CPD Handbook 2019-20-0
CPD Handbook 2019-20-0
CPD Handbook 2019-20-0
CPD Handbook
In 2019 there will be three major conferences spread For those who cannot make it to one of these
across the year – the first is the State of the Heart 4-Day outstanding face-to-face events, the PodcastPLUS
cardiorespiratory conference to be held in Sydney series, TimeOnline and Distance Education programs
in February, followed by two 1/2 -Day workshops on offer outstanding forms of CPD which can be taken in
ultrasonography in the emergency setting. In June, your own time to fit around the busiest schedules. With
our annual Melbourne conference will be led by two new TimeOnline programs being developed each year,
dynamic speakers from the UK – Sophie Adamantos the CVE now covers an extensive range of topics which
and Mickey Tivers – a husband and wife (critical are appealing to both the young and old, part-time
care and surgery) combination who will engage and or full-time vets and particularly for those needing
captivate the audience, supported by seven excellent a refresher course as they contemplate returning to
local speakers. The September holiday destination practice.
conference will be held in Cairns, with 4 days designed
to refresh and simplify your approach to neurology and
Finally, thanks to those of you who support our mission
show you how much more can be achieved in general
through your membership. If you’re not a Member,
practice. Set in tropical far north Queensland, this
we’d love you to join in the category which best suits
conference will feature three outstanding neurologists,
your professional needs. Not only will you enjoy
who will engage your interest in ways you did not think
relevant and significant benefits, you will become part
of a professional community of like-minded peers
dedicated to becoming ‘better vets’.
In October 2019 the CVE is proud to be hosting the
second International One Welfare conference in
The CVE remains committed to providing high quality,
Sydney. Convened by Anne Fawcett, this conference
unbiased continuing education and we look forward to
will attract speakers and participants from around the
your ongoing support in 2019 and beyond.
globe who will explore the interrelationships between
animal welfare, human wellbeing and the physical
and social environment. It is followed by ‘Four-Words,
Forwards!’ a 1-Day workshop devoted to mental
health and wellbeing for the profession, funded by the
proceeds of the Vet Cookbook which the CVE proudly
volunteered to produce last year as our way of ‘giving
CPD Overview
Conferences Workshops
Concentrated & Intensive CPD | Accessible and Learn by Doing | Short hands-on CPD
practical week-long courses
Sydney, 23 February 2019
Sydney, 18 - 22 February 2019
Basic Echocardiography………......................... 10
State of the Heart - Cardiorespiratory
Conference....................................................... 8 Sydney, 24 February 2019
Advanced Echocardiography…….................... 10
Melbourne, 17 - 21 June 2019
Critical Care in Internal Medicine & Surgery Sydney, 16 March 2019
Conference..................................................... 42 Townsville, 10 August 2019
Back to Basics: Diagnostic Ultrasound............ 60
Cairns, 23 - 27 September 2019
Neurology Conference.................................... 24 Adelaide, 23 March 2019
Sydney, 27 July 2019
Sydney, 14 - 15 October 2019
Sydney, 9 November 2019
One Welfare Conference II............................. 74
Hip & Stifle..................................................... 48
CPD Overview
CPD Overview
Premium Online CPD | Master your special More than just a video podcast | Hour-long CPD
interest in these longer, intensive courses completed at a time convenient for you
1 February - 30 November
Behavioural Medicine.................................... 26
1 February - 30 November
Dermatology…................................................ 30
1 February - 30 November
Ophthalmology............................................... 34
1 February - 30 November
Emergency Medicine………......................………38
1 February - 30 November
Surgery…………………....................................... 47
1 February - 30 November
Diagnostic Imaging Program.......................... 56
Thoracic Imaging.........................................57
Musculoskeletal Imaging............................. 58
Abdominal Imaging..................................... 59
A CVE Snapshot in Numbers...
New TimeOnline
short online
courses in 2019...
Conferences in 2019
Critical Care,
CPD hosted across 8 Neurology
locations in Australia: & One Welfare
Adelaide, Brisbane,
Canberra, Cairns, Gatton,
Melbourne, Sydney &
6 Centre for Veterinary Education | Est. 1965
Cardiorespiratory Medicine
Want to gain the skills and in-depth knowledge ❖❖ Improve your productivity through more
required for those tricky cardiorespiratory expedient diagnoses
patients? ❖❖ Improve the value of the service you provide to
your clients
Advance your problem solving and clinical skills
❖❖ Gain confidence in your general approach to
to develop a rational, pathophysiologically-
small animal cardiorespiratory cases
based approach to treating cardiorespiratory
medicine cases. This course will cover common
clinical problems in small animal cardiorespiratory
medicine, and increase your diagnostic skills and 1. Normal cardiorespiratory anatomy and
accuracy, enabling you to develop a problem- physiology, history and physical exam.
solving framework that can be applied to all your
2. Radiology of the cardiorespiratory system.
cases. The course has been completely updated
and rewritten to include all recent developments in 3. Electrocardiography.
cardiorespiratory medicine. 4. Echocardiography.
5. Cardiorespiratory therapy
Assignments consist of analysis of case studies
6. Respiratory diseases.
provided by the tutor and clinical cases
encountered in your own practice. Ultimately, this 7. Myxomatous mitral valve disease and canine
course will encourage problem‑oriented thinking cardiomyopathies.
and logical case assessment that will carry through 8. Feline cardiac disease.
into more successful and rewarding management of 9. Congenital heart disease.
your cardiorespiratory patients.
10. Systemic arterial hypertension, pericardial
disease, and heartworm disease.
By successfully completing this course, you will:
Conference: Mon 18 - Thu 21 February 2019 Etienne Côté DVM Dipl. ACVIM
Workshop: Fri 22 February 2019 Niek Beijerink DVM PhD Dipl. ECVIM-
1/2 Day workshop (morning or afternoon) CA (Cardiology)
Limited to 12 participants per session Mariano Makara DrMedVet Dipl. ECVDI
Veterinary Science Conference Centre Erin Mooney BVSc DACVECC
The University of Sydney Rita Singh BSc BVMS DipVetClinStud FANZCVS
Mariko Yata BVSc (hons) MANZCVS (Small Animal
This exciting cardiology conference is headlined by By attending this conference you can expect to be
international speakers Etienne Côté, well-known able to:
co-author and co-editor of The Textbook of ❖❖ identify the clinical signs of respiratory disease
Veterinary Internal Medicine 2017 (The Ettinger)
and cardiovascular disease based on history
and Niek Beijerink, well known and popular with
taking and physical examination findings
Australian vets.
