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Sizing and Design of PV Array for Photovoltaic Power Plant Connected Grid

Conference Paper · September 2016


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2 authors:

Ali Q. Al-Shetwi Muhamad Zahim Sujod

Universiti Malaysia Pahang Universiti Malaysia Pahang


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The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Sizing and Design of PV Array for Photovoltaic

Power Plant Connected Grid Inverter

Ali Q. Al-Shetwi1,2 and Muhamad Zahim Sujod1

Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP)
Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia
Department of Electronic Engineering and Automatic Control, University of Science and
Technology, Sana’a, Yemen
[email protected]

Abstract— over the past few years, installation of photovoltaic power plants (PVPPs) are considered as one of the most
promising technologies at many of countries around the world, in order to meet the growing demand of energy. The DC side
(PV generators and MPPT) of a 1.5 MW PV power plant connected to the inverter is modeled and simulated using
Matlab/Simulink. The sizing of the suggested PVPP is achieved, such as array sizing and enhanced perturb and observe
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique, in order to overcome the disadvantages of conventional method such as
oscillation and slowly tracking under sudden change of atmospheric conditions. The MATLAB/Simulink was run to simulate
the PV array sizing and its characteristics depending on enhanced MPPT technique to improve the efficiency of the modules
and getting maximum available power. The simulation result has been matched the sizing theoretical calculation results.

Keywords— PV array sizing; photovoltaic power plant; MPPT, PV modelling; Matlab/Simulink; PV inverter.

In the recent period, there was a sharp increase in renewable energy (RE) development according to global scale. Based on last
renewables global status report 2015 [1] the global RE capacity reached to 1712.7 GW in 2014 higher than total capacity in 2013
by around 8.38 %. The electricity consumption around the world generated as 78.3% by fossil fuels power plants and 19.1%
from RE resources, whilst the nuclear power stations contributed by 2.6% from the global energy generation. The most dramatic
growth of RE capacity occurred in the power sector led by wind energy, solar PV power, and hydropower. Excluding hydropower
energy, the global RE capacity reached to 657 GW in 2014. In this regards, the top seven countries with respect to the installed
capacity led by China then followed by USA, Germany, Italy, Spain, Japan, and India, as can be observed in Fig.1. Before the
end of 2014, RE contribute by 27.7% of the world's power generation higher than 2013 by around 1.7% which was around 22.1%
[1, 2].

Globally, there are thousands of photovoltaic power plant (PVPP) connected to the power grid in many regions and countries.
Consequently, the PV industry has gained remarkable growth in the late years, which is often because of diminishing the cost of
the solar PV per kilowatt. G.K. Singh in [3] gives an itemized on the researches as well as the development that has been done
in the PV energy system from its commencement till now. The capacity of the PV system reaches to 139 GW in 2013 and 177
GW in 2014 with increasing by 39 and 38 GW, respectively [1, 4]. Most of the new solar PV capacity is in the form of PVPP
integrated with electrical grid. The leading country in PV solar system installation that ranked in 2014 led by Germany and
followed by China, Japan, Italy, USA, France, Spain, UK, Australia and then India, while the global PV market led by China
followed by Japan and USA [1, 2].

The MPPT algorithm is very essential thing in grid-connected photovoltaic power plant to track the maximum power point (MPP)
of the module for the purpose of increasing PV panels’ efficiency. There are a lot of MPPT algorithms which utilized through
the advancement of PV energy system. The issues of using MPPT to extract the maximum available power from the PV array
has been studied and addressed using different algorithms in the literature. For instance, hill climbing (HC), incremental
conductance (INC) method, perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm, look-up table method, constant voltage (CV) or constant
current (CC). The aforementioned algorithms compared and reported in [5, 6].

The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Figure 1: The global RE capacity in 2014

Power electronic inverter Play an important role in grid-interconnection PV system. This importance comes since the inverters
needed to realize the power conversion and control optimization [7]. In general, grid connected pulse width modulation (PWM)
voltage source inverters are commonly used in PV system, which have two capacities at minimum, since of the special
components of PV modules. Firstly, the dc bus voltage of the inverter should be balanced out to a particular value because of the
output voltage of the PV panels fluctuates with weather condition in addition to the impact of MPPT. Secondly, the energy should
be fed from the PV panels into the utility network by modifying the dc current into a sinusoidal waveform synchronized with
utility grid [8].

