Nystesc 2019 Primer
Nystesc 2019 Primer
Nystesc 2019 Primer
Director Karlee Christine Astrid Calope
A. Submission Requirements 02
B. Submission Deadline 02
C. Participation 02
D. Payment 03
E. Accommodations 03
F. Contact Information 05
A. Power Preview 14
B. Topic s 15
C. Registration 16
D. Event Highlights 16
A. General Guidelines 20
B. Programs Contests 21
BERSIKULO: A Speech Choir Competition 21
BANYUHAY: A Costume Play Competition 26
C. NYSTESC 2019 Science EXPOsed 31
D. Take Home Workshop Contest 36
E. Students’ Sessions Contests 40
Poster Making 41
Essay Writing 42
Editorial Cartooning 43
Extemporaneous Speaking 44
School Quiz Competition 46
F. Teachers’ Sessions Contests 48
REFUEL: Stories of Inspirations 48
DULOG: A Cultural Night 50
• All forms can be downloaded at the downloadables tab of the
Facebook page of NYSTESC at www.facebook.com/psysc.nystesc
• All submissions must be completely and correctly filled out
following the sample format.
• All required attachments must be included following the file
name format and file type.
• The following pre-registration requirements should be
PNG or Send a scanned copy of duly
RegFee -
Registration Fee JPEG validated deposit slips
<Name of
file (RESERVATION or FULL payment)
NYSTESC 2019 Completely fill out the needed
Registration Form PDF Form 3 - information. Download the Doc
(Form 3) file <Name of file and save it as a PDF file after
School> answering.
Please fill-out completely and
List of Participants Excel Participants -
accurately the necessary
(Form 3A) File <Name of
information needed.
Every participating student should
PNG, NYSTESC 2019 print the form and can opt to send
Waiver Form JPEG, WForm - back a scanned or hard copy after
(Form 4) or PDF <Name of completing the form. For hard
File Student> copies, please submit it during
registration proper.
Additional requirement for
Affiliation Form PNG, NYSTESC 2019
(Form 1) and JPEG, AffilForm -
Print a copy and send back a
Affilation Fee or PDF <Name of
scanned copy of your duly
payment File School>
accomplished Form 1.
Affiliates PhP 6,000.00 PhP 7,000.00
Non-affiliates PhP 9,000.00 PhP 10,000.00
PhP 1,500.00 per participant is required. Reservations are
deductible from the Registration Fee stated above and shall only
be recognized upon our acknowledgment of both the deposit
and other registration requirements.
• Refer to Form 1 (Affiliation Form) for details on how to
affiliate with PSYSC.
• Note: Due to increased inflation rates, the registration fee has
increased compared to previous years
Land Bank Deposit
Account Number: 0702-1020-65
Account Name: Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs
• The registration fee will cover:
Food and lodging (including snacks) from dinner of
Day 1 to dinner of Day 4.
NYSTESC 2019 Kit (inclusive of bag, handbook, pen, and ID )
Educational trip expenses
• For schools that will be arriving before July 26, 2019, board and
lodging are NOT part of the registration fee.
The VENUE for NYSTESC 2019 will be in the official Facebook page
of NYSTESC at www.facebook.com/psysc.nystesc
• Blanket, toiletries, towel, jacket, and umbrella
• Working clothes and rubber shoes (T-shirts, pants, comfortable
• All-white outfit and one (1 ) tea candle for Pledge Night
• Drinking water containers
• Medicines
• Costume for Entertainment Night
• Native delicacies with containers for Cultural Night (for teacher
participants only)
• Participants may opt to arrive at the venue before the event
proper. However, fees involved are EXCLUSIVE from the
registration fee.
• For early accommodations and other accommodations concerns,
please contact Kuya Val Jason Guerra and/ or through PSYSC.
With the email subject:
For questions or clarifications, please do not hesitate to contact us
through the following:
1. All affiliated science clubs are automatically eligible for the
2. The program is a point-based reward system that aims to
motivate our science clubs to continue promoting our thrust and
keeping the fire of science clubbing burning.
3. In recognition of the active participation and activity of our
various science clubs, there will be corresponding points as
merits which can be redeemed for rewards.
4. This incentive program shall be effective starting NYSTESC 2019.
The points may be accumulated every 4 years since the science
club’s first participation of NYSTESC from 2019 onwards.
5. PSYSC reserves the right to modify the incentive program to
further improve our service. Any modification to the program
shall not change the points accumulated by the science and shall
still be convertible to the given rewards.
6. The program will follow this scheme:
a. Every 12 official registered student participants to NYSTESC are
equal to 500 points. Generally, 12 registered student
participants garner points equivalent of 1 free registration of a
teacher participant. There are no corresponding points per
student participant, only when a complete set of 12 student
participants will be awarded points.
b. Note that this replaces the previous “one free teacher for every
ten participating students” policy.
c. Science clubs who have registered more than or equal to 50
student participants will receive an additional bonus of
300 points.
d. The science club that will be declared as the Biggest
Delegation, the greatest number of registered student
participants, will receive a plaque and special bonus of
750 points.
a. A science club who can refer a new participating science club to
join NYSTESC will receive 500 points.
b. Upon registration of at least 6 student participants, the newly
invited science club will receive 500 points.
c. A science club can only refer at most 5 new science clubs per year.
Points will only be granted upon confirmation of registration by
the referred science club.
Note: A new science club is any science club whose school has not
joined NYSTESC for the past 3 years. The science club who wishes to
refer should include it in the section in the registration (Form 3)
allotted for this program.
a. Science clubs will receive points based on the number of years
they have consistently participated in NYSTESC, without
discontinuity, since 2018. Once you have failed to participate for
NYSTESC for either a particular year, counting will reset to zero.
The points are given as follows: 50 points + (years of consecutive
participation multiplied by 25 points).
b. These points are also added to the rewards and are
c. The points earned uniquely from loyalty will be accumulated
eternally, even when the points are redeemed. Once the points
reach a certain threshold, the science club will receive a plaque
and certificate of recognition to commemorate the exemplar
contribution and commitment to the science clubbing movement
700 loyalty points Ember Awardee
2000 loyalty points Ignite Awardee
4000 loyalty points Flame Awardee
7000 loyalty points Ablaze Awardee
a. For BERSIKULO: A Speech Choir Competition and DULANG:
A Pasalubong Festival, participation will grant the science club 75
points and the CHAMPION of each contest will be awarded with
75 points.
