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Handbook of Power Management Circuits: Haruo Kobayashi Takashi Nabeshima

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Handbook of

Power Management
edited by
Haruo Kobayashi
Takashi Nabeshima
Handbook of
Power Management
Handbook of
Power Management

Preben Maegaard edited by
Anna Krenz
Wolfgang Palz Haruo Kobayashi
Takashi Nabeshima

The Rise of Modern Wind Energy

Wind Power
for the World
Published by
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd.
Penthouse Level, Suntec Tower 3
8 Temasek Boulevard
Singapore 038988

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.panstanford.com

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

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Handbook of Power Management Circuits

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ISBN  978-981-4613-15-6 (Hardcover)

ISBN  978-981-4613-16-3 (eBook)

Printed in the USA


Preface xvii

1. Power Supply Circuit Fundamentals 1

Jun-ichi Matsuda and Haruo Kobayashi
1.1 Introduction 1
1.1.1 Why Do We Study Power Electronics? 1
1.1.2 Positioning of Power Supplies 3 Switching-mode power
supplies 3 History of switching-mode
power supplies 3 Applications and products
using switching-mode
power supplies 3 Power supply technological
classification 4 Electric power flow from
generation to consumption
and related technologies 4
1.1.3 Power Supply Circuit Basics 5 Why are power supply
circuits required? 5 Importance of power supply
technology progress 6 Transistor roles 6 Basic physics of power
circuits 7 Control technology 7 Modeling 7 Inductor L 8 Duality of C and L, Voltage
and Current 14 Why are switching-mode
power supplies highly
efficient? 15
vi Contents Intrinsic power loss due to

switch on/off transitions
and soft switching 17 Switching frequency and
circuit technology 20 Difference between analog
and power supply circuits 20
1.1.4 Future Direction 21
1.2 Basics 22
1.2.1 Inductor Volt-Second (or Magnetic
Flux Linkage) Balance and Capacitor
Charge Balance in a Buck Converter 22
1.2.2 Transformer-Equivalent Circuit 26
1.2.3 General Expression for the Power
Factor 29
1.2.4 Switching Loss 32 MOSFET switching 34 Diode reverse recovery 36 MOSFET output and diode
junction capacitances 39 Parasitic series inductances 40

2. Buck Converter for Low-Voltage Application 43

Takashi Nabeshima
2.1 Introduction 43
2.2 Operation and Circuit Analysis 47
2.2.1 Operation of a Buck Converter 48 S1 in the on state 48 S1 in the off state 48
2.2.2 Circuit Analysis of a Buck Converter 48 Output ripple voltage 50 Transfer function 53
2.3 Closed-Loop Operation 53
2.3.1 Voltage Regulator 53
2.3.2 Design Consideration of Feedback
Circuit 55

3. Isolated DC–DC Converters 63

Kimihiro Nishijima
3.1 Introduction 63
Contents vii

3.2 Flyback Converter 64

3.3 Forward Converter 68
3.3.1 Single-Switch Forward Converter 68
3.3.2 Two-Switch Forward Converter 73
3.4 Push–Pull Converter 76
3.5 Half-Bridge Converter 81
3.6 Full-Bridge Converter 86
3.6.1 PWM-Controlled Full-Bridge
Converter 86
3.6.2 Phase-Shift-Controlled Full-Bridge
Converter 92
3.6.3 Full-Bridge Converter with a
Current-Doubler Rectifier 94
3.6.4 Full-Bridge Converter with Zero
Voltage Switching 95

4. Modeling and Analysis of Switching Converters 99

Terukazu Sato
4.1 Introduction 99
4.2 Switching Converter Analysis Using the
Averaged Device Model 101
4.2.1 Kirchhoff’s Law for Averaged
Voltage and Current 101
4.2.2 The Equivalent Device Model 102
4.2.3 Analysis Procedure Using the
Averaged Device Model 104
4.3 Buck Converter in Continuous Conduction
Mode 104
4.3.1 Derivation of Waveforms of
Currents and Voltages 105
4.3.2 Derivation of the Averaged Device
Model 107
4.3.3 Steady-State Characteristics 109
4.3.4 Small-Signal AC Analysis 109 Control to the output
transfer function 109 Input to the output
transfer function 111 Load to the output transfer
function 112
viii Contents