❖❖ implement a sound clinical approach (including
They are joined by renowned Australian speakers: diagnostic work-up) for symptoms such as
Mariano Makara, Erin Mooney, Rita Singh & Mariko coughing and respiratory distress, as can be
caused by pulmonary parenchymal diseases,
pleural space diseases and diseases of the
Designed to be practical, relevant and interactive mediastinum
for the busy practitioner, each conference day ❖❖ implement a sound clinical approach (including
will end with interactive discussion and case diagnostic work-up) for symptoms such as
examples focussing on the best diagnostic and syncope, ascites, murmurs, sudden paresis/
treatment options. The pièce de résistance is the paralysis and arrhythmia
workshop where you will focus on developing and ❖❖ describe the diseases that may cause
refining your cardiac ultrasound skills and ability to respiratory symptoms or cardiovascular disease
recognise common cardiorespiratory emergencies. ❖❖ discuss management, treatment and prognosis
of the major respiratory and cardiovascular
These practical workshops have limited places and
diseases seen in small animals
will be filled on a ‘first come, first served’ basis so
don’t delay registering. Silver Sponsor +
Workshop Sponsor:
This final session, with a mix of lectures and hands-
on experience, will provide training in how to
diagnose cardiorespiratory abnormalities such as
pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, congestive
heart failure, left atrial enlargement, and myocardial Silver Sponsor:
TimeOnline: 8 April - 5 May 2019 Niek Beijerink DVM PhD Dipl. ECVIM-CA
Sydney 11 CPD Points
Sydney 11 CPD Points
This small group workshop is designed to give you This course is designed to give the participant
a basic understanding of small animal (dog and cat) a more advanced understanding of small animal
echocardiography. echocardiography.
This workshop is led by Niek Beijerink a leading Major topics include in-depth cardiac anatomy and
veterinary cardiologist. Major topics will include physiology, techniques for achieving high‑quality
ultrasound principles, normal cardiac anatomy and results, case presentations of important diseases
physiology. and hands‑on scanning of normal dogs.
Also included will be techniques for achieving Skills taught in these hands-on sessions include
quality 2D and M-mode images and results, case pulse wave Doppler, continuous wave Doppler,
presentations of important diseases and emergency colour flow Doppler, special measurements and
cases, as well as plenty of opportunity for hands-on calculations and applying the Bernoulli equation to
scanning of normal dogs. clinical cases.
cve.edu.au/workshop/basic-echo/feb cve.edu.au/workshop/advanced-echo/feb
cve.edu.au/tol/heart-murmurs-coughing cve.edu.au/tol/feline-cardiology
Small Animal
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 13
Small Animal Medicine
Advance your problem solving skills and develop a clinical pathology, enabling you to diagnose
rational, pathophysiologically‑ based approach to more accurately
managing internal medicine cases. ❖❖ Improve your productivity through more
expedient diagnoses
This course will cover common clinical problems in
❖❖ Improve the value of the service you provide to
small animal internal medicine. The emphasis will
your clients
be on problem solving and developing a rational,
pathophysiological approach to internal medicine. ❖❖ Gain confidence in your general approach to
small animal medical cases
It aims to increase your diagnostic accuracy and
enable you to develop a problem solving framework Modules:
that can be applied to all your cases. If you are
interested in sitting the small animal medicine 1. Clinical reasoning, problem solving, vomiting
membership examinations for the Australian and 2. Diarrhoea
New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists 3. Anorexia and Weight Loss
(ANZCVS), this is a wonderful preparation for
4. Polyuria/Polydipsia and Urinary Incontinence
you. Assignments consist of analysis of case
studies provided by the tutor and clinical cases 5. Jaundice, Pale Mucous Membranes and Pyrexia
encountered in your own practice. This will 6. Epistaxis and Haematuria
encourage problem‑oriented thinking and logical 7. Coughing, Sneezing and Effusions
case assessment that will carry through into more
8. Episodic Weakness and Seizures
successful and rewarding management of your
❖❖ Develop a clear and logical approach to clinical changed the way I practice as a
problems vet – using a problem solving
❖❖ Broaden your knowledge base in small animal approach makes much more
medicine sense to me and I love it.
❖❖ Gain a greater understanding of evaluation of
Jocelyn Bunny, Dardanup WA
DE: 1 February – 30 November 2019 & 2020 Oceania: Carolyn O’Brien, Katherine Briscoe,
Workshop/s: 2 x 2-Day workshop Keshuan Chow, Rachel Korman, Wayne Mizon,
Wayne Mizon & Lara Boland
2-year course! (yearly enrollments)
UK & Europe: Elise Robertson, Sarah Caney,
Samantha Taylor, Sheila Wills
USA & Canada: Jessica Quimby & Susan Little
An unwell cat poses many unique challenges to
the small animal practitioner and the difference ❖❖ February – Urinary Tract Disease
between managing canine and feline patients (in ❖❖ April – Endocrine Disorders
both the art and the science of veterinary medicine) ❖❖ June – Neurology/Musculoskeletal
is well recognised.
❖❖ August – Haematology/Immunology
❖❖ Expand your knowledge on unusual feline
conditions The course content, discussion
❖❖ Gain increased confidence in handling feline forum and assignments have
patients gained through a range of practical helped me to become a better vet.
The tutors were fantastic and very
❖❖ Review important developments in feline
encouraging. This course is not just for
❖❖ Better understand key differences when dealing vets in state-of-the-art referral centres
with certain disease conditions in cats versus but caters for vets working in small clinics
dogs with very little diagnostic equipment.
❖❖ Better understand the pathophysiological
Jocelyn Bunny, Dardanup WA
responses of cats and gain the special skills
needed to confidently treat your tricky feline
patients. Feline Education Partners:
Achieve accurate, rapid diagnoses by refining your ❖❖ Refine your technique in making and evaluating
skills and making the most of in-house clinical blood smears
pathology. ❖❖ Confidently interpret haematological data
and identify and describe abnormalities in
Do you want to maximise the benefits of your erythrocyte and leucocyte morphology
bench-top analyser and in-house pathology?
❖❖ Undertake appropriate quality assurance for
Achieve rapid, cost-effective diagnoses with
your in-house laboratory
increased confidence? Ensure that your bench-top
analyser is providing accurate information? ❖❖ Confidently undertake and interpret tests
specific to haemostasis, lipids and proteins;
The aim of this distance education program is to ❖❖ Refine your ability to assess and interpret
provide an overview of clinical pathology and assist data from tests specific to renal, hepatic and
you in developing and refining your approach to exocrine pancreatic function
disease diagnosis, while extending the range of ❖❖ Develop and refine your skills in best-practice
tests you can perform and interpret in-house.
collection and handling of cytological samples
and in the interpretation of aspirates
This course will expand and refine your diagnostic
skills across a range of modalities including
❖❖ Confidently interpret the results from endocrine
biochemistry, haematology, acid-base balance, testing
endocrinology, blood smear evaluation and ❖❖ Get the best results from external pathology
cytology. You will be guided through a range of services
practical techniques that will grow your confidence,
ensure you are getting the best out of your in-house
machines, and enable you to go further in pursuit of
a diagnosis.
DE: 1 February – 30 November 2020 Peter Bennett BVSc FANZCVS (Canine Medicine)
Workshop/s: 1x 2-Day workshop DACVIM
Use the latest information to prolong the quality of ❖❖ Be able to develop a comprehensive palliative
life of canine and feline patients with cancer. care plan with an emphasis on quality of life
❖❖ Understand the rapid pace of change in
Between 40 and 50 per cent of dogs and cats oncology and know where to source the latest
will either die of cancer or have cancer found information and protocols.
incidentally on post mortem. Yet, unlike heart
disease, chronic renal insufficiency and arthritis, Modules:
cancer is potentially curable.
