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The dissertation submitted to the

Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of


in the specialty of

Guide and Professor

Department of Post Graduate studies in Shalya Tantra
Ayurvedic Medical College,



2007 - 2010


I hereby declare that this dissertation entitled “A CLINICAL



(SINUS)”, is a bonafide and genuine research work carried out by me under the guidance of

Dr. JAYASHEELA. M. GONI. M.D. (Ayu), Professor and Guide, Dept. of P.G. Studies in

Shalya Tantra, Ayurvedic Medical College, Davangere.

Date :

Place :
Dr. S. Vikram


This to certify that this dissertation entitled “A CLINICAL COMPARATIVE



bonafide and genuine research work done by Dr. S. VIKRAM in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Master of Surgery (Ayurveda) in the speciality of Shalya

Tantra, under my direct guidance.


Guide & Professor,

Department of Shalya Tantra,

Date : Ayurvedic Medical College,

Place : Davangere.

This to certify that this dissertation entitled “A CLINICAL COMPARATIVE



bonafide and genuine research work done by Dr. S. VIKRAM in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Master of Surgery (Ayurveda) in the speciality of Shalya

Tantra, under my guidance.



Department of Shalya Tantra,

Date : Ayurvedic Medical College,

Place : Davangere.


This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “A CLINICAL



(SINUS)”, is a bonafide and genuine research work done by Dr. S. VIKRAM under the

guidance of Dr. MANJUNATH S. M.D. (Ayu), H.O.D. & Professor, Dept. of P.G.Studies in

Shalya Tantra, Ayurvedic Medical College, Davangere.

Dr. MANJUNATH S. M.D. (Ayu.) Dr. UMA G GUBBI , M.D (Ayu).

Head of the Department Principal,

Dept. of P.G.Studies in Shalya Tantra, Ayurvedic Medical College &

Ayurvedic Medical College & P.G.Centre P.G Centre,

Davangere. Davangere.

Date: Date:

Place: Place:



I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka shall

have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation / thesis in print or electronic

format for academic / research purpose.

Date :
Place : Dr. S. Vikram











S.No Particular Page
1 Table showing tract length assessment
2 Table showing distribution of patients based on sex
3 Table showing distribution of patients based on religion
4 Table showing distribution of patients based on age
5 Table showing distribution of patients based on marital status
6 Table showing distribution of patients based on occupation
7 Table showing distribution of patients based on diet pattern
8 Table showing distribution of patients based on chronicity of disease
9 Table showing distribution of patients based on site of sinuses
10 Table showing distribution of patients based on length of the tract. (Group A)
11 Table showing distribution of patients based on length of the tract. (Group B)
12 Table showing length of the tract rate of healing in every seven days upto 42nd day
in all 20 patients of Group A
13 Table showing length of the tract rate of healing in every seven days upto 42nd day
in all 20 patients of Group B
14 Table showing rate of healing per week in Group A
15 Table showing rate of healing per week in Group B
16 Table showing unit healing time in Group A
17 Table showing unit healing time in Group B
18 Table showing evaluation of pain between two groups
19 Table showing evaluation of induration between two groups
20 Table showing evaluation of discharge between two groups
21 Table showing evaluation of burning sensation between two groups
22 Table showing evaluation of itching between two groups
23 Table showing statistical analysis of group A by using paired t-test
24 Table showing statistical analysis of group B by using paired t-test
25 Table showing comparative statistical analysis of both the groups after treatment
using unpaired t-test
26 Table showing overall comparison of outcome (%)

S.No Particualar Page

1 Graph showing distribution of patients based on sex
2 Graph showing distribution of patients based on religion
3 Graph showing distribution of patients based on age
4 Graph showing distribution of patients based on Marital status
5 Graph showing distribution of patients based on occupation
6 Graph showing distribution of patients based on diet pattern
7 Graph showing distribution of patients based on chronicity of disease
8 Graph showing distribution of patients based on site of sinuses
9 Graph showing distribution of patients based on length of the tract (Group A)
10 Graph showing distribution of patients based on length of the tract (Group B)
11 Graph showing distribution of patients based on evaluation of pain between two
12 Graph showing distribution of patients based on evaluation of induration between
two groups
13 Graph showing distribution of patients based on evaluation of discharge between
two groups
14 Graph showing distribution of patients based on evaluation of burning sensation
between two groups
15 Graph showing distribution of patients based on evaluation of itching between two
16 Graph showing overall comparison of outcome (%)
17 Showing different types of sinuses.
18 Showing contents and prepared vartis of both the groups

First of all I wish to place my sincere gratitude and thanks to my Guide

DR. JAYASHEELA. M. GONI, Department of PG studies in Shalya Tantra, AAMC and

PG Centre, Davangere for her valuable help and guidance.

I am thankful to DR MANJUNATH. S. Professor and H.O.D, Department of PG Studies in

Shalya Tantra, AAMC and PG Centre, Davangere for his encouragement and help in success

of my endeavour.

I am thankful to DR SATISH B.G. Reader, Department of PG Studies in Shalya Tantra,

AAMC and PG Centre, Davangere for his help and guidance.

My sincere thanks to Principal DR UMA G. GUBBI AAMC and PG Centre, Davangere, for

her precious support given for my study.

My sincere gratitude and respect to DR K.G. CHANDRAPPA, Dean and CCIM Member,

AAMC and PG Centre, Davangere for his generous co-operation and advice.

I would like to thank other management members DR MRITYUNJAYA HIRAMATH, DR


supporting and providing me an opportunity to conduct my study.

I am also thankful to all my PG colleagues who have helped me in many ways.

My special thanks to Dr. Sanjay Bhardwaj, Dr. Tushar Patil, Dr. Amar Patil and Dr.

Venkanna for their timely support and help.

How can I forget to express my acknowledgement to all college staff, college office staff,

Hospital staff, Laboratory staff, Pharmacy staff for their help and support in one or the other


Also my special thanks to Librarian Mr. Srinivas, Rajappa and S.B. Masanagi for providing

me the books and collection of literature which really served as a strong pillar for conceptual


I would also like to thank Mr. Nandakumar, Statistician for his valuable guidelines for my


I am thankful to Mr and Mrs Thomas owner of Thomas computers and Samarth Xerox centre

for their efficient and meticulous typing for this dissertation.

I express my thanks to all the patients who have co-operated and taken treatment in this

study. Also I am thankful to all the persons who have helped me directly and indirectly for

completion of my study.

Date: With Heartfelt gratitude


Dr. S.Vikram


To evaluate the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti in nadi vrana (sinus).

To evaluate the efficacy of Saindhav varti in nadi varana (sinus).

To compare the effects of Ghontaphaladi varti and Saindhav varti in the management

of Nadi vrana (Sinus).


Total 40 patients diagnosed to be suffering from nadi vrana (sinus) were selected

randomly. These were divided into two groups A and B containing 20 patients in

each. Group A patients were treated with Ghontaphaladi varti application and Group

B patients were treated with Saidhav varti application. The data was collected and

observations were made before treatment on 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th, 42nd day and

after the treatment. The data obtained from the results was subjected to statistical

analysis and conclusions were drawn.


In both the groups the drugs showed highly significant results (P < 0.001) in

parameters such as Pain, Burning sensation, Itching, Discharge and Length of the

tract where as in parameter Induration both the drugs were significant (P < 0.05).

Among the groups A and B the results so obtained were non-significant (P > 0.05) in

all the parameters except Length of the tract where it showed significant result

(P < 0.05).

The drugs of both the groups were quiet effective in all the parameters but Group A

medicine is more effective than Group B in reducing the Length of the tract.


Nadi vrana, Sinus, Ghontaphaladi varti, Saindhav varti.


Nadi vrana is an ulcer having a tract extending into the deeper tissues. Nadi

vrana is associated with the presence of a large number of recesses or cavities in

a ulcer. When excessive infiltration of pus burrows deeply then it can be called as

nadi vrana. Nadi vrana or sinus comes under a non-healing ulcer so to

understand the nature and clinical presentation of nadi vrana, the knowledge of

an ulcer is needed ayurvedic classics state “vrana gathre vichoornana’’ that

means to break in the skin and flesh of the affected part.

A sinus is defined as a blind tract leading from surface down into the tissue

and lines either by granulation tissue or by epithelium. It persists due to the

presence of in depth foreign body (sequestrum, suturing material etc.) non

dependent drainage and infection.

Broadly vrana is classified into two groups.

1. Sudha vrana

2. Dusta vrana

Grossly, sudha vrana is comparable with healing ulcer and dusta vrana is

comparable with non-healing ulcer.

According to modern science, an ulcer can be defined as break down in the

continuity of the covering epithelium-skin or mucous membrane. It is molecular

death of the surface epithelium leading to ulcer formation.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   1 
Clinically it is of 3 types:

1. Spreading ulcer

2. Healing ulcer

3. Callous ulcer

Pathologically it is again 3types.

1.Non specific ulcer

2.specific ulcer

3.malignant ulcer

A Nadi vrana if not timely treated may lead to the formation of a fistula by

burrowing deeper and deeper into the tissues . most of the sinuses are known to

occur in the perianal region.

Sushruta gives a broader view regarding bhagandara as “bhaga guda vasti

pradesa daarayanth iti

Bhagandara’’, here bhaga , guda, vasti, region that is nothing but a perianal

region along with anorectal canal. In a nut shell, both the diseases can be

considered as one due to similar pathology and presentation.

In spite of the great progress in the field of modern surgery, sinus still exists as a

disease with the presently available therapeutic measures. The patient

complaints of recurrence and reduced success rate. Hence they are non reliable.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   2 
The lacunas in the present day management can be grouped as:

1. Wide excision of the sinus tract during operative procedure becomes the

major surgery, as it cannot be performed without general/ spinal

2. Very wide excision of the part causes a lot of problem to the patient and

makes him recumbent for a long time.

3. Inability to maintain complete sterility is due to constant source of

infection from anus.

4. In multiple sinuses, total excision of various tracts is practically

impossible due to ineffective identification of minute sinus tracts.

So as the operative treatment has its own limitations and adverse effects, there is

a dearth of treatment which, should be convenient, effective and economic for a

sinus patient.

In our Ayurveda acharyas have explained in detail about the management of

nadi vrana with different treatment modalities.varti application is one among

them which does not require anaesthesia and having good curative properties

with worth full results.

The varti is considered to possess an anti inflammatory and good broad

spectrum activity. It must be remembered that nadi vrana is a chronic non-

healing ulcer (dusta vrana) and may occurs due to specific organisms also.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   3 
Here ghontaphaladi varti and saindhav varti are selected for the study, which

has got shodhana and ropana properties, thus helps in treating the nadi vrana


A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   4 

• To Review the literature on nadi vrana

• To evaluate the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti in Nadi vrana.

• To evaluate the efficacy of saindhav varti in Nadi vrana.

• To compare the Results of both the vartis.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   5 

Concept of Vrana :1

NIRUKTI (Definition): Vrana is so called by the wise, since it is loss of

continuity of skin or the area of the body and also the vrana vastu (scar / cicatrix

) does not get disappear even after healing. It remains till the body survives.

As the word ‘vrana’ is derived from "Vrana Sanchoorane" it is said that

vrana occurs in the body cavity and break in the flesh 2

BHEDA (Types):

The Vrana was broadly classified into 2 varieties in the Ayurvedic treatise3.

¾ Nija Vrana (due to vitiation of doshas).4

¾ Agantuja Vrana (trauma).5

Nija group includes all ulcers that are caused through the vitiated

condition of the doshas.

Agantuja vrana is a fresh wound caused by various external agents such

as trauma from blunt or sharp objects, agni or kshara karmas including animal

bites. Agantuja vranas will convert into Nija vranas due to involvement of

doshas after stipulated period of 7 days.

Suddha Vrana:

Vrana, which is of the same colour with the dorsum of the tongue soft,

glossy, smooth, painless, well shaped and marked by the absence of any kind of

secretion, is called suddha vrana.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   6 
Suddha vrana is also caused generally by a surgeon's knife and these

vranas do not require any specific treatment, except its protection from various

Sudha vrana is unaffected by any of the three doshas and assumes a dark

brown hue along its is characterized by the absence of pain, postural

eruptions or secretions vrana having an equal elevation throughout its length,

should be regarded as sudha vrana. It is cleansed and deprived of all morbid

matter or principles.6

Dushta Vrana:

Dushta vrana is an excessively damaged wound with discoloration of its

adhistana(seat), whether it may be caused by vitiated doshas ( Nija vrana) or

caused by external injuries (Agantuja vrana).

Dushta vranas are either too narrow or too wide mouthed, they feel either

extremely hard or soft to touch and passes either a raised or depressed margins.

They are either of a black, red, yellow or white in colour and are characterized

by extremes of temperature. They are filled with putrid and sloughing flesh,

Indefinite and irregular in shape. They are found to exude a sort of dirty, fetid

pus, which runs into t cavities following an oblique and upward course.