4.4 Buck Converter in Discontinuous

Conduction Mode 113
4.4.1 Derivation of Waveforms of
Currents and Voltages 115
4.4.2 Derivation of the Averaged Device
Model 115
4.4.3 Steady-State Characteristics 117
4.4.4 Small-Signal AC Characteristics 118 Control to the output
transfer function 118 Input to the output
transfer function 119 Load to the output
transfer function 120
4.5 Summary of Steady-State and Dynamic
Characteristics of Basic Converters 121

5. Control Schemes of Switching Converters 125

Terukazu Sato
5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Voltage-Mode PWM Control 125
5.2.1 Transfer Function of an Error
Amplifier 126
5.2.2 Transfer Function of a PWM
Generator 127
5.3 Self-Oscillating Hysteretic PWM Control 128
5.3.1 Transfer Function of a Hysteretic
PWM Generator 129
5.3.2 Constant-Frequency Operation of
a Hysteretic PWM Generator 130
5.4 Current-Mode Control 131
5.4.1 Transfer Function of Current-Mode
Control 133
5.4.2 Constant-Frequency Operation of a
Current-Mode PWM Generator 134

6. Passive Components 135

Yuya Tamai and Yoshiyuki Ishihara
6.1 Inductors and Transformers 135
6.1.1 Inductors 135
Contents ix Definition of an inductor 135 Construction of inductors 136
6.1.2 Transformers 138 Principles of transformers 138 Structure of transformers 140 Basics of transformer
design 141
6.1.3 Materials Used in Inductors and
Transformers 142 Magnetic materials 142 Conductors 147
6.1.4 Design Example 149 Inductor design example 149 Design example of a
high-frequency transformer 151
6.2 Capacitors 153
6.2.1 The Position of a Capacitor in
Electronic Components 153 The analog AV era 153 The digital era 153 The digital network era 154
6.2.2 Brief Overview of Various Capacitors 155 Aluminum electrolytic
capacitor 155 Tantalum electrolytic
capacitor 156 Film capacitor 156 Ceramic capacitor 156
6.2.3 Characteristics and Applications of
Various Capacitors 157 Aluminum electrolytic
capacitor 159 Tantalum electrolytic
capacitor 162 Film capacitor 165 Ceramic capacitor 168
6.2.4 Main Roles of a Capacitor in a Power
Distribution Network 172 Role of a capacitor in a
buck converter (VRM/POL) 172
x Contents Role of a capacitor in an

isolated forward/flyback
converter 175 Role of a capacitor in an
AC/DC rectification circuit
and a PFC converter 178

7. On-Chip Voltage Converters 183

Masashi Horiguchi
7.1 Introduction 183
7.2 On-Chip Voltage Conversion 184
7.3 Voltage Reference Circuits 189
7.4 Voltage Down-Converters 198
7.5 Voltage Up-Converters 203

8. Applications of DC–DC/AC–DC Switching Converters 213

Yasunori Kobori
8.1 Noninverted Buck–Boost DC–DC Converter
with Dual Delta-Sigma Modulators 213
8.1.1 Introduction 213
8.1.2 Full-Bridge Configuration
Buck–Boost Power Source 214 Mixed-control method 214 Voltage conversion
equation in a buck and
boost power source 215 Voltage conversion
equation in the
mixed-control method 216
8.1.3 DS Modulated Mixed-Control Method 216
8.1.4 Dual DS Modulated Control Method 216 Configuration of the dual
DS modulated method 216 Characteristics of the DS
modulation control
method 217
8.1.5 Dual DS Buck–Boost Converter
(Simulation) 218 Normal operation and
component waveforms 218
Contents xi Load fluctuation response