1. Introduction to oncology and mechanisms of
Advances in chemotherapy have increased options oncogenesis and metastasis
for palliative care, so that animals can have a
2. Introduction to chemotherapeutics and
prolonged life rather than a prolonged death.
chemotherapy drugs
This course provides an overview of oncogenesis
and metastasis, common chemotherapeutics, 3. The other therapies: surgery, radiation,
other therapies including surgery and radiation, hyperthermia and new alternatives
paraneoplastic syndromes, lymphoma, sarcomas, 4. Paraneoplastic syndromes
round cell tumours and the complete approach to 5. Canine lymphosarcoma
the cancer patient. 6. Feline lymphosarcoma
Dr Fraser was very good,
knowledgeable and gave
prompt and interesting
replies. Thank you!
Kimberley Godwin, CIT
Seminar: Sat 25 May 2019 Lara Boland BVSc MANZCVS (Feline Medicine)
Katherine Briscoe BVSc (Hons I) MVetStud
Bringing together two of Australia’s most recently Her residency training was at the Feline Centre of
minted Feline Medicine Specialists, this seminar the University of Bristol, at Langford, where she
is not to be missed. With Dr Lara Boland being in trained with Tim Gruffydd-Jones, Severine Tasker,
referral practice at the University of Sydney, and Andrea Harvey and Angie Hibbert. Currently full
Dr Kath Briscoe back in first opinion practice in time in clinical practice, she is interested in the ‘real
Coffs Harbour after 4 years at the Animal Referral life’ applications of veterinary research.
Hospital, material will be presented which is both
cutting-edge and completely relevant for general Kath is an Australian Fellow in Feline Medicine and
practitioners. It is rare that such a combination of has worked in referral practice for 13 years. She
expertise comes along! has recently made a sea-change and is working at
Pacific Vetcare in Coffs Harbour – a first opinion
The emphasis will be on new information that you practice. Years of referral practice have allowed
will immediately be able to implement in your unique insights into ways in which a primary
practice. accession clinic might improve the health of its
feline patients and provide superior services to
The topics chosen for discussion are aimed their owners. Dr Briscoe is also keen to ensure
at providing attendees with as much practical general practitioners are well versed in what can be
information as possible whilst also giving new achieved in their own clinics and at what stage one
pathophysiological insights into what might be should consider referral.
considered “old” problems. Topics covered will
include iatrogenic hypothyroidism, FLUTD, FIP,
senior cat health care, feline liver disease and
‘curious cat case studies’.
Learn about protocols that are easy to follow, It was a great course with
new improved treatment and monitoring tools a great instructor. Linda
such as insulin dosing pens and flash glucose
not only participated in the
monitoring, and tips on how to take the stress out
of the management of diabetic dogs and cats with
discussion but also gave a really
concurrent illnesses. constructive knowledge that I
can apply on my case management
By successfully completing this course, you will:
Kathy Lee, Locum.
❖❖ Be more confident in treating and monitoring
your diabetic patients and be aware of new
treatment and monitoring tools that can
improve the management of your patients
Penny Brown BVSc (Hons I) MANZCVS (Medicine) Rachel Korman BVSc GPCertFelP MACVSc MRCVS
Sandra Nguyen BVSc (Hons I) Dipl. ACVIM (Onc)
cve.edu.au/seminar/oncology cve.edu.au/pcp/adrenal-diseases-cats
Conference: Mon 23 - Fri 27 September 2019 Steven De Decker DVM PhD MvetMed
Leisure day: Wed 25 September 2019 DipECVN MRCVS
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 25
Gain exposure to the latest updates in behavioural ❖❖ Improve your knowledge of psychotropic
medicine. medication used to treat behavioural problems,
including when to use medication, which
This course aims to present an overview of, and medication to use and why
assist you in improving your approach to, the ❖❖ Interact with other veterinarians who have
diagnosis and management of behavioural cases.
similar interests in behavioural medicine
Sarah Heath BVSc DipECAWBM(BM) CCAB FRCVS Kersti Seksel BVSc (Hons) MRCVS MA (Hons)
The aim of this course is to increase awareness There are many medications that are used to help
of feline behavioural medicine, to educate about pets with behaviour problems. There are also
normal feline behaviour and how it influences the several new drugs that have been or will shortly be
lives of domestic cats. launched in Australia.
There will be emphasis on the importance of This podcast will keep you up to date with how
recognising and controlling stress in domestic to use them and the many permutations and
cats and the way in which this impacts on general combinations that you should or should not use to
veterinary practice. help your patients.
Discussion of the interplay between emotional and By successfully completing this course, you will be
physical disease will be an important part of the able to:
course. Participants will be encouraged to consider
feline welfare in the context of feline behavioural ❖❖ Understand when medication may be helpful
medicine. ❖❖ Learn which medications can be used to
together and which should not be used
By successfully completing this course, you will be together
able to:
cve.edu.au/tol/feline-behaviour cve.edu.au/pcp/update-drugs-behaviour-medicine
General Instrumentation
General Orthopaedics
Dental Equipment
& Instruments Instrument Care Clinical Equipment
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 29
Diagnose and manage a wide range of ❖❖ Prescribe appropriate and effective topical and
dermatological conditions with confidence, and systemic medications
enjoy those skin consults. ❖❖ Understand indications, contraindications and
complications of medications used to treat
Skin conditions are common in companion animal dermatological conditions including those
practice. The underlying cause varies and may recently released onto the market
be complex, even in animals with similar clinical
❖❖ Understand the rapid pace of change in
presentations such as pruritis or hair loss.
dermatology and know where to source the
Dermatology consultations will remain frustrating latest information and protocols
– for veterinarians and clients alike – if you always
simply reach for the same treatment without
identifying and addressing the underlying cause (or
1. History and Physical Examination
causes). This course equips you to develop a logical
approach to the diagnosis and management of skin 2. The Approach to the Pruritic Patient I
conditions. 3. The Approach to the Pruritic Patient II
4. The Approach to the Patient with Papules,
By successfully completing this course, you will: Pustules and Crusts I
5. The Approach to the Patient with Papules,
❖❖ Describe the aetiopathogenesis of a wide
Pustules and Crusts II
range of dermatological conditions to
colleagues and clients and logically deduce 6. The Approach to the Patient with Fistulae and/
the necessary diagnostic and efficacious or Nodules
therapeutic steps 7. The Approach to the Patient with Scaling/
❖❖ Develop a systematic, comprehensive approach Keratinisation Defects and selected
to the work-up of all major categories of skin ectoparasites
disease 8. The Approach to the Alopecic Patient and/or
❖❖ Confidently perform and interpret the Patient with Systemic Signs
dermatology-relevant diagnostics 9. Immune-mediated Skin Disease
❖❖ Improve management of otherwise frustrating, 10. The Approach to the Patient with Otitis Externa
chronic or recurrent skin cases
Dermatology TimeOnline
Open to Vet nurses.
