Focus 4 Workbook Unit 1

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The passage discusses the importance of creativity in students and provides some tips teachers can use to promote creativity in the classroom.

The passage suggests that teachers should promote creativity by encouraging students to carry out more experiments, investigate problems and come up with solutions.

The passage says that creativity is important because it helps students not just learn facts but use their knowledge creatively. Creativity also helps students be better equipped for further studies or work by looking for alternative solutions to problems.

Education • Phrasal verbs • WORD STORE 1 B

Collocations . • Personality adjectives Col Iocations

4 Complete the words in the questions. The first letter of
r lSHOW WHAT YOU KNOW I ---i each word is given. Then read the text and answer the
questions. Write A for Adam or P for Patrick.
1 Choose the nouns that collocate with the verbs in bold. I
0 Which brother has a large circt.e of friends? ~
1 take a course a career 1 Which brother is a d___ thinker? D
2 attend university a subject 2 Which brother pays a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 drop an exam a subject to science news? D
4 fail a lesson a course 3 Which brother is e _ _ _ _ to try new
5 pass a test university experiences? D
6 pursue an exam a career 4 Which brother has a g_ _ _ for sports? D
7 skip a lesson a course 5 Which brother is keen to s_ _ _ up knowledge? D
8 study a subject university 6 Wh ich brother recently r_ _ _ _ _ _
Cl sporting goal? D
2 Complete the school reports with the correct form of
the verbs in bold in Exercise 1. Sometimes more than
one answer is possible.
School report: Thomas Taylor
Thomas has worked hard and 0 µasse(;( all his exams "Patric.I:: Wi\\i5,$ ll&,
with good grades. It is now for him to choose homewori:: assignment:
the subject to 1 at university. My advice
would be to think about the career he wishes to
2 · 'Write about a member of
• With such good exam results, Thomas
has a wide range of options. 1our fami\'f to \llhom 1~
School report: Sophie Whall a.rt e.ither_v(I"'[_ dtfferent ~-r
Sophie has bad another disappointing year. She has ver1-simi1~.( -
consistently 3 lessons. Halfway through the
year, it was agreed to let her 4 History, after Altl1ou9h ffi'j t'Nin br01her
she claimed she wa<> too overwhelmed with work.
Mam and I \ooi:: alm< the
Unfortunately, Sophie's work did not improve and
she 5 · all but one Of the exams. If she wishes same., Vie art- adua\\'f Vef'j diffortnt. He i\l ooc;ab\e. and \:nowf> l~& _
to 6 university, she needs to rethink her of_peop.!_e. wl1e.r&a~ I tend to l:eep m'j~elf !O~self. tie fs definitely _
attitude to school. i'ne spori'f one and 11e' & alw-a1~ trjing oomeihing - last
weel:end it wa:. wa\:e.-boarding
Phrasal verbs - education _l, qn the q__ther hand, tenq to _Mii;l: to wh~ I \::now, Vlhii;\1 in 1'Tl'I '3~
3 "
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the ~ o~r arnaz.iog univer~. I \i\:e to follo'N i'ne. \a'test developf!!.tnts_ _
verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs. in f>\)aGe t'l-ploration and read and lt:am a~ mu~h as I can abo_ut

[ catch come fall go hand **3k put take J the solar s1;,tem and be1ond. I am ha2pil'f. spend hours wonde.rin.s.._
~'nat rni9ht or mi9ht n.ot be 'out rl)_~e·.
0 I' m not Loole.i.vwa forward to the end of the ho(idays.
1 Pat's been off school for two weeks. It's going to take
Mam and l are· ver'i differr,nt lharactr,rs. but we do ~ti on we\\,
her ages up on what she's missed.
2 I'd like to off taking my driving test until later.
rm ver-r pro~ of m'I brome.r. 1hi& summer. after training hard
3 Connor spends so much time training for ka rate that he for Sil'> months, ht (..Omp\eted his first ha\f-maral\1on and ne. was,
has behind with his school work. of lCUfse., the fu.fest teenager in 1he. race.
4 I've never in an assignment before the deadline.
5 Sarah was a g ifted hockey player. She WP on to
play fo r the national team while she was at university.
Synonyms - personality adjectives
Choose the correct answer, A, B or C, to complete both
5 Complete the pairs of synonyms. The first letter of each sentences in each pair.
word is given.
0 sociable gr~ar..0L1..s 3 logical a _ _ __
I 1 The on ly way to _ a cold is to be exposed to the cold
1 intelligent b 4 interested c_ _ __ On Sundays. Channel 1 shows three episodes of
2 determined s 5 hard-working s_ __ _ My Way or the Highway so viewers can _up on what
6 Which words from Exercise 5 describe these people? they may have missed during the week.
A get B watch C catch
0 Michelle loves meeting new peop le.
2 Try not to fall_ with your homework or you' ll be in
She's consta;itly making new friends.
t rouble at school.
Amanda is focusing all her efforts on
When I play hide-and-seek with my little sister, she
becoming a doctor.
always hides_ the sofa and I always pretend I don't
2 Joe re gularly asks the teacher for extra
know where she is.
A over B behind C down
3 My little sister constantly asks questions.
3 If you dive too_ , the pressure of the water will make
Her favourite word is 'why' .
your ears pop.
4 Simon organ ises his revision by li stin g topics
My brother is not a_ thinker. He spends most of his
and sub-topics.
time watching rubb ish on television.
5 Jenna has an unusually high IQ. She's the
A far B deep C high
cleverest person 1 know.
4 Wher Holly's musdes ache after t he gym , she_ in
WORD STORE 1 D the bath.
Extra synonyms - personality adjectives I've never been the kind of person who_ up
knowledge. I have a lot of trouble remembering facts
7 Replace the underlined adjectives in the texts with and figures.
synonyms from the box.
A soaks B keeps C lies
_dilise* f1:1n lo"i~· . inquisitive ]
5 The most important tool a c ef needs is a_ knife.
[. J,2e.cs.istemt- ,.r.ati.GAGI- sharpes':: I told you Kyle was_. He got f.ull marks on the Maths
test again.
A clever
Bigg--est brains in Britain 9
B bright