and ripple 219 Evaluation of efficiency 220
8.1.6 Confirmation Experiments (Duty
Ratio DS Control Method) 221 Experimental circuit 221 Efficiency improvement
in the experimental circuit 222 Measurements of efficiency 222 Voltage ripple versus load
current fluctuations 224
8.2 Nonisolated AC–DC Direct Converters 226
8.2.1 Introduction 226
8.2.2 Direct Buck–Boost AC–DC Converter
with an H Bridge 227 Basic circuit and principle
operation 227 Simulation results 229 Voltage conversion ratio 231
8.2.3 Inverted Direct AC–DC Converter 233 Circuit and operation 233 Simulation results 233
8.3 Power Factor Correction Circuit for a Direct
AC–DC Converter 234
8.3.1 New PFC Circuit in Boundary
Conduction Mode 235 Conventional BCM PFC
circuit with a diode bridge 235 New BCM PFC in a
buck–boost converter with
an H bridge 236
8.3.2 New PFC Circuit in Continuous
Conduction Mode 238 Conventional CCM PFC in
a boost converter with a
diode bridge 238 New CCM PFC in a
buck–boost converter with
an H bridge 239
8.4 Conclusions 241
xii Contents

9. Single-Inductor Multi-Output DC–DC Converter 245

Nobukazu Takai
9.1 Introduction 245
9.1.1 Background and Motivation 245
9.1.2 Organization 246
9.2 Basics of a DC–DC Converter 246
9.2.1 Basic Topologies 247 Buck converter 247 Boost converter 248 Buck–boost converter 249
9.2.2 Operation of a DC–DC Converter 249 Continuous conduction
mode 250 Discontinuous
conduction mode 250 Pseudo-continuous
conduction mode 250
9.3 What Is a SIMO DC–DC Converter? 251
9.3.1 Basics of a SIMO Converter 251
9.3.2 Topologies of a SIMO DC–DC
Converter 253 Buck/buck combination 253 Buck/boost combination 254 Boost/boost combination 254 Buck/positive
buck–boost combination 255 Boost/positive buck–
boost combination 256 Buck/negative
buck–boost combination 256 Boost/negative
buck–boost combination 257 Positive buck–boost/
positive buck–boost
combination 258 Negative buck–boost/
negative buck–boost
combination 259
Contents xiii Positive buck–boost/

negative buck–boost
combination 259 SIMO using a boost
converter and a charge
pump circuit 260
9.3.3 Freewheel Technique for PCCM 261
9.4 Control Circuit 262
9.4.1 Voltage-Mode Control 262
9.4.2 Current-Mode Control 263
9.4.3 Ripple Control and Hysteresis Control 264
9.5 Conclusion 266

10. A Small, Low-Power Boost Regulator Optimized for

Energy-Harvesting Applications 269
Zachary Nosker
10.1 Introduction 270
10.2 Proposed Circuit Operation 271
10.2.1 Ideal Boost Regulator Operation 271
10.2.2 Design Methodology 272
10.2.3 Block Diagram 272
10.2.4 Start-Up Charge Pump 273
10.2.5 Start-Up Oscillator and Driver 275
10.2.6 Voltage Reference 276 Voltage reference design
equations 277
10.2.7 Hysteretic Control 278 Overview 278 Output voltage ripple 280 Maximum load current 281 Voltage hysteresis value 282
10.2.8 Ideal Components 282
10.3 Simulation Results 282
10.3.1 Simulation Schematic 282
10.3.2 Start-Up Results 283
10.3.3 Steady-State Operation 284
10.3.4 Calculation and Simulation
Comparison 284
10.3.5 Efficiency 285
xiv Contents

10.4 Test Chip 286

10.4.1 Chip Photomicrograph 286
10.4.2 Chip Packaging 287
10.4.3 Bench Results 288 Charge pump transfer
function 289
10.4.4 Bench and Simulation Comparison 290
10.5 Conclusion 290