TimeOnline: 11 March - 7 April 2019 Linda Vogelnest BVSc (Hons) MACVSc (Feline
Med.) FACVSc (Dermatology)
This course is designed to cover a broad range of ❖❖ Know when to suspect and how to definitively
the most common dermatological problems faced diagnose the more common pruritic skin
in general practice in both dogs and cats, and diseases
reinforce a practical, logical, problem-orientated ❖❖ Know when to suspect and how to definitively
approach to skin disease. diagnose the more common immune-mediated
skin diseases
Many dermatoses in dogs and cats are recurrent,
and effective management can be difficult and ❖❖ Have a broad understanding of the common
cause great frustration to both owners and causes of alopecia of haircoat disorders not
veterinarians. associated with pruritus
❖❖ Cover a range of management options for
A common tendency is to reach for blanket pruritic, immune-mediated diseases, and some
symptomatic treatments as one of the first options, of the alopecic skin diseases.
without too much consideration of the most likely
underlying diseases or other more guided treatment
options. Following a logical diagnostic approach to
disease, even when potential for diagnostic testing
is limited, will often guide more effective case
management; and this course aims to give many
practical tips on how to achieve this. A range of
case examples will be individually worked through,
to reinforce the theory and tips provided.
TimeOnline: 16 September - 13 October 2019 Linda Vogelnest BVSc (Hons) MACVSc (Feline
Med.) FACVSc (Dermatology)
This course will help optimise your approach to ❖❖ Evaluate cytology samples from inflammatory
skin and ear canal diseases, by enabling more and infectious skin disease and otitis cases
accurate recognition of the presence or absence of independently and accurately
secondary infections, and ultimately more targeted ❖❖ Interpret results from cytology and microbial
and effective treatment plans. culture tests accurately
❖❖ Formulate targeted treatment and/or further
It will cover optimal collection and processing
diagnostic plans based on cytology results
techniques for useful tests, together with an
together with clinical findings for a range
outline of test indications. Important principles for
of inflammatory and infectious skin and ear
interpreting samples will be detailed, and a wide
canal diseases, including allergies, infectious
range of cytology images provided as a valuable
diseases such as dermatophytosis, and
clinical resource.
some immune-mediated diseases including
Optimal treatment choices, based on cytology pemphigus foliaceus
findings, will be outlined for common secondary ❖❖ Recognise if active secondary bacterial
skin infections and otitis. Finally, a series of cases and yeast infections are present or if it
will be presented to reinforce the material covered. is appropriate to focus on managing the
Participants will be encouraged to practice skin underlying disease
cytology and culture techniques on their own cases ❖❖ Recognise when microbial culture testing is
throughout the course and present findings to the indicated, and have improved ability to analyse
group for discussion. microbial culture test results to accurately
guide optimal therapies
Prior knowledge: a broad understanding of common
inflammatory and infectious causes of skin and ear
diseases will be helpful for working through this
course efficiently. However, the course will briefly
review some of the key aspects of common diseases
that are relevant to diagnostic testing and treatment
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 33
This course will cover the common ocular Ophthalmic surgery is often put into the ‘too hard
presentations seen by general practitioners and basket’ and referred on to specialists.
will be particularly useful for recent graduates.
This course is designed to give you better
The course will start with tips and tricks for understanding of the principles and the
performing an eye examination with equipment practicalities of doing eye surgery with the aim
found in your practice or that can be easily and of expanding the range of procedures you can
cheaply obtained. confidently offer your clients. The course will feature
video procedures to guide your learning.
We will then cover the ten most common ocular
presentations including the management of corneal By successfully completing this course, you will:
ulcers, eyelid disease, uveitis and glaucoma. One
of the four modules will focus exclusively on feline ❖❖ Have reviewed the necessary equipment
ocular disease. needed to perform ophthalmic surgery
❖❖ Have reviewed the indications for a range of
By successfully completing this course, you will:
surgical procedures including eyelid tumors,
entropion, cherry eyes, third eyelid flaps and
❖❖ Have improved ability to examine the eye
cartilage eversions as well as the surgical
❖❖ Have improved ability to diagnose ocular management of corneal ulcers
❖❖ Understand the principles of performing a
❖❖ Be able to recognise common eye problems in range of ophthalmic procedures including
the dog and cat the removal of eyelid tumours, entropion
❖❖ Be more confident in treating and managing surgery, cherry eye surgery and the surgical
common eye diseases in the dog and cat management of corneal ulcers
cve.edu.au/tol/practical-ophthalmology cve.edu.au/tol/ophthalmic-surgery
Seminar: Fri 25 October 2019 Mark Billson BVSc PhD DVOphthal DipVetClinStud
Workshop: Sat 26 October 2019 MRCVS
David Maggs BVSc (Hons) Dipl. ACVO
Veterinary Science Conference Centre
The University of Sydney
Improve your understanding and capabilities. ❖❖ To perform and interpret findings from common
ophthalmic diagnostic tests (aqueous flare,
This program is designed to improve your Schirmer tear test, fluorescein stain, tearfilm
understanding and capabilities in ophthalmology breakup time, nasolacrimal flush, rebound and
while also having fun. David Maggs and Mark applanation tonometry)
Billson will place special emphasis on performing ❖❖ To learn and practice surgical techniques for
a high-yield ophthalmic exam with the instruments
correction of entropion, ectropion, “cherry
already in your clinic, choosing the best diagnostic
eye”, and indolent ulcers; eyelid tumor
tests, perfecting ophthalmic surgical techniques,
removal, and enucleation
and discussing which drugs to use when.
of concepts that they call ‘TIWIKIPS’ (or ‘Things I 10/10 would recommend!
wish I’d known In Practice’) with the ultimate goal Very informative and useful
that you leave the course saying, ‘I am going back
for general practice.
to try this in my practice next week’.
Kai Goyen, Katoomba Veterinary Clinic
Anaesthesia &
Critical Care
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 37
Anaesthesia & Critical Care
thoracocentesis, tracheostomy and CPR
I have really enjoyed the
❖❖ Develop the ability to create appropriate
fluid therapy plans to manage shock and
course, the notes and
hypovolaemia and for ongoing maintenance practical were excellent
❖❖ Reach competency in ‘cage side’ clinical
and very well organised.
pathology (using blood smears to assess The mix of practical advice
anaemia, analysing fluid from body cavities and and up-to-date theory was
analysing urine sediment) an excellent mix for vets
❖❖ Perform blood transfusions safely and improve in practice. Over the years
optimal wound management I have done quite a bit of
❖❖ Monitor critically ill animals post grad study and I will
❖❖ Improve your ability to differentiate between be back to the CVE.
cardiac and pulmonary disease
Stephen Reid
cve.edu.au/workshop/basic-anaesthesia cve.edu.au/workshop/advanced-anaesthesia
Typical disease processes include tick paralysis, More information coming soon.
snake envenomation, tetrodotoxicity, aspiration Visit cve.edu.au/education for the latest updates.
pneumonia, pulmonary contusions, near drowning,
acute respiratory distress syndrome and
neurological disease.
cve.edu.au/tol/respiratory-failure cve.edu.au/pcp/emergency-cat
TimeOnline: 13 May - 9 June 2019 Trudi McAlees BSc BVSc MACVSc FANZCVS
An introduction to emergency medicine with By successfully completing this course, you will:
particular emphasis on treating cats, including
triage, shock and fluid therapy and treatment of ❖❖ Confidently assess a cat that is presented as
common toxicities. an emergency, perform emergency database
blood tests and monitor emergency treatment
Much of what we do in veterinary emergency ❖❖ Confidently recognise the clinical signs of
medicine is extrapolated from human medicine shock in the cat and apply
and while we learn more about the unique your newly developed
pathophysiology of disease and responses knowledge of the
to treatment in cats, evidence for emergency pathophysiology of shock to
treatment in cats is scarce. guide treatment.
