Leadexcels Reflection Paper
Leadexcels Reflection Paper
Leadexcels Reflection Paper
What significant learning insights did you gain One important insight that I have gained
from the course? from these online interactions is that the
task of preparing the school for these
eventualities is not the job solely of the
school head or the teachers. Everybody
in the community is involved – from the
parents, to local barangay officials, the
LGU, other agencies like the MSWD, the
police, and even private or non-
government organizations that can help
provide specialized post-disaster
services. Our job at the school level is to
identify these people and organizations
who can help the school, and organize
our efforts to maximize results. We
should seek their help before, during and
after emergencies and disasters without
hesitation for they are always more than
ready and willing to help.
What challenges or difficulties did you One of the challenges that I had
experience during the course? constantly met throughout the short
program was how to manage my time in
preparing for the online chat sessions
and coming up with the requirements,
since all of the latter required
coordinating with other people, either
from the school or from the community.
And also because of the voluminous
reading material contained in the
learning packages, I made it my resolve
to practice smart reading so that I would
achieve efficiency without sacrificing
Additionally, because DRRM concepts
have not yet gained a strong foothold in
our school, some of the practices which I
had gleaned from other participants
opened my eyes to the reality that we
Prepared by:
Class No. 4