1000 pesos PSYSC Merchandise
300 points
Gift Certificate
500 points Free registration for 1 teacher
800 points Free 3-year affiliation free
1,500 points 7,000 pesos PSYSC Merchandise Gift Certificate
2,000 points Free registration for 5 teachers
5,000 points 20,000 pesos worth of laboratory materials
6,500 points Free registration for 15 teachers
8,000 points 2 sets of projector and projector screen
50,000 pesos cash back for Science Club
10,000 points
Activities, Eternal Affiliation Status
Towering skyscrapers, busy streets, colorful billboards, glittering
lights. At first glance, the cityscape of Metro Sky is nothing more than
typical. One may even think that there seems to be nothing exceptional in
this city in any way. But the Metro Sky will not be named as such for no
reason at all.
Hovering a few miles above the surface, this city was built high
above the clouds about a hundred years ago by the Energy Regulatory
Guild (ERG). The ERG is a group of honorable individuals led by none other
than Dr. Calyxen, a man that no one in this city will ever forget.
At the heart of the Metro Sky is the Power Vault where the greatest
invention of Dr. Calyxen is contained. This is the Synergon, a huge device
that powered all the city operations of the Metro Sky until this very
moment. All thanks to this remarkable creation of him, the Metro Sky
remained afloat for nearly a century now, peacefully isolated from the
ruins of the past.
On its 100th year, the Metro Sky became more powerful than ever.
This July, come and join us in celebrating the centennial anniversary of our
beloved city. Together, let us explore the wonders of Energy Systems and
unveil the secrets of…
An energy system is an interrelated network which involves the
economical extraction, conversion, transportation, storage, and use of
energy, all the while promoting safety, efficiency, and environmental
Dig deep!
Transform the future!
Power through!
• The registration proper will begin on DAY 1 from 7:00 AM to
12:00 NN.
• You may opt to arrive at the venue the day before July 26, 2019,
but please be reminded that the registration fee will not cover
food and lodging prior to the said date.
• Please bring the following requirements for registration
Requirement Notes
1x1 ID picture Bring at least 2 ID pictures per registered participant
School ID For Validation
For those who did not send a scanned copy during
Hard copy of Waiver Form
For those who have not paid the full
registration fee
competition that will assess the participants’
understanding of various concepts in the field
of Energy Systems covered in subtopic lectures
and workshops.
OVERALL WORKSHOPS. A series of fun,
interactive, and challenging workshops in the
form of an amazing race that will test the
science clubbers’ knowledge acquired from all
the subtopic lectures and workshops.
1. ELIGIBILITY. All participating schools of NYSTESC 2019 can join
the competitions. Only bonafide junior high and senior high
students (Grades 7-12) are allowed to join the Sessions,
Programs, and Take Home Workshops contests. Meanwhile, only
registered teachers are allowed to join the Cultural Night.
2. EVENT PARTICIPATION. A participant can only join one (1) of the
CONTEST NAME Entries Number of Participants
Science EXPOsed 1-2* 1 Student
Programs’ Contests
BERSIKULO: A Speech Choir Competition 1** 10-15 Students
BANYUHAY: A Costume Play Competition 1** 2 Students
4. Submissions. All required contest submissions should be
forwarded through email to [email protected] with
the subject <CONTEST-NAME>_<School-Name>, unless stated
otherwise in the specific contest guidelines.
5. Core-in-Charge. The following names are the in charge of the
Contest Name Core-in-Charge Contact Number
Take Home Workshops Yasmine Joy Labagnoy 0926 586 6159
Sessions Contests Mecaelah Palaganas 0999 715 2662
Programs Contests Bryan Arguilles 0921 372 5340
Science EXPOsed
Tonita Mari Lim 0917 510 6119
Teachers’ Session Contests
This competition aims to showcase the participants’ creativity,
flexibility, and group dynamics in delivering their own versions of the
given piece and in effectively conveying its message to the audience.
1. THEME. The theme for BERSIKULO: A Speech Choir Competition
is Environmental Awareness.
• Participating teams shall do their own interpretation and
delivery of Masdan mo ang Kapaligiran by Asin in a choral
speech format. You may view the lyrics through bit.ly/
2. COSTUME. Each team will be given the freedom to unleash their
skills and creativity in deciding their costumes. However,
provocative costumes are strictly prohibited. Non-adherence to
this rule will result to immediate disqualification.
3. PERFORMANCE. The group must perform a speech choir routine
for 6 to 8 minutes only. This includes the entrance, setting up,
and exit of performers, props, and stage design. For every one (1)
minute exceeding or lacking, or a fraction thereof, two (2) points
shall be deducted from the overall score. A running clock will be
used during the competition. Only those who passed the
preliminaries will get the chance to showcase their whole
performance in the semifinal and final round.
a. Each team will be given the freedom to choose which parts of
the song they would like to include in their performance
provided that it complies with the required duration.
b. Variations and alterations such as repetition of words and/or
lines, interchange of stanza, chorus, bridge, etc., and the likes
are allowed and encouraged. Excessive modifications,
however, such that the original song is no longer recognizable
is prohibited.
c. Singing any part of the song according to its original tune is
strictly prohibited.
d. Any form of musical accompaniment during the performance
is strictly prohibited. However, sound effects, beats, chants,
and fillers may be added in any part of the performance as
long as they are produced vocally and/or through stomp, clap,
snap, chest tap, and the likes.
e. Lifts, tosses, and aerials are discouraged. Participants are
advised to exercise caution before attempting any
potentially risky moves.
f. Provocative actions are strictly prohibited. Non-adherence to
this rule will result to immediate disqualification.
g. Using live animals in any way during the performance is
strictly prohibited. Non-adherence to this rule will result to
immediate disqualification.
h. Requests for special music and lighting will not be
i. For performance reference, you may proceed to bit.ly/
4. PRELIMINARIES. The preliminary round will be held online.
a. Participating teams shall perform their choral speech
version of the song starting from “Ang mga batang ngayon
lang isinilang” until “Ngayo’y namamatay dahil sa ating
kalokohan” and have it captured using any video recording
device. For more details, you may retrieve the required
content from bit.ly/BERSIKULOPrelims
b. Audition video must follow the sections b, c, d, e, f, and g of
the PERFORMANCE guidelines.
c. There will be no time limit for the audition video
provided that it complies with the required content.
d. The audition video must be in a landscape
orientation and saved in MP4 file format (.mp4).
e. It is encouraged that the video should be of high
definition (HD) quality.
f. Any form of video and/or audio editing and/or
enhancement is strictly prohibited. Only the raw
video must be submitted for the audition.
g. The participants must wear their school and/or PE uniforms in
the audition video.
h. Only the top 7 entries will advance to the final round. Order
of the performances will be raffled and announced before
blocking and rehearsals
5. BLOCKING AND REHEARSALS. The teams who passed the
semifinals shall have their stage blocking and rehearsals right
after the Opening Ceremony on Day 1. There will be a scheduled
time allotted for each finalist. Non-compliance to this rule will
result to deductions in the final score.