Choose the correct answer, A, B or. C.

C sharp

Accordino- to chc TCSults of a 2014 uney. Cambridge

ni1 r ity·~ .Mamemari - degree · the tonghCST cour c ro gci 1 Jennifer has a real_ for music. She plays the violin,
onto in the UK. Th Cbur e is exLremely challenging. so cbe the piano and the gu itar, all to a very high standard.
unjve.rsit) only accep[ the °brighresl I s ~C! ..-p~t of applic.-ants. A goal B attention C gift
ndcrgraduate mu t be 1 wdious I in order to cope 2 You have to get a medical degree before you can _
with the workload 011 the course. specia lise in surgery.
] was luclqrcoongh rn have Lhe chance w i.ntcnicwthc head of A go on to B look forward to C, eager to
1..he Ma1hematicsdcpartment ... 3 Air traffic controllers need to be _ in their approach to
their jobs. One mis.take could cost hundreds of lives.
A analytic 8 curious C stud io us
4 Carl was very_ . He asked five differen girls to dance
before one of them fi'nally agreed.
We are looking for 2 areqarious I Y,Oung A gregarious B persistent C inqu isitive
people1o help run our English language lummer 5 I'm looking for a _ ind of girl. 1want a g irlfriend who
school sacral programme. If you enjoy meeting
knows how to have a good time.
new people and are 3cur1ous I about
A rational 8 det ermined ©un-l oving
other nationalities. then contact us at ~--~

[email protected] . /10 I

ffiffil] 8 p.m. The Origins of Life

David Attenborough's latest documentary series demonstrates
his 4 analytic I approach to natural history. In
tonight's episode, Attenborough discusses his early love of
fossils and reveal s how 5 single·minded I he was In
his search for them in the hills near his childhood home.
[ Collocations • Word families 2 Read REMEMBER THIS. Complete the collocations with
the words ir:i the box. There are two extra words.
1 Complete the collocations in the extracts with the
words in the box. Then listen and check. [ correct jog ~ photogr_a phic vague young J
[ losing
asseciate €leaf - forget have
manages recall remembe r vividly
J Memory (ability)

_ your memory - become unable to remember
things that happened in the past
• have a 1_ _ _ memory - have the ability to remembe r
every ldetail of something you have seen
Extract from Stvdents' Book recording G•OHH MP3•1 s l • 2_ _ _ someone's memory - help someone to

remember something
Memory (specific)
My earliest memory? I have very ~ memories from

