Raychem Kit PDF
Raychem Kit PDF
Raychem Kit PDF
Terminations IXSU-F/OXSU-F
Raychem Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Terminations IXSU-F/OXSU-F for Indoor
and Outdoor Applications for Polymeric Cables up to 42 kV
Raychem heat-shrinkable medium Polymeric insulation
voltage terminations IXSU-F/OXSU-F The materials used in the Raychem Raychem indoor
are widely acknowledged in the termination generation of products termination IXSU-F
industry and feature an unique have undergone many years of
integrated ZnO-based stress control development, yielding a polymeric
system, flexibility of usage for crimp material with outstanding electrical
or mechanical lugs, unlimited shelf life and weathering properties.
and range-taking kits. The formulation is based on polymer
compounds, and has proven to be
The material makes the difference stable and functional over several
TE Connectivity Raychem cable decades under severe environmental
accessories have been used by utilities conditions. The formulation offers
and industrial companies around the exceptional tracking and erosion
world for more than 35 years. Our resistance, mechanical strength,
continuing experience in the field has weatherability and dielectric • A •
made TE Energy a leader in materials properties.
science and technology for medium-
voltage cable accessories applications. One piece termination
Our materials technology is at the core The Raychem stress control material
in the development of our range of IXSU-F/OXSU-F is a recently
heat shrink terminations. The materials formulated electrical stress control
• B •
used in Raychem cable accessories compound, that is based on extensive
have been extensively optimized for experience with Raychem ceramic
design and function, manufacturing semiconductor technology (ZnO).
and the wide range of possible service The ZnO-based stress control system
environments. is integrated in heat-shrinkable
insulating tubing. This stress control
Designed for both indoor system fills any irregularities, bonds to • C •
and outdoor applications the insulation and provides superb
The components combine to provide electrical performance.
the important functions required
for all medium voltage products: Product range
electrical performance, stress control The product line is designed for
and moisture sealing. The proprietary polymer cables from 10 to 1200 mm2
materials used in our cable access- and up to 42 kV. This coverage is
ories are designed for optimized achieved with a minimum number • D •
manufacturing, and to provide of design variants.
exceptional product performance in
the harshest of service environments. The products are fully tested
in accordance with IEEE-48,
Variations and differences can exist IEC 60502-4 and the CENELEC
amongst base polymer grades and HD629.1S1 specification.
additives. Compounds consist of
polymers, additives and fillers that For cable box applications, the
highly influence the properties of the Raychem termination IXSU-F can
base material. The formulation, the be combined with either Raychem A Insulating tubing
compounding procedures, material elastomeric bushing boot (RCAB)
processing, product design and or Raychem insulated connection B Stress control and
assembly all contribute to the overall system (RICS) to fit most types of sealant layer
product performance. switchgear bushing currently available.
C Stress controlling
For pole top applications, we can void filler
supply Raychem termination OXSU-F
along with polymeric support D Sealant tape
insulators (EPBI), Polygarde metal
oxide surge arresters (HDA), and
most fittings required for installation.
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
Kit content
Each kit consists of the insulation
tubing including coextruded stress
control material, sealant tapes and
installation instructions.
For 3-core cables, the kit also includes
a conductive breakout and tubing
for custom core length. For special
applications please contact your
local sales representative.
Each kit contains easy-to-follow
installation instructions with visuals
of the installation steps.
3 Installation of 24 kV terminations
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
The application ranges given in the tables are based on polymeric insulated cables according to HD 620 A2: (2004) with
stranded circular conductors. Due to different conductor dimensions and/or cable constructions the minimum and
maximum application range may be extendable. Please contact your local sales representative.
5 energy.te.com
TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
Solderless earthing connection EAKT-16xx for single and 3-core polymeric cables up to 42 kV
(set of 3)
The accessory kit can be ordered individually by using the Raychem part number EAKT-16xx, or in conjunction with the
termination kit by adding the Mod. code number Gxx to the appropriate termination kit number.
Raychem termination IXSU-F5331-G58 for 3-core polymeric cables 24 kV with solderless earthing connection.
Armour earthing assemblies (clamping ring) EAKT-16xx for single core polymeric cables up to 42 kV
(set of 3)
Armour earthing assemblies (clamping ring) EAKT-16xx for 3-core polymeric cables up to 42 kV
The accessory kit can be ordered individually by using the Raychem part number EAKT-16xx, or in conjunction with the
termination kit by adding the Mod. code number Gxx to the appropriate termination kit number.
Raychem termination IXSU-F5331-G43 for 3-core polymeric cables 24 kV with armour earthing assembly.
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TE Connectivity Heat-shrinkable Medium Voltage Termination IXSU-F/OXSU-F
Features Benefits
Unique zinc oxide-based stress control system Superb high-impulse withstand performance
Integrated stress control over entire termination length Ensures stress control system is correctly positioned
Range taking kit Fewer kits for a wide range of cable sizes
While TE Connectivity (TE) has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this catalog, TE does not guarantee that it is error-free, nor does TE make any other
representation, warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, reliable or current. TE reserves the right to make any adjustments to the information contained herein at any
time without notice. TE expressly disclaims all implied warranties regarding the information contained herein, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for a particular purpose. The dimensions in this catalog are for reference purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Consult
TE for the latest dimensions and design specifications. Raychem, TE Connectivity and TE Connectivity (logo) are trademarks. Other logos, product and company names mentioned herein
may be trademarks of their respective owners.
TE Energy – innovative and economical solutions for the electrical power industry: cable accessories, connectors &
fittings, insulators & insulation, surge arresters, switching equipment, lighting controls, power measurement and control.
Phone: +49-89-6089-0
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