They have a cadaverous look and smell and are characterized by extreme

pain burning sensation, redness, swelling, itching and suppuration. Pustules crop

up round these ulcers, which largely secrete vitiated blood, and linger; unhealed

for an inordinate length of time7.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   7 

Symptoms of an ulcer may be divided into two kinds viz., general and

specific. General:

¾ Ruk or vedana (pain).

¾ Gathra Vichoornane (crushing of the body).

Specific : Exhibited in each case according to by virtue of the deranged doshas

involved. 8

VISHESHA LAKSHANAS (Characteristic features)

Both Nija and Agantuja vranas have the following characteristic features.

¾ Classified into twenty varieties.

¾ Examined in those different ways.

¾ Exhibit twelve characteristic features in their advanced stages.

¾ Located in eight places.

¾ Associated with eight types of foul odorous.

¾ Fourteen types of discharge.

¾ Sixteen types of complications.

¾ Twenty-four factors which cause impediments and twenty-six

effective therapeutic measures.9

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   8 

Base of the vrana is known as vranadhistana. All vranas are situated in

them. Those are twak(skin), mamsa(flesh), sira(veins) snayu(ligaments),

Asthi(bone), Sandhi(joints), Kosta(viscera) and marma(vital spots).10

A little variation is found in the concepts of Acharya Susrutha and Acharya

Charak has mentioned medas as one of the adhistana in the place of snayu.


Acharya Susrutha has also approach towards the management of vrana is

a comprehensive manner. He has described sixty measures i.e.

"Shashtiupakarma" towards the medical and surgical management of vrana.11

Acharya Susrutha has also mentioned seven measures i.e. Saptopakramas

which comprehensively includes all the above procedures.12

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)   9 

Derivation of Nadivrana –

1. Nalam vranantharam naali iti bhasha (shabdakalpdrum)13

• That which is having a tract inside the ulcer is called Nadi vrana.

• A vrana vishesa which discharges pus at all time is called “Nadi


2. Nadou samlagnou vranaha sarvada galada vranam naali va ithi bhasha.


NADA : means a reed.

• That which is having a tract like a reed.

• A vrana vishesha, the nature of which remains unhealed with the

characteristic of oozing or discharge of pus is called as Nadi Vrana.

3. NADI: A tract, “VRANA” – an ulcer.

4. NADI: Nadi + kwadikara bhakthinaha – ithi nadishu (Amarakosha


The one, which is having GATHYATMAKA property letting or expelling

out material, is known as Nadi Vrana.

The word NADI refers to a deformity where the formation of tract

or a passage takes place.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  10 
5. Nadi Nali va ithi – i.e. reed or flute. This is described as pranali or a

condition causing nali or pranali or nadi and this occurs in the case of


6. Nadi Nadayaithi Nadi

7. Nadikam Nadireva prathikruthi. – that which resembles tubular (hallow)

structure is called nadi.

SYNONYMS: As the word Nadi implies the direction of

pooya(Athimathragamana) embedded inside "Gathi" is also a synonym of


¾ As if flows like a drain, it is called as Nadi. 16

¾ Because of its copious flow; it is also known as Gati. 17

NOTE: According to some ancient authors if pooya (pus), raktha (blood) etc

passes through a single curved track it is called Nadivrana and that passing

through, more than one curved track attains the name Gathi.



As there is no much details are available in the Pre Vedic period, the

recorded evidence from the beginning of Ayurveda is seen in Rugveda and then

in the Atharva Veda.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  11 
Atharva Veda :

1. Yaethe nadyou devkrutho yayosthistanthi vrishyam18.

Atharva veda.6/138.4

This verse describes the ducts above the testicles, through which semen

flows. This word Nadi is related etymologically with NADA (reed), means hollow

with in, which grows in rainy season.

2. The diminutive of Nada is Nadika

• It is used in Atharva Veda to denote speech organ vak (wind pipe).

• In Atharva veda different ailments are explained and its effects on

different organs were mentioned, along with them there are the

references about the disease Asrava (formation of pus) along with

other diseases.19

(Atharva veda 7/78.1)

These two references give an idea that the people of Vedic period also

suffered from collection of pus and formation of Nadi Vrana, but we don’t get

direct reference of the term Nadivrana as such.


The term Nadi vrana was coined during this period and described

extensively by Acharya Sushruta. In this treatise several methods are explained

for the treatment of Nadi Vrana one among them is application of varthis.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  12 

Acharya Chakrapani, has explained in his book ‘chakradatta’ about Nadi

Vrana and its different treatment principles like Patana, application of varthi

and ksharasutra application in Nadivrana chikitsa 45th chapter.

In Bhaisajya Ratnavali also a separate chapter is dedicated for treatment

modalities of nadi Vrana.

Hence the Acharyas have added the improved versions of treatment

modalities for Nadi vrana in adition to the procedures which were mentioned in


Post independence period saw the revival of Ayurveda and the Shalya

Tantra in many aspects like in the preparation of Pratisarneeya Kshara, Kshara

sutra, varthi etc., which are considered as prime procedures in the management

of nadi vrana.
CLASSIFICATION: Nadivrana is classified here as per sushruta

1. Vatika.

2. Paithika.

3. Kaphaja.

4. Thridoshaja.

5. Shalyaja.

6. Dwandwaja

However Vagbhata does not considered dwandwaja type, while

classifying Nadivrana.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  13 
NIDANA: (Etiology of Nadivrana):

As Shopha is the primordial condion of NADIVRANA, the etiological

factors of sopha can be considered for Nadivrana too. Sopha means

inflammatory swelling, is defined as an elevation caused by doshas localized and

situated between skin and muscles, widespread, knotty, even or uneven.20

Some factors are:

1. Long time journey over horses.

2. Sitting on a hard surface for prolonged period.

3. Factors vitiating apana vayu e.g. indulgence in excessive sexual activity.

4. Acting contrary to contemporary ethics.

5. Sitting in unnatural postures (ukudu posture by goldsmith etc.)

SAMPRAPTHI (Pathogenesis):

If vranashopha is not timely treated in pakvavastha or inadequately

drained the pus, invades deeper and deeper into the tissues in the form of a tube

resulting in Nadivrana. The direction of invasion might be straight or depending

upon it is Gathi or Nadivrana.

The pus of an abscess or swelling burrows into the affected part if a

persons neglects it in its fully suppurated stage, and then the pus has been

entered into deeper tissues and penetrates inside and results into Nadi vrana.21

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  14 
LAKSHANAS (Symptoms):

According to doshic involvement and to the presence of foreign bodies

inside the tissues Nadivrana is classified as follows.


Vathika type of sinus is characterized by parusha sookshma mukha

(rough and short orifice) soola (pain) " Phenanuvidha adhikam sravathy

kshapayam" - frothy secretion enhanced at night.22


Nadivrana caused by vitiated pitta dosa has thirst, burning sensation,

exudes yellow, warm, foul smelling pus, and occurs more during the day.23


Nadi vrana caused by vitiated Kapha has very thick, slimy exudation,

severe itching, hardness, exudation occurs more at night24.


Any Nadivrana exhibiting above symptomatology in a mixed

fashion associated with jwara (fever), daha (burning sensation), swasa (breathing

difficulty), vakthra sosha, moorcha (syncope) can be considered as tridoshaja or

sannipata. This type of Nadivrana have grave prognosis.25


The conjugated action of any two of the deranged doshas present

dwandwaja type and vrana symptoms peculiar to the involved doshas.26

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  15 

Any foreign body material accidentally lodged inside the body though

externally invisible tends to burst open out side along its channel of insertion.

Nadivrana is characterized by nityaruja (constant pain), sahasaaphenilam

(Sudden exudation of frothy discharge), Acham (clear) and ushnam asrik (hot

and blood coloured). Vagabhata, however does not considered dwandwaja


As previously narrated Nadivrana of Bhagapradesh is termed

as Bhagandhara, which means the tubular ulcer piercing bhagapradesha

including bhaga, guda and vasthi.


Nadivrana caused by all the doshas (Tridoshaja) precence of all the

symptoms should be rejected, while the four remaining types amenable to careful

medical treatment28.


Acharya Sushruta has classified the whole methodology of management

into 4 types.

1. Bhaisajya Chikitsa (Medical treatment)29.

2. Kshara karma.30

3. Agni karma (Cauterization)

4. Shastra karma (Surgical treatment). 31

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  16 

• Varthis Basically come under ‘vati’ Kalpana

• They differ only in shape and use

• Varthis are elongated with tapering ends while vatis are round.

• Varthis are used externally

• Varthis help in expelling the collected mala, mootra, pooya, Rakta, kapha,

etc. thus help in therapeutic field.

• Depending upon the organ & action varthis are classified and named as

a. Guda Varthi

b. Yoni varthi

c. Shishna varthi

d. Vrana varthi

e. Netra varthi

f. Dhooma varthi

g. Nasa Varthi

General method of preparation

A thick syrup of (3-4 thread consistency) Jaggery is taken in equal

proportion to the weight of all the ingredients. To this syrup, fine powder of the

ingredients is added, mixed well and varthi are prepared.

Other wise Bhavana with specific liquid is given to the fine powder of the

ingredients and varthis are made.

The size of varthis should be 2” – 6” long and ¼ “ – ½ “ thick.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  17 
Vrana Varthi actions

• Vrana Shodana & Ropaka

• Pooya Nissaraka

Vrana Vrthi Indications

• Nadivrana

• Dusta vrana

Method of administration

The site of application as well as the end of the varthis to be applied

should be lubricated with Taila or Grita before introducing it.

Different types of varthis are described in “Dwivraneeya adhyaya” varthi

is also one among shashti upakramas explained by sushrutha in the management

of vranas. Further among shasthi upakramas it comes under “sapta shodhana –


Varthi is mainly indicated in vranas with embedded foreign body, which

has small external opening which involved deeper Tissues. Varthi prepared

using shodhana dravyas destroys unhealthy Tissues.

Varthi prayoga is given much importance in the management of Naadi

vrana in texts like chakradatta and yogarathnakar.

Sushrutha32 and vagbhata33 both have explained regarding varthi

properties action and also explained about its adverse effects. If not prepared

properly or if it is not properly placed. Varthi should not be very snigdha

(Unctous) Ruksha nor it should be very thick or thin and it should not cause any

problem to the patient. If it is very unctous it causes excess exudation; if it is dry

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  18 
it causes abrasion, bleeding and pain, if thick or thin or not inserted properly

causes friction to the edges of the sinus. If correctly prepared and placed it

drains the pus and removes the unhealthy Tissues and purifies the tract.

Generally the treatment advocated for all Nadivranas is as opening up of

the course of the pus channels with a surgical knife and followed by the shodana

and ropana measures.

Prior to this sastrakarma poorvakrma in the form of sneha, sweda and

after the sastralkarma i.e. samsarjanakarma must be done.

Pathya and Apathya in Nadivrana :


Yava, shashtika shali, godhuma Purana shali, sita, masura, dhanya,

Tuvari, mudga, yusha, madhu, sharkara vilepi, laajamanda, Jaangala mamsa

rasa Grita, Taila, Pathola, Vetragra, balamoola vaartaka, Kaaravella, karkotha,


Ruksha, Sheeta, amla, lavana ahara sevana.

Vyayama, vyavaya, paribhashana, Nidra prajagaram, chankraman,

shoka, Virudhashana, ambupana, Tambula, Patrashaka, ajangala mamsa,

asatmya anna.34
These should be avoided for a period of one year.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  19 

Prologue: A clear understanding of sinus, its classification, anatomical

specificity, aetiopathogenesis, and management styles according to current

understanding of the subject is inevitable for the successful management of

Historical aspects: Much data is not available in the management of sinuses in

general, because of versatility of anatomical locations, specific infections etc.

However the nature of the disease (e.g. congenital nature in bronchial sinuses

and fistulae) infectious pathology (e.g. Tuberculoses sinuses following

tuberculosis, lymphadenitis), affinity of certain areas of the body (e.g. pre-

auricular sinus at the root of helix in pinna), obstructive pathology (e.g. pilonidal

sinus) etc, reveals that majority of the sinuses occurs in anorectal region possible

because of the extensive chances of infection from this unhygenic locality.

John Ardene described the steps of operation for anal sinus in 1339 and

following that Charles Felix performed the operation for adequate drainage was

emphasized by fercival pott (18th century). But later studies with ligaturing the

tract with strong silk or India rubber ligatures, injections of modification of the

classical incision by Fredrick salman followed by Nargan. Miligan and syabrid


A sinus is a blind track leading from the surface down to the tissues.

There may be a cavity in the tissue, which is connected to the surface through a

sinus. The sinus is lined by unhealthy granulation tissue, which may be

In Latin "sinus' means - ;A hollow', a bay' or 'gulf

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  20 

1. Infection,

2. Foreign body.

3. Trauma.

4. Carcinoma.

5. Congenital anomalies.

6. Inadequate drainage of an abscess.

7. Occupational factors.


1) Congenital e.g. Pre auricular sinus.