• a distant/3---=memory - a memory from a long

the Christmas before my third birthday. I a]so remember
time ago which is unclear
my third birthday party 1 · , and I remember other
• a painful memory - an upsetting memory
events very clearly from when I was three years old. Some • have no memory of something - not remember
p~ople say I must have confused a memory with photos something
I've seen of tlie same events. But I've asked my mum
3 Complete the sentences with words and phrases from
about it and she agrees that my memories are 2_ __
Exercise 2. Change the form if necessary. Sometimes
For some of th~m. there's no ph.b'tographic i:vidence or more than one answer is possible.
anythirigthat I could have used to 'create' the memories
0 Since his head injury, Ryan has ~ his memory. Sadly,
in m¥ head, so I believe they're real.
he even forgets his own name.
2 1 It's probably a good thing that Fiona has _ _ __
Most people in my family 3 rubbish memories, memory of the accident.
b~t my grandfather's amazing. He's not like other 2 Lena on ly has memories of her first day at
old people who are 4 their memory and get school. She can't remember any details.
confused - hl;!'s really switched on.[ ... J He can even 3 Imagine how useful it would be to have a _ _ __
in detail events that happened fifty years memory. There would be no need for revi;;ion 6€fore
ago and he'~ seve_ntrseven. I'm sixte_en and I ~n't 6_ __ exams.
what I did yesterday! I wish I had his memory-it would 4 It was such a memory that Lucy cou ldn't
help me a lot in my exams. I asked him how he stop herself from crying when she thought about it.
- - - to
remember things 0 STORE 1E
so well, and he Word families - verbs ending in -ise
says its because he
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
drinks green te-a ! words in the box.
I think it's becaus~
he reaqs a lot-and
sta)'S active. He
6:Fama familiarity memory
[ person recognition vision
walks every day -
0 The BBC has announced it is planning to "-• a • ~~
he''s much fitter
one of Roald Dahl's lesser-known children's bo0ks later
than I am.
this year.
1 I'm sorry but I'm not going to answer any questions about
my life. I'm here to talk about my new film.
IS 2 In of all your hard work, we have decided to
The noun memory can be used to describe: offer you -a pay rise.
someone's ability to remember things, places, 3 Sit back, close your eyes and yourself in the
experiences, etc., e.g. place where you are happiest and most relaxed.
I wish I had my grandfather's memory. 4 I'd love to play chess but I've no idea how the game
Wi?.ndy has a rubbish/poor/good/excellent memory. works. Could you me with the rules?
5 What was ·the most experience from your
something specific you remember from the past about expedition to the Antarctic, Sir Richard?
a person, place or experienee, e.g.
J have very clear memories from the Christmas before

my third birthday.
Leon has a distant memory of his grandfather, who
died when he was very young.

• Collocations

texture {n) = the way a surface or materi al f eels when grief (n) =extreme sadne5S caused by the death of
youtpuch it someone you love
lumpy (a dj}~ coverecl with or cont aining small soli0 long (v) = want something very much, especially when it
pieces, e,g. a lumpy mattress seems unlikely t o happen
trace (v) = copy a dr.awing by p utting a very thin piece contradiction (n) = ~ differen ce between two statements,
of paper 0verit and then drawin g the lihes you can see beliefs. or ideas that means they cannot bat h be true
through the paper

aniel Tam met is a lingu1s_ticand mathemattcal genius. He speaks elevenlangoages 1 performs complex mental arithmetic:

D in seconds, and on 14 MaTch, 2004 publicly recited pi from memory to 22,514 dedmal places. lt took him five hours ~nd
nine minutes. Howev~r, since childh0od, des_pite hi.s phenomenal mental abilities, Daniel has struggled to learn the
peFsonal skills that most of us take f~r granted: communication, empatlly and the ability to see tbebig picture.

Daniel's &kills and limitations'ilre ~he res.ultuf Asperger',s syndrome, a form ofautism. He is a high-functi9ning autistic savant
who possesses similar a~ilities to those of the chaia£ter played by Dustin Hoffman in the film Rain Man.}j_ Tm lucky,' he ~ays~
'bec;;iuse most otheJswho have.rare abilities are also seriously disabled.'

Life is ~asier for Daniel now th(!t he is in his thirties, but growing up with autism was tough for him and his family. As a baby,
he usetl to cry constantly and only repetitive motion would stop him. ~ As a result, he never played with other children, or
indeed with toys. 'Numbers were my toys,' he says. \.

To him, numbers have colours, sh.apes, textures and personlilities. He has describep his visual image of :28~ as particularly
ugly, and 333 as partic1,1larly attractive. 3 is green, 5 sounds Like a clap of thunder <md 37 is Lumpy. This cross-connectioh
between unrelated senses is.known a-So synaesthesi(! and in Daniel's case it allows him tQ 'experience' numbers rather than .
calculate them. As he explains, 'When I multiply numbers together, I seeJ:wo shapes. The image startsto change and evolve,
arrd a third shape appears. That's the answer.' It was this uni(lue-abilitythat helped him to remember pi to so many decimal
pl~ces, back in 2004 ..Jf_ 'To me, Ttts asbeautiful'<lsthe Mona Lis.a,' he eJ<plains.

Daniel has many gifts often associated with a1,1tism. He can rnpy a picture so accurately
that it could have been traced, and he planned his autobiography Born on o Blue Day
withouttakin'g a sing-le note. Nevertheless, he is more aware of t he many t!Jings he
can't do. He knows, for instance, that tie is difficult to live with be ea use he cannot
understand what others are feeling. He admits that most of the time, he has to
pretend to show emotions. 4 4- He reveals that when his cat died, he cried and
unders'tood grieffor the first time. •

In 2.004, Dariiel met Kim Peek, the. savant on whom Rain Man was actually based.
Unlii<e Daniel, Pe3k, who passed away in 2009, was unable to manage daily life
indepehdently. 5.J.r_ 'We swapped facts and figures like .others swap gossip;' says
Tammet. With the help of his father, Peek t ravell.ed America .spreading the message
that difference is nQt necessarily a negative thing.

