Ardhanarishvara PDF
Ardhanarishvara PDF
Ardhanarishvara PDF
The Ardhanarishvara is, thus, the Cosmic Seed, which is both, the pistil and the anther, the Pita
and the Mata, the Prana and the Aprana, the Nara and the Nari, the Bhuta and the Prana, the
matter and the spirit, the Prakriti and the Purusha and so on, that is, the ultimate perception of the
biological union of the outward duality. It is the assertion of the fact that the creation is
instrumented only when duality merges into absolute oneness. The single one, even when he is
the mighty Shiva, or even two- the male and the female, unless they merge into inseparable
oneness, can not instrument creation. For effecting creation, the one is required to split into two
and the two to merge into one. The Ardhanarishvara form is constant, which affirms the
continuity and the recurrence of the creative process, as the fusion of pistil and anther creates
Seed- the Golden Egg and the Seed splits into the pistil and anther and thus the procreative
process goes on endlessly.
For effecting the creation, the fusion has to be absolute, that is,
not only the male and female elements have to merge into
oneness but also their act, which the scriptures have identified
as copulation, in which all distinctions, even the femaleness and
the maleness of the agents, vanish. Copulation has been, hence,
considered as the absolute union and the proven instrument of
procreation. The bride and her groom also perform one act- the
marriage, but in the process their femaleness and maleness do
not melt as they do in the act of copulation. Hence, marriage
only partially creates. It creates at the most a bond. Copulation
creates the seed, which is both, the male and the female, and
puts the wheel of creation on move. The act of copulation thus
represents not only the androgynous state of mind but, if
reduced to a form, also the hermaphroditism of the
Ardhanarishvara form. The Matsya Purana, and with a little
deviation the Linga Purana, perceive Ardhanarishvara as the
composite form of Linga and Yoni. The Ardhanarishvara in such
Shiva Shakti form is suggestive of the same procreative act of copulation,
which creates Seed. Otherwise also, Shiva and Parvati- his
consort, are perceived as the timeless Linga and Yoni and as symbolizing the unending act of
procreation. Thus, the Ardhanarishvara form is not only the Cosmic Seed but it also represents
the unending procreative act- the Cosmic Copulation.
The Vedic perception of the male, being half female, and the vice versa, has wider approval of
the modern scientists, primarily the behavioral analysts and psychologists. Somewhat
controversial but quite novel and a totally different kind of thinker of the present era, Acharya
Rajnish, widely known as Osho, discovers in the Ardhanarishvara form great mysticism and
cosmic significance. To him, the Ardhanarishvara form shows that the line dividing God's
creation as male and female is only superfluous. The creation is essentially composite in its
character and the Ardhanarishvara form is its best manifestation. To him, the Ardhanarishvara
image represents Him in His absolute form and is hence more sacred and His worship absolute
and far more accomplished. Thus, even on the mundane level, the Ardhanarishvara form is the
perception of the unity of the conflicting male-female elements. This perception is essentially
different from that of the Western world, which perceives in Cupid and Psyche, their love-god
and his spouse, the inseparable union of the male and female but such union is essentially of the
two in two frames. In Indian thought, as it manifests in the Ardhanarishvara form, this union is in
the single frame and with cosmic magnification. A Greek myth also comes out with a
hermaphroditic form. Salamacis, a nymph, falls in love with Hermophroditus, the son of
Aphrodite. After Hermophroditus turns down her proposal, Salamacis prays gods to put her into
his body. And, thus, the two join limb to limb into a single frame. This Greek hermaphroditic
form has mythical dimensions but it is neither divine nor cosmic or procreative, such as is the
Ardhanarishvara form.
Shiva as Ardhanarishvara
The tradition perceives Ardhanarishvara mainly as the form of Shiva who it perceives as
Sadashiva, Adishiva and Adipurusha. As has been discussed heretofore, Ardhanarishvara is the
timeless Cosmic Seed, the endless procreative process and the existence in its composite
character, the aspects which are the attributes of Shiva who is the timeless Linga, the all
enlivening Prana and the inexhaustible Bhuta. As the Rigveda has it, Rudra, the Shiva, is Agni,
who as Prana energizes all things. He is without a beginning as also without an end. As Bhuta-
the Prakriti or matter, is only his aspect, he is the entire existence. He creates out of him and is
thus himself the creation. He is thus male as also the female. The Vaishnava myth is different. It
is suggestive of duality- the dveta, as Vishnu is not the creation but its sustainer. The sustainer
and the sustained are two entities. He is also only the male. He has the female- his consort,
though in inseparable union, yet she does not merge into his being. Lakshmi, as herself or as Sita
or Radha, is with him or with Rama or Krishna, but they are not in them inseparably, as is Shakti
in Shiva. Each of the born ones is the single egg- the male or the female, and so are Brahma and
Vishnu. Shiva, the Maheshvara, is the total- the Sakala and Nishkala, the Linga and Alinga, the
Rupa and Arupa, the Atman and Maya, the Sansar and Nirvana, all that is timed and all that is
beyond time, the born and the unborn, the manifest and the unmanifest, the spirit and the matter,
the ephemeral and the transcendental, the masculine and the feminine. The Indian mind believes
that Lord Shiva is the first of all beings and the root of all elements. He was always and was the
only one. Being the first, he is the Adishiva, and being always, he is the Sadashiva. Both as the
Adishiva and the Sadashiva, Shiva has inherent in his being the male and the female, the positive
and the negative, and thus his Ardhanarishvara form.