6. FINALS. The final round of BERSIKULO: A Speech Choir
Competition will be held on the evening of Day 3 during the
Entertainment Night. All participants are expected to arrive at
the Sessions Hall before 6:30 PM to avoid program delays.
a. The performance shall run for 6 to 8 minutes only. This
includes the entrance, setting up, and exit of performers,
props, and stage design. For every one (1) minute exceeding
or lacking, or a fraction thereof, two (2) points shall be
deducted from the total score. A running clock will be used
during the competition.
b. The actual performance may be different from the
performance in the audition video.
7. ONLINE SUBMISSIONS. Each participating entry is required to
submit the following requirements via email to
[email protected] with the subject (Name of School)
– Speech Choir Competition Requirements.
a. Audition Video. For the guidelines and specifications of the
audition video, kindly refer to the PRELIMINARIES guidelines.
b. Copy of the speech in the audition video. The copy of the
speech must contain the flow of the speech including the
added chants, fillers, etc. It must be written exactly the same
as the actual speech in the video and saved in ONE (1) PDF file
c. Performance Write-up. The performance write-up must
include the name of school and a short description about the
message of the performance. The write-up must be saved in
ONE (1) PDF file (.pdf). A maximum of 100 words is
recommended for the write-up.
d. List of participants and the coach. This should contain the final
list of participants and the coach, saved in ONE (1) Excel file
e. AVP Introduction (for finalists only). The team must create a
trailer-type video of at most 90 seconds, introducing the team
and giving a sneak-peak of their performance. This video will
be uploaded in the official NYSTESC Facebook page in which
the team that garners the highest number of engagements
(collective reactions and shares) shall be awarded with the
Prominence award. Each team shall be given the
freedom to unleash their skill and creativity in making the
video provided that it complies with required content and
It is also encouraged that the video should be of high
definition (HD) quality. Moreover, the video will also serve as
the group’s entrance preparation time during the final round.
8. DATES TO REMEMBER. Late submissions shall receive a two-point
(2) deduction from the overall score for every one (1) day, or a
fraction thereof, that has elapsed from the given deadline. Refer
to Section C in the summary notes for the dates.
9. CRITERIA AND JUDGING. The decision of the judges is final and
irrevocable. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
Overall Interpretation
(Invocation of thoughts and feelings, Initiation of shared experience with the
audience, Superior dynamism, Uniqueness of techniques, Expressive interpretation,
Performance Writeup, Adherence to the theme)
Mastery and Delivery
(Choreography, Vocal unison, inflection, modulation, and variation, Articulation,
Stage poise, Eye contact, Facial expression, Mood distinction, Verbal and nonverbal
Total 100
Overall Interpretation
(Invocation of thoughts and feelings, Initiation of shared experience with the
audience, Superior dynamism, Uniqueness of techniques, Expressive interpretation,
Adherence to the theme)
Mastery and Delivery
(Choreography, Vocal unison, inflection, modulation, and variation, Articulation,
Stage poise, Eye contact, Facial expression, Mood distinction, Verbal and nonverbal
Costume and Props
(Creativity, Resourcefulness, Appropriateness, Uniformity, Execution) 20
10. PROPS AND STAGE DESIGN. The use of props and stage design is
encouraged and allowed but only to some extent.
a. Liquids, aerosols, gels, glitters, and/or any similar
substances that may affect the floor area are not allowed.
b. Use of any pyrotechnic gadgets, smoke, and/or combustible
materials is strictly prohibited.
c. Entrance, set up, and exit of props must be within the
allotted time. The time will continue to run unless all items
are removed from the performance area. Time deductions
shall be imposed accordingly.
d. The NYSTESC 2019 Programs Committee reserves the right to
disallow the use of any props and stage design deemed
dangerous or oversized.
1. PODIUM FINISH. A major award given to the top 3 finalists who
garnered the highest overall points.
2. CONCORDANCE. A minor award given to the team who exhibited
remarkable unison and harmony throughout their performance.
3. SPLENDOR. A minor award given to the team who showcased
exceptional creativity in their chosen costumes and props.
4. PROMINENCE. A minor award given to the team who garnered
the highest number of Facebook engagements (collective
reactions and shares) in their AVP entry during the viewing
BANYUHAY is one of the contests in the NYSTESC 2019
Entertainment Night. It is a costume play (cosplay) competition
wherein the participants will dress up as Filipino fictional characters.
This competition aims to showcase the participants’ creativity,
craftsmanship, and resourcefulness by making use of recycled
materials in creating their own costumes and portraying their
chosen characters.
1. THEME. The theme for BANYUHAY: A Cosplay Competition is
a. Characters to be cosplayed must strictly be of Filipino origin
and can be from any film (movie, animated, television shows
(fantaserye), cartoon, etc.)
game ( arcade, computer, console, handheld, mobile, etc.), or
print material (Filipino comic book (komiks), etc.
b. Characters must possess super powers or special abilities of
any sort
c. Characters can either be protagonists or antagonists.
d. For the list of possible character references, you may proceed
to bit.ly/BANYUHAYCharacters. It should be noted, however,
that the character selection is not only limited to these.
2. COSTUME. Majority of the costume must be created from used
clothing and/or recycled materials. Provocative costumes are
strictly prohibited. Non-adherence to this rule will result to
immediate disqualification. If the costume of the chosen
character reveals too much skin, the participant is advised to
wear nude-colored tube, leggings, etc. under the costume.
3. PERFORMANCE. Each participant must prepare signature actions
and three distinct poses that best represent their chosen
characters while their introduction spiel is being read. Only those
who passed the preliminaries will get the chance to showcase
their performance in the final round.
a. Lifts, tosses, and aerials are discouraged. Participants are
advised to exercise caution before attempting any potentially
risky moves.
b. Provocative actions are strictly prohibited. Non-adherence to
this rule will result to immediate disqualification.
c. Using live animals in any way during the performance is
strictly prohibited. Non-adherence to this rule will result to
immediate disqualification.
d. Requests for special music and lighting will not be
4. PRELIMINARIES. The preliminary round will be held on Day 1 of
the NYSTESC 2019 event proper.
a. Each participant will present their costumes for a close
examination and will be judged by pair with their costume
reports as basis. Questions regarding their costumes will be
asked on the spot and the participants will defend it in front
of the judges.
b. Only the top 7 pairs will advance to the final round.
c. Order of performances will be raffled and announced before
blocking and rehearsals.
5. BLOCKING AND REHEARSALS. The participants who passed the
preliminaries shall have their stage blocking and rehearsals right
after the Socials Night on Day 2.There will be a scheduled time
allotted for each finalist. Non-compliance to this rule will result
to deductions in the final score.
6. FINALS. The final round of BANYUHAY: A Costume Play
Competition will be held on the evening of Day 3 during the
Entertainment Night. All participants are expected to arrive at
the Sessions Hall before 6:30 PM to avoid program delays.