Like Peek, Daniel is putting his gifts to good use. He gives regular lectures, has written
three successful l:i?oks, and been th_e subject of numefous studies and d.ocumehtaries.
Much of his work involves helping scientists understand how the brain works. 'I used to
long to be Like other people,' he says. 'ButtheyteLL me that I have the same effoct on them
as Professor Stephen Hawking . That in the contradi<::tion betweef! ability and disability,
they see humanity.'

Read the article quickly and choose the best title for it.
1 The re al Rain Man D When learning a new collocation, remember that it
2 The bigg,est slice ofpi D may include words t hat have multiple meanings, e.g.
3 The ma·n with the amazing mind D in the col location see the big picture, the word picture •
2 Read the article again. Choose from the sentences refers not to a painting, drawing or photograph, but to
(A-F) the one which fits each gap. There is one a situation. Check the col locat ion in .a dictionary if you
extra sentence.
are unsure which meaning is intended.
A Despite these limh:ations, he is slowly extending
hi s emotional r-a nge. D Complete the sentences with the collocations 'in Exercise
4. Change the form if necessary. the information in
B At schgol. he stwgglt;!d to read ~Qdy langua g~ or
brackets to help you where•it is given. .
make eye contact, findjng it impossible to interpret
how other people were feel ing. D 0 On this week's show: how to Y~d lQDi.<.Y P"rtll\.eY's boGt!zj_
C Born on a Blue Day was named ;;i 'Best Book for li;i ..... ~L><.i:tcie • (your partner's)
Young Adu lts' in 20b8 by the American Library -1 El len was so embarrassed she couldn't even
Association. D _ _ _ _ _ _ the nurse.
D Remar kably, t hough, he was ab le to ;ad two· 2 Julia has working as an interpreter in
pages of a book at once, one with each eye, the Europ~an Pacliament . (her bi lingualism)
an.d r.en:iember every single word. D 3 The doctor's wa rn ing obvious ly Kelly.
E There are on ly about fihy savants in the world She has started going to t he gym a_gain.
(al l men), but Tammet is unique in being able to 4 Twenty-four hours into the power cut, D<m1 ien rea lised
de.scribe hciw his mind works.
D just how much we al l . (electricity)
F Tammet describes seeing the number as !i 5 The cha irman accused the union leader of focusing ori
a landscape thro1Jgh which he tr.avelled in his mind. D minor d etai ls and fail ing to _ _ _ _ __

3 Read the text again. Are the statements true (T) or

false (F)? WORD STORE 1F
1 The fi lm Rain Man is partly based on Danie l's Col locations
life 'story.
5 Complete the collocations in the sentences. Use the
2 Unlike. other savant s, Da niel is able t o explain his information in brackets to help you. The first letter of
remarkab!e abilities. each word is given.
3 At school Daniel fo~nd rea_ding, difficult. 0 The Prime Minister today announced a radical Sl1alu· ull-
4 Daniel claims he can see, hear and feel numbers. (reorganisation) of the cabinet.
5 Daniel may not actual ly be experiencing
1 It can be very difficult for autism sufferers to f___
the emotions he shows to other people.
(establish) meaningful relationships with others. ·
6 Kim Peek and ,Daniel Tammet wrote a successful
book together. i. D 2 Th ese reprod uctions of Goya's later paintings are of
7 Dan iel says that people sometimes confuse him ah ___ (exce llent) standard .
with Professor Stephen Hawking. D 3 Researchers ares___ u___ (planning) an
experiment to test th_
e possible harmful effects of
4 Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box.
There are two extra verbs. Then match the collocations e-cigarettes.
with meanings a-f. 4 Daniel Tammet has an i___ (natural) ability when it

fin d
[ put
see take
make J comes to numbers and languages.

0 wk.t something for granted [f]

1 _ _ _ something to good use D
2 _ _ _ eye contact with someone D
3 _ _ _ an effect on someone D
4 _ _ _ someone's body lang uage D
5 _ _ _ t he big picture · D
a influence someone to change their ideas or behaviou r
b understand t he most important facts about a sit uation
rather than the details
·, \: look directly into someone's eyes
d understand physic~il communication such <is gesture
e make the most of something or use it to your advant<ige
f to expect something to be availab@ all the and
fo rget t hat you are lucky to have it
4 Complete the text with the wor;-Els in the box.
Change the form of t hfi!-Yerbs if necessa~.
SHOW WHAT YOU KNOW 1 - - - - - - - forg~t/do hear/Mum and Dad/ta lk
[ rem e mbeT/fall stop/thihk try/count try/get
J -
1 Tick the correct sentence in each pair. Sometimes both
sentences are correct.
When I was little, I 0 r ""'·' "·" ,c. ~ ;i ••• ...o-asleep as soon
1 a I can't imagine failing such an e9sy test. D as my head hit the pillow most nights. I recall the
b I can't imagine to fail such al'l easy test. D comfort of 1 cfo~nstairs and how the faint
2 a The extension to the tram line allows me
soufld of their voices used to sefld me to s leep almost
to travel all the way home without walking. D immediate ly. These days I fine;:! it a mo r_e clifficu lt.
b The extension to the tram line allows me
To my mind, there is nothing more frustrati ng than
travel all the way home without walking. D lying in bed 2 to sleep. Sometimes, I can't
3 a Many famil ies can't afford.sending their 3
about school and exams. I worry that I might
children to private schools. D have 4 some homework for o ne of my subj eds
b Many fam ilies can't afford to send their
children to private schools. ol or some other trivja l thing. I 5
it didn't work. I ended up worrying about my Maths test
sheep once, but

