's
Mindanao. vigorous brush strokes displeased his teacher and
Luna was discharged from the academy. However,
● 2017 - Pres. Duterte declares Guerrero was impressed by his skill and urged Luna
Martial Law in Mindanao Island due to to travel to Cubao to further pursue his work.
the rebellion in Marawi City by ISIS-
affiliated Maute group on May 23 and
Travel abroad[edit]
extended by both houses of congress In 1877 Manuel and Juan Luna traveled to Europe,
to December 31, 2017. The where Manuel studied music and Juan painting. Juan
devastated city of Marawi was entered the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San
declared liberated by Duterte on Fernando, where he befriended the painter Don Alejo
Vera. Luna was discontented with the style of
October 17, 2017. teaching in school and decided that it would be much
better to work with Vera.
Juan Luna y Novicio (Spanish: [ˈxwan
ˈluna] October 24, 1857 – December 7, Vera brought him to Rome for some of his
1899), better known as Juan Luna was commissions, and Luna was exposed to the art of
a Filipinopainter, sculptor and a political the Renaissance painters. It was in 1878 when his
activist of the Philippine Revolution during artistic talents was established with the opening of the
the late 19th century. He became one of the first art exposition in Madrid which was called
first recognized Philippine artists. the Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes (National
Demonstration of Fine Arts). From then on, Luna
His winning the gold medal in the 1884 became engrossed in painting and produced a
Madrid Exposition of Fine Arts, along with collection of paintings that he exhibited in the 1881
the silver win of fellow Filipino painter Félix Exposition.
Resurrección Hidalgo, prompted a
celebration which was a major highlight in In 1881, his La Muerte de Cleopatra (The Death of
the memoirs of members of the Propaganda Cleopatra)[1][2] won him a silver medal and came in
Movement, with the fellow Ilustrados toasting second place. Luna's growing reputation as an artist
to the two painters' good health and to the led to a pensionado(pension) scholarship at 600
brotherhood between Spain and the pesos annually through the Ayuntamiento of Manila.
Philippines. The condition was that he was obliged to develop a
painting which captured the essence of Philippine
Regarded for work done in the manner of the history which would then become the Ayuntamiento's
Spanish, Italian and French academies of his property.
time, Luna painted literary and historical
scenes, some with an underscore of political
commentary. His allegorical works were
inspired with classical balance, and often
showed figures in theatrical poses
style shows the influence of Delacroix, Rembrandt,
Artistic Career[edit] and Daumier.
Juan Luna masterpiece “¿A Do...Va la Nave?” sold
for P46.8M at Makati auction.[5]
On December 4, 1886, Luna married Maria de la Paz
Pardo de Tavera, a sister of his friend Felix
and Trinidad Pardo de Tavera. The couple traveled
to Venice and Rome and settled in Paris. They had
one son, whom they named Andrés, and a daughter,
Maria de la Paz, nicknamed Bibi, who died in infancy.
Luna was fond of his wife. However, the jealous Luna
frequently accused Paz of having an affair with a
Juan Luna in his Paris studio. certain Monsieur Dussaq. Finally in a fit of jealousy,
he killed his wife and mother-in-law and wounded his
In 1883 Luna started the painting demanded of him by brother-in-law, Felix, on September 22, 1892. He was
the Ayuntamiento. In May 1884, he shipped the arrested and murder charges were filed against him.
large canvas of the Spoliarium to Madrid for the year's Luna was acquitted of charges on February 8, 1893,
Exposición Nacional de Bellas Artes. He was the first on the grounds of a crime of passion. Temporary
recipient of the three gold medals awarded in the insanity; the "unwritten law" at the time forgave men
exhibition and Luna gained recognition among for killing unfaithful wives.[6] He was ordered to pay
the connoisseurs and art critics present. On June 25, the Pardo de Taveras a sum of one thousand six
1884, Filipino and Spanish nobles organized an event hundred fifty one francs and eighty three cents, and
celebrating Luna's win in the exhibition. That evening, an additional twenty five francs for postage, in
Rizal prepared a speech for his friend, addressing the addition to the 1 Franc of claims for damages
two significant things of his art work, which included ("dommages-intérêts"). Five days later, Luna went to
the glorification of genius and the grandeur of his Madrid with his brother, Antonio Luna, and his son,
artistic skills. Andrés.