7. ONLINE SUBMISSIONS. Each participating entry is required to
submit the following requirements via email to
[email protected] with the subject (Name of School)
– Cosplay Competition Requirements
a. Cosplay Photos. One whole-body photo of the first participant
in full costume imitating the pose of the reference character
placed beside it (saved in ONE (1) JPG or JPEG file). Another
whole-body photo of the second participant in full costume
imitating the pose of the reference character placed beside it
(saved in ONE (1) JPG or JPEG file). These photos will be
uploaded in the official NYSTESC Facebook page in which the
participant that garners the highest number of engagements
(collective reactions and shares) shall be awarded with the
Social Media Hype award. Digital alteration of the effects and
background which may improve the visual impact of the
photos is allowed. However, tampering with the appearance
of costumes in the photos is strictly prohibited. It is also
encouraged that the photos should be of high definition (HD)
b. Captions. The caption for each photo must include the name
of cosplayer, school, cosplay character, and a short
description of the character. These captions will be uploaded
together with the cosplay photos in the official NYSTESC
Facebook page. Two captions, one for each participant must
be merged and saved in ONE (1) PDF (.pdf). A maximum of 50
words is recommended for each caption.
c. Costume Report. The costume report shall discuss the
materials used in making the costume, the process of making
it, and colored photos for each stage of costume making. This
will be given to the judges during the preliminary round. Two
costume reports, one for each participant, must be merged
and saved in ONE (1) PDF file (.pdf). A maximum of 200 words
is allowed for each costume report.
d. Introduction Spiel. The introduction spiel must include the
names of the cosplay characters, short description of the
characters, and the materials used in making the costumes.
Only one introduction spiel is allowed for each pair and this
shall be written in a creative manner and flow as it will be read
by a voice over during their presentation in the Entertainment
Night . The introduction spiel must be saved in ONE (1) PDF
file (.pdf). A maximum of 200 words is allowed for the whole
introduction spiel of the pair.
e. List of participants and the coach. This should contain the final
list of participants and the coach, saved in ONE (1) Excel file
8. DATES TO REMEMBER. Late submissions shall receive a two-point
(2) deduction from the overall score for every one (1) day, or a
fraction thereof, that has elapsed from the given deadline. Refer
to Section C in the summary notes for the dates.
9. CRITERIA AND JUDGING. The decision of the judges is final and
irrevocable. Judging will be based on the following criteria:
A. Preliminary Round
Creativity – 40 %
(Resourcefulness, Materials, Execution)
Craftsmanship – 40 %
Costume (Complexity, Intricacy of details, Assembly) 100
Presentation – 20 %
(Costume report, Defense, Adherence to the theme)
Total 100
B. Final Round
Creativity – 20 %
(Resourcefulness, Materials, Execution)
Costume Craftsmanship – 20 % 50
(Complexity, Intricacy of details, Assembly)
Presentation – 10 %
(Costume report, Defense, Adherence to the theme)
Characterization – 20 %
(Resemblance, Character portrayal)
Performance Projection – 15 % 50
(Gracefulness, Movability)
Stage Presence – 15 %
(Audience impact, Entertainment value, Confidence)
Total 100
10. PROPS. The use of props is encouraged and allowed but only to
some extent.
a. Liquids, aerosols, gels, glitters, and/or any similar substances
that may affect the floor area are not allowed.
b. Use of any pyrotechnic gadgets, smoke, and/or combustible
materials is strictly prohibited.
c. The NYSTESC 2019 Programs Committee reserves the right to
disallow the use of any props deemed dangerous or
1. POWER DUO. A major award given to the pair who showcased
exceptional creativity, craftsmanship, confidence, and overall
character portrayal.
2. CONTRIVANCE. A minor award given to the pair who exhibited
outstanding resourcefulness and smart selection of materials in
making their costumes.
3. QUINTESSENCE. A minor award given to the pair who excelled in
embodying their chosen characters.
4. PROMINENCE. A minor award given to the participant who
garnered the highest number of Facebook engagements
(collective reactions and shares) in his/her cosplay photo entry
during the viewing period.
Science EXPOsed is a competition for high school students that aims to
provide an avenue for creative exploration and propagation of
knowledge about various concepts in science. This competition invites
Junior and Senior High School students to create and submit innovative
and high quality videos that will help them communicate their
understanding of complex scientific concepts through fun and
engaging demonstrations and preparations.
1. To provide a venue of interaction and discourse between the
youth intellectuals and experts in the fields; and
2. To foster a culture of innovation and empower the Filipino youth
to actively participate towards the improvement of our society.
1. Event Participation. Each entry must be done individually by
bona fide high school students from their respective brackets
who are also official participants of NYSTESC 2019. The entries
submitted to the competition must be related to ENERGY
2. Competition Details. The competition will have two rounds: (1)
Preliminary Eliminations and (2) Demonstration Competition.
3. Pre-registration. The school shall duly accomplish the
pre-registration process online. A confirmation message will be
sent within 3 days after the submitted Form 3A is received. If you
have not received an email by then, you may directly contact Ate
Tonita Lim through 0917-510-6119.
a. After the confirmation message, the school is to submit their
chosen topic of discussion on or before June 14, 2019.
Changes in the chosen topic will be accommodated only until
June 17, 2019. Participants may start creating or editing their
video, once the chosen topic is submitted to the organizers.
d. Plausible topics include, but are not limited to:
i. Energy Production encompassing the exploration,
extraction and basic processing of the resource;
ii. Energy Conversion involving conversion of an energy
resource into a usable form of energy; and
iii. Energy Utilization comprising the forms, distribution, and
storage of energy.
4. Preliminary Eliminations
a. The participants must submit a VIDEO that is 3-5 minutes
long. This video should be able to explain the chosen idea or
concept under the topic, ENERGY SYSTEMS.
b. The video can take any form (e.g. animation, documentary,
jingles, dramatic reconstruction, etc.).
c. The video should also contain diagrams, simulations, physical
demonstrations, or other innovative and creative yet
informative ways to deliver and discuss your chosen
topic. The use of demonstration models is highly encouraged.
d. All the content found in the video must be created or
provided by the participants. The video must be an original
work, and has not been submitted to any other competition.
e. Use of footage, music, or other additions to your video must
be kept to a minimum and must be acknowledged properly at
the credits section. Schools with more than 50% of the video
entry containing secondary clips or borrowed content will be
f. Your entry should not violate any existing laws or regulations.
g. As the owner of the intellectual property of the video, you
are giving the organizing body the right to provide public
access and use of your submission without infringement or
misappropriation of any parties.
