I(lv0tiY SUCCE'SS. 2017109t29 :::: ,:. i
Test Date Valid Until
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Your scaled score is close io 200, Test takers who score around 200 typically have the following Your scaled score is below '1 50. Test takers who score below '1 50 may have some of the same strengths
strengths: as test takers who score around '150, but their performance is ltkely to be less consistent
, They can understand short (single-sentence) descriptions of the central idea of a photograph. Test takers who score around '150 typically have the following strengthst
' They can someUmes understand the central idea, purpose, and basic context of exiended spoken texts . They can locate the correct answer to a factual question when not very much reading is necessary
when this information is supported by a lot of repetition and easy vocabulary. when the language of the text matches the information that is required,
. They can understand detai s rn shorl spoken exchanges and descriptions of photographs when the . They can understand easy vocabulary and common phrases,
vocabulary is easy and when there is only a small amount of texl that must be understood. . They can understand the most-common, rule-based grammatical slructures when not very much reading
. Ihey can understand detai s in extended spoken iexts when the requested information comes at is necessary.
the beginn ng or end of the text and when tt matches the words in the spoken text. To see weaknesses typlcal of test takers who score around 150, see the *Proflciency Description Table.
Jo see weaknesses typrcal of test takers who score around 200, see the -Proflciency Descnpt on Table.
* Proficiency
Description Table can be found on our web site, www,
test-takers vvh0 take other f0rms 0r to y0ur own performance on other test f0rms.
Hot1, rortC scores more th1.n two year: ol.! cln1gt reoo:ted 0r vatidated
98810"70171 . SED713E400 . Prlnted in U S.A.
[email protected] theETSlogos,andToElCareregisteredtrademarksofEclucationatTes|ngservice