2) Traumatic e.g. following trauma a foreign body may be implanted into

deep tissue and following infection a sinus may persist.

3) Inflammatory e.g. tuberculosis sinus, osteomyelitic sinus or sinus of a

chronic abscess which discharge pus due to inadequate treatment of acute

4) Neoplastic e.g. Sinus due to degenerative change have a malignant growth

or due to secondary infection of a malignant growth, which was incised

for drainage.

5) Miscellaneous e.g. Pilonidal sinus.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  21 

A majority of sinuses occur in the anal region and reason might be.

1) Increased chances of infection of the anal glands due to constant contact

with faecal matter.

2) Constant exposure of the region to trauma as from horse riding, cycle

riding etc.

3) The anatomical peculiarities of anorectal region.

4) Sinuses are known to occur at the end of long bones following

5) Root of the helix or tragus on the pinna in the case of preauricular sinus

(congenital origin).

6) Sinuses present at the umbilical region are met with the following aspects,

a. The entry of hairs,

b. Foreign body after operation,

c. Gall stones,

d. Diverticulitis.

e. Carcinoma of the colon.

7) In the neck it is presented at the anterior lower third of the sternomastoid

muscle in the case of bronchial sinus (congenital origin).

8) In the thyroid region due to bursting of inflamed thyroglossal cyst.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  22 

Sinus pathology has many factors. Almost in all instances (with the

exception of congenital cases), sinus is the result of an internal pathology and

draining the resultant material of the pathology to the extension.

The sinus will internally be lined with granulation tissue or epithelial

tissue and might be associated with dense fibrosis along the wall of its tract to

prevent its collapse. The presents of granulation tissue or epithelial tissue suggest

the frequent closure of the sinus. The infective pathology is relevant in case of

1. Actniomycosis.

2. Bilharziasis.

3. Tuberculosis.

4. Dracontiasis.

5. Ulcerattve proctocolitis

6. Lymphogranuloma inguinale with fibrous rectal stricture.

7. chrons disease of colon orileum.

8. Osteomyelitis


The clinical presentation in most instances will be done one or more

external openings with a history of discharge and presenting sprouting

granulation tissue around the orifice.

a. Orifice: Slightly elevated with granulation tissue.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  23 
b. Pain: Pain might not be a constant features and it will not be there

when the track is open. If the track is closed either by foreign body

or by the growth of granulation tissue, pressure shoots up in the

area of suppuration and pain results. However, in the cases of

neoplastic origin, pain is a constant feature in later stages.

c. Irritation: This complaint is caused by the purulent discharge.

d. Discharge: It should be examined macroscopically, physically,

chemically; and microscopically.

Staphylococcal pus is yellow and of creamy consistency

whereas Streptococcal pus is watery slightly opalescent and some

times it will be stained with blood. Pseudomonas aeruginosa

discharges the typical or bluish green pus. Sometimes the sinus might

discharge pus containing sulphur granules as in actinomycosis or

sequestrum in osteomyelitis or faecal matter, and bile in fistula etc.

Association with pus can be understood according to the site of the

e. Odour: Coli pus is absolutely colourless with objectionable odour.

The odour is thought to be due to the proteoltic properties of the

causative organism.

f. Surrounding stain: There may be a scar in surrounding tissue,

which may indicate chronic osteomyelitis or previously healed

tuberculosis sinus.

g. Wall of the sinus: Chronic sinuses will have thick surrounding wall

due to presence of fibrosis.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  24 
h. Tenderness: It can be elicited in the sinus track closed due to



1. Presence of foreign body e.g. necrotic tissue, suturing material, hair

sequestrum etc.

2. Non-dependent drainage or inadequate drainage of an abscess.

3. Inadequate rest during healing time.

4. Presence of infection.

5. When the tract becomes epithelialized.

6. Fibrosis around the wall of the tract preventing it collapse.

7. Irritant discharges with obstruction distal to the tract.

8. Presence of malignant disease.

9. Ischaemia.

10. Malnutrition.

11. Crohn's disease.

12. Drugs e.g. steroids, cytotoxics.


The main complication of sinuses is fistula. This is true especially when

the sinus is in contact with a hollow viscous internally. Fistula in ano is a striking

example, result in the formation of fistula in ano as majority of the sinuses

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  25 
occurs in the peri-anal region. In case of osteomyelitis damaging of the tissue

results in the formation of a big cavity.

Sinuses and Fistulae of Peri-Anal Region

As it is known fact that clinical examples of sinuses are more in the peri-

anal region.


As sinuses are tubular ulcers penetrating deeper into the tissues the

problem confronted by the surgeons in the management aspect are many.

The principles of management:

1. Removal of obstructive factors.

2. Laying open the sinus tracts.

3. Enabling healing to start from the bottom.

4. Prevention of excess formation of scar tissue to avoid contracture

of the part.

5. Treatment of specific infection.

6. Prevention of formation of granulation and epithelial tissue as well

as removal.


1. Excision with primary closure.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  26 
2. Laying open the sinus tract to allow healing by secondary


3. Excision of excessive fibrous tissue.

4. Curetting the wound by removing the hair, granulation tissue and

skin debris to promote adequate wound healing.

5. Creation of an INTERNAL OPENING to form a fistula by

PROBING. For example, the surgical options for management of a

uncomplicated chronic pilonidal sinus include excision with

primary closure, excision and laying open the tract, wide and deep

excision to the sacrum, incision and marsupialization, and phenol



The Para surgical procedure available at present in indigenous system is

Varti, Ksharasutra, oil infiltration therapy etc.


1. Higher incidence of recurrence rate.

2. Excess of scar tissue formation causing severe contracture of the


3. Excessive excision leads to prolapse of supportive tissue and in the

case of anorectal sinuses; faecal incontinence is a draw back.

4. Prolonged hospital stay.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  27 
5. In case of multiple sinuses, total excisions of various tracks are

practically impossible due to ineffective identification of minute

sinus tracks.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  28 

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  29 

In the management of Nadivrana we find references of different

preparations of varthis mentioned in classical texts. As Nadivranas are

manifested with different actiology and are treated with difficulty. Drug to

cure all such Nadivranas should have a wide range of activity in it. In this

present modern surgical practice there is no such applicant which will have wide

range of activity and effective in healing all types of non healing Nadivranas and

they are having their own limitations and drawbacks. But there are many drugs

in Ayurveda, which are said to be effective in healing of nadivrana. So, in the

present clinical study Ghontaphaladi Varthi and saindhav varthi have been

taken for the management of Nadivrana. To study the healing effects on

different types of Nadivranas.


Ghontaphaladi Varthi : Ghontaphaladi varthi was said to be effective in

Nadivrana. It is described in Bhaishajya rathnavali, Nadi vrana chikitsa


Ingredients of Ghontaphaladi varthi

1. Ghontaphala twak

2. Madan Phala

3. Pooga phala twak

4. Saindhav Lavan

5. Snuhi ksheera

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  30 
6. Arka ksheera


Botanical Name : Zizyphus Zylopyra (WLLD)

Zizy Phus Sativas (Cultivated)

Family : Rhamnaceae

Kula : Badarakula

Classical Categorization : Shramahara, Virechanopaga,

Swedopaga, Hrudya, Hikkanigrahan

Udardaprashaman (charak)


Vatashamanadi (Sushrut)

Synonyms : Karkandu, Kola , Badari, Ajapriya,

Koli, Sauveer, Abhay Kantak,


Vernacular Names : Kannada : Bare, Borehannu,

Hindi : Baer ,

Tamil : Koli,Elandai

Telugu : Badaram , Regu,

Malayalam : Lanta

English : Jujaba Fruit, Indian Cher ry

Botanical Description : It is a medium sized tree with spikes,

bark – grey and torn , drupe 1.5 to 2.5

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  31 
cm diameter globose first yellow then

orange and finally reddish brown

,containing a single seed surrounded by

fleshy pulp, Rajabadar variety is used in


Distribution : Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, West

Bengal, Afghanistan, Iran, Kashmir,

China & all over India

Chemical Composition : Alkaloides, Jejubosides a & b

Properties : Rasa – Amla, Madhura, Kashayam ,

Vipaka – madhur, Veerya – Seetha

: Guru, Snigdha, picchila.

Karma : Vrana Ropaka, Vrana Shodhaka,

Sonitasthapana, Hrudya, Grahi, vata

pittahara, Sukrala

Indications : Vranashodhaka, Vrana Ropaka Kasa,

Swarabheda, Udara, Chardi Krimi,


Parts Used : Fruit Seed

Dosage : Power of dried fruit 20 gms , Juice ½ Oz

to 1 Oz


Botanical Name : Randia Dumetorum

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  32 
Family : Rubiaceae (Rubus = Red)

Kula : Manjisthta Kula

Classical categorization : Vamaka, Phalini (charak)

Urdhvabhagahara, Aragwadhadi,

Muskakadi (sushrut)

Synonyms : Madana, Pindi, Shalyak ,

Vishapushpaka, Ratha, Pinditaka,

Harnya, Ghantakhya, Bastishohana,

Granthiphala, Golaphala,


Vernacular Names Kannada - maggarekai, Hindi- Arara,

main, mainphal, Tamil- Kadudum,

Pungarai, Telugu- Madanamu, Mangu,

Marathi- Galay, Monigeli, Gujarathi-

Medhola, mindhula, Bengali- Maiphal,

Eng- Common Emetic nut.

Botanical Description : It is reticulated, thorny medium sized

tree, leaves like Achyranthes aspera,

Slightly round and long sharp thorns are

situated on either side of leaf axis.

Flowers yellowish, White, Fruit – Like

Naspati fruits are round, yellow or dusky

coloured fruit pulp – sweet and bitter

resembles walnut pulp.

The tree bears flowers in summer and

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  33 
fruits in winter

Distribution : Foot fills of Himalaya from Jammu and

Sikkim Sindh, Kuchabihar, Southern

India & Maharashtra.

Major Chemical Composition : Fruits contains 33.3% Saponin also

contains valerenic acid, Resin, Wax.

Seeds Contains : Volatile oil.

Properties :

Guna : Laghu, Ruksha

Rasa : Madhura, tikta, Kashaya, Katu

Vipaka : Katu

Veerya : Ushna

Karma : Kaphavata shodaka and Shamaka pitta


Indications : Shopha, Sula, Vrana, Vidradi Amavata,

Kusta, Anaha, Gulma

Parts Used : Fruits, Seed rind, Bark

Dosage : Powder 1-3 gm, Decoction of fruits rind

15-30 Tala.

Preparations : Madanadi Lepa, Charaka Kalpa stana

contains 133 Kalpas derived through this



A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  34 
Botanical Name : Areca catechu Linn

Family : Palmae

Kula : Narikela Kula

Vernacular Names : Kan-Adike, Adaki, Hindi-Supari, Tamil-

Kamugu, Pakku, Telugu-Oppulu, Poka,

Malayalam-Atekka, Pakka, Marathi-

Supari, Gujarathi-Sopari, Bengali-Gua,

English, Arecanut, Beetle Nutpalm

Synonyms : Akota, Chikkana, Guvaka, Kramuka

puga, Deerghapadapa, Valkataru,

Dridavalka, Poogi, Tamboola,


Botanical Description : A tree 10-15 mts, high having no

branches, usually 50 cm in

circumference, uniformly thick. Leaves-

1.5 to 2mts, leaflets-30 to 50cms long &

slender, Flower stalk-hard & branched,

Fruits-appear in bunches 3-6 cm round,

smooth & hard orange or scarlet colour.

Distribution : East & western ghats of India & indo-


Chemical composition : Catechu -15%, Gallic acid-14%, it

contains arecoline 0.07%, arecaine-1%,

arecaidine, Guvacine, & chloride

Guvacoline in traces.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  35 
Properties :

Rasa : Kashaya, Madhura

Virya : Sheetha

Guna : Guru, Ruksha

Vipaka : Katu

Karma : Kapha, pittanashak, Tridoshagna if

Roasted with sand Mohaka, Deepaka,

Ruchya, Aasyavairasya Nashaka.

Indications : Haemostatic, Wound-Healing

(Raktastambaka) (Vrana Ropaka),

Katishoola, Krimi, Swetapradhara,

Aruchi, Mukharogas, Nadidourbalya

Parts Used : Seed, fruit

Dosage : Nut 1 to 3 gms, it is intoxicant because of

its vikasi guna, in such conditions water,

milk and milk products should be used.

Preparations : Poogakhanda


Latin Name : Sodium Chloride

Names in other languages

Hindi : Sendha namak, Sendhanana Lahuri


A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  36 
Bengali Saindhava Lovana, Saindhava nun

Marathi : Sende lona

Gujarathi : Sindha Luna

English : Rock Salt

Description : Saindhava lavana is mineral which is

obtained from Punjab, mines. Two

varieties of saindhava are available i.e.

white and Red. According to charaka

saindhava is considered best amongst all

the salts for internal use.