4 a Jay likes to ask his teachers d ifficult questions. D the next day.
b Jay likes asking his teachers difficu lt questi9ns. D
5 a My parents won't let me to miss schoo l unless
I'm really sick. D
b My parents won't let me miss school unless
I'm rea lly sick. D
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets. So~etimes more t han one answer
is possible .
0 Most people start r.o te~ t le.~ -1~ (leave) the club at
around 2 a.m.
1 The teacher told a joke which caused the whole
class (faugh).
2 We've arranged _ __ (meet) after school today to
talk about the end of term party.
3 We feel the sch9ol should do m,ore to encourage
students (recycle) their rubbish .
4 Please keep _ _ _ (work) on Exercise 6. I' ll be back in
a moment.
5 Ch loe! You spend too much time _ _ _ (talk). Please
be quiet and focus on the less.on. ISHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNTr--1_ _ ___,,
3 * Match the sentences w ith the meanings. 5 Choose the correct options.
1 a I remember putting my wallet in my back pocket
but now it's gone! D 1 Brianne clearly remembers to meet I meeting her
b I remembered to zip my purse safely in my bag. 0 boyfriend for the first time.
remember something, then do it 2 After th e recent thefts, we would like to advise students
ii remember _that yoJ.1 did something earlier not to leave/ /eave va luab les in their lockers.
2 a I forgot to mention that I'm· vegetarian. D 3 We were tired and t hirsty, so we stopped to have I
b I'l l never forget meeting the Prime Minister.
D having a drink at the cafe.
forget that you need to do so.mething 4 I saw the boys br,eaking the window, then to run I
ii forget something that happened -earlier running away.
3 a Eva stopped to tie her shoelace . . D S If your computer freezes, try to turn I turning it on and
b Please stop looking at your phone! D off again and if that he lps.
stop one thing in order to do something else 6 Our teacher always makes us to switch I sw;tch ou r
ii no longer do something phones off before the lesson.
4 a For a better night's sleep, try drinking more /6
water and less coffee throughout the day. D
b We t ried to persuade our guests to stay longer. D
make an effort to do something difficult
ii do something as an experiment to see what happens
4 Read the text and choose t he correct options.

Both photos show people lea rning some kind of

1 Match adjectives 1-6 w ith speakers a-g. skill. In the first photo, l can see a martial arts class of
0 thri lled [ID 4 frustrated D some sort. I can't really 1sure I tell whether it's karate
1 confused D 5 relieved
- D or judo pr some other combat sport, bl.It judging
2 determ ined D 6 terrified D 2
by I on her black belt, the worn an on the lett is an
3 enthusiastic D expert. 3 Personally I Clearly, she's the instructor and
the three people watching her are· students . The
a I will finish this book tonight even if I have to stay up chances-/ chance are t hey are fairly new students as
all night. they aren't wearing suits or belts.
b Spain is such a wonderfu l place aild the p_
eople are so In the .secmid photo, a group of older people are
friendly. You'll have a fantastic holiday. learning a practical skill .. it 5 shows I looks as though
they're doing a painting class beca use each of
c Did she say turn left, then take the first right or take the
them has _a drawing in front of them and t hey'.re all
first right, then turn left? holding colouring pencils. They're 6 surely I definitely
d Thank goodness we made it through the traffic. concentrati11g hard on what they're doing. Perhap'S
I thought we were going to miss the start of the play. they 7 should I might be pr:eparing for an exhibition
of their work.
e Aargh! There's a huge spider. Kil l it, please!
f Every time I try to download the update, it gets to
ninety percent, then says there is an error. It's driving
me crazy!
~I A watch! Oh Dad, it's exactly the one I wanted. Thank
' you! It's the best gift ever.