Luna developed a friendly relationship with the King of
Spain and was later commissioned by the Spanish Murcia[edit]
Senate to paint a large canvas which was called
the La Batalla de Lepanto (The Battle of A few years later, in October 1889, the artist travelled
Lepanto).[3] He moved to Paris in 1885 where he to southeast Spain, Murcia, as contained in the news
opened his own studio and befriended Hidalgo. A release at the time, was provisionally installed in
year after, he finished the piece El Pacto de Moratalla where he made a portrait of the daughter of
Sangre (The Blood Compact) in accordance with the Juan Tamayo, an eminent man in this town. Passing
agreement he had with the Ayuntamiento of Manila. through Murcia gave two portraits of the Queen
Depicted in this piece was the blood Regent had made to the Provincial and City Council,
compact ceremony between the Datu Sikatuna, one respectively, and one of these was acquired by the
of the lords in Bohol island, and the Spanish provincial body for five hundred seventy-five pesetas
conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi.[4] It is now installed on top of the Hall of Sessions of the
displayed in the Malacañan Palace. He also sent two Provincial Palace and then going to the presidential
other paintings in addition to the one required; the office in April 1932, one year after the proclamation of
second canvas sent to Manila was a portrait of López the Second Spanish Republic, enters as a deposit
de Legazpi reconstructed by Luna from his Museum of Murcia along with several official portraits
recollection of a similar portrait he saw in the hall of of royal iconography, being included in the different
the Cabildo, and the third was of Governor- inventories and catalogs without sufficient data or
general Ramón Blanco y Erenas. references, just a terse "DJ.LUNA" as artistic
In 1887, Luna once again traveled back to Spain to
enter in that year's Exposition two of his pieces,
the La Batalla de Lepanto and Rendición de
Final years[edit]
Granada (Surrender of Granada), which both won in In 1894 Luna moved back to the Philippines and
the exhibition. He celebrated his triumph with his traveled to Japan in 1896, returning during the
friends in Madrid with Graciano López- Philippine Revolution of the Cry of Balintawak. On
Jaena delivered Luna a congratulatory speech. Luna's September 16, 1896, he and his brother Antonio
paintings are generally described as being vigorous Luna were arrested by Spanish authorities for being
and dramatic. With its elements of Romanticism, his involved with the Katipunan rebel army.[7] Despite his
imprisonment, Luna was still able to produce a work
of art which he gave to a visiting priest. He was Revolutionary involvement[edit]
pardoned by the Spanish courts on May 27, 1897 and
was released from prison and he traveled back to
Spain in July.[8]:394 He returned to Manila in November
Relationship with Diego
1898.[8]:394 In 1898, he was appointed by the executive
board of the Philippine revolutionary government as a
member of the Paris delegation which was working for Main article: Diego Silang
the diplomatic recognition of the República Filipina
(Philippine Republic). In 1899, upon the signing of
the Treaty of Paris (1898),[9] Luna was named a
member of the delegation to Washington, D.C. to
press for the recognition of the Philippine government.
He traveled back to the Philippines in December 1899
upon hearing of the murder of his brother Antonio by
the Kawit Battalion in Cabanatuan. He traveled to
Hong Kong and died there on December 7, 1899 from
a heart attack. His remains were buried in Hong Kong
and in 1920 were exhumed and kept in Andrés Luna's
house, to be later transferred to a niche at the Crypt
of the San Agustin Church in the Philippines. Five
years later, Juan would be reinstated as a world-
renowned artist and Peuple et Rois, his last major
work, was acclaimed the best entry to the Saint Louis
World's Fair in St. Louis, Missouri.[10] Some of his
paintings were destroyed by fire in World War II.
General Emilio
Aguinaldo Father Mariano Gomez
General Antonio
Researcher, historian, bibliographer,
propagandist, diplomat, physician, folklorist,
Founder and first editor of the newspaper La and an outstanding reformist. Born in Baliwag,
Solidaridad, which became the vehicle of
Bulacan, on March 23, 1863. While in Spain,
expression for Filipino propaganda in Spain.
he joined the propaganda movement and
Together wtih Jose Rizal and Marcelo H. Del became one of the initiators of La Solidaridad,
Pilar, he undertook propaganda campaigns in
later becoming its managing editor. Died in
Spain. Born in Jaro, Iloilo, on December 18,
HongKong on May 23, 1918.
1856. He died on January 20, 1896, in
Barcelona, Spain.
Panday Pira
Felipe Agoncillo
Juan Luna
A genius of the brush and a patriot of the
highest order. Creator of the world-famous
painting, SPOLARIUM, which was awarded the
gold medal in the Exposicion Nacional de
Bellas Artes in Madrid in 1884. It is also known
as the greatest painting of all times. Born in
Badoc, Ilocos, Norte, on October 23, 1857. He
was closely associated with the Reform
Movement, together with Rizal, Lopez-Jaena, Marcelo H. Del Pilar
Ponce, etc. He died in Hongkong on December
7, 1899.
Rafael Palma
Isabelo delos
The unconquerable hero of the revolution.
Born in Batac, Ilocos Norte, on October 20,
1866. Known as Viborra, he was a gentle
public school teacher who became a dashing
revolutionary general. Died in the jungles of
Sierra Madre on July 31, 1945.
Rajah Lakandola
( -1575)
Jose Palma
(c. 16 century)
Josefa Gabriela Silang
After the death of Diego Silang on May 28,
1763, the fight was carried on by his wife,
uncle, Nicolas Cariño. She too lost her life for
freedom's sake on September 30, 1763.
(c. Mid-18th century)
Agueda Esteban
Katipunan member who later married
Artemio Ricarte. She commuted from Cavite
to Manila to buy saltpeter, lead, and copper
which where used to make ammunitions. She
also carried secret messages about the
Trinidad Tecson planned offensives against the Spanish posts.
Marina Dizon