The content of this paper arranged as follows: background review is provided in the introduction, followed by designing and
sizing of the PV array, in section 2. The proposal enhancement of perturb and observe (P&O) MPPT algorithm is presented in
section 3. The validation of the theoretical calculations sizing of the DC part of PVPP are presented in section 4. Conclusion and
remarks are given in section 5.
A. Mathematical model

Fig.2 shows an equivalent circuit of the PV module which consist of several PV cells. It includes a current source generates
photo current that depends on the irradiation, a big diode which equivalent to the p-n transition area of the solar cell, the voltage
losses represented by series resistance and parallel resistance describing the leakage current. The output current and voltage
relationship of PV module can be expressed by the following equation:

G   qVD mNsKT   I L RS  VL
I L   Isc  i (T  25)  Isat  e  1  (1)
Gref   RP

where IPh , ID , IP and Isat are the photo current at nominal PV standard tests condition (STC) (normally 25 oC and 1000W/m2)
for temperature and irradiation, where IPh is highly affected by these two factors [9], the diode current of the PV cell, shunt
current and the reverse saturation current of the solar panel, respectively. Ns is the number of cells connected in series, VT is
the thermal voltage that equal to 25.7V at 25oC (298K) and m is the ideally factor of the diode (1-5(VT)). K is the Boltzmann
constant (1.381×10-23 J/K) and q is the charge of the electron (1.6021×10 -19C). RS and RP are the equivalent series and parallel
resistance of the solar module, respectively.

Ip ↓

Id +
Iph D Rp

Figure 2: Equivalent circuit of a solar cell.

The Isc is the nominal short circuit current of the module. G and Gref are the amount of actual and nominal irradiation,
respectively. T is the temperature degree in kelvin (K) and αi is the current temperature coefficient [10]. The Isc,ref and Voc,ref are
the short circuit current and open circuit voltage of the module at STC, whereas, αv is the open circuit voltage temperature
coefficient, normally these values evaluated by the manufacturer [11, 12].

The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

B. Array Sizing of the PV Farm

In this paper, PV Monocrystalline module (SunPower SPR-415E-WHT-D manufactured by SunPower Company) selected to
use in this design due to its specification. It is consist of 128 cells with maximum power (Pmax ( of 415W, open circuit voltage
(Voc) is 85.3 V, short circuit current (Isc) is 6.09A, while the maximum power point voltage (Vmp) and current (Impp) are 72.9 V
and 5.69 A, respectively. In order to accomplish the proposed PV plant which is designed to generate a peak power of 1500
kW, the needed numbers of modules can be obtained by the following equation [13]:
The needed power 1.5 106
N pv   N pv   3618 modules (2)
Maximum power of the panel 415
In this design, the system DC-link rated at 650 VDC to reduce the output current ripple and regulate the voltage at the dc side
of the inverter, therefore the number of necessary PV modules in series (Npvs) is obtained as:

DC nominal voltage 650

N pvs   N pvs   9 modules (3)
Maximum power point voltage 72.9

The number of strings of the photovoltaic array can be obtained according to the following relation [13]:

Number of array modules 3618

N pvst   N pvst   402 strings (4)
Number of PV series modules 9

As a result, to generate 1.5 MW of power at STC, a 3618 module with maximum power of 415W has been used and distributed
as nine series modules and 402 parallel strings, as can be observed in Fig. 3.

1 2 402 Impp= 5.69×402= 2287.4A

Vmpp =72.9×9=656.1VDC

Figure 3: The System array configuration.

The actual maximum voltage (Vmpv) and the actual maximum current (Impv) of the PV array can be obtained by (5) and (6),

Vmpv = Number of series modules × Maximum power point voltage = 9×72.9 = 656.1 VD (5)

Impv = Number of parallel strings × Maximum power point current = 5.69×402 = 2287.4 A (6)

On the other hand, the actual maximum output power of the PV power plant can be calculated according to (7):

Pdc = Vmpv × Impv = 656.1× 2287.4 = 1500763 w (7)

The array maximum open circuit voltage (Voc) can be calculated based on (8), while the maximum short circuit current (Ish) of
the array will be obtained by (9).

Voc = Number of series modules × Open circuit voltage = 9× 85.3 = 767.7 VDC (8)

Ish = Number of parallel strings × Short circuit current = 402 × 60.9 = 2448.2 A (9)

The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang


The most common MPPT algorithm is P&O because of its simplicity and less number of sensors utilized. By periodically
increasing or decreasing PV array voltage, the conventional P&O technique changes the operating voltage towards maximum
power point. The process is carried out by comparing the amount of power observed between present and past cycle. If the
power during this cycle exceeds the past cycle, the perturbation is proceeded in the same direction at the following perturb
cycle. Otherwise, the perturbation direction is reversed to the opposite direction [14-16].