h. A submission of your entry entails registration to the
competition proper. The video must be sent through email to
[email protected] with the subject “Science
EXPOsed 2019 Video (Name of School)” on or before June 19,
i. A panel of judges will view and rate each submission and shall
choose the top five (5) qualifiers per bracket that will proceed
rankings will not be disclosed.
j. The list of the finalists will be released on July 3, 2019 on our
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/psysc.nystesc.
k. The video entries will be judged based on the following
(Effective Engagement, Appeal, and Impact)
(Unique delivery of message)
(Difficulty of topic choice)
5. Demonstration Competition
a. Each finalist is required to bring a model that will help better
explain their chosen topic. The model and demonstration
set-up should be simple, compact, and movable but an
effective instructional aide.
b. Live animals are not allowed to be used for the demonstration
c. A picture of the model and list of materials used for the
model must be sent through email to
[email protected] with the subject “Science
EXPOsed 2019 Model (Name of School)” on or before July 19,
d. An exhibit poster (soft copy and hard copy) must be
submitted on the day of the competition. The poster should
meet the following size specifications: PORTRAIT, 14 x 22
inches (size of ½ illustration board).
It should contain an introduction about the chosen the topic, a
clear picture of the model, and a brief explanation of how the
model and the parts of the model represent or explain the
chosen topic.
e. The order of the presenters will be pre-determined through
randomization and will be announced on the day of the
f. The participants will be given fifteen (15) minutes to set up
their exhibit on the space provided. While presenting, the
model will be moved to the presentation table but the
posters remain in the designated area. After presentation, the
model is to be brought back to the designated area.
g. Each finalist will be given 10 minutes to present in front of the
judges. Five (5) minutes will be allotted for the showing of
their video and the other 5 minutes for the demonstration of
their chosen topic using their model. The presentation will be
stopped once the 10 minutes is done. A timekeeper will
visually notify the contestant with notecards for the time
remaining in minutes. Corresponding deductions will be
applied for contestants who will not comply with the time
h. During the demonstration proper, the participants will not be
allowed to use an LCD and Power Point presentations.
i. While one group is presenting, other finalists will be brought
to an isolation room. Once they are done presenting, they
may join the audience and watch the other presenters.
j. The demonstration presentation will be judged based on the
following criteria.
Mastery of Topic
(Systematic Delivery and Discussion; Clear and effective explanation)
Communication Skills
(Articulation, pronunciation, and grammar; Voice Modulation 25
[English or Filipino])
(Use of eco-friendly materials; Adherence to topic; Visual 25
understanding of the topic; Effectiveness of poster)
(Confidence and composure; Attire and projection)
1. Criteria and Judging. The final standing will be based on the
following criteria. Any decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL
Social Engagement 20
Video Presentation 30
Demonstration Presentation 50
2. The winners will have their outputs featured on the NYSTESC
Facebook page.
2. Instructions and Procedures. You may view the complete guidelines
with the specifications and procedures at: bit.ly/THWSCAMP2019
3. Event Proper. Eligible entries will be checked during registration.
The students can make some minor adjustments or reassemble their
outputs, keeping in mind the specifications set in the guidelines, on
the venue right before the event. Entries will be collected after
registration on Day 1, and later displayed during the Camp Fair from
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The participants are required to present their
smart city models and simulate their three free energy models.
Please note that the participants are not required to bring the
materials for testing (e.g. flashlight, water, electric fan, and
multimeter). Judging will be based on the criteria provided.
4. Criteria and Judging. Any nonadherence to the specifications
indicated (e.g. base size, electronic components, late submission)
will result to a 5% deduction on the total score. The criteria for
judging is as follows:
(Progress updates via email)
Functionality and Design
(Lights in working condition with creative wirework)
(Overall design and architecture)
(Presence of three free energy sources and proper use of 30
electronic components)
5. Awards
a. Smart City Architect. A minor award given to the team with the
most aesthetic smart city design in terms of layout and decor.
b. Power Engineer. A minor award given to the team with the best
wirework design applied to light up the LEDs.
c. Chief Energy Officer. A major award given to the top three (3)
teams with the best overall smart city design.
Please note the following:
a. PSYSC reserves the right to share all submissions and they shall
be properly cited.
b. The decision of the board of judges shall be FINAL and
c. The NYSTESC 2019 Workshops Committee reserves the right
to modify the guidelines, if deemed necessary, without prior
d. Non-compliance with these guidelines shall result to
Free Energy Solar House Model
The solar house model uses solar panels to harness energy
directly from sunlight to provide electricity for a 5-mm LED light.
Following the same principles, large scale solar panels collect
enough energy to power cities.
Free Energy Windmill Model
Windmills follow almost the same rules as water wheels
except that wind is used to generate electricity. When the blades
attached to the DC motor catch wind, energy is directly
transformed into usable power. This principle is also applied to
large scale windmill turbines.
General Guidelines
1. ontest Proper. Participants are highly encouraged to be at the
contest venue at least 15 minutes before the contest proper.
Schools arriving after the schedule of the contest should inform
the organizers through Ate Elah Palaganas (see contact details
provided). Latecomers shall only be accommodated if NONE of
the participants inside the venue have gone out yet. Time
extensions will NOT be given.
2. Non-compliance with these guidelines shall result to
disqualification. Plagiarism is strictly not allowed. Note that use
of the participant’s previous works without proper citation is also
considered as plagiarism. Anyone caught cheating in any form
shall be reprimanded, and shall be asked to leave the room
3. The contestants of the TOP THREE (3) per entries bracket,
together with their coaches, shall be given certificates of
recognition. Moreover, the Champion, First Runner-Up, and
Second Runner-Up shall each receive a gold, silver, and bronze
medallion during the awarding ceremony, respectively.
4. PSYSC reserves the right to share all submissions and they shall
be properly cited.
5. The scores of any participants will not be disclosed.
6. The decision of the board of judges shall be FINAL and
7. The NYSTESC 2019 Sessions Committee reserves the right to
modify the guidelines, if deemed necessary, without prior notice.
1. To promote science, technology, and the environment through
visual interpretations
2. To encourage imagination and creativity
3. To recognize excellence and skills in the arts
1. The theme for the contest shall revolve on a science, technology,
and environment issue related to this year's NYSTESC topic, ENERGY
SYSTEMS. This shall be given at the start of the contest proper.
2. Duration. The contest shall be good for TWO (2) hours only.
3. Materials. A 1/4 sized Cartolina shall be provided by the
organizers. All other materials must be brought by the individual
contestant. Only the following materials shall be allowed to be used:
oil pastel, crayon, permanent marker, cotton, pencil, and eraser.