2 Complete the sentences with t he adjectives in Exercise 1.

0 Only the brightest and most ~tttr111.1.w..~c;t students will
finish the course with an '/\ grade.
Le~'s because he is trying very hard but
5 Complete t he words in t he answers. The first letter of
doesn't seem to be making any progress.
each word is given. Then match t he answers w it h t he
2 We are absolutely you could make it for the quest ions below.
party, Helen. It's so wonderful to see you.
Persol'\f.1Ll(1, I t _ _ , they should be able to inspire less
3 I was so _ __ when the doctor told me it was sporty students to get involved.
nothing se rious. F_ _ t _ _ r_ _ I f _ _ it is important to make
4 Connor acts like a tough guy, but he's secretly _ __ PE lessons fun, and not too competitive.
of thunder storms. ~ 2 T_ _ b _ _ h_ _ , although I'd like to keep fitter,
5 Kelly was very about that new burger place. I don't have time. Wal king to school is the only exercise
She to ld us all it was the best burger she'd ever had. I get.
3 Combat sports and motor sports, I suppose.
6 I think you must have gbt . The party is next
I_ _ m_ _ o_ _ though, if the people involved
Friday, not this Friday.
know the risks, then its up to them if they want
to put themselves in danger. T_ _ w _ _ I t _ _
3 Mat ch the sentence halves.
campaigns to ban things like boxing or motorcycle
0 It's obvious [ill a on his appearance, I'd say racing are a bad idea.
he's fit and healthy. 4 Definitely 'doing'. I love sport and I i_ _ to keep
1 It seems D b easy to say exactly why he's swimming and playing football until l'rn old and grey.
upset. A _ _ , I also enjoy watching sport, but if I hcid to
choose, 'then 'doing'.
2 It appears as D c just started at a new school,
or moved into a new class. a Wnich sports·do you think are the most
3 Based D d though the little boy is very dangerous and why? D
excited about somethihg. b Is regu lar exercise important to you? Why/
4 It's not D e to be autumn, judging by the Why hot? D
colour of the leaves. c In your opinion, what cha·racteristics should
5 She might have o ::,i!f to be sure whether they are
good PE teachers have? D
d Given the choice, do you prefer doing sport,
related, but they look similar.
6 It's hard D g from her uniform that she's in
watching sport or no sport at all? D
the mil itary.
A report 2 In which parts of the report 'doe~ the writer do
these things?
1 Complete the report with the headings in the box. 1 list a number of activities
There are two extra headings. 2 summarise her fi ndings

J 3 ask students to contact the organisers

Barb ecu e Charity fundraising
C onC~':JsJon Events lr;tros:Juction 4 explai n the reason fo r her report
F'a inting workshop Refreshments 5 rep ort a s~ ggestio n

3 Find phrases in the report that have similar meanings

to these phrases.
1 we hope that
The purpose of this report is to inform Year 10
students of the activities whi ch are being planned 2 we talked about many th ings
for the autumn bazaar.
3 I'm writing because I want

It was decided that all the food and drinks will 4 you could help us if
be provided by students. Mr Jones suggested that
we each bring one dish or bottle. A list of what is 5 we ha":en't. decided about everything yet
needed will be posted on the school website.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

verbs in brackets.
Local firefighters will be giving a talk and 1 You are advised (wear) sun
organising a fint-aia train ing seminar. The school
cream and a hat on the d ay, as the weat her will be hot.
orthestra will be performing and it is- hoped that
well- known local singer Merilyn will be at the 2 It was decided (invite) the
bazaar to sign aut ographs. m ayor to officia lly open tbe bazaar.
3 We recommend that all second-hand it ems
_ __ _ __ ___ (be) in good condition and not
broken or d irty.
Each year group will have its own table, where
4 He sug gested _ _ _ _ __ _ _ (have) athlet ics
pup.ils con sell craft items, second-hand books,
games, etc. in order to raise money for a cha rity of events· such as running races.
their choice. It would ben~fit t he organisers if you 5 He suggests t hat we (give) all
could inform them of what you plan to sell. the money rai se-cl to the local an imal welfare group.
6 We int end (announce) further
events i n due course.

A lot of points were discussed, although t here are 5 Are the statements true m or false (F)?
still a number of decisions to be made. If you have
1 A report should have an interesting t it le
any further ideas_ to suggest, please come to our
next meeting. which attracts the reader's attention. D
2 I shou ld d ivide my report into sections. D
3 A semi-formal style of writing is most su itable
for a report. D
4 In a rep ort, t he writer is expected to
make suggestions. D
5 You should never use the Passive in a report. D
6 A report must always include an int roduction
and a conclusion. D

SHOW WHAT YOU'VE LEARNT i - - I- - - - ,

6 You are a member of a sports club which is organising 1 Complete t he sentences with t he phrases in t he box.
a summer sports day. You recent ly had a meeting to Use -ing forms. .·
discuss the arrangements and you have been asked to
write a report. Your report should include information always/c9mplain bark be tired of/diet ]
~ out events, o rganising t he sports day and how other keep/practise not answer the phone .
members can contribute. [ stop/watch waste time/worry

Writ e your report in 140-190 words. 1 I find it.hard to spend time with Connor because he
- - - - - - - - - a b o u t his personal problems.
2 is only going to make things
worse. You have to talk to each other at some point!
3 until you get it ri_ght, Ruth!
Otherwise you'll never be ready to play in the concert.
4 Wayne has the news on 1V
because he finds it all so depressing.
5 My dad , so we're going for
burgers and chips!
6 Damien's dog for hours and
hours - it's driving me crazy!
7 Don't about things you
can't change.
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in the box. There are two extra verbs.

be eat hand 1-eafA look

[ put take terrify wash
0 ~ .
Lionel's been Lt~r-vwl'l.l'I Enalish with an online tutor.
1 Not where you are going can lead to accidents.
2 Dieticians advise you to avoid anything bigger
~HOW THAT YOU'VE CHECKED 1 - - l- - - - - - .

than your fist.

