Analog Filter Design
Analog Filter Design
Analog Filter Design
1 Introduction
3 Types of Filters
4 Transfer Function
5 References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
• Time domain:
The time domain representation is given as follows.
• Phasor:
The phasor notation of the same is given as
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
• Laplace transform:
Many a times the input and output quantities are expressed using
Laplace Transforms as V1 (s) and V2 (s) where s = σ + jω is the
complex frequency variable.
• V¯1 and V¯2 are complex numbers which can be represented using
their magnitude and phase angle as follows.
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
• Frequency response:
The frequency response can be written as
V¯2 (jω) |V¯2 (jω)|ejθ2 (ω)
T (jω) = V¯1 (jω)
= |V¯1 (jω)|ejθ1 (ω)
|V¯2 (jω)|
|T (jω)| = |V¯1 (jω)|
∠T (jω) = θ(ω) = θ2 (ω) − θ1 (ω) (10)
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
• When |T (jω)| > 1 ⇒ amplifier.
• When |T (jω)| < 1 ⇒ attenuation.
|T (jω)| = 10α(ω)/20
|T (jω)| = 100.05α(ω)
• The following relationship while using the dB notation.
-1 dB implies approximately 10 % decrease in the value of |T |.
-2 dB implies approximately 20 % decrease in the value of |T |.
-3 dB implies approximately 30 % decrease in the value of |T |.
-6 dB implies approximately 50 % decrease in the value of |T |.
-20 dB implies approximately? 90 % decrease in the value of |T |.
Loss Gain
α (dB) |T (jω)| α (dB) |T (jω)|
-100 10−5 100 105
-60 10−3 60 103
-20 10−1 20 10
-6 0.501 6 1.995
-3 0.707 3 1.414
-1 0.891 1 1.122
-0.1 0.989 0.1 1.011
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Figure: The four basic types of filters: Ideal (solid lines) and practical (dashed lines)
behavior 9/22
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Attenuation characteristics
The filter response can be visualized both in linear magnitude or gain
characteristics T (jω) or through the logarithmic attenuation
characteristics α(ω).
1. In a passband the tolerance
is always less than a
maximum attenuation
designated as αmax .
2. In a stopband the tolerance
is always more than a
minimum attenuation
designated as αmin .
3. Bands between passbands
and stopbands are known as
transition bands.
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Filter Specifications
• On previous slide, the attenuation characteristics of a lowpass filter
is shown.
• Here the terms αmax , αmin , ωp , and ωs are known as the filter
Given the four quantities αmax , αmin , ωp and ωs ,
find an attenuation specification that satisfies all four requirements.
• Design process determines the transfer function T (s) in such a way
that α(ω) meets all four requirements.
• For the lowpass filter it means α(ω) ≤ αmax in ω ≤ ωp and
α(ω) ≥ αmin in ω ≥ ωs .
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
ωS 1
Ln = L, Cn = ωS RS C, Rn = R (13)
RS 1
L= Ln , C= Cn , R = RS Rn (14)
ωS ωS RS
• Here RS is an arbitrary scaling resistor (Ohms) that normalizes the
impedance level and ωS is the angular velocity that scales and
normalizes the frequency axis, such that ω/ωS = 1 at the passband
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Home work
The engineer objects that the function is not realizable. List all the
items that are wrong in the function as stated.
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Home work
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References
Introduction Analog system representation Types of Filters Transfer Function References