❖❖ Understand the clinical implications of
This course will present the latest evidence-based
the numbers generated by the monitoring
approach to feline emergency, combined with
equipment and know when intervention is
the tutor’s personal experience treating cats in
required to treat deviations from normal in your
the emergency setting, and will get you up to
speed in the key areas needed to provide effective
emergency care to cats. The course covers triage,
❖❖ Provide emergency treatment to a cat with a
shock and fluid therapy, as well as treatment of suspected intoxication.
common toxicities. The unique aspects of caring for
cats in the emergency and critical care settings will
also be addressed. The course was great
opportunity to revise
Modules: my knowledge before
1. Emergency Triage of the Cat, Emergency
Database Blood Tests Martina Naceardska
2. Shock and Fluid Therapy in Cats including Owner of cat friendly clinic
Transfusion Medicine
3. Feline Critical Care
4. Feline Toxicities
Conference: Mon 17 - Thu 20 June 2019 Steve Holloway BVSc MVS PhD MACVSc Dipl.
Masterclass: Fri 21 June 2019 ACVIM
Arthur House BSc BVMS PhD Cert SAS DECVS
Stamford Plaza Hotel, Melbourne VIC
Rachel Korman BVSc GPCertFelP MACVSc
Sophie Adamantos BVSc CertVA DACVECC MRCVS
Mickey Tivers BVSc(Hons) PhD CertSAS DipECVS Andrew Padula BVSc(Hons) PhD MACVSc
Caroline Mansfield BSc BVMS MVM PhD
Dez Hughes BVSc (Hons), Dip. ACVECC
Ryan Ong BVSc (Hons) MVetStud MACVSc Lynda Rutherford BVM&S MVetMed Dipl. ECVS
This course is designed for all practitioners who Have you ever had a trauma patient arrive and all
want to maximise their use of fluid therapy and you can think of is ‘where do I start?’.
for those who want to take the next step to
developing skills in critical care medicine. This course for emergency veterinarians as well as
general practitioners is designed around how to
Fluid therapy is used daily in veterinary practice. It deal with traumatic emergencies.
is one of the cheapest treatments we offer, resulting
in dramatic improvements in our patients. However, There are many layers of managing trauma patients:
indications for fluid therapy use, other than from the initial triage and stabilisation through to
rehydration, are often overlooked. advanced surgery; monitoring critical patients; and
dealing with associated complications. This will be
As well as developing skills in critical care medicine, an intensive course where you will develop a broad
this course will help you develop an understanding range of skills and knowledge that you can also
of why electrolyte and acid-base balance is so apply to many of your other patients as well. We will
important in our critical patients, and how we can promise it will be challenging but rewarding!
manage these abnormalities with fluid therapy.
In the final module, we will delve into transfusion By successfully completing this course, you will be
medicine so you will be more confident in managing able to:
the next acutely anaemic patient.
❖❖ Stabilise critical trauma patients and tackle
By successfully completing this course, you will be complex cases with multiple injuries
able to: ❖❖ Perform safe anaesthesia in the trauma patient,
❖❖ Understand the physiology/pathophysiology of and deal with trauma associated complications
fluid dynamics in health and disease ❖❖ Manage complex injuries including
❖❖ Understand indications and contraindications orthopaedic, spinal and major soft tissue
of different fluid types, in order to practice safe wounds
fluid therapy ❖❖ Perform emergency surgery on trauma patients
❖❖ Manage electrolyte disturbances in the critically including penetrating thoracic and abdominal
ill patient injuries and urinary tract injuries
❖❖ Develop a detailed understanding of
transfusion therapy in the dog and cat.
cve.edu.au/tol/shock-fluid-therapy cve.edu.au/tol/trauma-patient-management
TimeOnline: 28 October - 24 November 2019 Trudi McAlees BSc BVSc MACVSc FANZCVS
Rapid recognition and aggressive therapeutic By successfully completing this course, you will be able
intervention is necessary with urogenital and to:
obstetric emergencies because of their potential
to become life threatening if not addressed ❖❖ Understand what the kidneys do in health and
immediately. This course focuses on some of the how this alters in renal failure
most commonly seen urinary tract and obstetric ❖❖ Stage renal failure in cats and dogs
emergencies in dogs and cats. ❖❖ Recognise and treat animals with acute renal
❖❖ Provide up to date treatment to cats with
1. Review renal function and the tests commonly urethral and ureteral obstruction
used to diagnose renal and urinary tract injury, ❖❖ Recognise and treat pyometra and dystocia
including contrast studies. ❖❖ Recognise the indications for caesarean section
Small Animal
46 Centre for Veterinary Education | Est. 1965
Small Animal Surgery
DE: 1 February – 30 November Wing Tip Wong DVM MVS MANZCVS (Surgery)
Workshop/s: 1 x 2-day workshop Guy Yates BVSc (Hons) MVS FACVSc (SA Surgery)
2019 course full | 2020 registrations open March 2019
Chris Tan BVSc BSc (Vet) FANZCVS Dipl. ECVS
Provide better outcomes for all your surgical ❖❖ Gain an increased understanding of both
patients and boost your confidence to approach general principles and detailed techniques of
more complex surgeries. surgery for each of the body systems
❖❖ Increase your confidence about broadening
Wouldn’t it be great to provide your patients and
your surgical endeavours
clients with more and better surgical options and
be able to confidently advise on their pros and cons
to guide your clients’ decision making? Imagine the
satisfaction of correctly doing the surgery yourself. Modules:
Adelaide 15 CPD Points
Adelaide 15 CPD Points
Gain confidence to save it with a scalpel. Improve your skills in treating bone fractures.
Hindlimb lameness is a very common problem presented Open reduction and internal fixation of fractures using
to the general practitioner for treatment. The majority bone plates and screws is a common and effective
of these cases originate from the hip and stifle joints modality of treatment for fracture management in small
and many of these problems respond very favourably to animal practice. This workshop is designed to allow
surgical treatment. This workshop is designed to provide participants to use and appreciate the instruments
a practical refresher on the common problems and employed to correctly and effectively apply bone plates
treatment for the hip and stifle joints in the dog. This will and screws for simple fracture fixation in long bones.
be delivered as short updates illustrated with case studies
followed with a hands-on laboratory session on cadavers. Principles of bone plating and screw application will be
revised over a series of lectures with case studies used
The objective of the workshop is to provide the experienced to highlight these principles. This will be followed with a
practitioner with the confidence to begin extending surgical practical session where participants will practice surgical
treatment options for clients, and the recent graduate with approaches to the femur, tibia, humerus, and radius on a
the technical skills to begin with the more common surgical cadaver. Simple fractures will be created and all participants
procedures on the hip and stifle joints. will have the opportunity to apply a compression and a
neutralisation plate.