4. Criteria and Judging. There will be separate winners for junior high
school and senior high school participants. Each individual entry will
be judged based on the following criteria:
Message Clarity
(Originality, Theme Accordance)
(Creativity, Style)`
Visual Appeal
(Color, Contrast)
(Neatness, Smoothness)
1. To advocate understanding of science and technology in relation
to current social issues
2. To encourage critical thinking and educated analysis of the world
of science and technology
3. To acknowledge the students’ excellence in written
1. Contest Proper. The theme for the contest shall revolve on a
science, technology, and environment issue related to this year's
NYSTESC topic, ENERGY SYSTEMS. This shall be given at the start
of the contest proper.
2. Duration. The contest shall be good for TWO (2) hours only. All
essays must be done on the spot. The essays should be written
clearly and legibly in English with a maximum of 1500 words.
3. Materials. Five sheets of legal pad paper shall be provided by the
organizers. All other materials must be brought by the individual
contestant. Participants may use pencils provided that
black-colored pens will be used on the final output.
4. Criteria and Judging. There will be separate winners for junior
high school and senior high school participants. Each individual
entry will be judged based on the following criteria:
Focus 25
(Originality, Matter)
Support 25
(Theory, Context, Critique)
Conventions 15
(Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling)
1. To integrate social sciences from the natural science through arts
2. To foster a venue for critical thinking by crafting a commentary
to a specific social or political issue
3. To recognize the participants’ excellence and skill in the arts
1. Contest Proper. The theme for the contest shall revolve on a
science, technology, and environment issue related to this year's
NYSTESC topic, ENERGY SYSTEMS. It shall be given during the
contest proper.
2. Duration. The contest shall be good for TWO (2) hours only.
3. Materials. A letter-sized bond paper shall be provided by the
organizers. All other materials must be brought by the individual
contestant. Participants may use pencils provided that
black-colored pens will be used on the final output.
4. Criteria and Judging. There will be separate winners for junior
high school and senior high school participants. Each individual
entry will be judged based on the following criteria:
Content 20
(Information Accuracy, Topic Research)
Creative Thinking 20
(Creativity, Originality)
Reflective Thinking 20
(Social Relevance, Metacognition)
Graphics 20
(Drawing, Storyboard)
Presentation 20
(Details, Style, Neatness)
1. To promote understanding of science and technology in relation
to current social issues
2. To foster a venue for informing, entertaining, and persuading
about relevant issues in the society
3. To recognize excellence of students in verbal communication
1. Contest Proper. The competition is composed of two parts –
Elimination Round and Final Round.
2. Elimination Round.
a. The Elimination Round is a written speech outline contest
on the topic to be given on the contest proper. The theme
for the contest is either a science, technology or
environment issue related to this year’s NYSTESC topic,
b. The speech outline writing shall be good for TWENTY (20)
minutes only.
c. Participants will be provided with ONE (1) letter-sized paper
where they can write their speech outlines. Participants are
not allowed to bring any devices such as laptops and
mobile phones.
d. After the allotted time, the entries will be judged. At this
moment, the contestants are not allowed to consult other
participants, nor other individuals. Should they need to go
outside of the contest venue, a facilitator will accompany
e. The top SEVEN (7) qualifiers from the screening round will
be immediately announced and will then advance to the
finals round.
f. The scores of any participant in the Elimination Round will
not be disclosed. The finalists will be announced in random
order and their scores will revert to zero for the Final
g. There will be separate winners for junior high school and
senior high school participants. The speech outline will be
judged according to the following criteria:
Central Idea 30
(Originality, Focus)
(Supporting statements)
Organization & Format
(Consistency of symbolization and indentation)
(Citation of accurate and relevant information on the topic)
(Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling)
Total 100
3. Finals Round
a. After the announcement, the finalists will go to the
preparation room. Again, any form of communication
towards other participants are not allowed. A facilitator will
be there to assist should there be any concerns.
b. The order of the speakers will be randomly picked by the
contestants. Each participant will be called one by one to the
speech room where they will deliver their speeches in front of
the judges.
c. The speech must not be less than THREE (3) minutes nor
greater than FIVE (5) minutes. A timekeeper will visually
notify the contestant with notecards for the time remaining
in minutes. Corresponding deductions will be applied for
contestants who will not comply with the time requirements.
d. The participants should deliver their speeches according to
the outline they have submitted in the elimination round. Any
form of written notes will not be allowed during the speech.
e. The Champion for this contest will be given a chance to
perform the speech during the Entertainment Night.
Content 30
(Appropriateness of content to topic)
Organization 25
(Unity of thought, logical development)
Delivery 20
(Voice quality, pitch, articulation)
Stage Presence 15
(Personal appearance, posture, confidence)
Sources 10
(Accuracy of statements)
Total 100
b. The exam shall be good for 1 hour and 30 minutes ONLY.
Schools arriving after the schedule of the contest should
inform the organizers through Ate Elah Palaganas (see
contact details provided). Latecomers shall only be
accommodated if NONE of the participants inside the
venue have gone out yet. Time extension shall NOT be
c. Each participant should bring his/her own calculator.
Participants are allowed to use a non-programmable
scientific calculator. Borrowing of calculators on the exam
proper is strictly prohibited. Students must also bring their
own pencil, eraser, and sharpener.
d. The scores of individual participants in the team will be
|averaged and recorded. The TOP TEN teams will qualify for
the Final Round.
e. The scores of any participant in the Elimination Round will
not be disclosed. The finalists will be announced in random
order and their scores will revert to zero for the Final
f. The INDIVIDUAL TOP SCORER of the Elimination Round of
each bracket shall be recognized and shall receive a gold
medallion and a certificate of recognition. His/her coach
shall also receive a certificate of recognition.
5. Final Round
a. The Final Round is an oral competition divided into three (3)
levels: Easy, Average, and Difficult.
b. Latecomers during the Final Round will NOT be allowed to
c. Questions in the Final Round shall be based on the
NYSTESC 2019 topics: Energy Production, Energy Conversion,
and Energy Utilization.
d. Each level is composed of ten (10) questions. Each question
shall be answered within a time limit of 10 seconds for the
Easy and Average Rounds, while 20 seconds for the Difficult
e. Three (3) points are given for every correct answer in the Easy
level, five (5) points for the Average level, and seven (7) points
for the Difficult level.
f. Only the finalists are allowed to raise contentions. A finalist is
not allowed to contest answers of other finalists. Contentions
shall only be entertained until before the next question is
g. In case of a tie, the concerned participants will proceed to the
sudden-death clincher round where in the first team to get
the correct answer will be declared as the winner.
h. The TOP THREE (3) teams per bracket, together with their
coaches, shall be given certificates of recognition. Moreover,
the Champion, First Runner-Up, and Second Runner-Up shall
each receive a gold, silver, and bronze medallion during the
awarding ceremony, respectively.
i. Non-compliance with these guidelines will result to
j. The decision of the Board of Judges shall be FINAL and
k. The NYSTESC 2019 Sessions Committee reserves the right to
modify the guidelines, if deemed necessary, without prior
REFUEL: Stories of Inspirations is a competition for high school teachers
that aims to provide a platform for unique storytelling and radiating
passion throughout the teaching community. This competition invites
teachers to design and submit a photo-essay that will convey stories of
inspirations encouraging further support and strengthening personal
motivations in life.