Rasa : Lavan

Guna : Laghu

Virya : Seeta

Karma : Dipana, Hridya, Vrishya, Avidahi &

Sukhada Tridoshagna

Indication : Aruchi, Netraroga, Vrana & vibandha


Botanical Name : Euphorbia nerifolia Linn,

Classical Categorization : Virechana (charak), Adhobhaghara


Family : Euphorbiaceae

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  37 
Kula : Erand Kula

Synonyms : Snuk, Snuhi, Mahavruksha, Guda

Nistrinshapatrak, Samantdugdha

Gandir, Vajrakantak, Sudha, English

Name-Common milk hage.

Botanical description : Shrub is small with trunk and branches

bearing thorns leaves 30-60 cm thick and

fleshy. Flowers-Yellowish, seeds-flat

leaves shred during winter. Flowering

and fruiting occurs in summer

charakacharya has devided it into

a) alpakantaka b) Bahukantak

The latter variety is considered to be

superior. Latex is usually collected at

the end of winter from a plant which is 2

to 3 years old.

Distribution : All over India, Sikkim, and Bhutan

Chemical Composition : Euphorban, resin, gum rubber, calcium

maleate etc.

Properties : Guna-Laghu, snigda, Tikshna, Rasa-

Katu, Vipaka-Katu, Veerya-Ushna,

Karma-Kaphavata hara, Pittashodana

shodhana of Rasa, Rakta, mamsa, meda


Parts used : Latex, Leaves, Root powder

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  38 
Dosage : Root powder - 250 to 500 mg

Juice of stem - 12 to 24 ml

Leaf Juice - 2 to 5 drops

Latex - 20 to 125 mg

Indications : Inflammatory conditions, skin diseases,

toothache, piles, as a strong purgative,

Anaemia Ascitis, Leucoderma, Dm, RA,

Gout, Swasa, In preparation of

ksharasutra, Root is used as antidote to

poisons of plant origin.

Preparations : Vajrakshar, Snuhyadi Taila


Botanical Name : Calatropis Procera

Family : Asclepiadacea

Kula : Arka kula,

Classical categorization : Bhedaneeya, Swedopaga, Vamanopaga

(charak), Arkadi, Adhobhagahara


Synonyms : Toolaphala, Ksheeraparna, Arka,

Arkanama, Arka parna, Vasuka

Supushpa, Shuklarka, Viksheer.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  39 
Vernacular Name : Kannada-Ekke, Hindi-Aak, Tamil-

Aerakham, Telugu-Jilledu, Malayalam-

Erukku, Marathi-Rooee, Gujarathi-

Aakado, Bengali-Aakanda, Panjab-Aak,


Botanical Description : This is a much Branched Large, Erect,

Pale, Greyish, Profusely milky shrub

grows about 2-3mts. High, leaves are 10

to 15 cm long and 2.5 to 7.5 cm wide big

and ovoid in shape, Flowers are white

externally, Internally reddish, Fruits are

long, curved and break open on drying,

Seeds are small 4-6 mm and black in

colour flowering occurs in spring and

fruiting in summer.

Distribution : All over India in dry and pungent soil,

Srilanka, Afghanistan, Iran & Africa.

Chemical Composition : Its root bark has a Bitter Principle. It

has yeast in small amount because of

which hot milk curdles immediately (gets

solidified). Besides that, it contains

madar alban, madar Fluabil black acid

resin. Yellow bitter resin, calatropin.

Properties :

Guna : Laghu, Rooksha, Teekshna

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  40 
Rasa : Tikta, Katu

Vipaka : Katu

Veerya : Ushna

Karma : Kapha, Vata, Shamaka, Sara,

Krimighna, Vamaka, Deepaka,


Parts used : Root bark, Latex, Flowers

Dosage : Root powder 2-3 grains, Arka ksheera ¼

- ½ gms. Flowe Kalka-5 gms.

Indications : Kusta, Kandhu, Gulma, Arsha,

Pleehavriddi, Shleshmodara.

Preparations : Arka Lavana, Arkataila, Sootika

bharana, Ekangaveer

Varieties : i) White & ii) Blue acc to colour of

flowers 4 types-Acc Raja Nighantu.

ii) Arka, Alarka ii) Rajarka,, iii)

Shuklarka, iv) Shwetamandara.

Method of preparation of Ghontaphaladi varthi

The powder of Ghontaphala skin, Madanphala, Poogaphala skin and

saindhav Lavan are taken in equal quantity. This powder is mixed with quantity

sufficient snuhi ksheera and Arka Ksheera and made in to paste. This paste was

applied on plain thread and preserved after dryness is attained and kept inside

the sterilized test tube and closed by tight air cork.

Group ‘B’ medicine

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  41 
Saindhav Varthi : The saindhav varthi described in chakradutta is having two

ingredients, which are effective in Nadivrana.

Ingredients of saindhav varthi.

i) Saindhav Lavanam (Rock salt)

ii) Honey

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  42 

Botanical Name : Mel

Hindi : Madhu, Shahad

English : Honey

Kannada : Jenutuppa

Synonyms : Madhu, Kshoudra, Makshika,

Kusumasavam, Pushpasavam,

Pavithram & Pushparasavahyam.

Types : 1. Makshika 2. Bhramara

3. Kshaudra 4. Pautika

5. Chhatra 6. Audalaka

7. Argha 8. Dala

Properties (Guna) :

Rasa : Madhura

Anurasa : Kashaya

Guna : Sheeta, Laghu, Rooksha

Karma : Grahi, Lekhana, Chakshusya, Deepana,

Vranashodhana, Roopana Kapha pitta

rakta shamaka.

Indications : Kusta, Prameha, Krimi, Kaasa Shwasa,

Hikka, Atisara, Malasanga Trishna,

Daha, Kshata etc.

Chemical constituents : a) Moisture – 14 to 20%

b) Ash – 0.05 to 0.18%

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  43 
c) Sucrose – 2 to 5%

d) Reducing sugar – 65 to 79%

e) Formic acid in very small quantity


f) Certain Enzymes i.e, Diastase &


g) Various other compounds of calcium

sodium, potassium, sulphar, Iron, Silica,

Phosphorus, Copper, Manganese,

chlorides, magnesium & Aluminium in

the proportion in which they are

available in fruits.

h) Some experts say that in honey some

non-detectable amounts of vitamin

A,B,C & D are present.

Method of preparation

The wick made of Rock salt mixed with honey was applied on plain thread and

preserved after dryness is attained and kept inside the sterilized test tube with

tight air cork.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  44 

The clinical trial will be carried out on the patients attending the OPD &

IPD of AMCH & ATMH which is undertaken by the Department of Shalya

Tantra Ayurvedic Medical College and Post Graduate Centre, Davangere.

Source of the data:

1) Patients attending the OPD and IPD of AMCH and ATMH with classical

symptoms of sinus (Nadivrana) are selected for the study.

2) Pharmacy attached to the college for the preparation of drug.

3) OPD, IPD, Laboratory and other provisions of the hospital are availed to

do this intended work.

Selection of Patients:

40 Patients were selected in two groups excluding dropouts with 20

patients in each group on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

¾ Patients presenting with classical signs and Symptoms of Nadivrana with

External opening on the body surfaces will be selected.

¾ The age group between 15 to 60 years.

¾ Both sexes.

¾ Patients ready to take treatment.

¾ Patients who are reluctant for surgery.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  45 
Exclusion Criteria:

¾ Patient reluctant to take treatment.

¾ The age group below 15 years and above 60 years.

¾ Congenital sinuses.

¾ Nadivrana with systemic diseases like DM, Bleeding disorders, AIDS,

Tuberculosis and Actinomycosis.

¾ Osteomyelitis followed by sinus.

¾ Patients having complicated sinus.

¾ Patients having Neoplastic Sinus.

¾ If the Sinus tract is more than 10 cm.

Study Design :

A comparative clinical Trial and was designed in the following manner.

a) The patients were selected by simple randomized sampling procedures.

b) 20 patients were selected in group ‘A’ and 20 patients were in group ‘B’.

c) Group ‘A’ patients were treated with ‘Ghontaphaladi Varti’ and group

‘B’ patients were treated with Saindhav Varti.

d) Finally the results were assessed.

Method of Collection of Data :

¾ Drugs were collected from the market under the guidance of Dravya guna

specialist from our college.

¾ The patients were selected based on the clinical examination. 40 patients

were divided into two groups of 20 patients each.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  46 
¾ The total duration of the treatment taken is maximum of 6 weeks.

¾ The length of the tract taken is maximum of 10 cm.

¾ Progress was assessed on Regular follow up.

1. Group ‘A’ – Ghantaphaladi Varti

2. Group ‘B’ – Saindav Varti.

1. Required Equipment for Varti application :

i) Lithotomy table.

ii) Shadowless light

iii) Instruments

¾ Various sizes of probes

¾ Artery forceps

¾ Scissors

¾ Surgical blade

¾ Scalpel

¾ Plain forceps

iv) Surgical Gloves 7’’

v) Kidney tray

2. Examination of the patient

¾ History taking

¾ The religion, sex, age, occupation and residence are noted.

¾ Complaints and their duration (clinical status) are noted.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  47 
3. The signs and symptoms of Nadivrana are Estimated as follows

¾ Presence of opening and number

¾ Site of openings

¾ Discharge

¾ Duration

¾ Pigmentation

¾ Pain

¾ Burning sensation

¾ Itching

¾ Local temperature

¾ Induration

4. Chief complaints

Discharge through an opening with or without pain and induration are

considered as chief complaints.

5. Past History

The following points should be noted.

¾ History of abscess formation

¾ History of disease causing formation of sinus like asteomyelitis, Tuber

culosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease.

¾ History of previous medical and surgical treatment.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  48 
6. Present History :

The present history of illness and duration are elicited.

Eg : History of abscess before on set of sinus.

7. Personal history :

The following are noted under this

1. Nature of work

2. Diet regime

3. Addiction/s

8. Family History

Congenital or acquired Nature of sinus and the time of on set in both

cases are noted.

9. a) Physical Examination

¾ Built

¾ Tempt.

¾ Pulse

¾ BP

¾ Respiratory Rate

¾ Odema

¾ Cyanosis

¾ Icterus

¾ Lymphadenopathy

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  49 
b) Systemic examination


¾ RS

¾ P/A



c) Local examination

1) Inspection : The following points should be observed.

Number : Nadivrana having single opening are selected for the study.

Position : It is to make the diagnosis only by looking at the position of these

sinuses. Congenital and acquired can be known by its position.

Opening of the Sinus :

Sprouting Granulation Tissue at the opening of the sinus suggests

presence of foreign body at the depth. Eg. Sequestrum, Draining tube etc and to

diagnose the presence of systemic diseases like TB.

Discharge : Look for the characteristic features of the discharge. Pus in

asteomyelitis, serosanguineous in tuberculosis Ulcer and presence of sulphar

granules in actinomycosis.

Surrounding Skin : Scar indicates chronic asteomyelitis (or) previously healed

Tubercular sinus. Dermatitis and Pigmentation are characteristic features of

Crohn’s disease and actinomycosis.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  50 
d) Palpation : It is done to elicit tenderness indurations, and direction of the tract

mobility of the sinus over deep structures and for the presence of Lump.

10. Method :

This present study is planned to assess the efficacy of the Ayurvedic

preparation ‘Ghontaphaladi Varti in Group ‘A’ and Saindhav Varti in Group

‘B’. Varti applied into the Nadivrana tract, Routine dressing with sterile pads is

used in required cases. The patients were weekly assessed as per the parameters.

11. Probing :

It was done cautiously without using force, to note the following points.

1. The direction and depth of the sinus.

2. The presence of any foreign body or movable sequestrum.

3. Whether the end of the probe enters a bony cavity or a hollow viscus.

4. Whether fresh discharge comes on withdrawal of the probe.

12. Examination of the lymph nodes is draining the area. This is done according

to the site and causes of the sinus.

13. Provisional diagnosis

Sinus (Nadivrana) is provisionally diagnosed on the basis of the chief

complaints and clinical examination.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  51 
14. Specific Investigations :

a) Examination of the discharge (whenever necessary)

b) X-ray examination (Sinogram)

Injection of canray 420 into the sinus tract is done to determine the tract

of the sinus and to exclude the fistula-in-Ano in case of perianal region of

doubtful cases.

c) Examination of Blood :

Various examination of the blood such as total count, differential court

ESR, Hb % and RBS are done to know about the Haemopoetic and pathogenic

conditions of the patients.

15. Other Investigation :

a) Per Rectal examination :

This is done to know the condition of mucous membrane and Rectal wall.

b) Bimanual Examination :

This is done to elicit the presence or absence of abscesses, indurations and

condition of the associated structure etc.

c) Proctoscopy :

This is done to elicit other pathogenesis which is done after giving a lower

bowel wash.

Diagnosis : The cases are diagnosed and selected based on the above mentioned

symptomatology and investigation.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  52 
Management :

Preparation of the patient for Varti application :

The site of the application of the varti is shaved and made aseptic.

Systemic and general examination of the patient is thoroughly performed and

details were noted.