Early Bird: 8 Feb | 14 June | 28 Sep 2019 Early Bird: 9 Feb | 15 June | 29 Sep 2019
Workshop: Sat 24 August 2019 Chris Tan BVSc BSc (Vet) FANZCVS Dipl. ECVS
Veterinary Science Conference Centre
The University of Sydney
The workshop was one of
the best I have attended.
It was a very valuable
learning experience for
me and a very enjoyable
day. Chris is an excellent
Joanne Shannon
Workshop Sponsor:
Early Bird: 12 July 2019
Topics: Topics:
Topics: Topics:
cve.edu.au/workshop/soft-tissue-surgery-I cve.edu.au/workshop/soft-tissue-surgery-II
52 Centre for Veterinary Education | Est. 1965
Dental radiography has become an important tool Periodontal and dental diseases are arguably the
for diagnosing oral diseases in companion animals. most common issues seen in small animal practice,
yet many vets feel intimidated or inadequate when
However, the interpretation of these radiographs faced with a complicated case that may require
can be frankly, confusing. This podcast will more than a scale and polish.
offer a beginners’ guide to interpreting these
radiographs and diagnosing oral disease, including This course is designed to help you understand how
differentiating between normal, variations on to plan and perform efficient, atraumatic extractions
normal and true oral pathology. This will lead to (for both you and the patient), where to place local
more clinical confidence when dealing with dental anaesthetic nerve blocks, and how to take and
cases. interpret dental radiographs. Together, these skills
will help you to avoid the common pitfalls that lead
By successfully completing this course, you will: to complications such as lost roots, fractured roots
and fractured jaws.
❖❖ Obtain skills in interpreting dental radiographs
❖❖ Use these new skills to confidently diagnose Additionally, you will learn about the treatment
more oral pathology and to offer more options for traumatic malocclusions, and how to
predictable treatment outcomes for your critically evaluate the plethora of dental homecare
patients products on the market. These skills will allow you
❖❖ Increase your dental caseload and thus lift to take your dentistry to the next level, and help you
practice profitability to improve the health and welfare of your patients.
cve.edu.au/pcp/dental-radiology cve.edu.au/tol/dental-bites
This course will whet your appetite to a new world Dental disease is one of the most common
of veterinary dentistry. Increase your ability to conditions seen in rabbits and rodents in
diagnose more disease using modern technologies. clinical practice. This workshop is intended for
Offer your clients better outcomes for those pets veterinarians who wish to gain further expertise
with oral disease. Manage more cases ‘in-house’ in rabbit and rodent dentistry so that they can
that in the past you used to refer on. confidently approach, diagnose and treat these
Your tutors will review dental anatomy, the cases in their own clinics.
pathophysiology of periodontal disease, the
The course will consist of a series of morning
techniques for obtaining diagnostic and high quality
lectures to review and consolidate knowledge
radiographs and how to reduce pain and discomfort
in anatomy, radiology, anaesthesia, analgesia,
in your dental patients.
instrumentation, intra/post-operative complications
The practical component will include planning and peri-operative management. In the afternoon,
and performing surgical extractions, use of all participants will have the opportunity to practice
minimally invasive extraction techniques including intubation techniques, nerve blocks and common
demonstration of a mechanical periotome. Planning dental procedures on cadavers during a 3-hour wet
to prevent extraction complications but if they lab. This will provide invaluable hands-on practical
occur, how to manage them and obtain a successful experience as well as interactive discussion to all
outcome. delegates.
cve.edu.au/workshop/dentistry-theory-practice cve.edu.au/workshop/rabbit-and-rodents
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 55
Diagnostic Imaging
Workshop Sponsor:
Diagnostic Imaging
This course aims to increase your ability to take 4. The Pleural Space, Mediastinum and
optimal thoracic radiographs and to interpret them Diaphragm
confidently. The modules focus on radiographic
interpretation, with incorporation of complementary *if not completed previously
imaging modalities, particularly CT and sonography,
to assist in explanations of the radiographic
pathological patterns present.
Musculoskeletal Imaging modules: 1 June - 31 Robert Nicoll (Intro. module) BSc (Vet) BVSc
August DACVR
Sydney 9 CPD Points
Both tutors were down-
to-earth and engaging,
simplifying the approach
to ultrasound. They
pitched their lectures
and practical sessions
at exactly the right level.
Rowena Leschner, Lincoln Vet Centre
Workshop Sponsor:
cve.edu.au/workshop/basic-ultrasound/mar Sydney
cve.edu.au/workshop/basic-ultrasound/aug Townsville
Ultrasound is an interactive and extremely useful ❖❖ Be able to recognise the common diseases
diagnostic imaging modality in clinical practice. associated with these problems and learn how
to diagnose them.
It is highly operator dependent, so some experience
and knowledge is the key to driving the ultrasound
probe with more confidence and being able to
interpret the findings.
Mon 3, Tue 4, Thu 6, and Fri 7 June 2019 Karon Hoffmann BVSc MVSc PhD DipVetClinStud
Optional Seminar: Wed 5 June 2019 MRCVS Dipl. ECVDI
Mon 30 September, Tue 1, Thu 3, and Fri 4 Annie Rose BVSc (Hons) BVetBio. MVS
October 2019 MANZCVS (Radiology) GradCert(ClinEd)
Optional Seminar: Wed 2 October 2019
Martijn Beukers DVM Dipl. ECVDI
VSCC, The University of Sydney
Do you know what you are seeing when you when you climb to the next level of skill. Those
are scanning? Can you follow blood vessels as confounding cases won’t seem so scary and you’ll
a roadmap to the abdomen? Can you find the be excited at the prospect of being able to perform
adrenal glands and pancreas? Do you have enough ultrasound on all your cases. Better still, you’ll
time to practise your scanning on normal dogs as discover that you want to learn more, practise more
well as clinical patients? and get even better as your confidence builds.
If you are time-poor but need an intensive boost to
help you gain more confidence with your imaging, This was a great enriching
here’s your chance to make it happen! experience! I feel so much
more comfortable and
Let Dr Karon Hoffmann work with you in an
intensive, immersive practical 4-day course on
confident at ultrasound
Diagnostic Ultrasound, where you will spend a now!
dedicated amount of time learning how to perform Karen Flexner, Concord Vet Hospital
scans from the right foundations and improve your
technique under the focussed guidance of these
expert instructors.
cve.edu.au/practical-ultrasound-intensive/jun cve.edu.au/practical-ultrasound-intensive/oct
Avian, Exotics
& Wildlife
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 63
Avian, Exotics & Wildlife
The aim of this course is to provide a good By successfully completing this course, you will:
understanding of reptile husbandry, medicine
and surgery. You will discover why reptiles are ❖❖ Gain an understanding of the unique
different from other animal classes in a biological, challenges posed by reptiles, captive and wild
anatomical and physiological sense. ❖❖ Gain an understanding of the impact of
husbandry, good and bad, upon the health of
Many reptile disorders are related to suboptimal captive reptiles
husbandry; hence, it is critical to have an
❖❖ Learn techniques to handle a variety of species
understanding of reptilian biology and captive
and to take appropriate samples
management to diagnose and treat reptilian
❖❖ Review the diagnosis and treatment of
commonly occurring and emerging diseases
With this knowledge, you will be able to sound and injuries
like a vet who has a real interest in reptiles and
know how to handle a variety of species and take
appropriate samples. Diagnostics, hospital care,
anaesthesia, analgesia and critical care will be
covered, along with the diagnosis and treatment of
commonly occurring diseases and injuries.
