Kumpulan Soal-Soal

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School : JHS

Subjects : Mathematics

Grade : VIII

Semester :1

Standart Competence : Understanding algebraic forms, relationships, funtions and

equation straight line.

Basic Competence : Operations in fractions of algebraic forms

Indicator : Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions

Time Allocation : 2 x 40 minutes

A. The Purpose of Learning

Students can operate addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions.

 Expected Student Character:

- Confidence
- Coorperation

B. Lesson Material
1. Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions.

C. Teaching Method
1. Quentions and answer
2. Lecture
3. Discussion

D. Activities Plan
1. Opening Activities (10 minutes)
a. Greeting and checking student attendance
b. Students identify the material about operate addition and subtraction of
algebraic fractions
2. Main Activities (25 minutes)
a. Students give the respon of the material about operate addition and
subtraction of algebraic fractions
b. Students get a material from teacher about operate addition and
subtraction of algebraic fractions
c. Students identify the relations between lines about operate addition and
subtraction of algebraic fractions
d. Students discuss about operate addition and subtraction of algebraic
3. Closing Activities (10 minutes)
a. Summarizing the lesson
b. Giving chances for student to ask questions dealing with the material
c. Giving homework
d. Closing the lesson
E. Learning Sources
Learning Sources:
Adinawan, M.Cholik, dkk. 2006. Matematika untuk SMP Kelas VIII.
Jakarta:Penerbit Erlangga.
Marsigit. 2009. Matematika SMP Kelas VIII. Jakarta:Yudhistira.
Nuharini, Dwi, dkk. 2008. Matematika Konsep dan Aplikasinya.
Jakarta:Pusat Pembukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

F. Assessment of Learning
Assessment Aspect
1) Techniques / types: daily quizzes and individual assignments
2) Form of instrument: written test
3) Indicator attainment : students can answer the question about operate addition and
subtraction of algebraic fractions

No. Question Answer Score

1. x x−4 x x−4
+ +
2 3 2 3
3 x +2(x−4) 2
= 1
3 X+ 2 X−8
= 2
5 X −8
2. 3 2 3 2
+ +
2a 2
a−1 2a 2
= 1
( a+1 ) ( a−1 )

a−1 1
3−2(a+1) 1
( a+1 ) ( a−1 )
3−2 a−2 1
( a+1 ) ( a−1 )
( a+1 ) ( a−1 )
1−2 a
( a−1 )2

Assessment Guidelines
Each type of question will get a value on a scale of 1 to 5

Final Score
score performance
¿ x 100
maximum score

Semarang, 27 April 2019

The Principal Teacher of Mathematics

Akhmad Saekhu, M.Pd. Aulia Ayu Fitri Ulul Azmi

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