Method of application of Varti : (Ghontaphaladi Varti & Saindhav Varti)

After detecting the tract with probe Varti is introduced in the Sinus with

the help of a probe. Which goes up to the end. Varti is changed on 4th day, 7th

day, 10th day etc., upto 6th week of duration giving two days gap between two

applications changing of Varti was continued.

After taking all aseptic precautions the patient is made to lie down on the

table according to the site of the sinus. A simple probe is introduced into the

sinus tract from skin surface slowly & depth of the tract is estimated. If the

depth of the tract is more, local anesthesia may be necessary. The Varti is

introduced into the sinus by probe and then the probe is pulled out from the

sinus tract.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  53 

Efficacy of treatment in both the groups were assessed based on changes

in signs and symptoms. To assess the efficacy following parameters were

considered and patients were assessed every week and improvement was

recorded using the following parameters.

Subjective Parameters

1. Pain

Grade – 0 : No Pain

Grade – 1 : Mild pain (Not interfering day to day activities)

Grade – 2 : Moderate Pain ( Disturbing day to day activities;

tolerated with difficulty)

Grade – 3 : Severe Pain ( Disturbing day to day activities and

Difficult to tolerate)

2. Burning Sensation

Grade – 0 : Absent

Grade – 1 : Present

3. Itching

Grade – 0 : Absent

Grade – 1 : Present

Objective Parameters

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  54 
4. Discharge

Grade – 0 : Absent

Grade – 1 : Present

5. Induration

Grade – 0 : No Induration

Grade – 1 : Induration upto 1.5 cm radius

Grade – 2 : Induration extending from 1.6 cm to 3 cm radius

Grade – 3 : Induration extending beyond 3 cm radius.

6. Length of the Tract

1. The initial length of the tract was noted with the help of a probe in

the specially prepared performa progress was recorded at weekly interval

upto 6th week healing is ensured. The assessment is done as mentioned here


A) Average time taken in weeks to heal per unit length (in cm.)

Formula :

Time taken per week = No. of weeks taken for healing of the tract
Initial length of the tract

B) Average unit length (cms) healed per week.

Formula :

Rate of healing = Initial length of the Tract 0

No. of weeks taken for healing

C) Average rate of healing of

Total average rate of healing

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  55 
Selected cases in each group =

D) Average healing time

taken in selected cases = Total average time of 20 cases


A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  56 

Case No. of Initial Length Day

No. Opening (cm) 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd












A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  57 
Clinical Status : I.e., symtomatology is recorded on the commencement of

therapy and subsequent weekly follow up session improvement is gauged.

Follow up and Termination :

15 days once follow-up is done using the above said parameters for

assessing the result of the treatment and to cheek the reccurrance of the disease.

Management is terminated after 6 weeks of the commencement of the therapy.

Materials required for diagnosis, management and assessment.

1. Copper probe blunt and sharp.

2. Torch

3. Proctoscope

4. X-ray films, Radio opaque dye and other requirement (If


5. Pads and Bandages for local management.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  58 

This was done to assess the improvement of the patients in both the

groups after treatment. So the cases which had responded to the treatment were

grouped in to four categories.

1. Very good response :

Tract length if reduced by >3 cm associated with absence of discharge.

2. Good Response :

Tract length if reduced by >2 cm associated with absence of discharge.

3. Fair Response :

Tract length if reduced by >1 cm associated with control of discharge.

4. Poor Response :

Tract length if reduced by < 1 cm associated with moderate discharge.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  59 

The following observations were made during the course of the present

clinical research study.

1) Incidence of Sex :

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ Total

No. % No. % No. %

Male 18 90.00 19 95.00 37 92.50

Female 02 10.00 01 5.00 03 7.50

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00 40 100.00

Group 'A'



Group 'B'



A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  60 
Out of 40 patients 37 (92.5%) patients were males and 3 patients (7.5%)

were females.

2) Incidence of Religion :

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

No. % No. %

Hindu 17 85.00 15 75.00

Muslim 03 15.00 05 25.00

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00

Group 'A'



Group 'B'



Out of 40 patients 32 patients (80%) were Hindus 8 patients (20%) were


A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  61 
3) Incidence of Age :

Age in Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’ Total

Years No. % No. % No. %

15 – 25 5 25.00 7 35.00 12 30.00

26 – 35 6 30.00 6 30.00 12 30.00

36 – 45 3 15.00 4 20.00 07 17.50

46 – 55 5 25.00 1 05.00 06 15.00

56 – 60 1 5.00 2 10.00 03 7.50

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00 40 100.00


8 Group ‘A’
Group ‘B’
No. of Patients

15 – 25 26 – 35 36 – 45 46 – 55 56 – 60
Age in Years

Out of 40 patients 12 patients (30%) in the age group of 15-25 years and

12 patients (30%) were there in the age group of 26-35 Years and 07 patients

(17.5%) in the age group of 36-45 years, 6 patients (15%) were in the age group

of 46-55 years and 3 patients (7.5%) in the age group of 56—60 years.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  62 
4) Incidence of Marital Status :

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

Marital Status
No. % No. %

Married 13 65.00 14 70.00

Unmarried 07 35.00 06 30.00

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00

Group 'A'



Group 'B'



Out of 40 patients 27 patients (67.5%) were found to be mar ried and 13

patients (32.5%) were unmar ried.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  63 
5) Incidence of Occupation :

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

No. % No. %

Driver 8 40.00 9 45.00

Manual Labour 3 15.00 5 25.00

Sedentary work 9 45.00 6 30.00

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00

Group 'A'

Manual Labour
Sedentary work

Group 'B'

Manual Labour
Sedentary work

Out of 40 patients 17 patients were drivers, 15 patients were doing

sedentary work and 8 doing manual works.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  64 
6) Incidence of Diet Pattern

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

Diet Pattern
No. % No. %

Veg 11 55.00 12 60.00

Mixed 09 45.00 08 40.00

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00

Group A


Group 'B'



Out of 40 Patients 23 patients (57.5%) were vegetations and 17 patients

(42.5%) were on mixed diet.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  65 
7) Incidence of Chronicity of Disease :

Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

No. % No. %

< 6 months 04 20.00 03 15.00

6 months – 1 year 10 50.00 10 50.00

> year 06 30.00 07 35.00

Total 20 100.00 20 100.00

14 Group ‘A’
12 Group ‘B’
No. of patients

< 6 months 6 months – 1 year > year

It was observed that among 40 patients these were 20 patients (50%) in

the category of 6 months to 1 year duration and 13 patients (32.5%) were of

more than 1 year category and 7 patients (17.5%) were in the category of less

than 6 months.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  66 
8) Incidence of site of the sinuses :

Sl. No. Sites No. Percentage

01 Perianal Sinus 18 45%

02 Pilonidal Sinus 14 35%

03 Inguinal Sinus 02 05%

04 Sinus following post Tubectomy scar

03 7.5%
at pelvic region

05 Sinus of a chronic abscess Thigh

03 7.5%

Total 40 100.00


Perianal Sinus
Pilonidal Sinus

Inguinal Sinus

20 Sinus following post Tubectomy scar at pelvic

Total number of patients

Sinus of a chronic abscess thigh region



Perianal Sinus Pilonidal Sinus Inguinal Sinus Sinus following post Sinus of a chronic
Tubectomy scar at abscess thigh region
pelvic region
Site s of Sinuse s

It was observed that among 40 patients 18 patients (45%) were perianal

sinus (perianal region) , 14 patients (35%) were pilonidal sinus. (post anal

region), 2 patients (5%) were inguinal sinus (Inguinal region) , 3 patients (7.5%)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  67 
were sinus following post tubectomy scar at pelvic region and 3 patients (7.5%)

were sinus of chronic abscess thigh region.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  68 
9) Incidence of length of Tract of Group ‘A’

Length (cm Male Female Total Percentage

01 0 0 0 0%

02 0 0 0 0%

03 3 2 5 25%

04 2 0 2 10%

05 3 0 3 15%

06 8 0 8 40%

07 1 0 1 5%

08 1 0 1 5%

09 0 0 0 0%

10 0 0 0 0%

Total 18 2 20 100%

Length in Cm


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of Patie nts

Maximum length of the tract found was 8 cms where as minimum length

of the tract found was 3 cm. Maximum patients of 8 men were found in 6 cm

length and minimum no. of patients i.e. 1 in each 7 & 8 cm respectively.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  69 
10) Incidence of Length of Tract of Group ‘B’

Length (cm Male Female Total Percentage

01 0 0 0 0%

02 0 0 0 0%

03 0 1 1 5%

04 4 0 4 20%

05 6 0 6 30%

06 6 0 6 30%

07 2 0 2 10%

08 1 0 1 5%

09 0 0 0 0%

10 0 0 0 0%

Total 19 1 20 100%

Length in Cm

4 Male

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
No. of Patie nts

Maximum length of the tract found was 8 cm where as minimum length

of the tract found was 3 cm. maximum No. of patients of 6 men were found in 5&

6 cm and minimum of one patient found in each 3 cm and 8 cm.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  70 
11) This table shows the length of the tract rate of healing in every 7 days upto

42nd in all 20 of Group ‘A’.

Case No. of 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd
No. Opening day day day day day day
in (cm)
1 1 3 2 2 1 0
2 1 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0
3 1 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0
4 1 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0
5 1 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0
6 1 5 4.5 4 4 3.5 3 2
7 1 6 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2
8 1 6 5 4 3.5 3 2 1.5
9 1 5 4.5 4 3 2 1 .5
10 1 4 3.5 3 2 0.5 0 0
11 1 6 5.5 4.5 4 3 2 1
12 1 6 5 4 3.5 3 2 1
13 1 4 3 2 1 0
14 1 8 7 6 5 4.5 4 4
15 1 6 5 4 3 2 1.5
16 1 3 2 1 0.5 0
17 1 6 5 4 3.5 3 2 0.5
18 1 7 6 5 4.5 4 3 3
19 1 6 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5
20 1 6 5 4.5 3.5 3 2 1.5

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  71 
12) This table shows the length of the tract rate of healing in every 7days upto

42nd day in all 20 cases of Group ‘B’.

Case No. of 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd
No. Opening day day day day day day
in (cm)
1 1 8 8 8 8 8 7.5 7
2 1 5 5.5 5 5 4.5 4 3
3 1 5 5 5 4.5 3.5 3 2.5
4 1 6 6 6 6 6 5 5
5 1 5 5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3
6 1 6 6 6 6 5.5 5 5
7 1 6 6 6 6 5.5 5 4.5
8 1 5 5 5 5 4.5 4 3
9 1 7 7 7 7 6 6
10 1 5 5 5 4.5 4 3.5 2.5
11 1 3 2 2 1 1 0 0
12 1 6 6 6 5.5 5 4 3
13 1 4 4 3.5 3 2 1 0.5
14 1 5 5 5 4 3 2 2
15 1 4 3.5 3 3 2 2 1
16 1 6 6 6 5.5 5 4 3
17 1 4 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5
18 1 7 6.5 6 6 5 4 4
19 1 6 5.5 5 5 4 3 2
20 1 4 3 2.5 2 1 0.5 0

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  72 
13 a) This table shows the rate of healing per week (in group ‘A’)

Initial Length of
Sl. No. of Case Weeks taken Healing per
the tract
No. Opening No. for healing week (in cms).
(in cms)
1 1 1 3 4 0.75
2 1 2 3 5 0.60
3 1 3 5 6 0.83
4 1 4 3 5 0.60
5 1 5 3 5 0.60
6 1 6 5 6 0.83
7 1 7 6 6 1
8 1 8 6 6 1
9 1 9 5 6 0.83
10 1 10 4 6 0.6
11 1 11 6 6 1
12 1 12 6 6 1
13 1 13 4 4 1
14 1 14 8 6 1.30
15 1 15 6 6 1
16 1 16 3 4 0.75
17 1 17 6 6 1
18 1 18 7 6 1.16
19 1 19 6 6 1
20 1 20 6 6 1

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  73 
13 b) This table shows the rate of healing per week in Group ‘B’

Sl. No. of Case Initial Length of Weeks taken Healing per

No. Opening No. the tract for healing week (in cms)
1 1 1 8 6 1.30
2 1 2 5 6 0.83
3 1 3 5 6 0.83
4 1 4 6 6 1
5 1 5 5 6 0.83
6 1 6 6 6 1
7 1 7 6 6 1
8 1 8 5 6 0.83
9 1 9 7 6 1.16
10 1 10 5 6 0.83
11 1 11 3 5 0.60
12 1 12 6 6 1
13 1 13 4 6 0.60
14 1 14 5 6 0.83
15 1 15 4 6 0.60
16 1 16 6 6 1
17 1 17 4 6 0.6
18 1 18 7 6 1.16
19 1 19 6 6 1
20 1 20 4 6 0.60

¾ From table No. (13a & b) it can be understood that the average tract

healing per week was seen 0.89 cm in Group ‘A’ and 0.88 cm was seen in

group ‘B’.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  74 
Table 14 a Group ‘A’ showing the unit healing time (Group –A).