This course introduces backyard poultry to the Pet rabbits and rodents are presenting to
clinician to allow comprehensive and effective veterinary practitioners in ever increasing
workup and care for these patients. numbers. As the numbers climb, so too does the
general public’s expectations that veterinarians
Keeping a few chickens in the backyard has enjoyed can provide these unique species with excellent
a resurgence in popularity over the last decade, veterinary care.
with the backyard chicken becoming one of the
most common birds presenting for veterinary care. The pet rabbit and rodent patient can provide
unique challenges that set them apart from
This course aims to give you more confidence in the more common canine and feline medicine
approaching your backyard poultry cases by firstly disciplines.
providing an introduction to pet chicken medicine
and then discussing common infectious and non- This course aims to provide the practitioner with
infectious diseases, anaesthesia and surgery. a general overview of rabbit, guinea pig, rat and
mouse veterinary medicine. Beginning with the
By successfully completing this course, you will: basics in rabbit and rodent biology, the course
will then explore clinical anatomy and physiology,
❖❖ Be able to apply the principles of SOAP to a husbandry, nutrition, preventative health, handling,
pet chicken restraint, clinical procedures, therapeutics,
anaesthesia and common problems in rabbit and
❖❖ Understand the use (& restrictions) of common
rodent health.
By successfully completing this course, you will be:
❖❖ Understand common diseases of backyard
poultry ❖❖ Knowledgeable about biology, clinical anatomy
and physiology, husbandry, nutrition and
❖❖ Understand how avian anatomy and physiology
preventative health of rabbits and rodents
affects the use of anaesthesia in chickens
❖❖ Confident about handling, restraint, physical
❖❖ Be familiar with common surgical problems in examination, clinical techniques and general
chickens. anaesthesia of rabbits and rodents
❖❖ Confident in approaching pet rabbit and rodent
patients and be able to formulate a measured
diagnostic and therapeutic methodology to
their common problems.
cve.edu.au/tol/backyard-chickens cve.edu.au/tol/rabbits-and-rodents
Avian practice requires the frequent use of ❖❖ Understand the risks involved in avian
analgesia and anaesthesia to better manage anaesthesia and how to best prevent or
patients and achieve good outcomes. minimise these risks
❖❖ Develop an anaesthesia plan for an avian
Yet many veterinarians are uncomfortable with,
and nervous of, avian anaesthesia. And rightly so –
Brodbelt’s study, The risk of death: the Confidential
Enquiry into Perioperative Small Animal Fatalities,
showed that avian patients are much more likely
to die under anaesthesia than other species. Bob
Doneley is firmly of the opinion that this higher risk
is related more to how anaesthesia is managed,
rather than an inherent susceptibility to death.
Avian Surgery
Online | 10 CPD Point
TimeOnline: 26 August - 22 September 2019 Bob Doneley BVSc FANZCVS (Avian Medicine)
TimeOnline: 2 - 29 September 2019 Cheryl Sangster BSc DVM MVSc DACVP MRCVS
Currently working with wildlife or simply interested ❖❖ Gain a rudimentary understanding of the
in learning more? investigative process associated with emerging
diseases of wildlife
In this course you will explore the diagnosis, ❖❖ Be able to critically evaluate proposed emerging
pathology and epidemiology of the newest diseases diseases for evidence of emergence, evidence
of wildlife from around the globe while learning what of causation and rationale of mechanism of
defines a disease as emerging and the mechanisms emergence
by which this happens.
Alex Rosenwax BVSc MACVSc (Avian Health) Veterinary Science Conference Centre
The University of Sydney
Ethics, Welfare
& Wellbeing
2019-2020 CPD Handbook 71
Ethics, Welfare & Wellbeing
TimeOnline: 15 April - 12 May 2019 Nadine Hamilton BSc (Psych) PGDip. Psych
MTrain&Dev EdD
Altruistic Motivation
Through the imaginative stewardship of successive Directors: Drs Doug Bryden, Bill Howie, Michele Cotton
and Hugh White, and Editors: Dr Richard Malik and Lis Churchward, The C&T has evolved into a full-colour,
quality print publication. March 2012 saw the launch of the complementary eBook version which allows
contributing vets to include high quality images, figures, diagrams and videos with their articles.
I enjoy reading the C&T more
than any other veterinary
Terry King
Veterinary Specialist Services, QLD
Conference: Mon 14 - Tue 15 October 2019 David Fraser BA, Psychology, PhD, Zoology
The CVE is honoured to be accepting the baton Join us and learn from acclaimed International
from Canada to host the second International One Keynote Speakers:
Welfare Conference in Sydney, Australia.
Professor David Fraser from the University of British
‘One Welfare describes the interrelationships Columbia, renowned worldwide as ‘a pioneer in the
between animal welfare, human well-being and the field of animal welfare science’ for which he was
physical and social environment’ (Garcia Pinillos, appointed Member of the Order of Canada in 2005.
Dr Rebecca Garcia Pinillos also has an impressive
The first International One Welfare Conference, pioneering pedigree in the field of animal welfare,
held in Winnipeg Manitoba in 2016, saw a gathering being the founder of the non-profit social enterprise
of national and international experts and decision One Welfare Community Interest Company.
makers in the fields of human and animal health
and welfare to discuss the science, best practices, Local speakers - to be advised.
models and policies to manage complex issues.
Four-Words, Forwards!
Sydney | 10 CPD Points
Opal Sponsor:
In collaboration with
‘One Welfare’ project node of the
Charles Perkins Centre
Early Bird: 3 September 2019
Equine &
76 Centre for Veterinary Education | Est. 1965
Equine & Ruminants
DE: 1 February – 30 November 2020 Paul Cusack BSc BVSc (Hons) MVSt MAgribus
Workshop/s: 3-day workshop PhD MACVSc
(runs even years only)
Maximise the output of your clients’ operations ❖❖ Gain the ability to assess the standard of
and learn how to better manage nutritional nutritional management of a given enterprise
problems. ❖❖ Gain the ability to assess rations and have a
basis for understanding ration formulation.