1. To empower teachers to share life stories that define their
purpose in teaching; and
2. To foster an uplifting environment among teachers towards the
betterment of the society and the nation.
1. Event Participation. Each teacher is only allowed to post one (1)
photo-essay entry. The contest will run from May 1 to June 26,
2. Competition Details. Entries must consist of a photo collage
telling a life story about his/her inspirations in teaching,
accompanied by a short essay communicating the narrative.
a. Photos must be original and not taken elsewhere from the
web or social media sites. Plagiarized entries will be
b. Essays should be original and limited to a maximum of 5
sentences, either in English or Filipino. Moreover, it should be
able to clearly convey the story behind the collection of
c. Inappropriate photo and essay entries deemed harmful to the
PSYSC Teachers community will be taken down.
d. Photo entries may include, but are not limited to life’s
milestones, everyday inspirations, and students’ outputs such
as artworks, short essays, featured article, diorama, terrarium,
projects, etc.
4. Online Submissions. Qualified teachers may post their entries in
the PSYSC Teachers group (www.facebook.com/ groups/1229
02004454541/) and should be in the following format:
[REFUEL: Stories of Inspirations]
For non members, feel free to send requests to join the group.
1. Criteria and Judging. The final standing will be based on the
following criteria. Any decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL
a. Creativity (25%) - The photo and caption should be original
and fresh in expression. The collage should be able to elicit
the imagination of the viewers.
b. Cohesiveness (25%) - The series of photos should have a
comprehensible flow of ideas that is able to clearly relay the
desired message.
c. Influence (25%) - The photo-essay should be able to evoke a
sense of sincerity, passion, integrity, and practicality to fellow
d. Empowerment (25%) – The story of the photo-essay should
be able to leave a significant mark to the viewers, and
encourage them to remember their source of energy in
everyday life.
2. Only one (1) winner will be chosen at the end of the contest, and
will receive a certificate of recognition together with a special
3. The winner will be announced at the NYSTESC proper.
DULOG: A Cultural Night is a special event organized especially for high
school teachers where the rich and diverse Philippine culture is
celebrated and recognized. The tagalog word dulog means to come
together for a gathering, befittingly exemplifying the purpose of the
event. This event, with the theme Pagyamanin ang Sariling Kultura,
invites teachers to showcase their versatile talents and skills in various
fields, and to produce aesthetically satisfying works fully inspired by
their locality and regional heritage. This event is composed of four (4)
contests, namely DULANG: A Pasalubong Festival, LIKHA: An Art
Festival, TULUYAN: A Literary Festival, and HIRAYA: A Short Film
1. To acknowledge the vibrant Philippine culture through
empowering, distinct, yet equally rich regional customs;
2. To enable the teachers to explore and share both their culture
and talents;
3. To provide a venue of interaction and building rapport among
the PSYSC teachers; and
4. To foster a society where its members recognize and celebrate
our own culture, and take pride in passing traditions to the future
DULANG: A Pasalubong Festival, or more commonly known as the
Pasafest, is an exhibit-type contest where teachers from all over the
country bring the best delicacies from their hometowns. Dulang
translates to “long dining table” which is a usual symbol for a feast and
getting together to eat. Hence, this competition is a celebration of the
vastness and diversity of the culture of our nation.
1. To present various delicacies from the different regions of the
2. To immerse the non-participants with local foods not found in
their hometown; and
3. To promote the Filipino pride in the field of culinary.
1. Theme. The theme for this year’s Cultural Night is “Pagyamanin
ang Sariling Kultura”. Participants must showcase local food
products emphasizing this year’s theme. The elements of the
booth shall include, but are not limited to decorations and
ornaments that best represent their respective hometown.
2. Food. Participating schools are highly encouraged to bring local
food products for at least one hundred (100) people. These food
products and goods are not to be sold. They must be shared to
the teachers or other participants who would like to partake in
tasting the local delicacies.
3. Booth. Each participating school will be assigned a designated
area to set up their booth. Participants are encouraged to use
recycled materials and a maximum expenditure of Php 3000 for
their exhibit, including the delicacies. It is optional to provide a
poster featuring some, if not all the food products to be
exhibited with a slogan or short phrase that encapsulates their
locality’s pride in food. The participants may bring their own
materials. Dangerous items such as sharp objects (other than
small kitchen knives), and combustible materials (firecrackers,
LPG, cooking stoves, torches) are strictly prohibited. These will be
confiscated and surrendered to the hotel personnel. Cooking
may be done by request through the hotel kitchen, subject to the
hotel’s approval.
1. Preparation. Teachers are given one (1) hour to prepare their
booth on Day 2. It is advised to maximize the provided time as
NO EXTENSIONS will be given. Teachers are not allowed to ask
help from students during the preparation, as the students must
be at the Sessions Hall for the Socials Night. Only participating
teachers may prepare, decorate, and present at the actual event
proper. Students and other visitors will be asked to leave until
the judging activities are finished.
1. Criteria and Judging. The final standing will be based on the
following criteria. Any decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL
Creativity of food presentation (10)
Abundcance and diversity of delicacies (10) 40
Taste and variety of flavor (10)
Provincial Representation (10)
Booth Design
Creativity of booth design (5) 25
Promotion of hometown products (10)
Resourcefulness and use of eco-friendly materials (10)
Adherence to Theme 25
Originality 10
3. Bountiful Basket. Awarded to the participating school who has
shown abundance and diversity of local delicacies.
4. Pasafest People’s Choice. Awarded to the participating school
who has the most number of votes from the non-participating
teachers. Only non-participating teachers may vote for the said
award. Each non-participating teacher is entitled to only one (1)
vote. A drop box will be provided by the organizers.
5. Pasafest Green Icon. Awarded to the participating school who
has demonstrated and exemplified PUSTE in their food
preparation and booth presentation.
LIKHA: An Art Festival, or Artfest, is an exhibit-type contest where
teachers from all around the nation bring exotic souvenirs, trade goods,
products, or artworks from their hometowns. Likha means to create
something with the use of intelligence and skills. Hence, this
competition is a celebration of the creativity of Filipinos expressed
through art and everyday lifestyle.