11. Wireless Power Delivery 293

Kiichi Niitsu
11.1 Introduction 293
11.2 Literature on Wireless Power Delivery 294
11.3 Wireless Power Delivery for 3D System
Integration 294
11.4 Wireless Power Delivery for Noncontact
Wafer-Level Testing 296
11.5 Efficiency Improvement Using Thin-Film
Magnetic Material 296

12. High-Power GaN HEMT for Cellular Base Stations 303

Norihiko Ui
12.1 Introduction 303
12.2 Basic Characteristics of GaN HEMTs 304
12.2.1 Material Properties 304
12.2.2 Comparison Si, GaAs, and GaN for
DC and RF Characteristics 305
12.3 RF Operation and Load Line 306
12.3.1 Load Impedance and Operation
Voltage 306
12.3.2 Load Impedance and Cds 308
12.4 High-Efficiency Operation 310
12.4.1 Class E Operation 310 Principle of class E 310 Operational limitation of
class E 312 Waveform simulation of
class E 313 Circuit design of a 10 W
class E 314
Contents xv High-power class E 315

12.4.2 Class F Operation 317 Principle of class F 317 Harmonic load pull
measurement and
waveform simulation 318 Circuit design of a 10 W
class F 320 High-power class F 322
12.5 Doherty Amplifier 323
12.5.1 Principle of the Doherty Amplifier 323
12.5.2 Load Pull Theory for the Doherty
Design 324
12.5.3 Main Amplifier Design 327
12.5.4 Peak Amplifier Design 328
12.5.5 Total Doherty Design 329
12.5.6 Doherty Variations 332
12.6 Other Efficiency Enhancement Techniques 333

13. Understanding the Efficiency of Switched-Capacitor

Power Supply Circuits 337
Haruo Kobayashi, Daiki Oki, Biswas Sumit Kumar,
and Keith Wilkinson
13.1 Basic Study of Switched-Capacitor Power
Electronics 337
13.2 Capacitor Size, Switching Frequency, Load
Current, and Energy Loss 341
13.3 Parasitic Capacitance and Output Voltage 343
13.4 Dual Form of Theorem 2 Circuit: Two
Inductors and a Switch 344
13.5 Efficient Capacitor-Charging Method 346
13.5.1 Problem 1 346
13.5.2 Problem 2 347
13.6 Analogy to Newton’s Second Law of Motion 349
13.7 Digital CMOS Circuit Dynamic Power
Dissipation 351
13.7.1 Dynamic Power Dissipation Formula 351
13.7.2 Adiabatic Digital CMOS Circuit 352
13.8 Switched-Capacitor ADC 353
13.9 Capacitor Charge Transfer through an Inductor 355
xvi Contents

13.10 Efficiency of Switched-Capacitor and Charge

Pump Circuits 356
13.10.1 Dickson Charge Pump Circuit at
Start-Up Time 356
13.10.2 Steady-State Analysis of Dickson
Charge Pump Circuit 358 Effects of voltage drop
across switch 359 Effects of parasitic
capacitance 359 Effects of output current 360 Combined effects of switch
voltage drop, parasitic
capacitance and output
current 362
13.11 Conclusions 364