This course aims to help you develop the
knowledge and tools necessary to achieve optimal Modules:
nutritional outcomes in beef and dairy cattle and
sheep enterprises. 1. Rearing preruminants and managing the
transition to ruminant
The course emphasises an evidence-based
2. Physiology of the rumen, ruminant growth and
approach to nutritional management and will
focus on key topics including the development
and physiology of the rumen, feed intake and its 3. Pasture, crop growth and utilisation
utilisation, the management and prevention of 4. Feed processing and feedstuffs
nutritional deficiencies, metabolic disease and the 5. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of
achievement of optimal nutritional outcomes. This metabolic diseases
course will be highly valuable to any veterinarian 6. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chronic
working in a farming environment or looking to nutritional deficiencies
develop their nutritional consultancy as well as
7. Systems for describing ruminant nutrient
those who are intending to study with the Australian
and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists
(ANZCVS) in animal nutrition (ruminant). 8. Nutritional management of the beef/sheep
By successfully completing this course, you will: 9. Nutritional management of the dairy enterprise
10. Nutritional management of the feedlot
❖❖ Gain an understanding of the basic principles
of feeding ruminants for the production of
meat, milk and fibre If you need to learn about
❖❖ Gain knowledge of the merits of a range of Ruminant Nutrition
feedstuffs and pasture you need to enrol into
❖❖ Gain the ability to diagnose and correct this course, no second
nutritional problems with various classes of
guessing, just give it a
cattle and sheep
Todd Donaldson
This course aims to help you diagnose and treat Pet goats are becoming more popular and
challenging equine lameness cases. commercial goat herds are growing in size and
distribution, so it is important that veterinarians
This course will review and provide key tips on how are up to date with their knowledge to provide the
to do an effective physical exam, when and how to best service to goat clients.
use diagnostic analgesia and the pros and cons of
different techniques. Goats have some key differences from sheep and
cattle but once these are known, diagnosing and
We will delve into imaging and you will discover treating goats becomes a lot easier. This course
what modality to choose and how to get the best will cover the main diseases of goats (both pet
results. We will then discuss advanced imaging to and commercial) as well as biosecurity measures
find out what other imaging options there are, and to address untreatable diseases that need to be
how to use that information. Finally we will review eradicated or kept out of goat herds. The tutor has
advances in treatment options, what is new and why run her own commercial dairy goat farm and stud
does it work (or not). as well as working with large goat farms. She has a
goat only vet practice in Brisbane and runs regular
By successfully completing this course, you will be
training courses for goat breeders across Australia.
able to:
By successfully completing this course, you will be
❖❖ Understand the range of options for getting to
able to:
an accurate diagnosis of complicated lameness
cases ❖❖ Evaluate a flat kid and treat kids for common
❖❖ Describe a range of imaging techniques that diseases
are available and can be used to improve case ❖❖ Carry out common basic surgical husbandry
outcomes both from the general practitioners’ procedures
point of view and through referral
❖❖ Develop a biosecurity plan after evaluating the
❖❖ Observe multimedia demonstrations of existing disease status of a goat herd
techniques and case outcomes
❖❖ Recognise and treat common diseases of goats
❖❖ Update your knowledge of new and emerging
❖❖ Construct a worm control plan for a goat herd
treatment options.
cve.edu.au/tol/equine-lameness cve.edu.au/tol/goat-medicine-and-husbandry
DE: 1 February – 30 November 2019 Paul Cusack BSc BVSc (Hons) MVSt MAgribus PhD
Workshop/s: 1 x 2-day workshop MACVSc
(runs odd years only)
❖❖ Be able to use epidemiological tools to assess Outstanding tutor who
the impact of disease, as well as interventional
helped me whenever
and management strategies, on herd heath
❖❖ Develop your ability to evaluate the cost-
Clayton Knight, QLD
effectiveness of preventative and control
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and more....
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Alison Gunn BVSc MVS MANZCVS GradCert (HE) Zoe Vogels BVSc MANZCV
Zoe Vogels BVSc MANZCV
It is essential that dairy farmers rear thriving health Outbreaks of Salmonella can be challenging and
calves, as recent research has shown that disease stressful to deal with. Additionally, the pathogen
in the first few weeks of life has ongoing impacts can become endemic on farm, occurring in cows
on the health and production of that calf well into and calves year after year. This podcast will
the first few lactations. cover key steps to approaching the outbreak in
calves and milking herds as well as briefly discuss
This course will use a case-based approach to Salmonella in other ruminants.
provide you with the latest information on the
critical steps to prevent disease in neonatal dairy By successfully completing this course, you will:
calves and guide you through a logical approach to
investigating and treating disease outbreaks. ❖❖ Understand Salmonella structure, nomenclature
and vaccination
By successfully completing this course, you will be ❖❖ Review key steps in approaching an outbreak in
able to: calves
❖❖ Review key steps in approaching an outbreak in
❖❖ Apply best practice colostrum management
a milking herd
and investigate a program’s effectiveness on
farm ❖❖ Learn about Salmonella in other ruminants
❖❖ Perform a thorough and comprehensive
clinical exam on a sick calf including ancillary
diagnostic tests and prevention and treatment
of pneumonia
❖❖ Describe how to determine the appropriate
fluid therapy required by a calf and how to
administer fluid therapy on farm
❖❖ Know the major causes of abdominal and
neurological disease in calves explain how to
diagnose and treat them.
cve.edu.au/tol/neonatal-calf-disease cve.edu.au/pcp/salmonella-cast-it-out
Practice Professional
Member Benefits Membership Member
Member discounts for CVE hands-on Workshops 10% discount* 10% discount*
✓ ✓ 50% discount* ✓ ✓
75% discount*
50% discount* 50% discount* – 20% discount*
Limited places
5% discount* 5% discount* – – ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Veterinarians working Veterinary graduates,
and support staff Veterinary Veterinary
part-time (20h or less first 3 years after
Australian and students† academic staff†
per week)† graduation†
Pricing information for each course can also be found on our webiste cve.edu.au
Diagnostic Imaging:
$1,815 $1,911 $1,905 $2,006 $2,065 $2,174
Thoracic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging:
$1,815 $1,911 $1,905 $2,006 $2,065 $2,174
Musculoskeletal Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging:
$1,815 $1,911 $1,905 $2,006 $2,065 $2,174
Abdominal Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging:
$603 $635 $633 $667 $653 $688
Compulsory Imaging module
Emergency Medicine $6,109 $6,430 $6,394 $6,730 $6,584 $6,930
Internal Medicine:
$6,109 $6,430 $6,394 $6,730 $6,584 $6,930
Keys to Understanding
Internal Medicine:
$6,660 $7,010 $6,945 $7,310 $7,135 $7,510
A Problem Solving Approach
Medical Oncology $6,109 $6,430 $6,394 $6,730 $6,584 $6,930
Mail or fax:
Cancellation Policy
Terms and Conditions: Distance Education specific:
Cancellations may incur a fee. Cancellation fees If you wish to register to secure a place in a
will be waived if a credit note is requested for the Distance Education program you will be required to
full amount of the course fee, and must be used pay a $1000 non-refundable deposit. Full payment
within 12 months. CVE will not be liable for any must be made 10 working days prior to the course
loss suffered as a result of cancellation or change, commencement date. Early bird discount rates
including travel or other costs incurred. All the are available to those who register and pay in full
information is correct at the time of going to print. by the end of an early bird period. For full terms
The CVE reserves the right to alter the program, please visit:
date and speakers for the course. cve.edu.au/terms-policies