1. To present various products from the different regions of the
2. To immerse the non-participants with local goods not found in
their hometown; and
3. To promote the Filipino pride in the field of art.
1. Theme. The theme for this year’s Cultural Night is “Pagyamanin ang
Sariling Kultura”. Participants must showcase local non-food
souvenirs, products and goods emphasizing this year’s theme. The
elements of the booth shall include, but are not limited to
decorations and ornaments that best represent their respective
2. Souvenirs. Participating schools are highly encouraged to bring local
non-food souvenirs, products and goods. These are not to be sold,
but it is in their discretion if they wish to give them away as tokens.
They will be exhibited to teachers and other participants who
would like to observe the different products of the regions.
2. Booth. Each participating school will be assigned a designated area
to set up their booth. Participants are encouraged to use recycled
materials and a maximum expenditure of Php 3000 for their exhibit,
including the souvenirs. It is optional to provide a poster featuring
some, if not all the food products to be exhibited with a slogan or
short phrase that encapsulates their locality’s pride in goods. The
participants may bring their own materials. Dangerous items such
as sharp objects, and combustible materials (firecrackers, LPG,
cooking stoves, torches) are strictly prohibited. These will be
confiscated and surrendered to the hotel personnel.
3. Preparation. Teachers are given one (1) hour to prepare their booth
on Day 2. It is advised to maximize the provided time as NO
EXTENSIONS will be given. Teachers are not allowed to ask help
from students during the preparation, as the students must be at
the Sessions Hall for the Socials Night. Only participating teachers
may prepare, decorate, and present at the actual event proper.
Students and other visitors will be asked to leave until the judging
activities are finished.
Major Award. The winner of the major award will receive a trophy, a
certificate of recognition, and a special prize.
a. Art Festival Supreme. Outstanding achievement in overall
presentation as shown through the five major criteria - souvenir,
booth design, poster, originality, and adherence to the theme.
Special Awards. The winner of the minor awards will be awarded with
certificates, and a special prize.
a. Artium Magister Award. Awarded to the participating school who
has shown excellent visual effect, diversity, and artistic
expression through their souvenirs.
b. Artfest Booth Expert Award. Awarded to the participating school
who has shown excellent visual effect, promotions, and
resourcefulness through their booth design.
c. Token Galore. Awarded to the participating school who has
shown abundance and diversity of hometown’s products.
d. Artfest People’s Choice. Awarded to the participating school who
has the most number of votes from the non-participating
teachers. Only non-participating teachers may vote for the said
award. Each non-participating teacher is entitled to only one (1)
vote. A drop box will be provided by the organizers.
e. Artfest Green Icon. Awarded to the participating school who has
demonstrated and exemplified PUSTE in their souvenir and
booth presentation.
TULUYAN: A Literary Festival, or Litfest, is a declamation contest
where teachers from all over the country reveal their talent in forming
and delivering speeches inspired by their hometowns. Tuluyan is a
direct translation of the word “prose”, a form of language without
formal metrical structure. This competition is a celebration of
unparalleled techniques of Filipinos through essay writing and oration,
while advertising the richness of customs and beautiful landscapes in
one’s locality.
1. To present various traditions and sceneries from the different
regions of the Philippines;
2. To immerse non-participants with the country’s known and hidden
3. To advocate Philippine tourism through acknowledging remarkable
culture and exquisite sites; and
4. To promote the Filipino pride in the field of literature and
1. Theme. The theme for this year’s Cultural Night is “Pagyamanin ang
Sariling Kultura”. Participants must showcase their talent in speech
writing and declamation emphasizing this year’s theme.
2. Contest Proper. The competition is composed of two parts –
Elimination Round and Final Round.
3. Elimination Round. Each participating school shall submit a written
declamation piece within the range of three (3) to five (5) minutes
long when delivered. Entries must be submitted to
[email protected] with the subject “TULUYAN 2019
Declamation Piece (Name of School)” on or before June 19, 2019.
a. A panel of judges will read and rate each submission and shall
choose the top five (5) qualifiers that will proceed to the FINALS
ROUND. Scores and rankings will not be disclosed.
b. The list of the finalists will be released on July 3, 2019 on our
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/psysc.nystesc.
c. The entries will be judged based on the following criteria.
(Impact and appeal of message) 30
(Flow of ideas) 15
(Uniqueness of topic) 15
(Grammar, punctuation, spelling) 10
4. Finals Round
a. Each participant is to prepare a visual aid to be used during the
finals round. This may include, but not limited to powerpoint
presentations, pictures, and demonstrations that best illustrate
the message of their declamation piece.
b. A copy of the powerpoint presentation (in PDF file format) must
be sent through email to [email protected] with the
subject “TULUYAN 2019 Presentation (Name of School)” on or
before July 19, 2019.
c. The order of the presenters will be pre-determined through draw
lots and will be announced on the day of the competition.
d. Each finalist will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes to
present in front of the judges. A timekeeper will visually notify
the contestant with notecards for the time remaining in minutes.
Corresponding deductions will be applied for contestants who
will not comply with the time requirements.
e. The finals round will be judged based on the following criteria.
Mastery of Topic
(Systematic Delivery and Discussion; Clear and effective explanation)
Visual aid
(Adherence to topic)
Communication Skills
(Articulation, pronunciation, and grammar; Voice Modulation 25
[English or Filipino])
(Confidence and composure; Attire and projection)
1. Criteria and Judging. The final standing will be based on the
following criteria. Any decision of the Board of Judges is FINAL and
Elimination Round 20
Finals Round 80
2. Major Awards. Only three (3) winners per bracket will be declared:
Champion, 1st Runner-up, and 2nd Runner-up. They will each receive
a medal, a certificate of recognition and a special prize.
3. Special Awards. The winner of the minor awards will be awarded
with certificates, and a special prize.
a. The Visual Award. Awarded to the participating school who has
shown excellent visual effect through their presentation.
b. The Personality Award. Awarded to the participating school who
has shown excellent visual effect, promotions, and
resourcefulness through their booth design.
c. Social Impact Award. Awarded to the participating school who
has the most number of votes from the non-participating
teachers. Only non-participating teachers may vote for the said
award. Each non-participating teacher is entitled to only one (1)
vote. A drop box will be provided by the organizers.
• General concerns, pre registration requirements:
[email protected]
• Contests’ requirements:
[email protected]
Pre-registration requirements www.facebook.com/psysc.nystesc
PSYSC Teachers www.facebook.com/
Facebook Group groups/122902004454541/
Speech Choir Piece bit.ly/BERSIKULOPiece
Sample speech choir
Character References for
Take Home Workshop bit.ly/THWSCAMP2019
Online NYSTESC 2019 Primer bit.ly/CAMP19Primer
GENERAL Deadline of Registration Requirements July 5
Deadline of online submissions June 21
Announcement of finalists June 24
Deadline of online submission for finalists July12
Viewing period of AVPs to
July 22
STORIES OF Deadline of entries June 26
Submission of Documentation July 7