Index 367
Preface xvii


Electronics and electrical engineering may be only one part of

physics. However, during the last 100 years, they have advanced
rapidly and changed our lives drastically. Their roles can be classified
into the following categories: (i) information and signal processing,
(ii) information storage, (iii) communication, and (iv) energy and
power. In this book, we focus on the fourth category—energy and
power, or power electronics—which is becoming more and more
important to make the earth green.
The book is intended for tutorials on power supply circuits for
engineers and graduate students in circuit design fields as well
as power electronics, and it covers a wide range of power supply
circuits. The authors of all chapters have been engaged in research
and development of their contents, and hence each chapter has its
own originality, reflecting the authors’ experiences. It is noteworthy
that the power supply circuits as well as power amplifier circuits
are different from analog, mixed-signal, and RF-integrated circuit
design, and even circuit designers who have good background of
analog, mixed-signal, and RF circuit design often get puzzled when
they start to get involved in power supply circuits. In the 1997 IEEE
International Solid-State Circuits Conference, there was a panel
discussion session entitled “RF Designers are from Mars, Analog
Designers are from Venus.” Here I would like to add the following
statement “Power Supply Designers are from Mercury and Power
Amplifier Designers are from Jupiter.”
This handbook is organized in two parts. In Part I, basics of
power supply circuit have been reviewed systematically. In Chapter
1, basics of power supply circuit are introduced. The first hurdle
to understand the DC–DC converter is the circuit behavior of an
inductor. For example, current can be made to flow from lower-
to higher-voltage nodes through the inductor, and thanks to the
inductor, the DC–DC converter efficiency can theoretically be 100%
in ideal conditions.
In Chapter 2, a buck converter—the most important DC–DC
converter—for low-voltage applications is described elaborately.
xviii Preface

First, buck, boost, and buck–boost DC–DC converters are introduced.

Then two operation modes, that are, continuous current mode (CCM)
and discontinuous current mode (DCM) are explained. Then their
operating principle, circuit analysis with transfer function, closed-
loop operation, design consideration such as error amplifier design,
are discussed. An example of power supplies in a computer system
is also discussed.
In Chapter 3, isolated DC–DC converters with a transformer
(isolation of large voltage and current conversion, minimizing
voltage and current stresses, multiple outputs, flyback converter,
forward converter, push–pull converter, half-bridge converter, full-
bridge converter of various types) are explained. These are used for
handling relatively large power, and even beginners can understand
them by a careful read, although they may find them difficult to
understand at first.
Chapter 4 covers modeling and analysis of switching converters,
such as state–space average model, averaged device model, and CCM
and DCM models as well as transfer function. In Chapter 5, control
schemes of switching converters are described, such as a self-
oscillating hysteretic PWM control and a current mode control as
well as a voltage mode PWM control, including some content based
on the authors’ research.
Chapter 6 describes passive components (inductor, transformers,
and capacitors) and explains the fundamental physics behind
inductors and transformers. It then introduces capacitors for
switching converters, such as aluminum electrolytic capacitor,
tantalum electrolytic capacitor, film capacitor, and ceramic capacitor
as well as characteristics and applications of various capacitors.
In Part II, several selected topics are introduced individually. In
Chapter 7, on-chip voltage converters are explained for large-scale
integration (LSI) designer, such as voltage-reference circuit (bandgap
reference circuit, or BGR), voltage-down converters, and voltage-up
converters. On-chip voltage converters are very important for low-
power operation in large-scale integrations (VLSIs).
Chapter 8 describes applications of DC–DC AC–DC switching
converters and some of them are recent research results of the
author: non-inverted buck–boost DC–DC converter with dual delta–
sigma modulators and non-isolated AC–DC direct converter.
In Chapter 9, single-inductor multi-output DC–DC converters are
introduced. The single-inductor multi-output DC–DC converters are
Preface xix

attractive for small size but their control is difficult. Their several
configurations and control methods are also described.
Chapter 10 shows a small, low-power boost regulator optimized
for energy-harvesting applications. Recently, interests of energy-
harvesting applications are booming up and an example of boost-
converter design for this purpose is introduced. Chapter 11
introduces wireless power delivery for 3D system integration and
for non-contact wafer-level test focusing on the author’s experience
and interest. Chapter 12 shows high-power GaN–HEMT amplifier
for cellular base stations. A lot of attention is now being paid to
GaN HEMT, and several power amplifier architecture, design,
implementation, and measurement examples with this technology
are introduced. Chapter 13 describes power supply circuits with
capacitors and switches.
We hope that this book will be helpful for electronics engineers
from various fields in understanding these interesting and important
areas and the readers will enjoy reading all the chapters.
Finally, we would like to thank Dr. Masashi Ochiai for reviewing
the manuscript and providing valuable comments.
Haruo Kobayashi
Takashi Nabeshima
Winter 2015

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