The MPPT algorithm objective’s is to track the maximum current (Imax) and maximum voltage (Vmax) of the photovoltaic array,
in which the maximum available output power (Pmax) is obtained. This paper proposes an enhancement to the P&O method to
overcome the limitation of the conventional method such as failure under sudden changing in weather condition and oscillations
at steady state condition, as mentioned in previously. In order to guarantee that MPPs are followed under sudden change of sun
irradiance, the new proposed enhancement point of the P&O algorithm is to use variable perturbation depending on power
change instead of fixed perturbation step size in conventional P&O and some of adaptive methods [5, 17] as well. It means
that, the perturbation step size varies and adjusts consistently under changing weather condition. This proposed method can
reduce the primary disadvantage usually related to P&O algorithm such as tracking efficiency and convergence speed. The
variable perturbation step size that relies on power change can be obtained by the following equation and flowchart.
Vi  Vo  (10)


Measure Ii and Vi
Calculate Pi and ∆Vi

Pi= Pi-1

No Yes
Pi> Pi-1

Yes No No Yes
Vi> Vi-1 Vi> Vi-1

Vi-∆Vi Vi+∆Vi Vi-∆Vi Vi+∆Vi


Figure 4: Flowchart diagram of enhanced P&O MPPT method.

The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang


As mentioned in Section 2-B, the sizing calculation results has been done. In this section, the testing of array sizing by using
Simulink was implemented based on the enhanced MPPT technique which utilized to ensure that the solar energy is captured
and converted as much as possible. The results illustrated that, the PV array delivering a maximum power of 1500 kW at STC,
as can be shown in Fig.5. According to the configuration in Fig.3, this design requires 3618 PV modules distributed as nine
series panels and 402 parallel strings, in order to provide the required power. Furthermore, the PV array has actual maximum
PV array voltage Vmpv = 656 VDC to comply with DC-link. The DC-link designed with 650V to reduce the output current ripple
and regulate the voltage at dc side of the inverter. This link voltage consist of capacitors C1 and C2 which split into ± 325 V,
actual maximum PV array current Impv = 2287.4A and Pmpp equal to around 1.5 MW. Fig.5 shows that by using a Simulink
model, the sizing calculation results has been matched to the simulation results.

Fig.6 below explains I-V and P-V characteristics of the system array which were used in this design that consist of 9 series
module and 402 parallel strings at a different level of radiation. The result of the calculation sizing demonstrated that the actual
maximum open circuit voltage was Voc = 767.7VDC and the actual maximum current short circuit current Ish was 2448.2A.

Figure 5: Maximum voltage, current, and power of the PVPP array at STC.

This simulation result supports the theoretical sizing study since it gets an equivalent values. This figure also showed the PVPP
array with different sun radiation to provide the system operator with a background by the amount of the power and current of
the system which could be generated in case of increasing or decreasing the radiation levels.

By using an enhanced P&O MPPT algorithm with variable step size relying on power changes at different weather condition in
Simulink, Fig.7 illustrates that the PV array delivering a maximum power around 1500 kW at 1000W/m2 sun irradiance, if the
sun irradiation decreased to 500W/m2 the maximum obtained power is about 750 kW.

The purpose of the enhanced MPPT method is to overcome the limitation of the conventional method such as improving the
response speed in order to extract maximum available power of the array. According to the array’s current and voltage behavior
under different sun irradiance shown in Fig. 8, in addition to above discussions, the speed response shows the effectiveness of
the enhanced strategy, But, on the other side the oscillation problem still exists.

The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Figure 6: I-V and P-V curvesfor PV system array consist of 9 series modules and 402 parallel strings.

Figure 7: Output power of the PV generators (DC part).

Figure 8: Maximum voltage and current of the PV array at two different levels of radiations

The National Conference for Postgraduate Research 2016, Universiti Malaysia Pahang

In this paper, a Matlab/Simulink model of PVPP array sizing and configuration design was developed and presented. The DC
side (PV array & MPPT) of a 1.5 MV PV farm with MPPT technique which used to enhance the panels efficiency has been
carried out. For the purpose of generating this amount of power needed at around 3618 PV panel or module, the panel
configuration arranged as 9 series module and 402 parallel strings. The amount of DC output voltage of the proposed array’s
structure is 656 V to comply with DC-link voltage in the purpose of connection to solar inverter. The theoretical sizing calculation
results of the system were proved by using Simulink software. MPPT techniques are utilized to extract the maximum available
power from the solar PV array. The conventional P&O MPPT algorithm with fixed perturb size is not effective during oscillation
and cannot track sudden change of atmospheric conditions. Therefore, in order to overcome these drawbacks of the conventional
method, an enhanced method applied using variable step size that depend on power changes. As conclusion, the results show the
effectiveness of the proposed MPPT technique in case of weather condition change, but the oscillation problem still exist. In
addition, the DC part sizing and designing results have been matched the modeling results.

This research was funded by Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (Project RDU 150125) led by the second author. Also, the
authors are grateful for University Malaysia Pahang (UMP)’s support to the first author.

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