In my report: 3 I don't understand what is so difficult about _ __
your assignment in on time.
• I have organised my writing clearly, dividing it into 4 cheeky to your teacher will probably get you
different sections with clear headings. D in trouble.
• I have included an intr-oduction, several main 5 Hamilton's new book is a collection of seven _ __
sections and a conclusion with suggestions or ' 0 ghost stories.
' recommendations. .
6 The most successful students are the ones who are
• l have explained why I am writing in the introduction. 0 good at notes during lectures.
• I have given facti'.ia J statements usir:ig simple active
· and passive verb forms. D 3 Complete the sentences with it or there.
---------------~ 0 !fs no good shouting and getting angry, Jeari. That's
• .I have indueed _a summarising ser:itence in the
final section. D not going to help.
_ _ 's no point taking the driving test again until
• I have used a semi-formal style, without contractions D you've learned how to reverse park.
or abbrevi.ations.
----------------~ 2 _ _ 's no good criticising this work. let's start all over
• I have checked my spelling and punctuation. D again, shall we?
• I have written 140-190 words. D 3 _ _ 's no way I'll be finishing work today, I'm afraid.
4 Is _ _ any point in paying so much for a T-shirt?
• my handwriting is neat enough for someone else D 5 _ _'s not worth going shopping now because all the
to read.
shops close in fifteen minutes.
6 Was _ _ yesterday that you started fe eling ill?

.. ,

1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and decide wh ich answ er (A, B, C
or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning.

Getting ideas
Is it sometimes really d ifficult to 0~ ideas for school projects? Most of us
know the problem. It, _ __ to be easy when we were younger - we had
great imaginations and loads of creativity. But it gets harder and harder. So,
you're sitting ·a t home trying to think of some interesting things to put in an
essay or a story. Or maybe you're _ __ with a problem and the answer just
isn't coming to you. You're _ __ and your mind is empty. So what do you
do? You 4_ _ _ trying, of course! The problem is that this may be the wrong
approach entirely.
Experts say of the best things to do is to stop _ __ about the
prob lem completely. Change the space you're in. Move into a different room
or go outside. Another answer is to _ _ _ worrying about it for a while. Go
for a walk or take a shower and think about something completely different.
Ideas or the answer to your problem will pop into your head 7 _ __ magic!

It's also important to keep your mind sharp and train it to be creative! If you
regularly 8 _ _ _ lots of different thi ngs, the mental exercise can help when
you·really need to get those id eas quickly.

0 A make
~ C come D learn
1 A would S will C used D was
2 A coping B struggling C tackling D attacking
3 A frustrate d B diligent C confused D persistent
4 A urge B keep C force D intend
5 A think B to think C to thinking D thinking
6 A set off ~ hand in C catch up D put off
7 A as- B same C like D over
8 A remind B search C familiarise D memorise

l Question 1: You need a word to exp-ress past h-abitthat is followed by to.
Question 4~ Only one o_fthese verbs can be followed by a verb ending in -ing .
.Question 6: Which of these phras_al verbs means 'stop for a while'?

2 For questions 1-8, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of
some of the lines to form a word t hat fits in the gap in the same line. There is
an example at the beginning.

Stand up, sit down!

Doctors advise pe ople to stand up and walk around for at least
twenty minutes a day. However, many adults are 0 1.tll\.waLLiM:I to WILLING
change their routines, even though it is common 1_ _ _ __ KNOW
that sitting down al l day is bad for their health. For this reason,
several p rimary schools have started to make moving around
a2 for their students. They are not saying that all the PRIOR
children have to be super 3 but they want them to SPORT
stand up and move at every opportunity. The children have to
stand up to answer a question or when a 4 • comes VISIT
into the classroom . They stand up and sit down at certain
points during songs and have 5 to see who can COMPETE
walk the furthest during the course of the school day. A 6_ _ __ _ REPRESENT •
from one of the schools says that the children are adopting these
new habits 7 . He adds that increased activity like this ENTHUSIASTIC
is also leading to better concentration and more highly 8_ _ _ __ MOTIVATE
students. Sounds like an excellent idea for all of us!

Question 1: What is the noun form of th is verb?
Question 5: After changing t his verb into a noun, do you need singular or plural?
Ouesti o~ 7: The word given 1s a n adjective. How can you change it to fit the sentence?

