PT - English 5 - Q2
PT - English 5 - Q2
PT - English 5 - Q2
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Botolan District
I. Read the paragraphs below then answer the questions that follow.
A. Do you know how to wash plates? Read the directions that follow.
First, remove the extra food from the plates. Next, put the plates, spoons, forks,
and glasses together. Rinse them once and soap them, beginning with the glasses, plates,
and spoons and forks. Rinse the glasses and drain them on the drain board. Then, rinse
the plates well, followed by the spoons and forks. Drain them on the dish drain. When
dry, keep them in the dish rack.
B. The proper eating of soup is rather difficult. One must avoid a gurgling sound. The
spoon must be held at the proper distance. Carrying it to the mouth without spilling is
an accomplishment. Then, of course, the lips must be wiped with a napkin.
4. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Proper way of eating soup. B. Proper waste disposal
C. Proper way of drinking. D. Proper way of studying
C. Vitamins are essential to the body. Vitamin A helps keep the skin smooth and soft.
When it is absent, the skin becomes thick and rough. Another important vitamin is
thiamine or Vitamin B1. Many people who complain of being tired and irritable are actually
suffering from lack of thiamine.
Study the card catalog below then answer the questions that follow:
123 Balajadia, Ma. Corazon
B4 The biological sciences by
Ma. Corazon Balajadia,
San Francisco, California
Phoenix Publishing House Inc.
C. 1998 XIV, 738 p. 25 cm.
10. What is the title of the book written by Ma. Corazon Balajadia?
A. Botany B. The Biological Sciences
C. Phoenix Publishing House Inc. D. San Francisco, California
11. What is the call number of the book?
A. C.1998 XIV B. 738p. C. 25 cm. D. 123 B4
12. It is a small dictionary found at the back of a book that contains alphabetically
arranged words with their meanings.
A. Card Catalog B. Glossary C. Dictionary D. Thesaurus
13. It contains words arranged in alphabetical order with their meaning, pronunciation,
and syllabication of words.
A. Card Catalog B. Glossary C. Dictionary D. Thesaurus
Encircle the letter of the correct verb that agrees with the subject.
Encircle the lettel of the correct affix that fits the words in the sentences.
30. Our country’s colorful history shows how Filipinos face problems.
A. country B. history C. colorful D. problems
31. The red peppers and spicy onions dangled over my nose.
A. red and spicy B. peppers C. dangled D. onions
33. His clown costume consists of a red nose, oversized shoes, and a ________ jacket.
A. Size 4X polka-dotted silk smoking
B. polka-dotted silk smoking size 4X
C. polka dotted size 4x silk smoking
D. silk, polka dotted size 4x smoking
________40. One morning a big ant went to the river A. because she was drowning
________42. The ant cried, “Help! Help!” C. that she fell into the water.
________43. A dove picked and dropped a big leaf D. so that the ant could ride on it.
near the ant
Fill out the following information. Be accurate and careful in filling out the form. (5 points)
48. Birthday:_________________________
49. Age:___________________
God bless!!!
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region III
Schools Division of Zambales
Botolan District
Identify main idea, key sentences and supporting details of a given 5 1,2,4,5,7
Identify informational text-types
-to classify
3 3,6,8
-to explain
-to describe
-to compare and contrast
3 9-11
Use card catalog to locate resources
Gather relevant information from various sources
-glossaries 1 12
Gather relevant information from various sources 1 13
EN5SS-IIe-1.4 1 14
Gather relevant information from various sources
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical 3 15-17
-subject-verb agreement ( inverted sentences)
EN5G-IIc-2.2.2 EN5G-IIc-3.9 3 18-20
-irregular nouns and verb agreement
EN5G-IId-2.2.6 EN5G-IId-3.9 3 21-23
- collective nouns and verb agreement
EN5V-Id-12 and 13
Infer the meaning of unfamiliar words (affixed) based on given context 4 24-27
clues (synonyms, antonyms, word parts) and other strategies
Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
structures: 4 28-31
-kinds of adjectives
EN5G-IIf-5.5 4 32-35
-order of adjectives
EN5G-IIg-5.2 4 36-39
-degrees of adjectives
Write paragraphs showing 4 40-43
-cause and effect
2 44-45
Distinguish fact from opinion
5 46-50
Fill-out forms accurately (school forms, deposit and withdrawal slips, etc.)
1. B 26. D
2. C 27. A
3. C 28. C
4. A 29. B
5. D 30. C
6. B 31. A
7. B 32. A
8. C 33. A
9. B 34. A
10. B 35. B
11. D 36. C
12. B 37. C
13. C 38. C
14. D 39. B
15. B 40. B
16. A 41. C
17. B 42. A
18. C 43. D
19. B 44. A
20. B 45. B
21. A 46. Fill out forms
22. A 47.
23. C 48.
24. C 49.
25. B 50.