Shiva image- both the anthropomorphic and the symbolic Linga, has the pre-Vedic emergence.
Excavations at Indus sites have revealed images of Shiva as Mahayogi and Pashupati and the
Linga type objects suggestive of Shiva's manifestation as Linga and the cult of Linga worship.
There also revealed his anthropomorphic images with prominent upward phallus suggestive of
the significance of Linga in his worship cult. Shiva's subsequent Urdhalinga image was only its
developed form. In two of its verses, the Rigveda is critical of the phallus worship cult, which
suggests its prevalence in the non-Aryan tribes. Besides, such cult of phallus worship was
prevalent also in other parts of the world. The remains of Hellenistic civilization also reveal
traces of phallus worship. The ancient Egypt perceived its god Osiris in the form of Linga and
worshipped it. These early images of Shiva do not so much reveal an iconographic perception of
him but reveal quite significantly his divine dimensions, out of which developed his Sadashiva
and Maheshvara and consequently the Ardhanarishvara forms. In these early images, he is the
Linga, the Cosmic Seed, the root of procreation and thus himself the creation; as Pashupati, the
keeper of herds, he is the sustainer of the born ones as also of the fields that fed them, that is, the
sustainer of the 'jeevas' and 'ajeeva', the Prana and Aprana; and, as Mahayogi, he is the Cosmic
Self, the means of transcendence, that is, he is the Sansar as also the Nirvana.
The proper Shaivite iconography emerges, however, during the post-Vedic era. The earliest ones
to emerge were his Sadashiva and Maheshvara forms. The four-armed towering graceful figure
with broad chest and elegant Jatajuta characterized these forms. The majestic bull was his
vehicle. Added to his iconography, the bull gave to it a new dimension. Now the Maheshvara
with his bull was Vrashavaha Shiva. The usual two-armed Vrashavaha Shiva had one of his
hands rest on the bull. Parashiva, Sadashiva, Maheshvara and Vrashavaha Shiva are primarily the
forms of the Saumya Shiva. Strangely, his consort Parvati does not emerge in this early phase of
Shaivite images but his Ardhanarishvara form does. Obviously, even in arts, the Ardhanarishvara
form was not an amalgam of the two forms but rather an independent perception of Shiva, which
represented him in his totality. Practically, the iconography of the female part of the
Ardhanarishvara was discovered in the form of Mother Goddess, as by then the Brahmanical
pantheon did not have female deity icons. Inspired by the Vedic perception of Shiva as Rudra,
the furious Archer and the tamer of animals, there emerged also the Raudra Shiva- Shiva in his
violent forms, but his Ardhanarishvara form did not borrow any of its features from the Raudra
Shiva, perhaps because the Raudra and feminineness could not go together. The Ardhanarishvara
images discovered their male iconography in the forms of Saumya Shiva, mainly Sadashiva and
Maheshvara and the female largely in the Mother Goddess.
Iconographic Dimensions of Ardhanarishvara
Now one of the two male arms is in abhaya or varada and other
one carries a trident or rod. In four-armed figures on male side it
is almost the same, but the second female hand carries variously
the mirror, nilotpala or pot. The male in six and eight-armed
figures carries, besides the abhaya and varada, various weapons
and the drum and the female, besides the mirror, nilotpala and pot,
also the parrot.
Abhanga posture of
the tribhanga,
Tribhanga posture of
a posture with three mild curves; and, the atibhanga, a posture with
extreme curves.
Atibhanga posture of
Similarly, four of the gestures of the
Ardhanarishvara images- abhaya, varada,
vyakhyana and katyavalambita, are more
prevalent. In abhaya, the upper right hand is held
in posture imparting fearlessness. In varada, the
lower right hand imparts varada. In vyakhyana, the
fingers of right and left hands join in a circular
knot defining the interpretive posture. And, in
katyavalambita posture, the right arm is placed
resting and sometimes as suspending over the
'katya' or waist. The distinction of the two aspects
is discovered more in the style of costume and
adornment. The male part has Jatamukuta, while
the female a well dressed coiffure. The female part
wears upon its ear an impressive ring, while the
male may have an earring made of scorpion or
snake. The half of the forehead, towards the male
side, has half eye and to it towards the left joins a
half tilaka. The left half of the figure, the female
The Male Female Divine Unity part, is in sari, while the upper half towards the
right is either naked or is covered with elephant
hide of tiger skin. Its lower half, usually up to knees, is covered by a loincloth comprising of lion
skin. Similar distinction is perceptible in other things seeking to define the male and female
aspects of the Divine Being.
This article by Prof. P.C. Jain and Dr Daljeet. Prof. Jain specializes on the aesthetics of ancient
Indian literature. Dr Daljeet is the chief curator of the Visual Arts Gallery at the National
Museum of India, New Delhi. They have both collaborated on numerous books on Indian art and
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