©© =I understand and can help a friend. ® = I understand some, but have some questions.
© = I understand and can do it by myself. @@ = I do not understand.

©© © ® ®® INeed help?
Students' Book pages 12-13
I cari talk abou t educati on and different kinds
1.1 Vocabulary f d Word Store page 3
o stu ents.
Workbook pages 8--9

Students' Book page 14

1.2 Grammar I can talk about present and past habits.
Workbook page 10

I can understand the main points in short Stu dents' Book p age 15
1.3 Listen ing
monologues. Wo rkbook page 11

Students' Book pages 16-17

1.4 Readirig I can understand the structure .of a text.
Workbook pages 12-13

Students' Book page 18

i.5 Grammar I can use a wide ran·ge of verb patterns.
Workbook pa·ge 14

I can speculate about photos anq answer a Students' Book page 19

1.6 Speaking
related question. Workbook page 15

Students' Book pages 20-21

1.7 Writing I can write a report that summarises information .
Workbook pages 1-6-17

2 What can you remember from this unit?

New words I learned Expressions and phrases I liked English I heard or read outside class
(the words you most want-to r· emember from (any expressions or phrases yo u th ink sound (e:g . from websrtes, books, aaverts, films,
th is unit ) nice, useful orfunnY) mu.!;ic)



1 Complete the words in the sentences. The first letter of 5 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar
each word is given. meaning to the first, using the word in capitals. Do not
He's such a gr-~, ci person. I'm sure he' ll get on with change the word in ~apitals.
everybody rea lly we ll and make loads of new friends. 1 Rob had an annoying habit of speaking Span ish during
2 My dad wants me to study law but I wish to~ 2
l( e - his Eng lish classes. ALWAYS
my own career as an actor and go to a theatre school J Rob Span ish during his Engl ish
"3If Joshua doesn't c8 c., BQ-f;p on his sleep, he wi ll be classes.
too tired to do wel l in the exam he 's got tomo rro~. d ' 2 'Don't forget to set a date for the charity concert,' Carl
4 The school you're looking for is easily r ee&g!ir<:.a said to me. REMINDED
because it's painted brig t yellow .with red flowers . Carl for the charity concert.
5 Joan is a rea l deep t o l:m su~ her biogs are 3 Does it really make sense to start learning four foreign
full of interesting observations abtufieOf:>IF.'/ - languages at the same time? POINT
~I- , 5-----.I Is learning fou r foreign languages at
the same time?
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in capitals. 4 Many people expected free education because there
was never any talk about school fees. GRANTED
1 We decided to give our teacher a/2._cc> esf',$ (
Many people used to because there
with her name and photo printed on it. PERS'ON-
was never any ta lk about school fees.
2 What's your most 1t1C!fltfJJV~~fiuri ng your pri mary
5 After not seeing Tim for a few years. we finally heard
school days? MEMORY
each other's news. CAUGHT
3 I have never met a moreS1 /ur//'2l/J(_~ng man than
After not seeing Tim for a few years, we finally
Mat, who spends a lot ti1Z,,in tne library. STUDY
_ _ _ _ _ _ news.
People with a strong Vi 5~ . ·
'4 , r /5
exce llent at drawing and interpre ing p1 ur s. I N
5 Before you start teaching here, you should t -(c~ Complete the text with one word in each gap.
yourself with the national curriculum. FA ILIAR
/5 Is creativity important?l
3 Choose the correct options. Teachers and p.sychologists agree that most kids
1 Whenever Helen is bored, sh~ 'd draw have an incredible 1G {-ff for knowledge and if
flowers Instead of asking for a change of topic. encouraged approprfately, they are willing to learn
2 He never pays attention in class - h~ to be creative and curious. They also point out that
would always play with his phone ! teachers in secondary schools in parttcular should
3 Before a new teacher was employed, we didn't used I promote creativi!X_ and 2 pupils carry out
&Vo have regu lar art classes. 1 more experiments, investigate problems and come
4 He was asking ~ is teacher for more up with solutions. lt~s 3 VJ. ()-j= good just learning
homework when he was preparing for a test. facts if a student doesn't have the ability to use that
S When I was in primary school, we would ~ ive
so close to school that I could hear the school bell.
knowledge creatively. In some countries creativity _
4 actually taught as a subject because it
helps students to be better equipped when they
s on to further studies or work. It also
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
makes people look for alternative solutions and
words in brackets. Add any necessary words. I
answers to particular problems.
1 I think Alex (spend/much money/buy)
sweets in the school shop.
2 The presentation has to be ready tomorrow, so let's get
started. I (not fancy/stay up). /30
J TotaJ
3 The instructor (urge/we/pay) more
attention to his demonstration.
4 Will you ever (remember/bring) your
assignments on time?
5 Last week I _ _ _ _ _ _ (hear/he/talk) about his
desire to become a doctor one day.

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