Average Time
Sl. No. of Case Initial Length of Weeks taken
taken to heal
No. Opening No. the tract for healing
1cm length.

1 1 1 3 4 1.30

2 1 2 3 5 1.60

3 1 3 5 6 1.20

4 1 4 3 5 1.60

5 1 5 3 5 1.60

6 1 6 5 6 1.20

7 1 7 6 6 1

8 1 8 6 6 1

9 1 9 5 6 1.20

10 1 10 4 6 1.50

11 1 11 6 6 1

12 1 12 6 6 1

13 1 13 4 4 1

14 1 14 8 6 0.75

15 1 15 6 6 1

16 1 16 3 4 1.30

17 1 17 6 6 1

18 1 18 7 6 0.85

19 1 19 6 6 1

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  75 
20 1 20 6 6 1

Table 14 b Group ‘B’ showing the unit healing time (Group –B).

Average Time
Sl. No. of Case Initial Length of Weeks taken
taken to heal
No. Opening No. the tract for healing
1cm Length
1 1 1 8 6 0.75
2 1 2 5 6 1.20
3 1 3 5 6 1.20
4 1 4 6 6 1
5 1 5 5 6 1.20
6 1 6 6 6 1
7 1 7 6 6 1
8 1 8 5 6 1.20
9 1 9 7 6 0.85
10 1 10 5 6 1.20
11 1 11 3 5 1.60
12 1 12 6 6 1
13 1 13 4 6 1.50
14 1 14 5 6 1.20
15 1 15 4 6 1.50
16 1 16 6 6 1
17 1 17 4 6 1.50
18 1 18 7 6 0.85
19 1 19 6 6 1
20 1 20 4 6 1.50

¾ From table No. (14 a & b) it can be understood that total average unit

healing for 20 cases in group ‘A’ is 1.15 weeks and in Group ‘B’ is 1.16


A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  76 
Evaluation of pain between two Groups

Table 15 Evaluation of Pain

Group Pain BT 7th day 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd %

day day day day day Recovery

Grade- 4 4 3 3 3 2 2
3 (20%) (20%) (15%) (15%) (15%) (10%) (10%)

Grade- 6 6 5 5 4 4 3
2 (30%) (30%) (25%) (25%) (20%) (20%) (15%)
A 65%
Grade- 10 8 7 6 4 3 2
1 (50%) (40%) (35%) (30%) (20%) (15%) (10%)

Grade- 2 5 6 9 11 13
0 (10%) (25%) (30%) (45%) (55%) (65%)

Grade- 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
3 (15%) (15%) (15%) (15%) (10%) (10%) (10%)

Grade- 7 7 6 6 5 5 4
2 (35%) (35%) (30%) (30%) (25%) (25%) (20%)
B 45%
Grade- 10 9 9 8 8 7 5
1 (50%) (45%) (45%) (40%) (40%) (35%) (25%)

Grade- 3 5 6 9
0 1 (5%) 2 (1%)
0 (15%) (25%) (30%) (45%)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  77 
A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  78 
14 Grade-0
No. of Patients 12 Grade-1
10 Grade-2
8 Grade-3
BT 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd
day day day day day day
Group A




No. of P atients

10 Grade-1

8 Grade-2

BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group B

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  79 
¾ Among 20 patients before treatment in Group-A 10 patients (50%) were

in Grade, 6(30%) in Grade-2, 4(20%) in Grade-3 and in Grade-3 and

Group B, 10 patients (50%) were in Grade-1 7(35%) patients in Grade-2,

3(15%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 7th day in Group A, 2 patients (10%) in Grade-0 8(40%) in Grade-1,

6(30%) in Grade-2, 4(20%) in Grade-3 and Group B, 1 patient (5%) in

Grade-0 9(45%) in Grade-1, 7 (35%) in Grade-2, 3(15%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 14th day in Group A 5 patients (25%) in Grade-0 7 (35%) in Grade-1,

5(25%) in Grade-2, 3(15%) in Grade-3 and Group-B, 2 Patients (10%) in

Grade-0 9(45%) in Grade-1, 6 (30%) in Grade-2, 3(15%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 21st day in Group-A 6 patients (30%) in Grade-0 6(30%) in Grade-1,

5(25%) in Grade-2, 3(15%) in Grade-3 and in Group-B 3 patients (15%)

in Grade-0, 8(40%) in Grade-1, 6(30%) in Grade-2, 3(15%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 28th day in Group-A 9 patients (45%) in Grade-0 4(20%) in Grade-1,

4(20%) in Grade-2, 3(15%) in Grade-3 and in Group-B 5 patients (25%)

in Grade-0, 8(40%) in Grade-1, 5(25%) in Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 35th day in Group A 11(55%) patients were in Grade-0, 3(15%) in

Grade-1, 4(20%) in Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3, and in Group B 6(30%)

patients were in Grade-0 7(35%) in Grade-1, 5(25%) in grade-2, 2(10%)

in Grade-3.

¾ On 42nd day in Group A 13(65%) patients in Grade-0, 2(10%) in Grade-1,

3(15%) in Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3 and in Group B 9(45%) patientsin

Grade-0 5(25%) in Grade-1, 4(20%) in Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  80 
Evaluation of Induration between 2 groups

Table 16 Evaluation of Induration

Group Induration BT 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd %

day day day day day day Recovery

Grade-3 1 (5%) 1 1 1 1 1 1

(5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%) (5%)

Grade-2 5 4 4 3 3 2 2

(25%) (20%) (20%) (15%) (15%) (10%) (1%)

A 55%
Grade-1 11 10 10 8 8 7 6

(55%) (50%) (50%) (40%) (40%) (35%) (30%)

Grade-0 3 5 5 8 8 10 11

(15%) (25%) (25%) (40%) (40%) (50%) (55%)

Grade-3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

(10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (10%) (10%)

Grade-2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2

(15%) (15%) (15%) (15%) (15%) (10%) (10%)

B 40%
Grade-1 12 11 11 10 10 9 8

(60%) (55%) (55%) (50%) (50%) (45%) (40%)

Grade-0 3 4 4 5 5 7 8

(15%) (20%) (20%) (25%) (25%) (35%) (40%)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  81 
14 Grade-0

No. of Patients
12 Grade-1
10 Grade-2
8 Grade-3
BT 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd
day day day day day day
Group A




No. of Patients

12 Grade-0
10 Grade-1

BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group B

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  82 
¾ Among 20 patients before treatment in Group-A 3(15%) patients were in

Grade-0, 11 (55%) in Grade-1, 5(25%) in Grade-2, 1(15%) in Grade-3,

and in Group-B, 3(15%) in Grade-0, 12(60%) in Grade-1, 3(15%) in

Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 7th day in Group A 5(25%) in Group-0 10(50%) in Grade-1, 4(20%) in

Grade-2, 1(5%) in Grade-3 and in Group-B, 4(20%) in Grade-0 11(55%)

in Grade-1, 3(15%) in Grade-2 and 2(10%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 14th day in Group A 5(25%) in Grade-0 10(50%) in Grade-1, 4(20%)

in Grade-2, 1(5%) in Grade-3 and in group B 4(20%) in Grade-0,

11(55%) in Grade-1 (3(15%) in Grade-2, (2(10%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 21st day in Group A 8(40%) in Grade-0 8(40%) in Grade-1, 3(15%) in

Grade-2, 1(5%) in Grade-3, and in Group B 5(25%) in Grade-0 10(50%)

in Grade-1, 3(15%) in Grade-2, and 2(10%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 28th day in Group-A 8(40%) in Grade-0, 8(40%) in Grade-1, 3(15%)

in Grade-2 and 1(5%) patients in Grade-3 and in Group B 5 patients

(25%) in Grade-0, 10(50%) in Grade-1, 3(15%) in Grade-2, 2(10%)

patients in Grade-3.

¾ On 35th day in Group-A 10(50%) patients in Grade-0 7(35%) in Grade-1

2(10%) in Grade-2 1(5%) in Grade-3 and in Group B 7 patients (35%) in

Grade-0 9(45%) in Grade-1, 2(10%) in Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3.

¾ On 42nd day in Group A 11(55%) patients in Grade-0, 6(30%) in Grade-1,

2(10%) in Grade-2, 1(5%) in Grade-3 and in Group B 8(40%) patients in

Grade-0 8(40%) in Grade-1, 2(10%) in Grade-2, 2(10%) in Grade-3.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  83 
Evaluation of Discharge between two Groups

Table 17. Evaluation of Discharge

14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd %

Group Discharge BT 7 day
day day day day day Recovery

20 18 15 12 11 9 8
(100%) (90%) (75%) (60%) (55%) (45%) (40%)
A 60%

2 5 8 9 11 12
Absent 0
(10%) (25%) (40%) (45%) (55%) (60%)

20 19 17 17 15 13 11
(100%) (95%) (85%) (85%) (75%) (65%) (55%)

B 45%
0 1 3 3 5 7 9
(5%) (15%) (15%) (25%) (35%) (45%)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  84 



No. of patients


BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group A




No. of patients

10 Present

BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group B

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  85 
Among 20 patients before treatment in Group A 20 patients (100%) were in

present category and in Group B also all patients were of present category


¾ On 7th day in Group A 18 (90%) patients were had discharge and 2 were

not had. And in Group-B, 19 (95%) patients were had discharge and only

one patient was not had discharge.

¾ On 14th day in Group A, 15(75%) patients were had discharge 5 (25%)

were not had discharge, and in Group B 17 (85%) patients were had

discharge and 3 (15%) were not had discharge.

¾ On 21st day in Group A 12 (60%) patients were had discharge and 8

(40%) were not had discharge and in Group B 17(85%) patients were had

discharge and 3(5%) patients were not had discharge.

¾ On 28th day in Group A 11(55%) patients were had discharge and 9(45%)

were not had discharge in Group B 15(75%) patients were had discharge

5(25%) patients were not had discharge.

¾ On 35th day in Group A 9(45%) patients were had discharge and 11(55%)

patients were not had discharge and in Group B 13(65%) patients were

had discharge and 7 (35%) patients were not had discharge.

¾ On 42nd day in Group A 8(40%) were had discharge and 12 (60%)

patients were not had discharge and in Group B 11(55%) were had

discharge and 9(45%) patients were not had discharge.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  86 
Table 18. Evaluation of burning sensation between two groups.

Burning 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd %

Group BT 7th day
sensation day day day day day Recovery

12 10 9 7 5 3 2
(60%) (50%) (45%) (35%) (25%) (15%) (10%)
A 83.3%

10 11 13 15 17 18
Absent 8 (40%)
(50%) (55%) (65%) (75%) (85%) (90%)

15 14 12 10 7 5 4
(75%) (70%) (60%) (50%) (35%) (25%) (20%)
B 73.3%

6 8 10 13 15 16
Absent 5 (25%)
(30%) (40%) (50%) (65%) (75%) (80%)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  87 



No. of patients 14

12 Absent
10 Present

BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group A




No. of patients

12 Absent

BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group B

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  88 
Among 20 patients before treatment in Group-A, 12(60%) patients were had

burning sensation and 8(40%) patients were not had burning sensation and

in Group-B 15 (75%) patients were had burning sensation and 5(25%)

patients were not had burning sensation.

¾ On 7th day in Group A 10 (50%) patients were had burning sensation and

10 (50%) patients were not had burning sensation. In Group- B 14(70%)

patients were had burning sensation and 6 (30%) patients were not had

burning sensation.

¾ On 14th day in group - A 9(45%) patients were had burning sensation and

11(55%) patients were not had burning sensation and in group–B

12(60%) patients were had burning sensation and 8(40%) patients were

not had burning sensation.

¾ On 21st day in Group - A 7(35%) patients were had burning sensation and

13(65%) were not had burning sensation and in Group –B 10(50%)

patients were had burning sensation and 10(50%) patients were not had

burning sensation.

¾ On 28th day in Group -A 5(25%) patients were had burning sensation and

15 (75%) patients were not had burning sensation and in Group-B

7(35%) patients were had burning sensation and 13(65%) patients were

not had burning sensation.

¾ On 35th day in Group -A 3(15%) patients were had burning sensation and

17(85%) patients were not had burning sensation and in Group –B

5(25%) patients had burning sensation and 15 (75%) patients were not

had burning sensation.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  89 
¾ On 42nd day in Group-A 2(10%) patients were had burning sensation and

18(90%) patients were not had burning sensation and in Group –B 4(

20%) were had burning sensation and 16(80%) patients were not had

burning sensation.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  90 
Table 19. Evaluation of Itching between two groups.

14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd %

Group Itching BT 7 day
day day day day day Recovery

12 10 8 7 5 3
Present 1 (5%)
(60%) (50%) (40%) (35%) (25%) (15%)
A 91.6%

10 12 13 15 17 19
Absent 8 (40%)
(50%) (60%) (65%) (75%) (85%) (95%)

13 12 10 10 8 5 3
(65%) (61%) (50%) (50%) (40%) (25%) (15%)
B 76.9%

8 10 10 12 15 17
Absent 7 (35%)
(40%) (50%) (50%) (60%) (75%) (85%)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  91 




No. of patients


BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group A




No. of patients



BT 7th day 14th day 21st day 28th day 35th day 42nd day
Group B

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  92 
Among 20 patients before treatment in Group A 12(60%) patients were

had itching and 8(40%) patients were not had itching and in Group B

13(65%) patients were had itching and 7(35%) patients were not had


¾ On 7th day in Group A 10 (50%) patients were had itching and 10 (50%)

patients were not had itching and in Group B 12(60%) patients were had

itching and 8 (40%) patients were not had itching.

¾ On 14th day in group - A 8(40%) patients were had itching and 12(60%)

patients were not had itching and in group – B 10(50%) patients were

had itching and 10(50%) patients were not had itching.

¾ On 21st day in Group - A 7(35%) patients were had itching and 13(65%)

were not had itching and in Group –B 10(50%) patients were had itching

and 10(50%) patients were not had itching.

¾ On 28th day in Group -A 5(25%) patients were had itching and 15 (75%)

patients were not had itching and in Group-B 8(40%) patients were had

itching and 12(60%) patients were not had itching.

¾ On 35th day in Group -A 3(15%) patients were had itching and 17(85%)

patients were not had itching and in Group –B 5(25%) patients were had

itching and 15 (75%) patients were not had itching.

¾ On 42nd day in Group-A 1(5%) patients were had itching and 19(95%)

patients were not had itching and in Group –B 3( 15%) were had itching

and 17(85%) patients were not had itching.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  93 
Table 20. statistical analysis of (Group ‘A’) by using paired ‘t’ test

Sl. Parameters Difference P Value Remarks

SD SE t value d.f.
No. (Symptoms) of Mean

1 Pain P<0.00 Highly

1 0.9733 0.2176 4.5955 19
1 Significant

2 Burning P<0.00 Highly

0.5 0.5129 0.1146 4.363 19
sensation 1 Significant

3 Itching P<0.00 Highly

0.55 0.5104 0.11471 4.820 19
1 Significant

4 Discharge P<0.00 Highly

0.6 0.5026 0.1123 5.342 19
1 Significant

5 Induration 0.45 0.8255 0.1845 2.4390 19 P<0.05 Significant

6 Length of the P<0.00 Highly

3.95 0.7762 0.1735 22.7665 19
tract 1 Significant

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  94 
Table 21. Statistical Analysis of (group ‘B’) using paired ‘t’ test:

Sl. Parameters Difference P Value Remarks

SD SE t value d.f.
No. (Symptoms) of Mean

1 Pain Highly
0.7 0.9233 0.2064 3.391 19 P<0.01

2 Burning P<0.00 Highly

0.55 0.5104 0.1141 4..820 19
sensation 1 Significant

3 Itching P<0.00 Highly

0.5 0.5129 0.1146 4.363 19
1 Significant

4 Discharge P<0.00 Highly

0.45 0.5104 0.1141 3.9439 19
1 Significant

5 Induration 0.3 0.5712 0.1277 2.362 19 P<0.05 Significant

6 Length of the P<0.00 Highly

2.47 0.9931 0.2220 11.126 19
tract 1 Significant

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  95 
Table 22. Comparative statistical analysis of both the groups after treatment

(using unpaired t-test)

Sl. t P Remarks
Parameters Group Mean SD SE PSE
No. value Value

A 1 0.9733 0.2176 0.3 Non

1 Pain 1.0 Significan
B 0.7 0.9233 0.2064 t

A 0.50 0.5129 0.1146 0.4782 Non

Burning P>0.0
2 0.1046 Significan
sensation 5
B 0.55 0.5104 0.1141 t

A 0.55 0.5104 0.1141 0.4782 Non

3 Itching 0.1046 Significan
B 0.50 0.5129 0.1146 t

A 0.6 0.5026 0.1123 Non

4 Discharge 0.4758 0.3153 Significan
B 0.45 0.5104 0.1141 t

A 0.45 0.8255 0.1845 Non

5 Induration 0.5588 0.269 Significan
B 0.30 0.5712 0.1277 t

A 3.95 0.7762 0.1735 Significan

Length of P<0.0
6 0.6289 2.3533 t
the tract 5
B 2.47 0.9931 0.2220

Comparative statistical analysis of both groups denotes non significant

difference with respect to parameters such as pain, burning sensation, itching,

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  96 
discharge and Induration. And significant difference in case of length of the


A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  97 

Out Come Variables Group ‘A’ Group ‘B’

Pain 65% 45%

Burning sensation 83.3% 73.3%

Itching 91.6% 76.9%

Discharge 60% 45%

Induration 55% 40%

Length of the tract 35% 15%






Group ‘A’
40% Group ‘B’




Pain Burning Itching Discharge Induration Length of the
sensation tract
Outcome variables

Effect of Ghontaphaladi Varthi application in group A shown more

efficacy with respect to pain at (42nd day) with an improvement of 65%, whereas

the saindhav varthi application in Group ‘B’ shown low efficacy with 45%


Effect of Ghontaphaladi Varthi application in Group ‘A’ shown more

efficacy with respect to burning sensation at 42nd day with an improvement of

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  98 
83.3% where as the Saindhav Varthi application in group ‘B’ shown low efficacy

with 73.3% improvement.

Effect of Ghontaphaladi Varti application in Group ‘A’ shown more

efficacy with respect to Itching at 42nd day with an improvement of 916% where

as the saindhav varthi application in group ‘B’ shown low efficacy with 76.9%


Effect of Ghontaphaladi Varthi application in group ‘A’ shown more

efficacy with Respect to Discharge at 42nd day with an improvement of 60%

whereas the saindhav varthi application in group ‘B’ shown low efficacy with

45% improvement.

Effict of Ghontaphaladi Varthi application in group ‘A’ shown more

efficacy with respect to Indusration at 42nd day with an improvement of 55%

where as the Saindhav Varthi application in Group ‘B’ shown low efficacy with

40% improvement.

Effect of Ghontaphaladi Varthi application in group ‘A’ shown more

efficacy with respect to length of the tract at 42nd day with an improvement of

35% where as the saindhav varthi application in group ‘B’ shown low efficacy

with 15% improvement.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  99 


Nadivrana is a common problem according to sushruta Nidana stana 10th

chapter. Nadivrana is one of the trouble some disease which can occur

anywhere in the body and is encountered in surgical practice which do not

respond to the medical treatment. The management of sinus still remains a

riddle to the attending surgeons. Even surgical management is also not

completely effective if the rate of recurrence is considered. Patients with sinuses

of varied pathology often seek sophistication of medico-surgical practice and a

desperate tendency is seen among them till today.

The methodology of the management are statistically frowned upon and

the surgeon finds it difficult to lay open the entire sinus tract because of

inaccessibility to deeper structures.

In the present clinical study, Ayurvedic preparations such as

Ghontaphaladi Varti and saindhav varti were selected. Both the vartis are well

known for its Vrana Shodhana and Vrana Ropara (wound healing) properties.

The basic principles of Vrana management include aetiopathogenesis of

Vrana as well as dustavrana in which involvement of tridoshas are there.

Nadivrana also considered as dustavrana due to its non healing in nature (it is

difficult to manage by the modern system of medicine and the rate of recurrence

is very high).

This trial is planned for the evaluation of Varthis (Ghontaphaladi Varthi

and Saindhav Varthi) on random cases of Nadivrana in the line of the

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  100 
understanding of aetiopathogenesis and pharmacotherapeutics of Nadivrana,

explained by our Acharyas in Ayurveda with concurrent use of the parameters

available for the present day.

b) Understanding of the disease :

Nadivrana is identified as a Tubular Vrana and qualifies in every sense

with dusta vrana. Just a deep into the modern parlance will enable us to directly

correlate this condition as sinus because it is also a blind tubular tract leading

from surface down into the tissues. Innate foreign bodies according to the

classics also cause sinus. One of the main causes of non healing nature of

Nadivrana (shalyaja) is the presence of hair.

The occurance of sinus in anal region is also well understood to be

proceeded by local abscesses as per the modern and Ayurvedic concepts. These

abscesses also may be followers of infected anal crypts. More than 90% of the

sinuses occurring in the anoretal region are of infection to the anal glands. It is

well known fact that these sinuses are given rise to problem to the patients.

The obstructive pathology playing behind the screen in the genesis of

sinuses are well studied as in the case of pilonidal sinuses of the anal canal as

explained by modern authors.

Thus it can be understood that a decent amount of correlation exists

between the modern and ancient in understanding of Nadivrana with relevance

to its Nidana and Samprapthy.

c) The Management

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  101 
The Management comprised of application of Ghontaphaladi varti and

saindhav varti into Nadivrana (sinus). Varti is mainly indicated in vrana with

minute external opening and in antaha shalyaja vrana. These vartis prepared

with shodhana and Ropana dravyas does debridement of the slough (or)

unhealthy tissue, alleviates all the vitiated doshas and facilitates for the healing

process. Weekly probing sessions are conducted for removing any obstructive

pathology in the sinus tract by which adequate drainage could be done and the

tract become more suitable for healing in proper way.

Ghontaphaladi Varti consists of Ghontaphala Twak, madanaphala, poogaphala

twak, saindhav Lavana, Snuhi Ksheera and Arkaksheera. These are all known

to possess tridosha shamaka and anti-inflammatory activities irrespective of the

organisms due to its Teekshna, sookshma, sara, krimighna and vishagna

properties. It acts as local debriding agent and keeps the tract clean and devoid

of purulent substances. Its laghu Rooksha and sara properties enable it to

penetrate deeper into the tissues and acts against the tendency of body towards

formation of fibrous tissues there by resulting in non-healing nature of

nadivrana besides, after healing scar tissue formation is less.

Saindhav varti consists of Madhu and Saindhav lavan Madhu is effective

promoter in enhancing tissue repair and wound healing. And also plays a role in

the initial debridement of non-healing Ulcers. It has antimicrobial activity

against gram positive and gram negative organisms.

Saindhav lavan is Tridoshagna and acts as a shodhana, lekhana and


On Observations :

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  102 
Both the groups were observed thoroughly in respect of sex, age, religion,

occupation, marital status, diet and chronicity of illness and site of sinuses.

Age : Maximum number of patients that is 24 (60%) out of 40 patients were

found in the age groups between 15-25 and 26-35 years in both groups it was

observed that patients between the age groups 15-25 and 26-35 years are more

prone to sinus disease.

Sex : In the present study 37 patients (92.5%) out of 40 patients were males and

only 3 patients (25%) were females this shows that the disease is predominant in


Religion : Distribution of the patients based on their religion shows that 32

(80%) out of 40 patients were Hindus, followed by 8 patients (20%) were

Muslims, the ratio tells us well with the ratio of Hindus and Muslims in the

general population. Hence therefore cannot be assumed that Hindus are

susceptible to Sinus.

Marital Status : On observation about this out of 40 patients 27 patients (67.5%)

were found to be marr ied and 13 patients (32.5%) were unmar ried. This can be

assured that the disease is affecting the age group of 25-35 and this is the age

group which a person will be married.

Occupation : In this study out of 40 patients 17 patients were drivers, 15 patients

were doing sedentary work and 8 were doing manual labour works.

Thus it was seen that (pilonidal) sinus is more common in patients who

were drivers due to friction and long time sitting and also sinus is common in

who were doing sedentary work.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  103 
Diet : Among the patients in the present study, 17 patients (42.5% reported to

be having mixed diet and rest 23 patients (57.5%) were vegetarians. But it seems

that dietary habits play no role in causing sinus.

Chronicity of illness : Most of the patients in the study groups presented with

chronicity of disease in the group of 6 months to 1 year i.e., 20 patients (50%)

out of 40 and 13 patients (32.5%) were of more than 1 year category and 7

patients (17.5%) were in the category of less than 6 months. It shows that if

chronicity of illness is less then possibilities of curing the disease will be more.

Economic status : In the present study the classification of patients based on

their economic status shows that people belonging to lower middle class were

more i.e., out of 40 patients, 25 patients (62.5%) were of lower middle socio-

economic status..

Addiction : Distribution of patients based on habits indicates that 40% of the

patients i.e, 16 out of 40 addicted to both alchohol and smoking 30% of the

patients i.e., 12 out of 40 addicted only to smoking and 3(7.5%) were addicted to

tobacco chewing.

Site of Sinuses : Distribution of patients based on site of sinus in the body

indicates that 45% of the patients i.e., 18 out of 40 were perianal sinus, and 35%

of patients i.e., 14 out of 40 were pilonidal sinus, 2 (5%) patients were inguinal

sinus, 3 patients (7.5%) were sinus following post Tubectomy scar (pelvic region)

and 3 patients (7.5%) were sinus of a chronic abscess (thigh region).

Thus the manifestation of sinus is more common at perianal region

(perianal sinus) and post anal region (pilonidal sinus).

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  104 
Every 7 days a detailed subjective and objective examination helped to

know the progress in clinical status and details recorded. The initial length of

the tract and subsequent weekly tract length is recorded. The Gravity of clinical

status is also noted.

¾ Ghontaphala helps in reducing the inflammation and promotes wound

healing by its vrana shodaka, vrana ropaka, Krimigna and Vatapitta hara


¾ Madanphala reduces discharge and pain by its Kaphavata Shodhaka,

Shamaka and Pitta nissaraka, vranagna, Shoolagna and sophagna

properties inturn, helps in healing of ulcers.

¾ Poogaphala from its kaphapitta nashaka, Krimigna and Vrana ropaka

actions it is useful in treatment of Nadivrana.

¾ Snuhi Ksheera from its kaphavata hara, pitta shodhana and unique

properties like shodhana of rasa, rakta, mamsa, medha, majja is very

useful in inflammatory conditions like Nadivrana.

¾ Arkaksheera is kaphavata shamaka, having sara, krimigna and vishagna

properties useful in treating non healing ulcers like Nadivrana.

Discusssion on Treatment results obtained:

In both the groups the results obtained (within the group) using paired ‘t’ test

for the parameters viz. Pain, Burning sensation, Itching, Discharge and Length

of the tract showed Highly significance where as Induration parameter showed

significant result.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  105 
On comparing for the observed differences in values obtained for the respective

parameters between both the groups A and B (using unpaired ‘t’ test) the result

showed non-significance for all the parameters except for the parameter Length

of the tract for which the difference was significant.

From the above results it is proved that both the drugs are quiet effective in

relieving all the parameters. With regards to Length of the tract parameter

Group A medicine i.e. Ghonta phaladi varti is more effective than Group B

medicine i.e. Saindhav varti.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  106 

From this present clinical comparative study for evaluation of efficacy of

Ghontaphaladi Varti and Saindhav Varti in the management of Nadivrana. The

following conclusions were drawn after thorough review of the literature,

observation and scientific discussion.

¾ The description of Nadivrana available in ancient Ayurvedic Literature is

implies to sinus described in modern literature.

¾ The Healing of Nadivrana still remains a major problem to the surgeon as

well as patient.

¾ The present study proved that varti application procedure is very easy

and effective than any surgical procedure.

¾ The results of average tract unit healing time per week were seen as 0.89

cm in group ‘A’ and 0.88 cm in group ‘B’.

¾ The total average unit healing time for 1 cm in group ‘A’ is 1.15 weeks

and in group ‘B’ is 1.17 weeks.

¾ As per the unit healing time, Ghontaphaladi Varti was found more

effective compared to Saindhav Varti.

¾ After the statistical analysis of Group ‘A’ Ghontaphaladi Varti shown

highly significant effect on pain, burning sensation, Itching, Discharge

and length of the tract. But it was only significant on induration.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  107 
¾ After the statistical analysis of group ‘B’ saindhav varti shown highly

significant effect on pain, burning sensation, itching discharge and length

of the tract but it was only significant on induration.

¾ Between the Group A and Group B the difference observed in all

parameters except Length of the tract parameter is statistically non

significant. In Length of the tract parameter the difference observed is

significant; Group A being more significant than group B.

¾ This clinical study came out with the following interesting features.

¾ No need for Hospitalization

¾ It is an alternative to surgery

¾ Post operative hypertrophic tarnish looking scar is avoided.

¾ The clinical status of patients was significantly improved.

¾ Maintenance of general hygiene control in diet, avoidance of obesity and

driving for long hours, weekly shaving to the post anal region avoids

recurrence of pilonidal sinus in future.

Scope for further study

¾ The present study was carried out on 20 patients each for both the groups

which is a small sample. So further study may be done to conduct on a

large sample after which a pin point conclusion can be drawn.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  108 

¾ The study entitled ‘A clinical comparative study an efficacy of

Ghontaphaladi Varti and Saindhav Varti in the management of

Nadivrana (Sinus)’ is mainly based on clinical observation.

¾ Review of both Ayurvedic and modern literature has been done and the

clinical symptoms of Nadivrana as described in classical Ayurvedic text

seems to cor relate with sinus.

¾ The concept of Vrana and formation of Nadivrana and its complications

have been described.

¾ Management of Nadivrana and Pathyapathya has also been delt.

¾ Varthi Kalpana, Ghontaphaladi Varthi and Saindhav varthi prayoga in

Nadivrana have been discussed.

¾ Thorough review of drugs used in Ghontaphaladi Varti and Saindhav

Varti preparation has also been delt.

¾ 40 patients of nadivrana were selected randomly irrespective of age, sex,

religion, chronicity, socio economic status and were divided into two

groups ‘A’ and ‘B’ of 20 patients each.

¾ Patients in group A were treated with Ghontaphaladi Varti and Patients

in Group B were treated with saindhav varti for the duration of 6 weeks.

¾ 37 out of 40 patients were males and 3 were females with maximum age

group of 15-25 and 26-35 years.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  109 
¾ In occupation drivers and sedentary working people were found to be

maximum suffers, most of patients had chronicity of less than one year


¾ When two groups were compared more improvement was seen in patients

treated with Ghontaphaladi Varti.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  110 

1. Su.Su. 21/40

2. Su.Chi. 1/6

3. Su.Chi. 1/3

4. Su.Chi. 1/3

5. Su. Chi. 1/3

6. Su. Su. 23/18

7. Su. Su. 22/7

8. Su. Chi. 1/6

9. Cha. Chi. 25/17 – 19

10. Su. Su. 22/3

11. Su. Chi. 1/8

12. Su. Su. 17/ 22 – 23

13. Shabdakalpdrum

14. Amarkosha

15. Amarkosha manushyavarga

16. Su. Ni. 10/10

17. Su. Ni. 10/10

18. Atharva veda 6/138.4.

19. Atharva veda 7/ 78.1

20. Su. Su. 17/15

21. Su. Ni. 10/9

22. Su. Ni. 10/ 11.

23. Su. Ni. 10/11

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  111 
24. Su. Ni. 10/12

25. Su. Ni. 10/13

26. Su. Ni. 10/12

27. Su. Ni. 10/14

28. Su. Chi. 17/17

29. Su. Chi. 1/9

30. Su. Chi. 17/29

31. Su. Su. 25/10,3, 7.

32. Su.Su. 18/37 – 39.

33. As. Hr. Su. 29/ 45,47

34. YogRatnakar Sarvavarana roganam pathya apthya.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  112 

¾ B.D. Chaurasia’s, Human Anatomy 2nd Volume, 3rd Edition.

¾ K.Rajgopal Shenoy, Manipal Manual of Surgery, 1st Edition, Delhi: CBS

Publishers and Distributors; 2004.

¾ Das.S.; A manual of Clinical Surgery; 5th Edition; Kolkatta; 2000.

¾ Das. S; A text book of Surgical Short Cases; 2nd Edition, Kolkatta; 2003.

¾ Russel R.C.G, Norman S. Williams Chistopher, J.K. ulstrode; Bailey and

Love’s Short practice of Surgery; 24th Edition; London; ELBS with

Chapman and Hall; 2005.

¾ Parks. A.G: Pathology and treatment of Fistula – in – ano; Br. Med. Jr.


¾ Bailey H: Demonstration of Physical sign in clinical Surgery; 18th edition.

¾ Scott: An aid to clinical Surgery.

¾ Smith, N.D: Common and rare sinuses and fistula which occur in or near

the anus. Surg. Clinical.

¾ Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary; 17th Edition.

¾ Sir Monier and Monier Williams: A Dictionary English and Sanskrit.

¾ Vaman Shivrama Apte. The Practical Sanskrit – English Dictionary;

Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2004.

¾ Susshruta; Sushruta Samhita with commentaries ‘Nibandh Sangraha’ of

Dalhana and ‘Nyayachandrika’ of Gayadasa, Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji

Acharya, Narayan Rana Acharya. Reprint edition: Reprint edition;

Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy; 1998.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  113 
¾ Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita with English translation of text and Dalhan’s

commentary along with critical notes by Dr.P.V. Sharma; 1st Edition,

Varanasi: Chaukhamba Bharati Academy, 1999.

¾ Agnivesha, ‘Charka Samhita’ Vaidya Yadavji Trikamji Acharya,

Narayana Rana Acharya, 5th Edition; Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit

Sansthan; 2001.

¾ Vagbhata, ‘Astang Sanghra’, Prof. K.R. Shrikantha Murthy, 2nd Edition,

Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2000.

¾ Bhaishajya Kalpana; Dr. Shobha G. Hiremath.

¾ Anonymous; ‘Yogratnakara’ Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by

Lakshmipati Shastri. 7th Edition; Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit

Sansthan; 1999.

¾ Bhahadhur Radhakanthadeva Raja. Shabdakalpadruma. 3rd reprint;

Delhi; Naga Publishers; 2006.

¾ Chakrapanidatta. ‘Chakradatta’ with Vidyaprabha Hindi Commentary

by Dr. Indradeva Tripathi, Ramanath Dwivedi. 3rd Edition. Varanasi:

Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 1997.

¾ Das Govinda. ‘Bhaishajyaratnavali’ Vidyotini Hindi Commentary by

Ambika Datta Shastri; Edited by Rajashwara Datta Shastri; 2nd Edition;

Varanasi: Choukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan; 2001.

¾ Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic uses of Medicinal Plants

(Dravyagunavignyan), By: Vaidya Vishnu Mahadev Gogte; Translation:

The academic team of Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s Swami Prakashananda

Ayurveda Research Centre. (SPARC); Published by: Shri Ramakrishan,

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  114 
Executive Secretary, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Kulapati Munshi Marg,

Mumbai – 400 007.

¾ Shastry. J.L.N Illustrated Dravyaguna Vignana; Varanasi: Chaukhamba

Orientalia; Vol. 2.

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  115 




TITLE : A clinical comparative study on efficacy of ghontaphaladi varti and

saindhav varti in the management of nadivrana (Sinus)

Research Scholar: Dr. Vikram S.

Guide : Dr. Jayasheela M. Goni



Name of the patient:

Age: IPD No:

Sex: M F OPD No:

Religion : H M C Others Date of Commencement:

Occupation: Date of Completion:

Marital Status : Married


Socio-economic status :

Poor Middle class High class

Address :

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  116 
General Examination

1. Built :

2. Pulse :

3. BP :

4. Temperature :

5. Respiratory rate :

6. Pallor :

7. Items :

8. Cyanosis

9. Oedema

10. Lymphadenopathy

Systemic examination:


¾ RS

¾ PA



Local Examination: (Especially of the sinus)


1. Number :

2. Position :

3. Sprouting Granulation tissue : Present / Absent

4. Discharge : Present / Absent

5. Blood : Present / Absent

6. Pus : Present / Absent

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  117 
7. Surrounding skin : healthy/Unhealthy/Induration/Others …….. . .

8. Scar : Present /Absent

9. Pigmentation: Present / Absent

10. Dermatitis : Present /Absent

Palpation :

1. Tenderness : Present / Absent

2. Temperature : Normal / Raised

3. Induration : Present / Absent

4. Mobility :

5. Fixidity :

6. Lump :

Examination : With a probe

1. Direction of the sinus– upward, downward, forward, lateral, Medial

2. Depth.

3. Foreign bodies

4. Bone Chips : Present (+) / Absent (-)

5. Suturing Material:

6. Other Material:

7. End of the probe enters the bone cavity

8. End of the probe enters a hollow visucs

9. Discharge comes out on withdrawal of the probe : Present/Absent

Special Investigation:

1. Lab Examination of the discharge : (Whenever required)

2. X-ray Examination: (Whenever Required)

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  118 
3. Other examination :

• Hb %



• BT, CT

• Urine: Routine




Group Treatment Duration Follow up

A Ghontaphaladi Taking aseptic precautions varti is Once in 15 days

varti inserted into Nadivrana giving two for 6 weeks.

days gap between two applications

for 6 weeks.

B Saindhav varti Taking aseptic precautions varti is Once in 15 days

inserted into Nadivrana giving two for 6 weeks.

days gap between two applications

for 6 weeks.



A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  119 

A) Subjective parameters

During Treatment
Sl Before
Observation 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd
No Treatment
Day Day Day Day Day Day

1 Pain

2 Burning Sensation

3 Itching

B) Objective Parameters

During Treatment
Sl Before
Observation 7th 14th 21st 28th 35th 42nd
No Treatment
Day Day Day Day Day Day

1 Discharge

2 Induration

3 Length of the tract

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  120 

Subjective and objective criteria for follow up

Sl No. Criteria 57th day 72nd day 87th day

1 Pain

2 Burning sensation

3 Itching

4 Discharge

5 Induration

6 Length of the tract

RESULT: Very good Response

Good Response

Fair Response

Poor Response

Signature of the Scholar Signature of the Guide

A Clinical Comparative study on the efficacy of Ghontaphaladi varti & Saindhav varti in the Mgmt of Nadivrana (Sinus)  121 



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